Good n00z, everyone--tRump sez itz ok to get our allies to interfere in our next election to kick him and the GOP out to elect Democrats!
20 July 2017 update:
Greetings, fellow Dot Calm Readers, Freedom Fighters, and Truth Crusaders!
Walp, yet again, this blawg virtually writes itself--there's just so much crazy to be had.
Did you know that both Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul oppose sanctions on Russia?
I knew Bernie was w-a-y late to the "party" acknowledging Russia's interference in our election--which really deflates my trust in him.
But I was surprised to learn that he opposed sanctions against the country that attacked us.
Rand Paul, being a Republican, didn't surprise me at all. PEWtin has the entire GOP sucking him off deze daze. So, yeah, swing a Republican, hit a Russian.
Rand Paul's Russian Connection - Free Beacon
McCain: Rand Paul 'working for Vladimir Putin' | TheHill
Then we have orange twAtler vowing to let Obamacare die--which it won't unless he and the Republicans actively sabotage it--and repealing legislation that protects working Americans trying to save for retirement from getting ripped off by investment firms. And that's after his junta decided to close the war crimes office, the cyber crime office, and the real voter integrity office.
Friends, we REALLY need legislation--binding on all levels of and individuals in government--mandating that they exercise good faith when proposing and ratifying legislation that it be in the best interests of the American public--not just the rich at the expense of the many.
But wait--there's moar!
This likely political masturbation nonetheless makes me smile:
Trump no confidence vote proposed by House Democrats - USA Today
Dems launch 'no confidence' resolution against Trump | TheHill
Well, that's about fucking time. Apparently, 24 brave Dems have signed the resolution.
Now there's something I wish I could vote on
...with mail-in ballots like they use in Oregon
...because we're all registered automatically
...because it's s'posed to be easy to vote so we can all do it, duh.
So, again, I beg our allies in Canada, Mexico, the U.K., France, and Germany--indeed, anyone in the world who cares about global warming, human rights, restoring American dignity and leadership on the world stage, and restoring peace, prosperity, and stability to the world--PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE...
Pretty please with a cherry on top...
PLEASE hack into our voter rolls and register all of us Democrats automatically!
PLEASE hack into our voter rolls and restore all suppressed Democratic voters back INTO our voter rolls!
PLEASE hack into our election systems and make sure that every Democratic vote is counted!
...You know you want to!
...and tRump sez it's politics as usual for you to do so, so have at it.
I'm sure he'll be very happy if you do
...and I know we will!
On a moar positive note 🎶
Good n00z, everyone
...Kris Kobach is calling for a new election!
Yep, you read that right, folks...
You see, ol' Kris just doesn't trust the results from the 2016 election.
He sez that Hillary's popular vote margin of nearly 3 MILLION votes is in question, which means that tRump's electoral vote margin of ~70 THOUSAND must be in question even moar bigly!
He sez we have no way of knowing how many votes either Hillary or orange twAtler got.
All of that can only mean one thing:
because even Donald tRump agrees that we need a new election!
- Dot Calm's shadow
Choo choo time headlines
Just Security: Did Trump Campaign Collude with Russia to Defeat Republican Opponents in GOP Primary?
...Apparently, we can't say they didn't!
Dallas News: Let's outline Trump's achievements during his first six months in office
...Don't mess with Texas. Even this ruby red state gets fed up with tRump's lies and corruption sometimes...this being one of those times. I mean, check out those, er, "achievements"...! I hope tRump reads it--and I hope he has some aloe on hand for that burn. Mee-ouch.
The Daily Beast: Inside Donald Trump's Empire: Why He Didn't Run for President in 2012
...In short, a comprehensive history of all the ugly scams and scandals that were hot news items at the time that tRump was hoping we'd all forget. Which we didn't. Alas, all he had to do was wait for the Black man to win his second term so that all the racists would be primed and ready for one of their own pieces of white trash to run. Urk.
WSJ: GOP Seeks to Close Federal Election Agency
...Like I said, tRump DOESN'T want your vote counted!
