Monday, March 08, 2010

Palin’s Palm “Pennanigans”

Okay, we all know Sarah wrote some crib notes on her palm to remind herself of what she wanted to discuss.

But, didn’t any of you find it amusing that she actually crossed out on her palm and wrote in a correction?

She was editing her palm!

Now that is a bad use of space! Don’t you agree? How come I’m the only one who found that amusing? Could be because I worked so many years reading edited copy. The writers would find every last space of paper to drop in a caret and proceed to write the equivalent of the Declaration of Independence ... not that Sarah is familiar with that document.

She bragged about hauling her kid off to Canada for treatment when he injured himself and the family didn’t have health care insurance. Canada’s health care worked just fine for her and her family. Who needs health care in America when you live so close to the Canadian border?

Only thing wrong with that is it’s dishonest, Sarah! What do you expect Americans to do who live in the heartland?