Sunday, April 23, 2006

Gangster government: Mr. Big told Scooter what to leak and when…then he lied and pretended to seek the truth about the Plame leak

“Let's accept the White House alibi that releasing Plame's identity was no crime. But if that's true, they've committed a bigger crime: Bush and Cheney knowingly withheld vital information from a grand jury investigation, a multimillion dollar inquiry the perps themselves authorized. That's akin to calling in a false fire alarm or calling the cops for a burglary that never happened -- but far, far worse. Let's not forget that in the hunt for the perpetrator of this non-crime, reporter Judith Miller went to jail.

"Think about that. While Miller sat in a prison cell, Bush and Cheney were laughing their sick heads off, knowing the grand jury testimony, the special prosecutor's subpoenas and the FBI's terrorizing newsrooms were nothing but fake props in Bush's elaborate charade, Cheney's Big Con.”

Want to read the rest? It’s all here:

Don’t you just hate double standards?


"You can support the troops but not the President."

---Rep Tom Delay (R-TX)

"Well, I just think it's a bad idea. What's going to happen is they're going to be over there for 10, 15, maybe 20 years."

---Joe Scarborough (R-FL)

"Explain to the mothers and fathers of American servicemen that may come home in body bags why their son or daughter have to give up their life."

---Sean Hannity, Fox News, 4/6/99

"Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the President to explain to us what the exit strategy is."

---Governor George W. Bush (R-TX)

"[The] President . . . is once again releasing American military might on a foreign country with an ill-defined objective and no exit strategy. He has yet to tell the Congress how much this operation will cost. And he has not informed our nation's armed forces about how long they will be away from home. These strikes do not make for a sound foreign policy."

---Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA)

"American foreign policy is now one huge big mystery. Simply put, the administration is trying to lead the world with a feel-good foreign policy."

---Rep Tom Delay (R-TX)

"If we are going to commit American troops, we must be certain they have a clear mission, an achievable goal and an exit strategy."

---Karen Hughes, speaking on behalf of George W Bush

"I had doubts about the bombing campaign from the beginning…I didn't think we had done enough in the diplomatic area."

---Senator Trent Lott (R-MS)

"I cannot support a failed foreign policy. History teaches us that it is often easier to make war than peace. This administration is just learning that lesson right now. The President began this mission with very vague objectives and lots of unanswered questions. A month later, these questions are still unanswered. There are no clarified rules of engagement. There is no timetable. There is no legitimate definition of victory. There is no contingency plan for mission creep. There is no clear funding program. There is no agenda to bolster our over-extended military. There is no explanation defining what vital national interests are at stake. There was no strategic plan for war when the President started this thing, and there still is no plan today."

---Rep Tom Delay (R-TX)

The Tragic Irony of John McCain's Faustian Bargain

by Arianna Huffington

A lot of people are angry at John McCain -- and with good reason. His contemptible performance on this week's Meet the Press was enough to make any sentient person's blood boil.

For a dose of this ire, check out georgia10 at Kos who proclaims "the death of McCain the Maverick,” Paul Krugman who raises the notion that McCain has become "a cynical political opportunist,” Cenk Uygur who says McCain "is a shell of his former self." and Rachel Sklar who slams his "transparent political backtracking."

But I come here not to condemn John McCain but to weep for him.

Watching a true American hero hang a For Sale sign on his principles is a profoundly sad thing. Especially for me.

I've long admired, respected -- indeed loved -- John McCain. I've written many columns about him citing his courage and integrity, traveled with him on the Straight Talk Express, been to his home and met his wonderful family, and introduced him as the keynote speaker at the 2000 Shadow Convention I helped organize by calling him "the most prominent voice for reform within the political system." In fact, I am still on the advisory committee of his Reform Institute.

Even though we've frequently disagreed on issues, I have always been impressed with the unfailingly above-board way he has navigated the often choppy waters of political leadership. Until now.