The Hill: Trump, Putin had second, undisclosed talk at G-20
...What a fucking mess. The only other person there, aside from tRumPEWtin, was PEWtin's translator. That translator is the only one who knows for sure what was said. I wish we could subpoena that person! As I said to tRump on Twitter: PEWtin could say that tRump says he lurves being PEWtin's cock holster, and tRump has no way to prove otherwise. I'll bet the talk was all about PEWtin getting Donnie to lift the sanctions and give PEWtin his coveted warm water port in Syria. tRump hasn't been able to accomplish the former, but he's already done the latter--given complete control over Assad's fate to PEWtin. Complete capitulation. Yeesh. And tRump had the gall to call O'Bama weak. Phuque--tRump is so weak that, if he were to arm-wrestle a kitten, the kitten would win. And it would have bigger hands.
The Daily Beast: GOP Lawmaker Got Direction From Moscow, Took It Back to D.C.
...Spoiler: it's Dana Rohrabacher! Yup, good ol' comrade Rohrabacher received his directions from PEWtin to kill the sanctions, and he took those directions back to DC with the intention of acting on them on haste post haste. Jesus fucking haploid Christ. Rohrabacher is a TRAITOR! He needs to RESIGN. And WE need to call, visit, and Resistbot our congress critters, dear ones, and tell them to REVOKE ROHRABACHER along with Kushner, Sessions, Gorsuch, tRump, and the rest of the sorry junta!
The Guardian: A despot in disguise: one man's mission to rip up democracy | George Monbiot
..."James McGill Buchanan's vision of totalitarian capitalism has infected public policy in the US. Now it's being exported." Scary AF.
Just Security: Possible Presidential Pardon Scenarios
..."The President's pardon power is limited to federal offenses, which include federal prosecutions in U.S. territories like the District of Columbia...." And, no, he can't pardon himself. So, it is conceivable that tRump could end up old and alone, mopping floors in prison just like Don Siegelman, who was UNFAIRLY accused and jailed.
The Hill: Dem rep: Stripping war authorization repeal 'underhanded & undemocratic'
...Snake Paul Ryan pulled this dirty trick--piece of shit traitor. I know Paul Ryan wants to blow up Obamacare, Medicare, Medicaid, and the rest of the social safety net--he dreamed of robbing the poor to fatten the already rich over kegs in college--but does he WANT tRump to blow up the world?!??
WaPo: A reporter broke White House rules by streaming live audio of an off-camera briefing
...FINALLY!!!!! And guess what--lightning didn't strike, babies didn't die. Our motherfucking media ALL need to TURN ON THE FUCKING CAMERAS and remind the White House that they work for US, NOT vice versa. And if the media are too chickenshit to turn on the cameras, then they should just not cover the White House at all. Period. I guarantee, the White House is so full of narcissists that they'd be begging for media coverage. It's about time the media started serving the American public because THAT'S THEIR FUCKING JOB, DUH.
WaPo: Jeff Sessions's defense of civil asset forfeiture, annotated
...And here's another from CNN: Justice Department paves way for increased asset seizures
...Translation: this is government-sanctioned theft, and you don't even have to be guilty for them to steal your shit. tRump sees it as a way of making money just like how he always makes money--by stealing it. Fucking crooks! Who's to tell that, left alone, they won't just confiscate all the Dems' money to disempower them?
NY Times: Manafort Was in Debt to Pro-Russia Interests, Cyprus Records Show the tune of $17M...aka 17 million reasons to commit treason.
NY Times: Big German Bank, Key to Trump's Finances, Faces New Scrutiny
...Banking regulators are reviewing hundreds of millions of dollars in loans at Deutsche Bank, which I think includes $640 million to tRump.
The Atlantic: A Top Rohrabacher Aide Is Ousted After Russia Revelations
..."Paul Behrends, a controversial staffer associated with the California congressman's pro-Russia stances, was pushed out of his role..." Trump Intelligence Allegations
...Download and read them for yourself. Yikes.
The Daily Beast: Team Trump Used Obamacare Money to Run PR Effort Against It
...Yep, you read it right--tRump is using OUR Obamacare money to bilk us out of OUR Obamacare by running megabux worth of ads against it! GRRRRR!!!!! Would it be mean of me to wish that tRump and his entire ugly junta would all just spontaneously combust?
CNN: Investigators, Trump staff look to Facebook in Russia probe
...Some believe that FB is key to proving that tRump coordinated with Russia to rig the election.
POLITICO: The Mystery of Trump's Man in Moscow: Carter Page
...How he got wrapped up in all this is rather interesting, especially considering what a dim bulb he is.
