Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Definition of Class Warfare

Class conflict is a term long-used mostly by socialists, communists, and many anarchists, who define a class by its relationship to the means of production -- such as factories, land, and machinery.

From this point of view, the social control of production and labor is a contest between classes, and the division of these resources necessarily involves conflict and inflicts harm.

Class conflict refers to the concept of underlying tensions or antagonisms which exist in society due to conflicting interests that arise from different socioeconomic positions and dispositions.

Class conflict is thought to play a pivotal role in history of class societies (such as capitalism and feudalism) by Marxists who refer to its overt manifestations as class war, a struggle whose resolution in favor of the working class is viewed by them as inevitable under capitalism.

Class conflict can take many different shapes

Direct violence, such as wars fought for resources and cheap labor;


Indirect violence, such as deaths from poverty, starvation or unsafe working conditions; coercion, such as the threat of losing a job or pulling an important investment; or ideology, either intentionally (as with books and articles promoting anti-capitalism) or unintentionally (as with the promotion of consumerism through advertising).

It can be open, as with a lockout aimed at destroying a labor union, or hidden, as with an informal slowdown in production protesting low wages or unfair labor practices.

In pre-capitalist societies

Where societies are socially divided based on status, wealth, or control of social production and distribution, conflict arises.

This conflict is both everyday, such as the common medieval insistence on the right of lords to control access to grain mills and baking ovens, or it can be exceptional such as the Roman Conflict of the Orders, the uprising of Spartacus, or the various popular uprisings in late medieval Europe. One of the earliest analysis of these conflicts is Frederick Engel's German Peasants War.

One of the earliest analyses of the development of class as the development of conflicts between emergent classes is available in Peter Kropotkin's Mutual Aid. In this work, Kropotkin analyzes the disposal of goods after death in pre-class societies, and how inheritance produces early class divisions and conflict.

In capitalism

The typical example of class conflict described is class conflict within capitalism.

This class conflict is seen to occur primarily between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, and takes the form of conflict over hours of work, value of wages, cost of consumer goods, the culture at work, control over parliament or bureaucracy, and economic inequality.

The particular implementation of government programs which may seem purely humanitarian, such as disaster relief, can actually be a form of class conflict.

Apart from these day-to-day forms of class conflict, during periods of crisis or revolution class conflict takes on a violent nature and involves repression, assault, restriction of civil liberties, and murderous violence such as assassinations or death squads.

Will Social Security be Solvent When You Want to Retire?

Retirement and Social Security Funds -- 
the last two funds that are solvent. 

Unless Congress Acts Soon, Social Security Trust Funds will be Exhausted by 2042

By Sharon O'Brien

The Board of Trustees of the Social Security Trust Funds provides an annual report to Congress, which is available to all Americans.

This report provides detailed information about the current status of the funds, their projected condition over the next 75 years, and how long Social Security will be solvent.

Social Security In Jeopardy

The news from the 2004 report isn’t good. Social Security is running out of money, fast.

According to the trustees report, Social Security cannot continue to offer the same benefits over the long term unless Congress:

    * Increases Social Security taxes
    * Changes the way the program is financed
    * Significantly alters eligibility requirements

The reason is simple: the number of people paying into the program is shrinking while the number of people eligible to receive benefits is growing rapidly.

No Risk for Current Retirees

“I want to assure those already receiving Social Security benefits, as well as those who are close to retirement, that your benefits are secure,” says Jo Anne Barnhart, Commissioner of Social Security. “Reaching agreement on an appropriate solution to Social Security’s long-term financing challenges will require Congress and the President working together in a bipartisan manner.”

Yeah. That’ll happen.


These are serious times.

There is some legitimate concern that escapes me at the moment. Seems like whenever things become stressful, I think of something funny and become unable to be serious.

So, here goes.

As a schoolgirl in the 50s I was expected to study shorthand if I chose not to take an “Academic” course. I will train to be an asset to the “smart men” who did the serious work.

Hmm, I seem to be having trouble with that concept.

But, a “Commercial” course is what most girls who didn’t pursue an “Academic” course took. A “General” course was for the kids who just weren’t “home.”

The teacher dictated a letter in “longhand” and we were to take it down in “shorthand” and read it back from our shorthand notes.

Herein lies the problem.

Wow! This is an unscientific method of communicating, I thought. So, if I don’t translate correctly, I could literally start a war! Or say: I’ve got your family; it will cost $1,000,000 to get them back. If you don’t reply immediately, you will receive body parts...one piece at a time!

In fact, the translation was: How is the family? We just got back from a $1,000,000 trip. I’m just catching up with the mail. We all got lovely tans from sightseeing...one site at a time!

This isn’t an exact science, is it? Somebody named Gregg sat down one day and said to himself: Wouldn’t it be fun to make up stuff and convince women it is a superior way of communicating? Trust me. 

No! I’m supposed to translate these hieroglyphics? I don’t think so.

So, one day it was my turn to read my shorthand notes out loud. So I say:

bla, bla, bla...and the peas and carrots...bla, bla, bla.

I could sense muffled tsh, tsh, tsh...I look up. The class was trying to hold back. The usually staid Mrs. Whatever-her-name-was...is busting. I’m thinking...what’s so funny?

Oh noooooo! Seems my translation of peas and carrots should have been boys and girls!

Now I’m sure my future is not as a secretary taking notes from some "smart" man.

Maybe I’m not cut out for this shorthand b.s. ...good riddance! I saw my future as much more important.

And, the rest is history. (Please insert a smilie face...I can't find mine at the moment.
