Donald NAZI tRUmp, aka this fucking guy...!
18 August 2017 update:
Greetings, fellow Dot Calm Readers, Freedom Fighters, and Truth Crusaders!
So, friends...
Where do we go from here?
Where do we go after tRUmp and his junta are finally removed from office and we're left with not only our institutions but our very society in tatters?
Where do we go when decent, intelligent, rational, compassionate Democrats finally resume positions of power and can start to stem the hemorrhage and to clean up the unholy mess that tRUmp and the Rethuglikkkants are making?
How do we restore our civil society?
Perhaps I'm being hopelessly naïve and optimistic, but I see the potential glimmer of a silver lining in all this hate and craziness.
I was listening to WPFW yesterday evening and caught part of the Sojourner Truth program with Margaret Prescod.
One of her guests made a remark that I've often wondered about but had never heard put so succinctly: the Civil War is still being fought because it was only won militarily, not politically.
This I understand.
My family came over from Ireland right during Prohibition. Rumor has it that the family patriarch was working for the British government one the one hand and funneling his salary to the IRA on the other--that he came here before he got into serious trouble with the law over there, having already had a few run-ins.
I have no idea whether any of that's true or whether it's a story the family tells to make itself seem more...impressive (?). But I do know that I grew up watching the British government try everything against the IRA...dragnets, sanctions, bullets, bombs, more bullets, more bombs...only to give up in desperation and finally invite key members of the IRA to become part of the British Government.
In other words, by giving the IRA a voice in the government that ruled over them and by listening to their concerns and taking them seriously and devising solutions, the Brits had stumbled upon a political solution to the problem of the IRA--and the violence plummeted virtually overnight.
So, yeah, it seems obvious that the United States has never yet won the war of ideas in the Civil War.
It's hard to grasp that we as a nation are so short-sighted that we've frankly never even attempted it.
Not even during the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s did we really address racism and bigotry...although a few people talked about it, and many were jailed, injured, or murdered.
Just like when in the 1980s, under Reagan, we declared that, since we as a nation had talked about feminism (the radical notion that women are people, too), the problem was magically solved and women were magically equal and we didn't have to do another thing, like enforce equal rights or equal pay.
Pfft--yeah, right. See where I'm going with this? Each time, those in power got saturated with the talk and turned the discussion away before anything was ever really solved.
Only we haven't even really talked about what's beefing today's Nazi and confederate-wannabe white supremacists and white nationalists.
I'd bet that the reason we haven't even had that discussion yet as a nation is that so much of what they claim they want is so heinous and vile that decent people don't even want to be in the same room with the words, let alone the people themselves.
And what's even freakier is that the terrorists who converged on Charlottesville last weekend or who are defending those who did aren't limited in their origins to the American South: they're coming from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Ohio (like James Alex Fields, Jr., who murdered and martyred Heather Heyer with his car)....
So, no, it's not geographically limited.
Then what the actual fuck is going on here?
As I see it--and I could be wrong!--these white men misperceive themselves as powerless because their expectations are fucked up beyond all recognition.
They expect to be handed on a silver platter whatever job, money, women, or possessions their hearts desire, regardless of their actual qualifications or merit and regardless of what resources society actually has to offer them.
In short, they feel entitled.
And the minute they see someone else--a woman, a person of color, a Jew--piss them off, get the better of them in a conversation or a job, or otherwise succeed where they fail, they blame ALL of that population...forever...and their hatred grows.
They are oblivious to the actual power they do have, both by virtue of being male and by virtue of being white.
They'll never have to worry about being pulled over and shot dead simply because of the color of their skin
--with their murderers going free every time. They can't understand what it's like to be surrounded by towering monuments celebrating those who would keep them in chains like animals.
They'll never have to worry about having their houses defaced because they're the wrong religion. They'll never have to worry about being scapegoated by the country's dominant holy book for murdering the very son of God. Germany doesn't put statues on pedestals of Hitler, Goering, Goebbels, Himmler, or, in fact, any of the Nazi monsters. Can you imagine being a Jew and having to go to Hitler High?
