Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Our country is being invaded institution by institution.

The invaders are banking on having the American people thinking they are the ones at fault. 

We didn't appreciate the democracy we had. We took it for granted. Remember the cautious warning by the early founders?

We have a democracy, if we can keep it.

If the enemy has its way, the United States will become unrecognizable.

It has been invaded as surely as Bain went after American company after American company stealing retirement funds and pensions, leaving the companies with nothing.

At risk?

The most vulnerable is the American Labor Union; unions are in the cross hairs. The public school system (which educated me) taken down; teachers being made pariahs; the health care system presently under attack at every level; the justice department, with the FBI's effectiveness diminished; Federal agencies being invaded; an attempt at dismantling FEMA, until Hurricane Sandy hit Long Island; U.S.P.S. which has been under attack for many years...finally being destroyed by a demand to fund pension plans far into the future...such that they be funded for future workers yet to be born...Medicare and Medicaid to be slashed, reducing benefits to the poor and aged; Social Security, which is independent of the government and is solvent, despite what some politicians profess...the fund now needs "fixing."  The most glaring of these problems is the Government's responsibility to pay back all the money it has "borrowed" for wars, at its worst, and funneling millions to the already wealthy.

Voters must show up any time there is an election. At the moment the Republican Party and the Tea Party are out to change this country and everything that makes it great.

The United States presently is fascist. We must work to reverse the trend. It is an Oligarchy. We must work to reverse that as well.

We must revive the middle class. It's on life support at the moment.  The middle class is the strength of our society. The middle class is what will bring the United States back to its past greatness.

1% of the people are holding all the assets of the United States at the moment.

How did that happen?

How did family after family lose their homes?

Someone much smarter than I must examine the books of the United States, much like an accountant functions.

Something must be done soon. Before any further destruction is done to our institutions.

To our country,