Friday, May 13, 2016

I'm still standing...!

Greetings, fellow Dot Calm Readers, Truth Crusaders, and Freedom Fighters!

Boy howdy, what a week I survived. Part of me can't believe I'm alive and well enough to tell about it. Part of me looks back and sees nothing but a huge blur. And part of me is...well, part of me is just wondering what's to eat. After getting barely one meal three days in a row, I seem to be ravenous. And the last part of me is apparently tossing up over whether to go after a nice cuppa coffee or an even nicer Fireball.

Like I said last time, we're still not sure whether we've dodged the bullet re having our mail diverted because our mail did start trickling in after I called our post office. The scammers did receive enough information to go online and  file a change of address on our behalf without our consent. If they have a mailing address here in this country--like in Perry, Florida, where they claim their fake company is located--it would be possible for them to do that. I'm not sure whether they would be able to do it from a foreign address. It is a federal crime to tamper with the mail, so, if this is part of their modus operandi, I'm sure they have some way to cover their tracks if they are taking the risk...just as they have ways to cover their tracks for theft and ransomware despite putting out an ostensible company name and location.

Frankly, though, I am too exhausted to dig any further into it today. My job for today is to try to pick up the pieces of my mental and physical health and try to reassemble them in some way that makes sense...or that will hopefully make sense after what I hope will be a reasonably restful weekend. That's asking quite enough of me at the moment.

Last time, I promised to blog about the wealthy elite's intentional dumbing down of this country in an effort to preclude uprisings like we had in the 1960s. You know what's really funny? My Tea Party Christian friend now thinks that the corporations and the Koch brothers, all of whom were his biggest heros the last time I spoke with him, are LIBERAL! Isn't that about the funniest thing you've ever heard? But what can we expect from someone like him--he's been brainwashed and trained up by religion and politics to redefine inconvenient things based on his own tastes. Yep, his TV...televangelists and FUX Noise...has taught him well to label anything religious he dislikes as "of the devil" and anything political he disagrees with as "liberal." He is so confused he doesn't even know what "liberal" means any more (, anyone? Bueler? BUELER?). It's laughable listening to him describe what he thinks a liberal is...laughable but tragic because FUX has trained up so many of these mental midgets to think exactly the way my friend does...AND THEY VOTE. My friend's religious confusion is also laughable-but-tragic-AND-HE-VOTES...he claims to believe the Bible literally, but he also says he believes that the universe is old, the earth is not flat, the sky is not hard, and MRSA exists, all of which directly contradict the Bible...but he also believes that egg cells are literally dead--not even dormant, which they aren't either--until fertilized by sperm. If that's not about the most fantasy-based piece of biblical "science" you've ever heard, I'd like to hear yours. Of course, my friend disbelieves climate change. Of course, he thinks he knows more than every subject matter expert in every field, and, of course, he thinks he knows more than every doctor. Of course, he thinks his GED is bigger than any and every doctorate in any and every field of study. I'd have more respect for him if he believed what he actually says he believes--if he really did believe the Bible literally--but it is tragic to witness all the mind-phuquage he opens himself to daily that feeds him the unreality he lives in and the information bubble he hides in that bombards him with constant reinforcement of that unreality...AND HE VOTES. Republicans want to stop you from voting if you don't look like a Republican; I'm tempted to say, "Let's have a test. If you don't understand the bill of rights and can't demonstrate that you understand reality, then no voting for you!" That shouldn't but would wipe out the entire Republican party, from base to politicians to everyone in between.

But I digress.

Let's talk for a minute about those wealthy elites. The Trilateral Commission, founded by David Rockefeller in 1973, was intended to be bipartisan. And then there is the term "Rockefeller Republican," meaning a comparatively liberal Republican who leans libertarian on social issues, like gay rights and abortion--meaning "live and let live" rather than actual advocacy. This is where my poor friend is so confused--he stops listening after he hears the qualifier "liberal," meaning that he filters out the word "Republican" in "liberal Republican," and he equates libertarianism with he apparently filters out everything past the syllable "lib," too. On many social issues, many libertarians and liberals agree--they think that private issues like sex are not the government's business. But, on financial issues, there is a decided difference of opinion: liberals want a government that works for the people, but libertarians want the most minimal possible government and would rather do away with federal taxes and government entirely. Liberals want equal opportunity, fair pay, and social safety nets to catch the defenseless--young, old, poor, and sick people--and they actively advocate for equal rights. My libertarian friends advocate only with their votes. Of course, my Tea Party Christian friend also believes that liberals are authoritarians who want the government to run even the most private issues of people's lives...he doesn't see the irony between his fantasy of liberal authoritarianism and his own party's very real determination to regulate every vagina and every gay male's anus.