They'll never have to worry about being sexually harassed or attacked or threatened or groped or jeered at or raped because they're the wrong gender. They'll never have to worry about being blamed for being attacked because of what they were doing, where they were going, what they were wearing, or how their bodies are built.
They'll never understand what it's like to live in a society that surrounds them on all sides with built-in barriers against their success simply because of how they look.
America is hard-wired to push these privileged white men ahead and to hand them success on a silver platter, but because life doesn't look the way they fantasize and expect it to look--economically, because the rich have been stealing from us since Reagan--they bite the bait that FOX News and talk radio dangles under their noses and blame all their problems on those who are far worse off than they themselves ever were.
Like evangelicals who feel persecuted because theirs isn't the only voice in the country any more, these entitled, privileged men feel persecuted.
And, like the evangelicals, they are so terrified that they are (to use a Steve Bannonism) pissing themselves.
Ta-Nehisi Coates said on "Democracy Now!" (linked below in the DN! headlines) that white men like these are terrified of "bad" Blacks--whether in ordinary society or in government--but they're even more terrified of "good" Blacks.
You see, "good" Blacks invalidate the hate by showing how easily they assimilate into "white society" given half a chance.
Methinks this is the root of the visceral hatred the right has for President Obama--he simply outperformed these average joes on every criterion, and he was a far, far better president than anything the right has proffered since Eisenhower.
The same is true of everyone else these terrorists hate: every successful woman, Jew, or person of color in ordinary society or government invalidates the precious argument of superiority-inferiority that these men use to prop themselves up.
Damn, son--these guys must be walking around with permanent headaches from all the cognitive dissonance.
So, then, now that we understand a little more about the problem (whew!), where does that leave us? How do we create a political victory to the Civil War and reclaim the political victory that America fought, bled, and died for in WWI?
Again, maybe I'm being overly naïve and optimistic again, but I'm program!
Somehow, we have to integrate these entitled, privileged white men into the parts of society where they hang all their blame. Let them see for themselves how much better they have it than the recipients of their hate. Let them witness and let them experience how the rest of America has it so that they can understand just how privileged they are.
Educate them.
Have compassion; teach compassion to these victims of bad ideas.
Teach them love.
And listen.
Listen to their concerns. Their fears. Their dreams and desires.
Even the horrific, vile, ugly ideas that make decent people want to vomit. Just stand there and listen and hold that space because, if we don't let those ideas out into the light of day, the sunlight will never have the chance to disinfect them.
Include these privileged white men, understanding that they don't feel privileged.
Respect them as people, even while correcting their flawed ideas.
Let them correct our flawed ideas.
And work with them to find solutions that help everyone.
Then, maybe...just maybe...we'll find in them staunch new allies to help us fight against our true--mutual--enemies: the oligarchs...the Koch brothers, the Mercers, Sheldon Adelson...and let-snot forget Vladimir Putin...all the crooks, criminals, greedsters, and grifters who have stolen the present and the future from American workers to fill their already overstuffed bank accounts and who are gleefully despoiling and polluting the planet for a buck today knowing full well that it will all burn tomorrow...and us with it.
I wish there were some easy way to set up such an exchange program, friends, but I'm afraid we'll just have to do it the old fashioned way: one on one with the people around us, simply by not being silent and by gently teaching those of our peers who stand to benefit most from this message.
So, keep your eyes and ears open for teaching moments, friends--be sure to stay safe--and, while you're waiting, pour yourself a Fireball and have some chocolate on me.
- Dot Calm's shadow
(If you like my work, please consider supporting me at, where you can also leave comments and tell me how to make this blawg more helpful for you.)
Moar choo choo time headlines
Snopes: FACT CHECK: Is the Accused Charlottesville Killer an 'Anti-Trump Leftist' Supported bt Clinton, Soros?
...TL;DR: No.
Charlotte Observer: 'I'm glad that girl died' during Virginia protest, says NC KKK leader
The Guardian: Baltimore takes down Confederate statues in middle of night
Esquire: This Vice News Documentary from Charlottesville Is Horrifying
...It's all over Twitter, friends. I'm going to watch it--haven't had time yet--but not before bed...urk.
