What we're fighting for vs what we have--make your VOICE heard!
27 April 2017 update:
Hello again, fellow Dot Calm Readers, Freedom Fighters, and Truth Crusaders!
Have you heard about tRump's "hotline" for people to report "crimes" committed by "illegal aliens"?
Silly tRump--according to The New York Times, several studies report that immigrants are less likely than native-born Americans to commit crimes.
According to Business Insider, immigrants--legal and illegal--are a LOT less likely to commit crimes than native-born Americans.
Not that tRump or his adherents would ever let facts get in the way of their hate.
Like I said, tRump has set up a "hotline" to report a-a-a-a-all these imaginary crimes being committed by immigrants, documented or otherwise, so that tRump can demonize them even moar and maybe even get more trumpanzees to commit hate crimes against them!
Unfortunately for tRump, his hotline is getting trolled...bigly.
Allegedly, pranksters have been calling the hotline, dubbed "Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE)" and run by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and reporting Close Encounters of the ET kind. The Daily Caller article in the link features some of the relevant tweets, which are pretty damned funny...
But, I bethought myself, why stop at funneh if I can hijack tRump's own hotline and wield it as a weapon of The Resistance?
With that, I bring you Dot Calm's shadow's script, stats, and tawking points to make your VOICE heard!
It's easy--just call 1-855-48VOICE and use as much or as little as you like of the italicized text below to bitch about tRump, Sessions, Burr, Chaffetz, Kushner, and the rest of the Russo-Republican agents and rebuke their heinous agenda of crime, cruelty, and violence against innocent Americans, including teh poorz, immigrants, women, LGBTQ+, people of color, etc.
Hi. I--I'm really scared, and I want to report horrific, deadly crimes committed by a pack of Russian agents right here on American soil!
That's right--there is a pack of Russian agents fomenting all sorts of cruelty and violence and theft against me and my family and people I care about. I don't think they're going to stop until they kill us!
Like, there's this one Russian agent who consistently incites violence. Why, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, just during the month after the 2016 election, he incited over a thousand hate crimes against people of color, women, Muslims, Jews, and LGBTQ+. Indians and Sikhs, who aren't even Muslim, have been murdered by this agent's supporters! People have been attacked, beaten, harassed, molested, mugged, threatened--and there has been a lot of vandalism and property loss, too.
This Russian agent holds human life so cheaply that people fighting on his behalf abroad don't even care if they murder civilians any more--according to Newsweek, his military operatives have already killed a thousand civilians since late this January!
But that's just foreign people! You should hear what he wants to do to us Americans! He wants to murder tens of millions of innocent Americans by taking away their health insurance so that, if they get sick with something like cancer, they can either just die, or they can spend all their money, go bankrupt, and then die.
And he wants to poison everyone by allowing the corporations to dump toxins freely into the air and waterways.
And that's not even counting the oil leaked from pipelines. Did you know that it's not a question of "if" but "when" an oil pipeline will leak? According to Ecowatch, there were over 220 "significant" oil pipeline leaks in 2016--and each oil leak leaves a dead zone that we have no way of recovering, like around the Deepwater Horizon. 2016 had some nice oil pipeline explosions for good measure. And this crazy Russian agent wants to build even more dangerous pipelines, like the Keystone XL which will just transport Canadian tar sand oil through the United States--we don't even get to use that oil...all we get are maybe 36 permanent jobs for the low, low price of selling off our future.
You'd think that that would be enough for this Russian agent, but this guy wants to rework our tax system to rob the poor and give all their money to the rich. Isn't that nuts? He wants to take money away from innocent, hard-working Americans who need it to survive and give it to people who already have more than they'll ever spend in a lifetime. Is that criminal or what?
But wait--there's more! This guy doesn't believe in reality--he wants to put American workers out of decent clean energy jobs so that he can fry the whole planet so that EVERYBODY dies!
Wouldn't you say he's a menace to society and a danger to humanity?