DKos, ANet, DN! headlines
Moar m00bies
I don't believe for a moment that there's a lover's tiff between orange twAtler and KKKeebler elf Jeff Sessions. I think it's just a ruse. Remember, tRump has played the same card before when he wanted to distract us. So, no, I ain't buying it. Still, though, leave it to Seth Meyers to make hay out of the absurdity that is tRump.
18 July 2017 post:
Greetings, fellow Dot Calm Readers, Freedom Fighters, and Truth Crusaders!
Well, dear ones, we certainly live in interesting times...
Foreign Policy: Tillerson to Shutter State Department War Crimes Office
...which means that America will no longer track--or likely admit--the atrocities we commit against civilians...which is horrible, dreadful n00z because tRump has ALREADY killed more civilians than Obama did in his whole eight years.
RawStory: Trump admin moves to close cyber office
...which is a total invitation to PEWtin to keep fucking with our elections.
Mic: Despite public's pleas, FEC won't move to block foreign meddling, commissioner says
...which also is a total invitation to PEWtin to keep fucking with our elections.
This bullshit must NOT be allowed to stand...
But wait--there's moar!
Have you heard that tRump has declared this "Made in America week"?
Here is a list of all the products that tRump and Ivanka manufacture in America:
He's also decreed that irony is d-e-d dead.
On a moar positive note 🎶
Just after I read the article about the FEC explicitly inviting further foreign interference in our elections, I saw this:
WSJ: South Carolina May Prove a Microcosm of US Election Hacking Efforts
...and then I heard from tRump himself...
and since he sez itz politics as usual ("That's politics!") to solicit foreign powers to interfere in our elections and accept their help, WE can now use the precedent that tRump has established--and that Republicans apparently proudly approve, as demonstrated by their deafening silence--to take our country back from the PEWtinist Christo-fascists:
- WE can petition our TRUE allies, like Canada, Mexico, the U.K., France, and Germany for help
- WE can ask them to hack us suppressed Democratic voters back INTO our voter rolls and register us automatically
- And WE can ask our allies to hack into our voting machines to make sure every Democratic vote is counted
Like I said, friends--this is good n00z. PEWtin is just one lonely little backwater piece of slime. There's no way in hell he can compete with the full force of our TRUE allies working together to restore peace, prosperity, and stability to the world--all the things that make America truly great that tRumPEWtin have so quickly dismantled in the past several year-like months.
- Dot Calm's shadow
Choo choo time headlines
CNN: Justine Ruszczyk: Woman killed by police a month before wedding
...She called the Minneapolis police for help regarding a suspected crime, so they fucking shot her. Bastards. Beautiful, young, vibrant girl from Australia--poof, gone. She reminds me of a mutual friend of Dot Calm's and mine. Man. Dunno about you, but I'm not getting numb to all this bullshit--each new one hurts worse than the last.
ProPublica: Trump Lawyer Marc Kasowitz Threatens Stranger in Emails: "Watch Your Back, Bitch."
...Anuddawoids, tRump's "team" is as incoherent, incompetent, and unhinged as he is. No surprise there.
Public Integrity: Steve Bannon misreports $2 million debt in financial disclosure
...Anuddawoids, tRump's "team" is as criminal, corrupt, and thieving as he is. No surprise there, either.
Chicago Tribune: Peter W. Smith, GOP operative who sought Clinton's emails from Russian hackers, committed suicide, records show
NBC News: Former Soviet Counterintelligence Officer at Meeting With Donald Trump Jr. and Russian Lawyer
Vox: The White House just posted the emails of critics — without censoring personally identifiable information
...There's also this from The Hill: White House releases emails sent to voter fraud commission
...and you can see the submitted comments at Comments Received from June 29 through July 11
...And if that's not enough, there's this: NPR Politics on Twitter: "Vote Fraud Commission Releases Public Comments, Email Addresses And All"
...A-a-a-a-a-a-and then there's Slate: White House publishes names, emails, phone numbers, home addresses of critics
...Now riddle me this, Batman: why would ANYONE ever trust tRump or his benighted administration with their personal information EVER? He just proved he'd hand it to PEWtin without even so much as a fuck-you-very-much BECAUSE THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HE JUST DID.
POLITICO: Dems want scrutiny of Ivanka Trump over Kushner's Russian contacts
...Anuddawoids, the champagne popsicle herself knows all of Kushie's Russian contacts--most of them at least are hers, too.
RadioFreeEuropeRadioLiberty: Russian Gave Trump's Son Folder With Information Damaging To Clinton: Report
...This story contradicts junior's story. Naturally.