Back in December, following another dispiriting McCain appearance on Meet the Press in which he repeatedly provided cover for Bush's woeful mishandling of Iraq, I wrote: "The big question now -- a question left unanswered on today's show -- is: which is the real McCain? The captain of the Straight Talk Express, or the one who showed up today trying to have it both ways -- expressing just enough gentle criticism to keep his 'maverick' bona fides, while at the same time assuring Bush's right wing supporters they have nothing to worry about?"

Sadly, that big question is unanswered no more. McCain has clearly convinced himself that the only way he can become president is to sell his soul -- making a pact with the devils of the religious right and turning into what Jim Pinkerton dubbed "a born-again Bushophile."

There he was on Sunday, disavowing his 2000 claim that Jerry Falwell is "an agent of intolerance," offering the very telling insight that "the Christian right has a major role to play in the Republican Party" because "they're so active, and their followers are." In other words: there are votes in them thar pews so principles be damned. Liberty University commencement, here I come!

McCain was equally transparent in his repeated efforts to carry water for Bush. He backed the president's handling of Iraq -- and even went so far as to call Bush's recent speeches on the war "fairly eloquent" (is this the first time Bush and eloquence have been linked, other than by Harriet Miers-types?). He told us he "applauds" the president's efforts in Iran. And he shamelessly turned his back on his powerful explanation for being one of only two Republican Senators to vote against Bush's 2001 tax cuts. Here's what he said then: "I cannot in good conscience support a tax cut in which so many of the benefits go to the most fortunate among us at the expense of middle-class Americans who need tax relief." Now, when asked to defend his recent vote to extend these same cuts, McCain offered the GOP boilerplate: "I do not believe in tax increases."

There can be no doubt: McCain's blatant desire for the White House has caused him to abandon the Straight Talk Express and hop on board the Bullshit Express. Talk about "pimping your ride."

I find it deeply ironic that, at a time when voters are desperately longing for a political leader with authenticity, a man who defined the authenticity brand has now decided to screw with the formula.

The New McCain is the political equivalent of New Coke -- and will meet with the same disastrous results.

It's worse than a Faustian bargain. At least Faust got what he desired in exchange for his soul. McCain, in giving up the core of who he is -- as a man and as a leader -- may actually be destroying his chances of getting what he so desires.

The saddest thing is not how McCain has betrayed us -- it's how he has betrayed himself.

Bush, lies, and videotape

By James Carroll | March 6, 2006

IF GEORGE W. BUSH were a character in a novel or a play, last week might have been the turning point in the narrative. He was shown on film being explicitly warned, just hours before Hurricane Katrina hit, that the levees in New Orleans were vulnerable.

But everyone knows that after the levees broke, he denied having been warned that such a thing was possible. The broadcast of the film amounted to a terrible epiphany: The president seemed caught in a lie. Grave questions had already been raised about his administration's manipulations of the truth, especially in relation to the war in Iraq. Does the truth matter in America any more?

Critics of the president (among whom I must be counted) might come to yet another swift judgment of him, finding further evidence of a disqualifying character flaw. Rumbles about impeachment can be heard, despite the unlikelihood of such an outcome, shy of still-fanciful Democratic victories in the fall elections.

But what if our concern with Bush was embedded in literature, not politics? In that case, the conflict we would care about is not the one between a public figure and his critics, but the struggle inside the man himself. Literature unfolds across an inner landscape, and on that terrain the character flaw is essential.

Indeed, the character flaw of the hero is what enables a reader or playgoer to identify with him, even while passing judgment. Last week's videotape revelation raised public questions about the president's truthfulness, but the private question -- the one a man must face alone, in the crucible of conscience -- is a version of the question we all must ask of ourselves.

Consider the possibilities. The fictional character -- let's call him ''Bush" -- learns that his firm public statement about what he had been told is radically contradicted by incontrovertible evidence. What he told the nation at its moment of crisis was not true, and that contradiction is now exposed.