The Independent: Police officers investigated after 11-minute search of woman's vagina
...Let's call a spade a spade: they raped her. With their fingers. Because she was Black; because they thought they could. Their own dashcam video shows them holding her down and "searching" her, naked from the waist down, for what must have felt like an eternity. Pardon me while I go vomit.
WaPo: Trump's off-the-rails news conference on Charlottesville, the 'alt-left,' and infrastructure
...Even Rupert Murdoch's New York Post is trashing tRUmp on its cover: "They weren't ALL Nazis"...MAGA, amirite?
The Hill: 'Fox & Friends' guest: Anyone who defends Trump is 'morally bankrupt'
...Republican Gianno Caldwell, who heads up Caldwell Strategic Consulting in Washington, D.C., wiped tears from his eyes as he said President Trump “betrayed" the country, speaking Wednesday morning on “Fox & Friends." He knew what the script was--what FOX was paying him to say--but he had too much human decency to go through with it.
Business Insider: Goldman Sachs' No. 2 exec will get a big payout now that he's joining Trump's administration
Business Insider: Neo-Nazi site Daily Stormer finds new home in Russia
...Business Insider also has this: Trump Putin connections to American alt right and white nationalists.
...And Newsweek has this: Charlottesville's Alt-right Leaders Have a Passion for Vladimir Putin ...But it turns out that the titey whiteys were too rad even for Russia! According to the Moscow Times, Daily Stormer Booted From Russia for 'Propagandizing Neo-Nazi Ideology'
...Media watchdogs seem to want the site taken down, but it may still be operating for the moment.
ABC News: Special counsel's Russia probe loses top FBI investigator
...Here's an excerpt:
The recent departure of the FBI veteran, Peter Strzok, is the first known hitch in a secretive probe that, by all public accounts, is charging full steam ahead. ...
It's unclear why Strzok stepped away from Mueller's team of nearly two dozen lawyers, investigators and administrative staffers. Strzok, who has spent much of his law enforcement career working counterintelligence cases and has been unanimously praised by government officials who spoke with ABC News, is now working for the FBI's human resources division. ...
As chief of the FBI's counterespionage section last year, he helped oversee the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server when she was the secretary of state, and he took part in the bureau's interview of her.
Within weeks of the end of the Clinton probe, Strzok found his office facing a new challenge: investigating Russia's alleged efforts to influence last year's presidential election, including hacking of Democratic National Committee computers.
A spokesman for the special counsel's office declined to comment.
...Here's hoping Strzok wasn't booted out to work in FBI HR by Sessions because he was too good and too close to sensitive territory.
NY Times: Trump Lawyer Forwards Email Echoing Secessionist Rhetoric
...These fucking guys!!!!!
MoJo: A Putin-Friendly Oligarch's Top US Executive Donated a Lot of Money to Trump
...This piece has some helpful back story to the unsolicited interview Bannon gave The American Prospect, which is cached here:
...interesting interview. Wowzers.
Slate: Stonewall Jackson's grandsons: “The monuments must go.”
Stonewall's great-great-grandsons wrote an open letter to the mayor of Richmond asking for all Civil War monuments in Richmond to be removed. I'm undyingly grateful that America has heroes like these two young men and like Heather Heyer.
Raw Story: Longtime Trump business partner 'told family he knows he and POTUS are going to prison'
...The business partner in question? Felix Sater.
WaPo: Analysis: President Trump's false claim that counterprotesters lacked a permit
...tRUmp loves the chaos, so he lies and lies, no matter how easily falsifiable his lies are.
Foreign Policy: WikiLeaks Turned Down Leaks on Russian Government During U.S. Presidential Campaign
...In case you had any lingering doubts whether Assange and Wikileaks are PEWtin's tools, doubt no longer. They are.
