Thursday, February 18, 2010

GOP Politicians Speak with "Forked Tongues" over Obama Stimulus

Folks, switch your TV channels off Fox for a moment, shake your heads vigorously to clear them of claptrap and read exactly how the stimulus money is working across America. Two million jobs have been created or saved while only one third of the money has been spent. Clearly the program is a success! Sorry, those of you who want to see this President fail. Not this time.

From the Bellefontaine Forum:

Every single Republican voted NO against the stimulus, and now they are claiming it has not worked, even when economists say it has. Yet, these same Republicans who trashed the stimulus as a bad thing are now taking credit in their home districts for all the good the stimulus has done! And they’re clamoring for more. Can you say Hypocrisy?

Piyush (Bobby) Jindall of Louisiana –- railed against the stimulus, but has gone around the state handing out checks with his name on them as if the money came from him instead of the stimulus money he had been railing against.

John Mica of Florida trashed the stimulus then praised its effect in his home district as helping to improve "one of our key economic generators."

Frank Wolf of Virginia trashed the stimulus money, then praised its effects in his home district as: "We could use that money desperately; there are a lot of things the money could be used for."

Rep. Shuster of Pennsylvania bashed the stimulus as a failure. However, he had no problem taking credit for its success or the jobs it would create while he attended a ground breaking for a plant funded by stimulus money.

Kay Baily Hutchinson of Texas trashed the stimulus and voted no, then praised its funding in her home state: "This funding will spur growth in Texas communities."

Richard Burr of North Carolina trashed the stimulus, voted no, then praised its effects as "a great thing for their county. We're not accustomed to federal dollars in that magnitude finding their way to North Carolina."

Kitt Bond of Missouri trashed the stimulus, voted no, then praised its effect in his home district by saying it would create jobs and ultimately spur economic opportunities."

Republican "you lie" Joe Wilson of South Carolina trashed the stimulus, voted no, then praised its effects, "It will provide jobs and investments in one of the poorer sections of that district."

Bob Bennet, Utah, against the stimulus, voted no, then praised its effect in his home district by saying, "The addition of federal funds would maximize the stimulative effect on the local economy."

The list goes on and on -- Republicans who trashed Obama's stimulus are now admitting it has created jobs and helped their districts. However, they will continue to criticize it for political gain.

Funny how Republicans endorsed the Deficit Commission, but when Obama endorsed the idea, Republicans decided they were against it.

Republicans proposed Pay as You Go rules for budgeting. But when Obama endorsed the idea, they decided they were against that!
Republicans who voted for the Bank Bailout are now criticizing Obama for that same bank bailout!

Republicans who supported President Bush's policy for trying terrorist suspects in U.S. courts are now against that, too, since Obama is implementing that same policy. It's easy to assume what their next move will be with any new legislation that is proposed.