Learning this, in one narrative line, ''Bush" might feel deeply shamed to have laid bare what he has always known was a lie. The character flaw is deception. But in another narrative line, ''Bush" might be shocked to realize that, in the traumatic moments of the hurricane crisis, he had blocked all memory of the critical briefing. He hadn't consciously lied, but had constructed a new reality tailored to personal and political needs. The character flaw, in this case, is not deception, but self-deception.

Whatever ''Bush" did in the past, however, the drama that matters adheres in what he does now, at the moment of being exposed. Whether ''Bush" is a deceiver or a self-deceiver, the question is: What happens inside him at the terrible moment of judgment? In that instant, will he experience a transformation in awareness, as the truth of his condition shows itself? Or will he descend into a further circle of denial, deepening his predicament?

If this were a novel or a play, we would watch with a certain empathy, alert to revelations of our own inevitable implication in deception and self-deception. None of us is innocent, and it is to wrestle with that fact of our condition that we read books and buy theater tickets.

But the present American story is not a work of literature. From all appearances, the president is not a candidate for the role of ''Bush" because a narrative that unfolds across the terrain of an inner life requires an inner life, and Bush shows no sign of having one.

Even a character flaw presumes a depth of character that the president seems to lack. What interior conflict can there be for a man who attributes all failures, all mistakes, all crimes to those around him, as if he himself (alone of all humans) is blameless? Where there is no capacity for shame, there is none for insight, much less transformation. Without the secret struggle against the self, there can be no drama, only pathos.

As for us, the beholders of this narrative, there can be no suspension of disbelief, no identification, and no recognition of our own fate being rescued by a confrontation with the truth. On the contrary, since this is not literature but life, there is only the increased awareness of the danger into which the world is plunged by having such a hollow creature in the position of ultimate power.

Collateral damage

On a program aired around the twentieth of March, you can see/hear Amy Goodman of “Democracy Now!” talk with two fathers of Iraqi children American bombs...

“Horrifying” doesn’t even begin.

One little boy lost both eyes...a 3 year-old playing in the background sounded positively delicious...a sweet baby completely innocent of the tragedy his family just experienced…

There are doctors working pro bono helping the maimed and injured just as fast as our troops can inflict the damage…

Around the twenty-first of March, “Democracy Now!” aired a film of 15 Iraqis we mowed down...including children...

They were killed in their homes in their night-clothes...

The marines denied any wrong-doing last November...

If you choose to go to the website to view the film, I hope you have a strong stomach because the film is it, Amy Goodman is interviewing is a resident of the same neighborhood as the massacre...

This man interviewed some of the survivors...he talked with a 9 year-old girl.

He even went to the marines with film! Now the deaths are called “collateral damage”...

God help us all.

Our friends, the Pakistanis…

Here’s a story you’re not likely to see in the American media: our friends, the Pakistanis, apparently have a Taliban of their own. Good thing we only support Talibans we like…,,1735772,00.html

Welcome to America, the land of not-even-third-world voting…

Here’s a little piece of news to brighten your day: did you know that it’s easier to rig a voting machine than it is to rig a Las Vegas slot machine? Want to know why? Then please read this Washington Post article…and be sure to send it to every American you know who gives a damn about saving our democracy.

My Name is Rachel Corrie

A young, idealistic woman died putting her life on the line to save the home and the lives of a civilian family in a war-torn nation. Her mistake? The war-torn nation was Palestine, and the occupiers are our friends the Israelis…so her selfless act has been interpreted as a tacit criticism of our commander in chief…too “controversial” to expose the American sheeple to.

“Rachel Corrie was born in Washington, killed in the Gaza Strip, praised in London and censored in Manhattan. Now she's being forced to go underground in Toronto.” Yes, folks, it is just as it sounds: the first Toronto reading of Rachel Corrie’s own words is being held in an undisclosed location. How nice to know that our neighbors to the north are so very frightened of us that they are willing to censor themselves for “our” sake.

