Thursday, September 29, 2011

Privatizing our Public Schools

I can’t believe the sustained attacks focused on our public school education.

When did public school education become so inefficient? So abhorrent?

And why?

I am proud to say I am a product of a public school education. I am one of nine kids. Just how were my parents supposed to educate nine of us little darlings if not through public schools?

Today my siblings are teachers, artists, business owners, and engineers. We’ve all been educated by a variety of teachers from all backgrounds and religions. Simply attending public school is an education in religious tolerance as well as an awareness of folks of many economic backgrounds. Incidentally, a public school experience accurately reflects the mosaic that is America.

Public schools provide an important lesson in respect for one another as well as being a celebration of our differences. As students work their way through the public school system there is no fear of those who are of a different skin color, of a different religion, of a different gender.

It is important to mention here that I attended a public high school where Paul Simon and Art Garfunkle were my classmates!

Yes. That is true. Just don’t know who may be sitting next to us in our public school system, do we?

When I attended public grammar school we kids were introduced to classical music, cooking, shop, day visits to the local fire house (a thrill for young students), as well as day trips to the zoo, the planetarium, the public library.

We were treated to an annual show put on by American Indians. They danced, played on their drums, smoked a peace pipe, and introduced us to their baby resting peacefully in the papoose its mother had attached to her back. The Indians became our friends as we children became familiar with them.

We took gym several times a week, so there were virtually no fat kids in those days.

Today our Public School System is under attack all across America.   Experiments are taking place testing the best means to destroy our public schools.*

Seems the Board of Trustees is hell bent on not only using the "evil" teachers union to paint the schools as ineffective, but to utterly destroy parents’ faith in the system.*

Hmmm. Wonder what will come next? Can you say Charter Schools?

In 2008 a film documented the process. It is called: Not as Good as You Think: The Myth of the Middle Class School.  It has been shown to GOP leaders all around the Country. The plan is to see how fast they can tear apart a school district. Right now, this country is on the edge of that succeeding.*

Pay attention, America!

Remember this: one of the signs that a country is veering towards fascism is the dismantling of a once strong and free educational system available to all its citizens!

* Some Daily Kos, April 10, 2010...Some Dot Calm, especially the American Indian Show, truly a school-year highlight. Oh, I really did go to school with Simon and Garfunkel, too.

Don't argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his
level and beat you with experience.