NPR: Robert Mueller May Not Be The Savior The Anti-Trump Internet Is Hoping For
...Unfortunately, there are plenty of reasons why Mueller's discoveries may not be made public--through no fault of his own but simply because that's how this whole thing works. It's important for us all to manage our expectations. *sigh*
CNN: Barcelona attack is worst in a day of violence in Spain
...And then there's this from The Guardian: What we know so far about the Barcelona and Cambrils terror attacks and Spain terror attacks: 13 killed and 100 injured in Barcelona and Cambrils
NBC News: Trump Resurrects Bloody War Myth in Wake of Barcelona Attack
...tRUmp has even admitted that this story has been debunked. Methinks he's just trying to take news cycles off tRUmp-Russia. Then again, maybe he's also looking to justify the war crimes he hopes some day to commit.
Joe My God: Trump Fan KKK Leader Tells Univision: We Killed Six Million Jews, 11 Million Undocumented Immigrants Is Nothing
...THIS is what Rethuglikkkants condone and tRUmp praises.
BuzzFeed: Steve Bannon Detonates His Trump Survival Plan, Worrying Allies
...Ban'em has tRUmp between a rock and a hard place
--if tRUmp fires Ban'em, Ban'em could sing like a canary.
Moar links you can use
Sign up to March for America:
Twitter handle MarchForUSA
...It's going to take millions of us in the streets to rout this evil from our midst. I'm in--are you?
Tell your elected officials to call out tRUmp by name for Nazi sympathy and for siding with the traitors who committed treason in the Civil War: Call Congress w/ Contact Info & Phone Scripts
Censure IS a legal measure--legal experts I respect are saying it's a powerful step toward impeachment. Tell your elected officials to censure tRUmp: MoveOn Petitions - Censure Donald Trump
Tell Congress to draw up articles of impeachment: Tell Congress: Draw up articles of impeachment ... - Action Network
Moar Democracy Now!
The interviews have been amazing this week. Today, they had on Stonewall Jackson's great-great-grandsons who wrote the open letter linked in todaze choo choo time headlines asking Richmond to take Stonewall's statue down. One of these truly "very fine" people works at UNC, where he has to walk past confederate statues daily; he wryly observed that these statues don't help the school's bid to up its recruitment of people of color. Hum, I wonder why. Meanwhile, please also check out Daily Kos and AlterNet and the other links down by the peas.
-- Dot Calm's shadow
Moar m00bies!
Sorry, loves--Blogger doesn't have enough memory to allow me to post the videos I lovingly assembled for you today. I will just post them next time. Until then, check out the links for my favorite YouTube channels down by the peas.
16 August 2017 post:
Greetings, fellow Dot Calm Readers, Freedom Fighters, and Truth Crusaders!
So, friends...
There I was this morning...puzzling over how to introduce le blawg this evening...toying with the idea of describing, analyzing, and denouncing the...ahem..."fluidity" of Republican "reality"...
...a-a-a-a-and then, this afternoon in the break room at work, I caught part of tRUmp's "press conference"
...the now-infamous 15 August 2017 performance in which tRUmp blamed the unarmed anti-Nazi, anti-racist protestors--tarring them with the epithet "alt-left"--and standing up a false equivalency between those fighting against violence, oppression, and bigotry and those fighting for those evils.
But what is tRUmp really saying here?
Let's consider the top 10:
1. tRUmp told his Nazi, confederate, fascist base he didn't mean a word of that nopology hostage video he was forced to shoot yesterday.
2. tRUmp told his precious, beloved Ivanka, "Fuck you and your children." He told his favorite son [sic] Jared, "Fuck you, too."
3. tRUmp told the world he'd rather kiss PEWtin's fascist, Nazi ass and the pasty, cellulite-laden white asses of American Nazis, fascists, and confederates than stand up for his own favorite daughter and her family.
4. tRUmp sided against his own daughter and her family in favor of those in this country--strangers he's never met and may never meet--who'd gladly murder them if given half a chance.
5. tRUmp equated those who want to stop the murder of unarmed Blacks with those who want to go back to owning Blacks as chattel property.
6. tRUmp equated peaceful, non-violent counter-protestors with gun-and-torch-toting confederates and Nazis.
7. tRUmp equated those who were beaten and injured with those doing the beating and injuring.