But I digress again.

So, getting back to Rockefeller Republicans and wealthy elites. If you've ever followed Scott Adams's blog, you'll see that he is a libertarian who, after amassing more money than he could spend in a lifetime, started giving to charity. He realized that his future was secure, and that allowed him to take a step back and adjust his perspective to the broader world. He decided he wanted to make a positive impact and create that legacy (in addition to all the great Dilbert cartoons and books).  He theorizes that others who made their fortunes in their lifetimes had a similar experience. While that's possible, it's also possible that people like the Rockefellers (John D. made his fortune by exploiting cheap immigrant labor in unsafe working conditions) and Bill Gates (who made his fortune by shafting other people, businesses, and the government) turn to philanthropy out of guilt.

So, yeah, I don't buy that these people are liberals. Remember, I refer to the Clintons and Obama as center right, not liberal, based on their words and actions. I'll buy "libertarian" but only to the extent that they let non-white/male/straight/Christian people live AND only to the extent that they don't dick with the government to make it more authoritarian because, my friends, wanting a more authoritarian government makes them conservatives. And guess what--that's exactly what the Trilateral Commission did. They dicked with the government to dumb down public schooling so that the government could increase its authority over the people, making sure that the people work for the government and not vice versa.


Here's what I'ma gonna dew. I'ma post Noam Chomsky's remarks about the Trilateral Commission and their book-length report, "Crisis of Democracy," and I'ma post the link to the report itself. Frankly, I'm just too tired today to read the whole report, but over what I did read, I raised an eyebrow in the same places and for the same reasons as Professor Chomsky. Like I said, liberal is as liberal does, and these people ain't liberals.

Don't forget to read Dot Calm's shadow's favorite independent sources of news and information:

Daily Kos
Democracy Now!
Conservatives are Destroying our Future
Conservative Clown Car--it's LOADED today!!
Americans Against the Republican Party
Americans Against the Tea Party

...And, whatever you do,

Please send him a buck o' five--when people vote, Bernie wins; when Bernie wins, we win. Let's win in California!

Thanks for reading, thanks for being you, and have a safe and relaxing weekend. As for me...I'm going to do a faceplant as soon as I click "Publish," thank you very much.

- Dot Calm's shadow
P.S.--Consider Dot Calm's disclaimer still to be in effect.

  Not responsible for keys getting in the
      way when headed to the right ones.
  Not responsible for misspellings. Too lazy
      to look up the right spelling.
  Not responsible for initial caps. You know
      where they belong...put them in.
  Not responsible for punctuation or grammar;
      consider poetic license being in effect.


Drive a HYBRID.
Leave a lighter footprint on the planet.

The Kenyan Muslim
liberal fascist
weak dictator
Obama is coming
for your guns 'n' Bibles
November 8, 2016.
The rights you save
may be your own!

Today's Featured Story
The Carter Administration: Myth and Reality
by Noam Chomsky

Excerpted from Radical Priorities, 1981

Perhaps the most striking feature of the new Administration is the role played in it by the Trilateral Commission. The mass media had little to say about this matter during the Presidential campaign — in fact, the connection of the Carter group to the Commission was recently selected as “the best censored news story of 1976” — and it has not received the attention that it might have since the Administration took office. All of the top positions in the government — the office of President, Vice-President, Secretary of State, Defense and Treasury — are held by members of the Trilateral Commission, and the National Security Advisor was its director. Many lesser officials also came from this group. It is rare for such an easily identified private group to play such a prominent role in an American Administration.