I would!
Want me to drop the dime on who he is and where to find him?
His name is donald trump, and you can pick him up for questioning at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, on some weekdays and at his vacation house at 1100 S Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach, FL 33480, on every weekend.
And he's got accomplices!
Lots and lots of accomplices!
And THEY'RE all Russian agents, too--I mean, they're all on Putin's payroll, so that makes them Russian agents, right?
According to sources like
- Politico (http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/03/connections-trump-putin-russia-ties-chart-flynn-page-manafort-sessions-214868),
- Rolling Stone (http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/features/a-whos-who-of-the-trump-campaigns-russia-connections-w469977),
- US News and World Report (https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2017-03-23/ap-exclusive-us-probes-banking-of-ex-trump-campaign-chief),
- The Atlantic (https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/08/the-manafort-dossier/495851/),
- the Palmer Report (https://www.palmerreport.com/politics/senate-intel-chairman-richard-burr-has-financial-investment-in-russia-tied-oil-drilling-company/2451/ and https://www.palmerreport.com/opinion/10-million-chaffetz-trump-russia/2392/ and http://www.palmerreport.com/news/russia-devin-nunes-donald-trump/2019/),
- Business2Community (http://www.business2community.com/government-politics/devin-nunes-invested-california-wine-company-business-ties-russia-fact-check-01809651#MIDkyqZfDg0qQ2ae.97),
- Business Insider (http://www.businessinsider.com/erik-prince-trump-russia-2017-4),
- My Palm Beach Post (http://www.mypalmbeachpost.com/news/national-govt--politics/yachts-trump-financial-backer-russian-oligarch-seen-close-together/gI074W3JLqvEYrQ0hm9zlN/),
they include
Mike Flynn
We're talking people who value money over human life--like Rex Tillerson, who values oil profit too much to lift a finger to stop global warming, which his company, Exxon, has known about since 1977, according to Scientific American (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/).
We're also talking Russian spies, agents, and mobsters who have taken money from Putin and his agents to cause dire harm to America.
For example, Jeff Sessions and Jared Kushner have already committed felonies by lying on their SF-86 forms--they omitted their Russian connections to gain Top Secret security clearances illegally!
And yet trump treats these felons like valued public servants!
Of course, this is only a partial list, but it's a great place to start!
Once you pick up trump and the rest of these unsavory aliens, you'll probably reduce the crime rate in America by 90%!
Go get 'em!
Heh heh heh.
With that, allow me to slawg on with the blawg.
Choo choo time headlines
Sorry, loves--choo choo time headlines are off today!
Instead, let me just remind you of a couple really important things:
1. Please sign MoveOn's petition to suspend Jared Kushner's Top Secret (!!!) clearance: http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/suspend-jared-kushners-1
2. Please call or write your representative and urge him or her to support Maxine Waters's No REX Act. As the wonderful Ms. Waters tweeted, "I just introduced the 'No Russia Exemption for Oil Production Act' - the No REX Act. The bill blocks Trump from ever granting Exxon's waiver."
If you'd rather fax or let someone else mail your letter to your rep, then text "Resist" to Resistbot at 504-09, text your message and send it, and don't forget to donate!!!!! It's safe--I did it today!
Hopefully, choo choo time headlines will be back next week. Or not. You never know with me.
Daily Kos, AlterNet, and Democracy Now! headlines
Fox News host made a gross sexual innuendo about Ivanka and her microphone on live TV
It's not even a secret, Ryan is going under the bus
Ivanka Trump soliciting donations from foreign governments and corporations for mystery foundation
Kos is prepared to resist Trump every single day for the next four
years and beyond. Can you chip in $1 to support independent, progressive
Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein on Trump-Russia: 'Oh my god, there's a cover-up going on'
Nazi frog: 'Are you a Jew?' David Simon of 'The Wire' says get bent. Virginia GOPer bashes Simon
Chomsky doubles down on statement that the Republican Party is most dangerous group in human history
Pennsylvania state senator to female journalist on bill to cut Planned Parenthood: 'Alright, I'm done with you'
Trump's Army secretary nominee wants leftists to quit smearing his good name with his own quotes
Robert Reich quickly explains why Trump's tax plan is 'appallingly dumb'
Trump has used Twitter to lie, harass and spread hate. And now that
he’s President, his tweets are a national security risk. Tell Twitter to
remove Trump’s account.