8. tRUmp equated the murdered with the murderer.
9. tRUmp equated those who fought for this country with those who fought to destroy it.
10. tRUmp equated the traitors of the confederacy with the patriots who stood up for the founding of this nation based on Enlightenment values.
But wait--there's moar...
11. tRUmp equated terrorists with those who fight terrorism because they're regularly victimized by terrorists.
12. tRUmp called Nazis and confederates "very fine people."
Um, excuse me, but America fought a fucking civil war because the slave-owning confederates were NOT "very fine people." Nor were they patriots. They were TRAITORS--hence the confederate FLAG.
And America fought a fucking world war because the Jew-murdering Nazis were NOT "very fine people."
Dot Calm's favorite uncle--the apple of her grandparents' eyes--was a Marine in WW II. He fought the Nazis. And he fought the Japanese in "hand-to-hand" combat...which means with a bayonet...and the violence turned his mind. When he came back from the war, he went into the police force because he'd gotten so used to the violence. And he coped...until, one fine day, he put the service revolver into his mouth and pulled the trigger--the first time of many in Dot Calm's life in which a gun took the life of someone she knew and loved.
My friend's dad fought in WW II. Like Dot Calm's uncle, this gentleman was a Marine who fought Nazis, who fought the Japanese, who fought with bayonets, and whose mind snapped from the violence. My friend's dad was luckier, if you want to call it that. After countless times chasing his family around the house with a kitchen knife, they packed him off to live with caretakers who stole his every last penny--what should have been inheritance money for my friend, his siblings, and their children. After that, in a rare moment of lucidity, he asked his wife to put him into the VA home because he realized he couldn't manage himself or his money. He survived to a ripe old age, but he was basically a prisoner--he couldn't leave the VA facility on his own because his paranoid schizophrenia made him a danger to himself and others, so there he stayed until my friend or one of his sisters could come take him out to church or a nice meal at a local restaurant.
These men and thousands of others like them didn't fight the fucking Nazis just so that tRUmp could coddle and cuddle up to Nazis today, in 2017 America, where he's already emboldened them to spill innocent blood.
Every single one of tRUmp's statements and equivalencies is as false as tRUmp's hair and his ugly orange spray "tan."
Every single one of tRUmp's false statements and equivalencies is Not Even Wrong--just like tRUmp is about...well...everything.
The battle line has been drawn, friends.
As a nation, we have crossed a point of no return.
tRUmp has threatened nuclear war and undone 150 years of civil and human rights in less than a week.
Until we can organize a
to restore to Hillary what PEWtin and the Republicans stole from her, it's time to call, Resistbot, and hang out in our elected officials' offices and
tRUmp is an imminent danger to this nation and to everyone in it.
tRUmp is an imminent danger to the world and to human civilization itself.
We have to do more than resist--we have to put our collective foot down and stop cooperating.
Don't tolerate milquetoast Democrats like Mark Warner who lavish praise on tRUmp nopologies.
Don't praise "concerned" Republicans who finally speak the right words today without swift and decisive action tomorrow.
Call, fax, stand over your Republican officials' desks and breathe down their necks (hopefully with garlic breath) until they IMPEACH AND REMOVE tRUmp!!!!!
Get out in the streets early and often--yell and scream and chant and bang those pots and pans, but keep it non-violent lest tRUmp find an excuse to pull martial law.
And don't forget to boycott any and every company and corporation that supports him--and be sure to tell them WHY!
For as filthy, dangerous, and bigoted of an ideologue as Mike Pence is, he won't threaten nuclear war over Twitter; he won't blab top secret information; and he won't be in office forever--just until Mueller gets him.
And then, let's fight like hell to restore the stolen property of the Presidency and Merrick Garland's SCOTUS seat to their rightful owners.
If you cheat, you DON'T get to keep the fucking trophy!!!!!
CNN fired Jeffrey Lord for tweeting
"Sieg Heil!"
They promptly considered hiring
Bill O'Reilly in his place.
Who next, I tweeted--Roger Ailes?