The Trilateral Commission was founded at the initiative of David Rockefeller in 1973. Its members are drawn from the three components of the world of capitalist democracy: the United States, Western Europe, and Japan. Among them are the heads of major corporations and banks, partners in corporate law firms, Senators, Professors of international affairs — the familiar mix in extra-governmental groupings. Along with the 1940s project of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), directed by a committed “trilateralist” and with numerous links to the Commission, the project constitutes the first major effort at global planning since the War-Peace Studies program of the CFR during World War II.

The new “trilateralism” reflects the realization that the international system now requires “a truly common management,” as the Commission reports indicate. The trilateral powers must order their internal relations and face both the Russian bloc, now conceded to be beyond the reach of Grand Area planning, and the Third World.

In this collective management, the United States will continue to play the decisive role. As Kissinger has explained, other powers have only “regional interests” while the United States must be “concerned more with the overall framework of order than with the management of every regional enterprise.” If a popular movement in the Arabian peninsula is to be crushed, better to dispatch US-supplied Iranian forces, as in Dhofar. If passage for American nuclear submarines must be guaranteed in Southeast Asian waters, then the task of crushing the independence movement in the former Portuguese colony of East Timor should be entrusted to the Indonesian army rather than an American expeditionary force. The massacre of over 60,000 people in a single year will arouse no irrational passions at home and American resources will not be drained, as in Vietnam. If a Katangese secessionist movement is to be suppressed in Zaire (a movement that may have Angolan support in response to the American-backed intervention in Angola from Zaire, as the former CIA station chief in Angola has recently revealed in his letter of resignation), then the task should be assigned to Moroccan satellites forces and to the French, with the US discreetly in the background. If there is a danger of socialism in southern Europe, the German proconsulate can exercise its “regional interests.” But the Board of Directors will sit in Washington….

The Trilateral Commission has issued one major book-length report, namely, The Crisis of Democracy (Michel Crozier, Samuel Huntington, and Joji Watanuki, 1975). Given the intimate connections between the Commission and the Carter Administration, the study is worth careful attention, as an indication of the thinking that may well lie behind its domestic policies, as well as the policies undertaken in other industrial democracies in the coming years.

The Commission’s report is concerned with the “governability of the democracies.” Its American author, Samuel Huntington, was former chairman of the Department of Government at Harvard, and a government adviser. He is well-known for his ideas on how to destroy the rural revolution in Vietnam. He wrote in Foreign Affairs (1968) that “In an absent-minded way the United States in Vietnam may well have stumbled upon the answer to ‘wars of national liberation.'” The answer is “forced-draft urbanization and modernization.” Explaining this concept, he observes that if direct application of military force in the countryside “takes place on such a massive scale as to produce a massive migration from countryside to city” then the “Maoist-inspired rural revolution may be “undercut by the American-sponsored urban revolution.” The Viet Cong, he wrote, is “a powerful force which cannot be dislodged from its constituency so long as the constituency continues to exist.” Thus “in the immediate future” peace must “be based on accommodation” particularly since the US is unwilling to undertake the “expensive, time consuming and frustrating task” of ensuring that the constituency of the Viet Cong no longer exists (he was wrong about that, as the Nixon-Kissinger programs of rural massacre were to show). “Accommodation” as conceived by Huntington is a process whereby the Viet Cong “degenerate into the protest of a declining rural minority” while the regime imposed by US force maintains power. A year later, when it appeared that “urbanization” by military force was not succeeding and it seemed that the United States might be compelled to enter into negotiations with the NLF [National Liberation Front] (which he recognized to be “the most powerful purely political national organization”), Huntington, in a paper delivered before the AID-supported Council on Vietnamese Studies which he had headed, proposed various measures of political trickery and manipulation that might be used to achieve the domination of the U.S.-imposed government, though the discussants felt rather pessimistic about the prospects….

In short, Huntington is well-qualified to discourse on the problems of democracy.