GOP rep tells town hall crowd that people using the Medicaid expansion need to 'get better jobs'
AP's Clinton Foundation non-scandal was the worst journalistic malpractice of the 2016 election
Missouri has a new law that makes fights in grade school a felony with up to 4 years of prison time
Taxes, health care, caving on the Wall, oh my!
- Government funding deadline likely to creep forward one week, escape Trump's first 100 days
Angry Trump adviser blames 'fake news,' abruptly leaves university panel after only five questions
Idaho company defends using blatantly racist imagery on its trucks
GOP judge shocks fellow Republicans in NC by resigning to allow Dem governor to choose replacement
Kos needs to raise $246,480.96 to close the books on April. Can you
chip in $1 to support the team that brings progressive news to your
inbox every day?
Latest Republican Trumpcare proposal has an exemption. It exempts them from Trumpcare.
GOP Intelligence Committee chair just drew his most serious Democratic challenger for re-election in years
Hate group leader: Our allies 'are now very well placed' in the Trump administration
Ivanka Trump booed by an audience of women in Germany after claiming Trump champions women's issues
Paul Ryan caught in a vise squeeze between Trump and the Freedom Caucus
Dem congressman on Russia: Public would demand 'full-throttle investigation' if they'd seen what he has
Sign the petition: Support College For All by taxing Wall Street.
Twitter journalists find a new target: Obama and his $400K speaking fee.
Trump will not want his parents to see this report card of his first 100 days in office
GOP senator from Matthew Shepard's state: A 'guy who wears a tutu to the bar' is 'asking for it'
The futility of normalizing Trump
Michael Flynn broke the law when accepting foreign funds, and someone should have known
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Moar m00bies!
25 April 2017 post:
Hello again, fellow Dot Calm Readers, Freedom Fighters, and Truth Crusaders!
So, dear ones. Why do I do this? Why do I spend hours and hours twice a week putting together these blawg posts?
Because I can't stop thinking about what we're fighting for vs what we have.
What are we fighting for?
Picture, if you will, a civil society in which the children can go to thriving, well-funded public schools...like those in Finland...where kids of all income levels mix...where nutritious food is served without kids having to bring money or be shamed by their schools and classmates if their families can't afford it...where critical thinking skills are taught, along with a sound basis in reality...and the children feed their minds with awe, wonder, and the vastness of information to scratch the itch of their curiosity...and, as a natural result of natural, pro-child, pro-reality, pro-civil-society education, the children excel in their studies and outperform every other nation on the planet in standardized tests.
Picture, if you will, a civil society in which health care is understood without question to be a human right for everyone on the planet...where women alone get to determine what happens to their own bodies...where evidence-based medicine is wielded instead of faith healing and woo...where there is no such thing as for-profit health care or pharmaceuticals so that every penny invested goes straight toward making and keeping people healthy and well...where prevention and wellness are emphasized...and where health decisions are made by doctors and patients together, not by for-profit insurance companies...and every citizen, regardless of age or condition or ability to pay, has access to the health care he or she needs whenever he or she needs it...and those with the will and the wherewithal to pursue cosmetic services pay reasonable fees for those services out of pocket...and no one goes bankrupt for cancer, MS, organ transplant,....