The link at the title of this post points here:

Fasten your seatbelts, folks…looks like a bumpy road ahead…

Yes, since Sept. 11, the news has gotten more surreal, with divine sightings and apocalyptic musings becoming more commonplace. Such talk has always been with us, of course, but it's no longer tied to David Koresh or Marshall Applewhite or Jim Jones-type cultists. "One of the biggest changes in politics in my lifetime is that the delusional is no longer marginal. It has come in from the fringe, to sit in the seat of power in the Oval Office and in Congress," Bill Moyers wrote, regarding the shifting political realities fueling this mindset.

Want to read more? Go to

Et tu, Time?

When even the conservative Time Magazine prints an article about Bush’s unholy alliance of petroleum, preachers, and skyrocketing debt, it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee!,10987,1174713,00.html

12 Warning Signs of Fascism

America, it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee! Can you really in your heart of hearts look around yourself and say that this is not happening…that you are not surrounded by these warning signs of fascism? If so, then just maybe you deserve what’s coming to you…but the rest of us don’t! And we don’t want it, either! And I genuinely feel sorry for you if you do.

1. Exuberant Nationalism
Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic images, slogans and symbols -- national flags are seen everywhere in public display. Territorial aggression is explained to be mere destiny -- an unbidden greatness thrust upon the nation by history.

It is this burden of unique responsibility that now raises the fascist state above all previous constraint, no longer bound by international obligations, treaties, or law.

2. Enemies Identified
This national cause is identified as unity against enemies -- the people are rallied around a unifying patriotism directed against some common threat: communists, liberals, a racial, ethnic or religious minority, intellectuals, homosexuals, terrorists, etc.

The state's message is sometimes couched in an easily recognized religious theme. Amazingly, this language is used even when the full context of the teaching shows the meaning to be diametrically opposed. Any dissent is "siding with the enemy” and is therefore treasonous.

3. Rights Disappear
Disdain for human and political rights -- fascist regimes foster an artificial climate of fear by intentionally amplifying stress and anxiety. Citizens naturally feel a strong need for security and are easily persuaded to ignore abuses in the name of safety. The few still willing to question are met with bullying and smear campaigns of intimidation.

Legislative bodies, if still in existence at all, are cowed into rubber-stamp submission with occasional ceremonial opposition. The judiciary tends to become activist in support of state views. The public often looks away or even enthusiastically approves as rights are stripped away.

The concept of the individual inevitably yields ground, exchanged for the promised safety of the all-powerful state.

4. Secrecy Demanded
Obsession with secrecy and national security -- the workings of government become increasingly hidden. Questioning of authority is discouraged at all levels of society. From office talk at the water cooler up through the entire apparatus of rule, guarded speech and secrecy become ends in themselves.

Troubling questions are muted and entire areas of scrutiny are placed out of bounds by simply invoking "national security.”

5. Military Glorified
Supremacy of the military -- the military establishment receives a disproportionate share of government resources, even as pressing domestic needs are neglected. Individual soldiers and military culture are glamorized and made constantly visible.

This provides both an object for public glorification, as well as sharp warning to possibly restless citizens that the power of the state stands close at hand, ready to use its great potential for violence.

6. Corporations Shielded
Corporate power is protected -- typically, a segment of the business elite plays a major role in bringing fascists to national leadership, often from an unsavory obscurity. This marriage of big money and raw violence is often considered by historians to be the hallmark and backbone of fascism.

As these business-government-military interests meld, the significant threat of organized labor is clearly recognized. Labor unions and their support organizations are either co-opted successfully or ruthlessly suppressed and eliminated as soon as possible.

7. Corruption Unchecked
Rampant cronyism and corruption -- fascist states maintain power through this relatively small group of associates, mutually appointing each other to interlocking and rotating positions in government, business, and the military.