Choo choo time headlines
The Daily Beast: Manafort Alerted Authorities to Donald Trump Jr.'s Russia Meeting
USA Today: 52% of Republicans would support postponing 2020 election: poll
...Friends, we MUST press the GOP to impeach and remove tRUmp BEFORE he can create a crisis to rationalize doing this!!!!!
CNN: Lawmaker: Pentagon Internet plan could let Russia snoop on troops
...What kind of MORONS run our government--we're letting PEWtin provide Internet so he can spy on our troops, and we put Kaspersky on government computers so PEWtin can hack them?!??
The Hill: Trump's DC hotel raised room rates after inauguration: report
...By freakin' 57% over the budgeted rate, according to WSJ. WTF?!??
MoJo: Trump Has Been Thinking About Nuclear War for Decades. Here's why that's scary.
Newsweek: The Russia Connection: How the Trump Campaign Repeatedly Broke the Law
The Daily Beast: Team Trump Shivs Paul Manafort: There's 'Plenty for Mueller to Work With'
...Shabby, shabby way for tRUmp to treat his old buddy of the past 30 years. Why, they even lived in the same building.
Foreign Policy: Here's the Memo That Blew Up the NSC
...This is the memo that got Higgins fired. But more importantly--WHY THE FUCK WERE (ARE?) NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL MEMOS BEING SENT TO DONALD TRUMP JR?!?? He's one of the tRUmps who's NOT supposed to be in the government and who doesn't have a clearance--remember?
CNN: Senate panel wants W.H. responses on Kushner clearance
WaPo: The General Services Administration removed Trump hotel data from its website
...Anuddawoids, the government broadcasted tRUmp's corruption...and then took the data down. Here's this from the Washington Journal: The White House Just Accidentally Exposed Trump's Corruption And Quickly Deleted The Evidence. Fortunately, the evidence was captured before the administration could delete it.
MoJo: Indiana Is Making It Harder for Minorities to Vote, Lawsuit Alleges
...First, Ohio...then, Indiana. FML.
CNN: Venezuela calls Trump's warning of possible military action a 'crazy act'
...Good thing 600 fucking Nazis stormed Charlottesville Saturday to take the media's attention away from TRUMP-RUSSIA. *barf* Russia wants Venezuela's oil--or at least control over it.
Salon: My meeting with Donald Trump: A damaged, pathetic personality--whose obvious impairment has only gotten worse
The Guardian: Women considered better coders – but only if they hide their gender
BuzzFeed: A Trump Employee Said He Knew Of Misconduct At The Company. Then He Claimed His Family Was Assaulted.
...Actual assaults. Not just death threats but actual assaults.
Business Insider: Paul Manafort is toast — the FBI raid was just the beginning
...Randi Rhodes opines that Manafort lied during his Senate testimony and that, as a result, Mueller lowered the boom. Mueller is eyeing tRUmp SoHo, too, according to Vanity Fair.
The Hill: Virginia newspaper uses Trump's 'fire and fury' comment to describe white nationalist rally
...Charlottesville, Virginia, paper The Daily Progress mentions tRUmp's "weak" of rhetoric. How Freudian is that? - Or not!
Hungarian Free Press: Sebastian Gorka – Orbán's man in the Trump White House
...A-a-a-a-and here's "Dr." Gorka's link to the Kremlin.
NY Times: Mueller Is Said to Seek Interviews With West Wing in Russia Case
...Priebus is included in the dragnet. Good--hope he spills his guts and blabs til he's blue.
Bill Moyers: A Judge Is Letting a Private Company Charge People to Get Out of Jail
...Private prison is holding people hostage until they can pay their way out. Reminds me of Victorian debtors' prisons. *shudder*
Queerty: Man served eviction papers for being gay, landlord cites her “Christian values"
...Fucking bigots. How can you call cruelty and abuse a "value"?
The Stern Facts: The Federal Government Just Proved Trump Is Dead Wrong On Terror
US News: 'Common-Sense Legislation' Would Shield Drivers Who Run Over Protestors
...I wonder how NC and TN feel about Charlottesville and Alex James Fields now.