Picture, if you will, a civil society where the citizens run the government and are represented proportionally by demographics...where neither the government nor the citizens are afraid of each other because both behave responsibly, obviating fear...where citizens are automatically enrolled at 16 to vote when they turn 18...where election day is a holiday so that people can go vote...where there are enough voting machines with paper records for every voter in every district to vote without having to wait for hours on end on lines...where registered voters can vote by mail if they choose and receive receipts showing that their votes have been counted...and where districts are drawn up as equitably as possible to allow the best ideas rather than the most corrupt gerrymanderers to win elections...and where no individual, corporation, PAC, or other organization can donate more than $2000.00 per candidate per election...and where elections are funded publically...and candidates are free to televise their ideas and hold debates on those ideas without interference from corporate media, millionaires or billionaires, corruption, or foreign interference...with fact checking in real time so that the voters can evaluate the candidates on their own merits and compare them fairly and accurately.
Picture, if you will, a restoration of accountability...where no candidate can be placed on a ballot without releasing his or her tax returns and passing tests for psychological fitness, ability to understand and use evidence-based decision-making, and understanding of basic civics, government, and current events...where no government or private official can commit a crime unpunished...where any organization considered "too big to fail" is broken up and made into co-ops for its workers to run, profit from, and use to contribute to rather than drain society...where corporations that commit crimes against society are disbanded, and all profits made from the crimes are returned to the victims...where the workers reap the benefits of their hard work and earn living wages for 40-hour workweeks...where unions are strong and the middle class is thriving...where those who can most afford to pay taxes in fact pay the most taxes, without loopholes...and where the justice system is truly blind, treating individuals of all races and income levels equally.
Picture, if you will, media that are free from the taint of profit and corruption, with real-time fact checking because democracy depends on an educated, informed public to function wisely and well.
Picture, if you will, a civil society based on compassion and love...which takes care of the young and old...the needy...the sick...those injured in military service...everyone...regardless of race, religion, income, gender, gender identity, etc.
What do we have?
If you said, "The exact opposite of what we're fighting for," you'd be right! Go get yourself some chocolate and pour yourself a Fireball as a reward!
With that sickening thot, dear ones, lemme slawg on with the blawg.
Random commentary
Hey, media--quit your wargasms!
Have you heard that the official State Department website got caught promoting War-a-LagEWWW?
Can you imagine how the teathugs would react if it had been Hillary hawking the Clinton Foundation on an official government website?
They'd riot, shut down the government, and start impeachment hearings within 30 seconds of the story breaking--whether or not it was tr00!
Note to the so-called president: there is ONE White House; it's located at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, and it is in operation 24/7/365, so keep your fat double-wide trailer-trash ass THERE. Capiche, asshole?
Have you heard about tRump's incoherent interview with the Associated Press?
Be afraid...be very afraid!
Caution: although every patriotic American owes it to him or herself to read the entire transcript, your IQ will drop if you do. Luckily for you, I've posted a "physics made easy" vid from Lawrence Krauss in todaze m00bies to bring your IQ back up (I promise--the video is painless, hilarious, and great fun).
Apparently, the most intelligible parts were the ones marked...wait for it..."unintelligible."
Here's a link to the fact-check from PolitiFact.
Spoiler: tRump lied.
Yep--every claim was false, mostly false, or grossly exaggerated.
So what else is new?
Here's PolitiFact's guide to
Spoiler: we're in hell.
Dr. Strangelove's White House...?
Today, Congress got back from yet another vacation; Friday, the government's funding runs out--they could shut down the government. (And blame OBUMMER, of course!)
Repukes plan to "finish" with their even crueler Obamacare replacement by then--tRump plans to withhold insurance funding, and Republicans plan to drive up premiums.
They are LITERALLY playing with Americans' lives.
Just like they did with North Korea--or by threatening Iran, which has been COMPLYING with the treaty set up by Obama.
Apparently, teapukes have NO idea that NK has nukes, so tRump is threatening them...just as he's threatening Iran, which DOESN'T have nukes yet. Is tRump trying to get us all killed because he knows he's either going to jail or getting hanged by the neck until dead?