With this degree of control, they make full use of both official secrecy and the ready threat of state violence to insulate themselves from any meaningful criticism. They are not accountable and are shielded from scrutiny in a way unthinkable in a democratic society.

8. Media Controlled
Controlled mass media -- sometimes the media are controlled directly by clumsy government functionaries. At other times, sympathetic corporate media insiders shape the themes indirectly and therefore more skillfully. Image regularly trumps content as the "news" is presented breathlessly and with flashy stage effects.

A practiced formula of tenacious repetition brings even the most absurd lie into acceptance over time. By design, the very language itself and the coloration employed will push alternate views "out of the mainstream.”

The terms of any remaining debate are narrowly defined to the state's advantage, making it easy to marginalize a truly differing perspective. Censorship and "self-censorship,” especially in wartime, is common.

9. Rampant Sexism
Rampant sexism -- governments of fascist states tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Traditional gender roles are made even more rigid and exaggerated. Condemnation of abortion and a virulent homophobia are commonly built into broad policy.

10. Intellectual Bullying
Disdain for intellectuals -- fascist society tends to create an environment of extreme hostility to critical thought in general and to academics in particular.

Ideologically driven "science" is elevated and lavishly funded, while any expression not in line with the state view is at first ignored, then challenged, then ridiculed and finally stamped out.

It is not uncommon for academics to be pressured to attack the work of their insufficiently patriotic peers. Writings are censored; teachers are fired and arrested. Free artistic expression in new works is openly attacked, and existing works deemed unpatriotic are often publicly destroyed.

11. Militarized Police
Obsession with crime and punishment -- fascist society is often willing to overlook police abuses and forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. Long jail sentences for clearly political offenses, torture, and then assassination are at first uncomfortably tolerated and then start to pile up to become the norm.

Often, a national police force is given virtually unlimited power to snoop through the civilian population. Networks of surveillance and informers are employed, both for actual intelligence gathering and also as a means to keep neighbors and co-workers isolated and mistrustful of each other.

12. Elections Stolen
Fraudulent elections -- in the disordered time as fascists are rising to power, the electoral arena becomes increasingly confusing, corrupted, and manipulated.

There is rising public cynicism and distrust over what are widely believed to be phony elections manipulated by moneyed influence, obvious media bias, smear campaigns, ballot tampering, judicial interference, intimidation, or outright assassination of potential opposition. Fascists in power have been known to use this disorder as the rationale to delay elections indefinitely.

Book Reviews*

Secrecy & Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq
by Robert Parry
America lives in a historical vacuum, empty of context and devoid of truthful reporting, especially when it comes to contemporary events. The corporate media cares little about actions taken or words spoken in the past. As a result, Americans are left with a disjointed and disconnected view of reality.

Explaining Ourselves
By Robert Parry
November 10, 2004

The legitimacy of the vote count was never resolved honestly and openly; instead, it was swept under the rug.

Well before the election, citizens were complaining about the security of their ballots, especially when using paperless voting machines. The fact that election officials around the country failed to act, or put off fixes until 2006, is troubling.

Exporting Democracy
For a nation that has invaded a country halfway around the world supposedly to plant the seeds of democracy, questions about the legitimacy of a presidential election should be taken very seriously, not just laughed off. That’s especially true after the Election 2000 debacle when the popular-vote loser, George W. Bush, took the White House under highly questionable circumstances.

“To screw up one exit poll is unheard of,” wrote Dick Morris. “To miss six of them is incredible. It boggles the imagination how pollsters could be that incompetent and invites speculation that more than honest error was at play here.”

Republican Morris then spins off a bizarre conspiracy theory speculating that the exit pollsters were trying to influence the vote outcome for Kerry. But Morris’s fundamental point is well taken: around the world, when exit polls vary from official results, that’s a warning flag of ballot manipulation.