Axios: Trump suspects Bannon of leaking, putting job in jeopardy
New Republic: The Republican Party bears responsibility for today's fatal violence in Charlottesville
Business Insider: Neo-nazis and white supremacists celebrate Trump's remarks about Charlottesville riots
...tRUmp only grudgingly "condemned" white nationalists for Saturday's violence--being compared to a hostage making a video under duress by his captors.
Texas Tribune: Richard Spencer's host at Texas A&M is the "strongest skinhead"
...Preston Wiginton, who organized Richard Spencer's gig at Texas A&M, once rented an apartment in Moscow from David Duke.
WaPo: Charlottesville victim: 'She was there standing up for what was right'
...Profile of 32-year-old Heather D. Heyer, who sacrificed her life fighting Nazis in 2017 on American soil. She gave her life to make us safe.
Stonekettle: Stonekettle Station: Greatness, Again
They Thought They Were Free - AbeBooks
...Dot Calm used to run excerpts from these WWII interviews periodically. I run a link to the book today in light of recent events and in her honor. In short, the Germans did not initially resist the Nazis. The interviews show why.
CBS News: Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer sees "direct line from Trump's campaign choices to violence
BuzzFeed: Protests Erupt Nationwide After Deadly White Supremacist Rally in Charlottesville
...Always remember: there are WAY more of us than there are of them! MoJo has this: Watch the Defiant, Anti-Fascist Hometown Welcome for Trump in New York City
The Guardian: In 1939, I didn't hear war coming. Now its thundering approach can't be ignored.
Business Insider: 'A model for civilization': Putin's Russia has emerged as 'a beacon for nationalists'
...Yep, you guessed it: American PEWtinism, Nazism, white supremacy, and fascism are all tied together. Did you know that the bastards that marched on Charlottesville also lurve Assad? WTAF?!!!
LA Times: Squeezed out by Silicon Valley, far-right creates its own corporate world
...Interesting. I thought that those far-right jackasses were pro-Bible, which means they're anti-science, which means they're grossly ill equipped to develop technology.
The Local Germany: Merkel condemns 'disgusting' far-right violence in US
...Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...the leader of the free world.
Raw Story: 'You will have to shovel our bodies into the oven, too' Father of Charlottesville neo-Nazi disowns him
...Pete Tefft's parents and family are far higher quality human beings than he is. Pearce Tefft, the dad who spoke out against his son's bigotry and violence, is a hero in my eyes.
Raw Story: 'Hahahaha love this': Cop praises white nationalist running over protesters--then claims he's not a racist
VICE: Watch VICE News Tonight's full episode “Charlottesville: Race and Terror
...VICE embedded a spy!
Fast Company: Welcome To The Third Nuclear Era: Trump And The Point Of No Return
...Good luck getting to sleep after reading this...urk. it, get angry, and RESIST!!!!!
Well, that's twice in less than a week...
the Leader of the Free World
ripped tRUmp for NK
and now for Charlottesville
The REAL 82nd Airborne,
who fought Nazis,
called out the Nazi
who wore an 82nd Airborne hat
to the terrorists' march
Russian interference in our election
by accusing Obama of not addressing it
when it was discovered in 2014
...TURDleman blackmailed Obama into inaction
because TURDleman is a fucking traitor
Links you can use
Millenial Politics: NextGen America: I Believe in Science – Millennial Politics
Support education for disadvantaged kids:
...Buy school supplies for your own kids and for kids in need!
HuffPo: Petition To Censure Trump Gains Momentum
Fundraiser by Unity C-ville : C-ville Victim Relief - GoFundMe
...Verified legit.
Our Sister's Keeper #HeatherHeyer - GoFundMe
...Verified legit.
Natalie Romero's medical fund--fundraiser by Ericka Chaves:
Fundraiser by Dre Harris : I Was Beaten By White Supremacists - GoFundMe
...Investigative journalist and fighter against Crosscheck and voter suppression Greg Palast and his photographer were on the scene and got footage of the terrorists who beat up Deandre in the parking garage. Deandre is a teacher and actual Very Fine Person. And he's damned lucky to be alive today. The terrorists ganged up on him...he said they were beating him with a stick, but social media has identified one of the terrorists, who beat Deandre with a pipe. Deandre has got eight staples in his scalp, a broken wrist, concussion, and other injuries. Like I said, incredibly lucky to be alive. Jesus ass-twerking Christ.