Julian Assange's seething hatred of Hillary may just get him imprisoned by his boi-toy and crush, tRump.
Like Jill Stein (who dined with PEWtin) and the Greens, Assange came out strongly in support of tRump.
And now dumbald "I LOVE WIKILEAKS" tRump wants to bite the hand that fed him the presidency.
Assange calls himself a "journalist." He-snot, but that label is turning out to be uber-useful to dark-side KKKeebler elf Jeff Sessions, who wants to punish every media outlet for every leak so's to shut our media down.
Friends, our media may not be perfect--which is why I use independent media!--but it's all we've got! We must stand up for our media, such as they are, and fight to restore accountability to them so that they can go back to serving us, not their corporate overlords.
I wonder about the timing of this move to arrest Assange. Methinks perhaps that the tRump-Russia investigations are getting close enough to home that tRump wants to kill the media so he can drive his own coverage and cover the whole goddamned thing up--as if he could stop his own impeachment just by hiding it from the public.
I wouldn't put such st00pidity past him.
Perjuring, misogynist, racist, bigot Jeff Sessions dismissed Hawaii as "an island in the Pacific."
Should I tell him that Hawaii is, erm, more than one island and that it's actually one of the United States?
I guess KKKeebler elf Jeff Sessions never watched "Hawaii Five-O" like I did when I was a kid. He probably never was a kid--he probably sprang fully
So. Who else can't believe that we actually had to march to defend reality?
As we in the SOPROUD Rapid Response Team wrote to our elected officials...
Science is the process of learning about reality by observing it, analyzing those observations, developing provisional explanations based on those observations, and testing those explanations by making predictions based on them and collecting further observations to see if the explanations hold water.
Science is a self-correcting process because scientists the world over compare observations and provisional explanations, trying to correct and one-up each other.
No one ever discovered a new drug, vaccine, or technology by praying in his or her prayer closet. No one ever figured out where to drill for oil based on some holy book.
No--it was all done by hard work, each discovery standing on the shoulders of the previous discoveries that make up today's body of knowledge.
We tried rule by religion, superstition, and ignorance. It was called the Dark Ages.
For the future of yourself, your children and grandchildren, and life on this planet, please fight Republican zeal to throw us back into the Dark Ages. Please base your decisions and policy on evidence, not woo.
You--and we--will be glad you did.
...Feel free to send any or all of this letter to your elected officials! You--and we--will be glad you did!
Tweeted (by me) in response to a CNN headline saying that you can't out-crazy Kim Jong-un:
"I can hear @realdonaldtrump now: hold my beer."
Okay, now, kiddies--don't forget to write to President Javanka!
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500
Choo choo time headlines
The Palmer Report: Report: Trump gave $10 million in Russian money to Jason Chaffetz
...tRump gave Chaffetz the Russian money when Chaffetz leaked the FBI letter from James Comey to Congress about Hillary Clinton's e-mails--you know, the letter that forced Comey to speak publically about the whole thing. Apparently, Chaffetz is now under FBI investigation for campaign finance fraud...meaning the $10 million that tRump donated to his campaign the day after he leaked the letter?!?? Srsly, friends--every last one of these TRAITORS needs to be hanged by the neck until dead. NOW!!!!!
The Guardian: When Nigel Farage met Julian Assange
War on the Rocks: Why Mattis versus Kim Jong-Un Will End Badly for Us All
BuzzFeed: Inside the Hunt for Russia's Hackers
Reuters: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 US election
...The original entry for this headline marked it as an exclusive with documents.
The Guardian: World stock markets hit record highs as Macron relief rally continues
The Guardian: March against madness - denial has pushed scientists out into the streets
The Guardian: Wealthy murder suspect freed on bail as man accused of welfare fraud stuck in jail
...Guess which one is Black and which one is white!