As I report in Secrecy & Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq, the Republicans have a history of playing the bully in elections – 1968, 1972, 1980, 1992 and 2000 – while Democrats often tend to hide the bruises and make excuses for fear of undermining public confidence in the democratic process.

But the time has come for the American people to get the truth, however ugly it may be. Too much is at stake for this Washington version of an abusive political relationship to continue.

Our initial review of the voting in Florida – following on the work of some other investigators – suggests, too, that there may be a way to check the accuracy of computerized voting despite the widespread use of paperless electronic ballots. That’s because some of the suspicious patterns have fallen in counties using optical-scanned ballots.

That means that there should be a paper record to check against the tabulations. Those records should be available under government-sunshine laws.

*Reviews by Linaelin
For complete reviews, go to

Representing all American voices: an uphill battle

This isn't the first liberal radio station to get bought out by the religious fanatics...but these folks put up a good fight before going down...

Read AlterNet…read AlterNet NOW!

America’s fake immigration crisis

The slow death of newspapers

A time for heresy…“Unless we choose to renew our commitment to America's deepest values, the day will come when we no longer recognize the country we love.” If we as Americans don’t commit what our government would have us believe is heresy, we stand to lose everything we hold dear. What would have happened if the “good Germans” had stood together and challenged Hitler before it was too late?

Failed states, rogue states, and America (which, oddly enough, is both)…a must-read for every American!

Please…read more from AlterNet!

DeLay stepped down because he was besieged by anti-Christians? Only if anti-Christian means anti-corruption!

Traitor alert…it’s time for all good Republicans to burn Newt Gingrich at the stake: he aided the enemy by criticizing George W. Bush over the Iraq invasion!

For those of us not in the military, it is unheard of…astonishing…that so many high-ranking members and retirees from our armed services are calling for Donald Rumsfeld’s ouster:

In George W. Bush’s America, it’s all about special favors for special interests…the rest of us can go to hell:

Gee, I feel so much safer now…

I recently heard on Air America that, when it comes to selling American port security, the US officially said good-bye Dubai and hello China. It appears China will be monitoring/inspecting containers coming through the port of Dubai for any atomic materials.

There…do you feel safer now?

Bush lied; impeach him NOW!

Read the truth; then demand that your Senators and Representatives impeach Bush and his administration NOW!

Bush, who pretends to ignore protestors, avoids them by fewer visits to Crawford (aka White House West)

Ya think maybe he’ll take fewer vacations now and get down to some serious presidenting? God help us…

DeLay's Brown Shirt Squad Reappears from 2000 to Break Up Public News Conference of Democratic Candidate for Exterminator's Former Seat

The link points here:

Help Miss Lucy help the kids of NOLA

Sorry I don’t have the address I sent this letter to; please Google it and send whatever help you can!

April 7, 2005

Hello Miss Lucy!

I met you on Extreme Home Make-over. I’ve been staying informed regarding the progress being made after hurricane Katrina. As a handicapped retiree, I make periodic donations of one kind or another. Recently, toothbrushes/toothpaste were sent to folks at The Little Blue House.

This is no time for praise. There is still roll up your sleeves work to be done. I’m supporting the NOLA folks in various ways.

I’m struck by the NOLA children who may not be getting attention in these stressful times.

In this package, I’ve included three letters written by children to children in New Orleans. There are self-addressed, stamped envelopes, along with a blank sheet of lined paper, too.

Will you assign three children capable of writing a short note telling what toy they would like to receive?

This is a small gesture to help make things better. Hopefully, it will teach three children here how to share and help fix a very broken child’s life.


Dot Calm

The U.S considers nuking Iran

Iran is larger than Iraq and has more resources and a more powerful military...Given our current involvement (read: quagmire) in Iraq, nuking Iran is the only way we can "win" if we invade.

And we were all afraid Reagan was going to push the shiny red button...