The report argues that what is needed in the industrial democracies “is a greater degree of moderation in democracy” to overcome the “excess of democracy” of the past decade. “The effective operation of a democratic political system usually requires some measure of apathy and noninvolvement on the part of some individuals and groups.” This recommendation recalls the analysis of Third World problems put forth by other political thinkers of the same persuasion, for example, Ithiel Pool (then chairman of the Department of Political Science at MIT), who explained some years ago that in Vietnam, the Congo, and the Dominican Republic, “order depends on somehow compelling newly mobilized strata to return to a measure of passivity and defeatism… At least temporarily the maintenance of order requires a lowering of newly acquired aspirations and levels of political activity.” The Trilateral recommendations for the capitalist democracies are an application at home of the theories of “order” developed for subject societies of the Third World.

The problems affect all of the trilateral countries, but most significantly, the United States. As Huntington points out, “for a quarter century the United States was the hegemonic power in a system of world order” — the Grand Area of the CFR [Council on Foreign Relations]. “A decline in the governability of democracy at home means a decline in the influence of democracy abroad.” He does not elaborate on what this “influence” has been in practice, but ample testimony can be provided by survivors in Asia and Latin America.

As Huntington observes, “Truman had been able to govern the country with the cooperation of a relatively small number of Wall Street lawyers and bankers,” a rare acknowledgement of the realities of political power in the United States. But by the mid-1960s this was no longer possible since “the sources of power in society had diversified tremendously,” the “most notable new source of power” being the media. In reality, the national media have been properly subservient to the state propaganda system, a fact on which I have already commented. Huntington’s paranoia about the media is, however, widely shared among ideologists who fear a deterioration of American global hegemony and an end to the submissiveness of the domestic population.

A second threat to the governability of democracy is posed by the “previously passive or unorganized groups in the population,” such as “blacks, Indians, Chicanos, white ethnic groups, students and women — all of whom became organized and mobilized in new ways to achieve what they considered to be their appropriate share of the action and of the rewards.” The threat derives from the principle, already noted, that “some measure of apathy and noninvolvement on the part of some individuals and groups” is a prerequisite for democracy. Anyone with the slightest understanding of American society can supply a hidden premise: the “Wall Street lawyers and bankers” (and their cohorts) do not intend to exercise “more self-restraint.” We may conclude that the “greater degree of moderation in democracy” will have to be practiced by the “newly mobilized strata.”

Huntington’s perception of the “concerned efforts” of these strata “establish their claims” and the “control over… institutions” that resulted is no less exaggerated than his fantasies about the media. In fact, the Wall Street lawyers, bankers, etc., are no less in control of the government than in the Truman period, as a look at the new Administration or its predecessors reveals. But one must understand the curious notion of “democratic participation” that animates the Trilateral Commission study. Its vision of “democracy” is reminiscent of the feudal system. On the one hand, we have the King and Princes (the government). On the other, the commoners. The commoners may petition and the nobility must respond to maintain order. There must however be a proper “balance between power and liberty, authority and democracy, government and society.” “Excess swings may produce either too much government or too little authority.” In the 1960s, Huntington maintains, the balance shifted too far to society and against government. “Democracy will have a longer life if it has a more balanced existence,” that is, if the peasants cease their clamor. Real participation of “society” in government is nowhere discussed, nor can there be any question of democratic control of the basic economic institutions that determine the character of social life while dominating the state as well, by virtue of their overwhelming power. Once again, human rights do not exist in this domain.

The report does briefly discuss “proposals for industrial democracy modeled on patterns of political democracy,” but only to dismiss them. These ideas are seen as “running against the industrial culture and the constraints of business organization.” Such a device as German co-determination would “raise impossible problems in many Western democracies, either because leftist trade unionists would oppose it and utilize it without becoming any more moderate, or because employers would manage to defeat its purposes.” In fact, steps towards worker participation in management going well beyond the German system are being discussed and in part implemented in Western Europe, though they fall far short of true industrial democracy and self-management in the sense advocated by the libertarian left. They have evoked much concern in business circles in Europe and particularly in the United States, which has so far been isolated from these currents, since American multinational enterprises will be affected. But these developments are anathema to the trilateralist study.