NY Mag: What Is Donald Trump Saying to Emin Agalarov in This Video? NPR Politics Podcast - Reconstructing The 2016 Campaign After Trump Jr.'s Russia Meeting from NPR Politics Podcast
Miami Herald: Who cares what's wrong with Donald Trump? What's wrong with us?
...How the phuque are we ever going to put our nation back together after we survive this--IF we survive this? *sigh*
The Independent: FBI investigated Russian mafia at Trump Tower for two years in probe unrelated to 2016 election
PolitiFact: Lewandowski wrongly says Trump in Florida day of Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer
Reuters: U.S. Secret Service rejects suggestion it vetted Trump son's meeting
...Anuddawoids, junior father, like son...and the Secret Service set the record straight: the Secret Service did NOT vet, or clear, anyone in junior's meeting.
...Please, sir, I want some moar: Secret Service: We didn't clear Don Jr.'s Russian lawyer | New York Post
Reuters: Australia says MH17 perpetrators may be tried in absentia
...A Russian missile shot the plane down. No consequences, no shit. Fucking bastards.
WaPo: Watching America lose its moral authority in real time
...It's heartbreaking how our ex-allies, like Australia, see tRump...and us.
CNN: The Trump Jr. Russia controversy -- what we know
ShareBlue: Newly released security document confirms Jeff Sessions "successfully misled the FBI"
...As if you needed confirmation: SESSIONS IS A FUCKING CROOK!!!!! AG Sessions, the Russian lawyer, and the money laundering case that went away
...As if you needed moar confirmation: SESSIONS IS A FUCKING CROOK!!!!! Neither he nor Kushner deserve jobs or clearances!!!!!
WaPo: UAE orchestrated hacking of Qatari government sites, sparking regional upheaval, according to U.S. intelligence officials
...Anuddawoids, Qatar was framed guessed it...tRump the dupe was duped.
CNN: How the Don Jr. meeting fits into the larger Putin game plan (opinion)
Bill Moyers: How Donald Trump Jr. Destroyed KellyAnne's Favorite Talking Point
Crooks and Liars: McConnell Covered Up CIA Reports That Russian Hacks Were Aimed At Electing Trump
...As if you needed confirmation: MCCONNELL IS A FUCKING CROOK AND TRAITOR!!!!!
Business Insider: Trump's lawyer let something slip about the Russia meeting that raises questions about whether Trump attended
...Christo-fascist "attorney" Jay Sekulow suggested that the Secret Service should have vetted the attendees of junior's meeting, but only tRump SENIOR was under Secret Service protection at the time...which means that Sekulow accidentally inferred that tRump SENIOR attended the meeting to get the folder full of dirt on Hillary Clinton with junior and the gang. Anuddawoids, hypocrite Jay Sekulow is just as moronic and incompetent as tRump, his client.
NPR: Timeline Of Trump And Russia In Mid-2016: A Series Of Coincidences Or Something More?
Slate: Presidential Revisionism
USA Today: The 'Pro-Life' movement is a joke and Trumpcare proves it
WSJ: The Trumps and the Truth
CNN: 8th person at Trump Tower meeting identified
WhenTaniaTalks: Twitter Shadowban And How To Fix It
Links you can use
Action Network: Tell Congress: Subpoena Trump, Jr. & Kushner to publicly answer Trump-Russia collusion questions
text "Resist" to 50409
And check out the Electronic Frontier Foundation's website so you can protect your online privacy:
Remember to boycott all the tRump shills on the boycott list below and tell them why.
And don't forget to read Dot Calm's shadow's favorite independent sources of news and information:
Randi Rhodes's Homework page
Open Secrets
Democratic Coalition Against Trump
Daily Kos
Democracy Now!
Democratic Underground
Boing Boing
Conservatives are Destroying our Future
Conservative Clown Car
God, the Good Lord Above
...skip the media outlets in the boycott list below unless you want trump propaganda. And TELL their advertisers WHY you are boycotting those media outlets!
On the lighter side:
McSweeney's Internet Tendency
And check out these great YouTube channels:
Randi Rhodes Air Force
Keith Olbermann: The Resistance
Thom Hartmann
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Secular Talk
The Young Turks
The Thinking Atheist
Also, don't forget to add these to your Twitter feed if you haven't already:
And now you can add me, too!