Maybe the Dixie Chicks were right after all…

"[Donald Rumsfeld] has proved himself incompetent strategically, operationally and tactically. Mr. Rumsfeld must step down."
--General Paul Eaton, who oversaw training of Iraqi army troops, 2003-2004

"I really believe that we need a new secretary of defense because Secretary Rumsfeld carries way too much baggage with him. Specifically, I feel he has micromanaged the generals who are leading our forces there."
--retired Maj. Gen. Charles Swannack, former commander of the 82nd Airborne Division.

"I think we need a fresh start … We need leadership up there (the Pentagon) that respects the military as they expect the military to respect them."
--Maj. Gen. John Batiste, commander 1st Infantry Division in Iraq, 2004-2005

We won't get fooled again … Rumsfeld and many others unwilling to fundamentally change their approach should be replaced."
--Marines Lt. Gen. Gregory Newbold, director of operations of Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2000-2002

"The problem is that we've wasted three years … absolutely, Rumsfeld should resign."
--Marines Gen. Anthony Zinni, former chief of U.S. Central Command

"A lot of them [other generals] are hugely frustrated. Rumsfeld gave the impression that military advice was neither required nor desired" in the planning for the Iraq war.
--Lt. Gen. Wallace Gregson, former commander of Marines forces in the Pacific Theater

"Everyone pretty much thinks Rumsfeld and the bunch around him should be cleared out. [Rumsfeld and his advisers have] made fools of themselves, and totally underestimated what would be needed for a sustained conflict."
--Army Maj. Gen. John Riggs

14 “enduring bases”: one of the real reasons we invaded Iraq

Now you know.

The link points here:

The gerrymander that ate America

Think we have free and fair voting in America? Think again!

The link at the title of this post points here:

Exxon’s CEO gets diamond-studded platinum parachute

Can you imagine making $6,000 per hour…close to $150,000 per day? Doesn’t that sound just a little excessive while Rome burns?

The link points to this article:

Another plea from me to you: please help the NOLA victims of Katrina and Rita!

Hello everyone...

Look! I'm using my very best sentence structure and caps. This must be important.

I've recently made contact with Jason, one of many college students who put their educations on hold to help out in New Orleans.

Jason has been working with a small organization of college students associated with The Little Blue House.

Jason requested more toothpaste/tooth brushes for the people in NOLA. We were able to send $30 worth the first time. We're ready to ship another $30 worth. But there are just so many teeth we can afford to brush. Can you help?

It was Hurricane Floyd that took its wrath on us here where we live. Fortunately, three different insurance companies showed up quickly to assess the damage. Homeowners, Boat, and FEMA promptly came and helped us. Nevertheless, it was a traumatic experience.

We've promised to send as many sets of toothpaste/brushes we could afford; we are appealing to you for help.

Please do what you can. It will be greatly appreciated.

Common Ground Volunteers


I’m desperate…

I can’t stand the thought of Iran becoming another Iraq…or, worse, that we would nuke Iran because that’s the only way we can “win”…so I sent the following message to my elected and selected officials:

* * * * STOP! STOP! STOP! * * * *



Save internet neutrality!

The internet as we know it is under attack from the fascist corporations who wish to control the content along with the delivery system. If they succeed, what’s left of our democracy is doomed. While I realize that my elected and selected officials side with the corporations, I couldn’t help but make my views known:





Words to live by: documents from our democracy as penned by our founding fathers

The Preamble to the Constitution

I was introduced to the Preamble many years ago and haven’t revisited it in a very long time…yet it reads like an old friend. As an adult, I appreciate the beauty of its simplicity; I am awestruck by its framers. I’ve copied it here from a web site designed and maintained by Steve Mount; I hope he will forgive me if he sees his work reproduced here without a complete reference.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

We the People of the United States,
The Framers were an elite group--among the best and brightest America had to offer at the time. But they knew that they were trying to forge a nation made up not of an elite, but of the common man. Without the approval of the common man, they feared revolution. This first part of the Preamble speaks to the common man. It puts into writing, as clear as day, the notion that the people were creating this Constitution. It was not handed down by a god or by a king--it was created by the people.