Fundraiser for marcus martin by Lah Rah : Marcus Martin - GoFundMe
...Marcus was severely injured when the terrorist drive his car through the peaceful counter-protesters.
Support Twitter user YesYoureRacist on Patreon:
WIRED: A Guide to Russia's High Tech Tool Box for Subverting US Democracy
...Protect yourself!
Medium: As a privacy advocate/fanatic, here are the tools that I personally use and I suggest you use them too, especially my fellow altgov accounts
...This is from Alt-NSA--a stickler for privacy. We all need to implement this advice before the Department of Injustice harvests our IP addresses!!! Luckily, tech firms are fighting DOJ tooth and nail to protect the data of us who've visited anti-tRUmp resistance websites.
And here's a petition to sign--please and thank you.
Time for Confederate symbols to go | |
Tell federal, state and local government officials:
“Take down all symbols of the Confederacy. There is no room in America to celebrate white supremacy and racist terror.”
Add your name:
Let's tear down every confederate monument in this country and replace all of them with Black survivors, scientists, achievers, and other patriotic Americans
Let's replace every statue of Robert E. Lee
with a statue of hero Heather Heyer
Democracy Now! headlines
Both the man who tried to
blow up the bank in Oklahoma
Timothy McVeigh style
and the man who murdered Heather Heyer
have histories of domestic violence
U.S. military anti-fascism film from ~1947. Shockingly timely. If only the tRUmpanzees would watch it. Like I say, if you're not at the table, you're on the menu--and ain't none of us rich enough to be at the table with the likes of the Koch brothers, PEWtin, and their filthy greedy ilk.
Concise and perfect
Evangelicals especially would have flayed O'Bama if this had happened among his campaign staff
Um, duh? Republicans actually LOVE abortions, if you ask me.
A welcome piece of good news!
Editor's note: Let me clarify. I'm not promoting breaking the law, and the people who took the statue down turned themselves in to law enforcement. Why I call this "good news" is that the terrorists actually accelerated the removal of these heinous celebrations of barbarism and that people are willing to take action!
-- Dot Calm's shadow
Manafort's mob ties scare the White House? What about tRUmp's mob ties? Hellz, tRUmp has been in bed with the mob since at least his Atlantic City days.
North Korea. Pfft--that was sooooo last week!
Fucking scandalous.
And I helped! Hopefully, you did, too!
Ban'em isn't out yet, but he's not home and dry, either.
When the Red Wings and Tiki torches are more moral than the asshole traitor bigot loser squatting in the White House...
text "Resist" to 50409
And check out the Electronic Frontier Foundation's website so you can protect your online privacy:
Remember to boycott all the tRump shills on the boycott list below and tell them why.
And don't forget to read Dot Calm's shadow's favorite independent sources of news and information:
Randi Rhodes's Homework page
Open Secrets
Democratic Coalition Against Trump
Daily Kos
Democracy Now!
Democratic Underground
Boing Boing
Conservatives are Destroying our Future
Conservative Clown Car
God, the Good Lord Above
On the lighter side:
McSweeney's Internet Tendency
And check out these great YouTube channels:
Randi Rhodes Air Force
Keith Olbermann: The Resistance
Thom Hartmann
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Secular Talk
The Young Turks
The Thinking Atheist
Also, don't forget to add these to your Twitter feed if you haven't already:
And now you can add me, too!
And don't forget to follow
unless, as he says, you're a total globalist. "It's not a parody account--it's performance art!" He also urges us to retweet everything he says unless we want the globalists to win. (Srsly, friends--he's a riot. Don't drink coffee while reading his tweets.)
Peas, friends. Take care of yourselves for me. Trust me--you're worth it! And go have a Fireball and some chocolate while you still can, will ya? Time is short now that the mouth of