The Guardian: Arkansas carries out first double execution in the US for 16 years
...According to todaze "Democracy Now!" the world is pissed at us for our disgusting inhumanity, cruelty, and sadism as a society that we should allow death row prisoners to be killed at all, let alone tortured to death. America is sick, sick, sick, sick. Michael Moore's "Where to Invade Next" rubs our collective nose in just how sick we are. Republican cruelty and austerity have us so caged that we have no idea how much better our lives could be--just like, provincial as we are, we have no idea how much better people's lives are in civilized countries that value life over profits. But us? In the age of tRump, we're barbaric and proud of it.
The Guardian: Hello, Dolly! review – Bette Midler is irresistible in a riotous delight
...So. How do I get my dad to a showing? He'd lurve it!
Daily Kos, AlterNet, and Democracy Now! headlines
Supreme Court decides that unarmed man shot in the back by a police officer is not entitled to trial
Ivanka brand secretly sold under new name—to chain where customer allegedly spat on 'Ivanka' blouse
Former Fox News anchor reveals that Roger Ailes demanded submission sexually and politically
Kos is prepared to resist Trump every single day for the next four
years and beyond. Can you chip in $1 to support independent, progressive
Racist-as-all-hell Sessions: Child tax credits going to 'mostly Mexicans' can pay for the wall
Bloomberg: Retailers are going bankrupt at record pace under Trump's watch
'School lunch is a waste of money'
Jeff Sessions wants to make forensic evidence in court completely useless and invalid
Collapse: Against 'fierce Democratic opposition' Trump surrenders on funding for his wall
Why are so many male journalists ganging up on Chelsea Clinton on Twitter?
Sign if you agree: Every Republican who voted to to sell our online privacy rights must release their web broswer history.
Inmate who died of dehydration in Sheriff Clarke's jail had water turned off for seven days
Chobani is suing Alex Jones, Infowars for repeatedly claiming the company imports 'migrant rapists'
Trump's failure of a presidency
AP interview provides your handy reminder that Donald Trump is nucking futs
Historians agree: In his first 100 days, Trump excels at being 'an utter failure'
- Senate Intelligence Committee investigation into Russia has no staff, no witnesses, no progress
Don't forget that it's also YUGELY BIGLY about destabilizing America and the West. The half a tril is just bonus. I mean...if oil prices are dropping because even the Saudis are going solar, then how lucrative is this deal really going to be long term?
The Mercers own tRump...PEWtin owns tRump...China owns tRump...Deutsche Bank owns tRump...thus, tRump owes allegiance and favors galore to everyone and everything BUT the United States of America.
I think the Palmer Report has it right: Chaffetz is under FBI investigation for campaign fraud, and he received $10 million (a campaign donation?) in Russian money from tRump the day after he leaked the FBI letter on Hillary's e-mails. Coincidence?
Well, friends, that's it for today. Until we meet again, don't forget to RESIST with Resistbot:
text "Resist" to 50409
...and check out the Electronic Frontier Foundation's website so you can protect your online privacy:
...and don't forget to read Dot Calm's shadow's favorite independent sources of news and information:
Randi Rhodes's Homework page
Michael Moore's FB page -- go here first and do whatever activism he suggests
Daily Kos
Democracy Now!
Democratic Underground
Boing Boing
Conservatives are Destroying our Future
Conservative Clown Car
God, the Good Lord Above
...skip the media outlets in the boycott list unless you want trump propaganda. And TELL their advertisers WHY you are boycotting those media outlets!
On the lighter side:
McSweeney's Internet Tendency
And check out these great channels:
Randi Rhodes Air Force
Keith Olbermann: The Resistance
Thom Hartmann
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Secular Talk
The Young Turks
The Thinking Atheist
Also, don't forget to add these to your Twitter feed if you haven't already:
And now you can add me, too!
Peas, friends. Take care of yourselves for me. Trust me--you're worth it! And go have a Fireball and some chocolate while you still can, will ya? Time is short now that the mouth of