in Order to form a more perfect Union,
The Framers were dissatisfied with the United States under the Articles of Confederation, but they felt that what they had was the best they could have, up to now. They were striving for something better. The Articles of Confederation had been a grand experiment that had worked well up to a point, but now, less than ten years into that experiment, cracks were showing. The new United States, under this new Constitution, would be more perfect. Not perfect, but more perfect.

establish Justice,
Injustice, unfairness of laws and in trade, was of great concern to the people of 1787. People looked forward to a nation with a level playing field, where courts were established with uniformity and where trade within and outside the borders of the country would be fair and unmolested. Today, we enjoy a system of justice that is one of the fairest in the world. It has not always been so--only through great struggle can we now say that every citizen has the opportunity for a fair trial and for equal treatment, and even today there still exists discrimination. But we still strive for the justice that the Framers wrote about.

insure domestic Tranquility,
One of the events that caused the Convention to be held was the revolt of Massachusetts farmers knows as Shay's Rebellion. The taking up of arms by war veterans revolting against the state government was a shock to the system. The keeping of the peace was on everyone's mind, and the maintenance of tranquility at home was a prime concern. The framers hoped that the new powers given the federal government would prevent any such rebellions in the future.

provide for the common defence,
The new nation was fearful of attack from all sides - and no one state was really capable of fending off an attack from land or sea by itself. With a wary eye on Britain and Spain, and ever-watchful for Indian attack, no one of the United States could go it alone. They needed each other to survive in the harsh world of international politics of the 18th century.

promote the general welfare,
This, and the next part of the Preamble, are the culmination of everything that came before it--the whole point of having tranquility, justice, and defense was to promote the general welfare--to allow every state and every citizen of those states to benefit from what the government could provide. The framers looked forward to the expansion of land holdings, industry, and investment, and they knew that a strong national government would be the beginning of that.

and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,
Hand in hand with the general welfare, the framers looked forward to the blessings of liberty--something they had all fought hard for just a decade before. They were very concerned that they were creating a nation that would resemble something of a paradise for liberty, as opposed to the tyranny of a monarchy, where citizens could look forward to being free as opposed to looking out for the interests of a king. And more than for themselves, they wanted to be sure that the future generations of Americans would enjoy the same.

do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
The final clause of the Preamble is almost anti-climactic, but it is important for a few reasons--it finishes the "We, the people" thought, saying what we the people are actually doing; it gives us a name for this document, and it restates the name of the nation adopting the Constitution. That the Constitution is "ordained" reminds us of the higher power involved here--not just of a single person or of a king, but of the people themselves. That is it "established" reminds us that it replaces that which came before - the United States under the Articles (a point lost on us today, but quite relevant at the time).

The Constitution was written by several committees over the summer of 1787, but the committee most responsible for the final form we know today is the "Committee of Stile and Arrangement." This Committee was tasked with getting all of the articles and clauses agreed to by the Convention and putting them into a logical order. On September 10, 1787, the Committee of Style set to work, and two days later, it presented the Convention with its final draft. The members were Alexander Hamilton, William Johnson, Rufus King, James Madison, and Gouverneur Morris. The actual text of the Preamble and of much of the rest of this final draft is usually attributed to Gouverneur Morris.

The newly minted document began with a grand flourish - the Preamble, the Constitution's r'aison d'etre. It holds in its words the hopes and dreams of the delegates to the convention, a justification for what they had done. Its words are familiar to us today.

Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain [George III] is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

The Gettysburg Address

The Gettysburg Address is the most famous speech of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln and one of the most quoted famous speeches in United States history. It was delivered at the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on November 19, 1863, during the American Civil War, four and a half months after the Battle of Gettysburg.

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
November 19, 1863

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Source: Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln
edited by Roy P. Basler