And don't forget to follow
unless, as he says, you're a total globalist. "It's not a parody account--it's performance art!" He also urges us to retweet everything he says unless we want the globalists to win. (Srsly, friends--he's a riot. Don't drink coffee while reading his tweets.)
Peas, friends. Take care of yourselves for me. Trust me--you're worth it! And go have a Fireball and some chocolate while you still can, will ya? Time is short now that the mouth of

Boycott media!
Don't bother with these media outlets any more unless you want trump propaganda--these media outlets have whored themselves out to trump for access for the low, low price of "fancy" cocktails and a "fancy" dinner, consisting of Donald's shriveled orange acorn dick, at chump's "fancy" (aka FAKE PLASTIC, just like everything else about trump and his FAKE PLASTIC family) "resort" in Florida. What an upstanding, responsible response to trump's denying press conferences since 27 July 2016...retch. So much for comforting the afflicted, afflicting the comfortable, and speaking truth to power to keep that power reined in and in check...!
- Axios
- Bloomberg
- Breitbart because duh--according to AlterNet, Howard Dean Lends Voice to Consumer Activist Group Hitting Breitbart in the Wallet—And It's Working
- FOX because of course
- MSNBC (includes Joe Scarborough, but Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes may still be OK as long as their corporate overlords allow it)
- NBC (they also have the reality TV show conflict of interest--and they just hired a couple of FUX Noise escapees, so beware a hard swing to the far, far right)
- POLITICO--their top editor(s) went and paid to party with trump, so now more and more trump propaganda has been showing up there, to my infinite disgust
Boycott vendors that support trump, sell trump shit, and otherwise pander to hate!
Boycott Victoria's Secret--they kick out shoppers who are guilty of shopping while Black!
Here's a twofer: let's save our money for when dump tanks the economy and grab the trumpussy grabber-in-thief where it hurts most--by his wallet!
Want to boycott trump? There's an app for that!
And here's a list of trump companies.
There's also a spreadsheet of trump supporters and vendors that carry trump merch that includes the vendors below.
Don't forget New Balance, who praised and supported trump: 1 (800) 595-9138.
Here's the list from Mindy Fischer, featuring 28 vendors that sell trump merchandise. BOYCOTT them all and TELL them why!
Contact info: (888) 676-2660, HQ- (702) 943-7777
Amazon--pressure them to DUMP BREITBART, while you're at it!
Contact info: (888) 280-4331 HQ- (206) 266-1000
Contact info: (866) 235-5443 HQ- (704) 357-1000
Contact info: (800) 777-0000 HQ- (212) 705-2000
Contact info: (877) 258-3359 HQ- (212) 944-8000
The Bon-Ton
Contact info: (800) 233-7626 HQ- (800) 937-5449
Bed Bath and Beyond
Contact info: (800) 462-3966 HQ- (908) 688-0888…
Burlington Coat Factory
Contact info: (855) 355-2875 HQ- (609) 387-7800
Contact info: (800) 945-4438 HQ- (317) 971-6200
Century 21 department store
Contact info: (877) 350-2121 HQ- (888) 221-2551
Contact info: (800) 345-5273 HQ- (501) 376-5200
DSW Shoes
Contact info: (866) 379-7463 HQ- (614) 237-7100
Hudson’s Bay
Contact info: (800) 521-2364 HQ- (800) 521-2364…
Contact info: (800) 284-3900 HQ- (727) 872-1000
Contact Info: (855) 538-4323 HQ- (844) 538-2255
Joss & Main
Contact info: (866) 263-8325 HQ- (617) 532-6100
Lord & Taylor
Contact info: (800) 223-7440 HQ- (212) 391-3344…
Contact info: (800) 289-6229 HQ- (513) 579-7000
Marshalls and TJ Maxx
Contact info: (888) 627-7425 HQ- (508) 390-1000
Contact info: (800) 843-2446 HQ- (801) 947-3100
Contact info: (866) 557-2368 HQ- (800) 228-3489
Saks Off Fifth
Contact info: (877) 551-7257 HQ- (212) 320-4700
Stein Mart
Contact info: (888) 783-4662 HQ- (904) 346-1500
Contact info: (866) 263-8325 HQ- (617) 532-6100
Contact info: (514) 788 4949 HQ- (905) 405-8000
Contact info: (800) 927-7671 HQ- (702) 943-7777
Contact info: (877) 779-5615 HQ- (206) 724-0500
OK, friends--let's get busy!