Still another threat to democracy in the eyes of the Commission study is posed by “the intellectuals and related groups who assert their disgust with the corruption, materialism, and inefficiency of democracy and with the subservience of democratic government to ‘monopoly capitalism'” (the latter phrase is in quotes since it is regarded as improper to use an accurate descriptive term to refer to the existing social and economic system; this avoidance of the taboo term is in conformity with the dictates of the state religion, which scorns and fears any such sacrilege).

Intellectuals come in two varieties, according to the trilateral analysis. The “technocratic and policy-oriented intellectuals” are to be admired for their unquestioning obedience to power and their services in social management, while the “value-oriented intellectuals” must be despised and feared for the serious challenge they pose to democratic government, by “unmasking and delegitimatization of established institutions.”

The authors do not claim that what the value-oriented intellectuals write and say is false. Such categories as “truth” and “honesty” do not fall within the province of the apparatchiks. The point is that their work of “unmasking and delegitimatization” is a threat to democracy when popular participation in politics is causing “a breakdown of traditional means of social control.” They “challenge the existing structures of authority” and even the effectiveness of “those institutions which have played the major role in the indoctrination of the young.” Along with “privatistic youth” who challenge the work ethic in its traditional form, they endanger democracy, whether or not their critique is well-founded. No student of modern history will fail to recognize this voice.
What must be done to counter the media and the intellectuals, who, by exposing some ugly facts, contribute to the dangerous “shift in the institutional balance between government and opposition”?

How do we control the “more politically active citizenry” who convert democratic politics into “more an arena for the assertion of conflicting interests than a process for the building of common purposes”? How do we return to the good old days when “Truman, Acheson, Forrestal, Marshall, Harriman, and Lovett” could unite on a policy of global intervention and domestic militarism as our “common purpose,” with no interference from the undisciplined rabble?

The crucial task is “to restore the prestige and authority of central government institutions, and to grapple with the immediate economic challenges.” The demands on government must be reduced and we must “restore a more equitable relationship between government authority and popular control.”

The press must be reined. If the media do not enforce “standards of professionalism,” then “the alternative could well be regulation by the government” — a distinction without a difference, since the policy-oriented and technocratic intellectuals, the commissars themselves, are the ones who will fix these standards and determine how well they are respected. Higher education should be related “to economic and political goals,” and if it is offered to the masses, “a program is then necessary to lower the job expectations of those who receive a college education.” No challenge to capitalist institutions can be considered, but measures should be taken to improve working conditions and work organization so that workers will not resort to “irresponsible blackmailing tactics.” In general, the prerogatives of the nobility must be restored and the peasants reduced to the apathy that becomes them.

This is the ideology of the liberal wing of the state capitalist ruling elite, and, it is reasonable to assume, its members who now staff the national executive in the United States….

Read it for yourself:
Trilateral Commission report, "Crisis of Democracy"


I saw this story and have to correct the meme: the suspicious language was calculus, which uses but is not algebra. The woman thought the man was writing in Arabic...which is partly true because we do use Arabic numbers, and algebra is an Arabic invention....
As for the passenger?


From the Mailbag

Policy Report
Weekly Top 10

Quote round up: Advocates highlight disparities in abortion access, back OB-GYN fighting to speak out on abortion care

Key stakeholders in women's health comment on disparities in access to reproductive health care, an OB-GYN's push to publicly discuss the importance of abortion as a health care service and more. More »


Read More

Report: Number of Catholic hospitals up more than 20 percent in 15 years

The number of hospitals in the United States that are Catholic-owned or affiliated increased by 22 percent over the past 15 years, posing problems for the provision of reproductive health care, according to a report from MergerWatch and the American Civil Liberities Union, Reuters reports. More »

Read More

Tissue procurement company says House panel's letter mispresents its efforts to meet panel's demands

A tissue procurement company targeted in an ongoing congressional investigation into abortion providers last week rebuked the special House subcommittee conducting the investigation for misrepresenting the company's efforts to comply with the subcommittee's subpoenas, Rewire reports. More »

Read More

Jury finds abortion-rights opponent did not threaten physician with letter

A jury on Friday found that an abortion-rights opponent who sent a letter to a Kansas-based physician suggesting someone might place explosives under the physician's car was not trying to intimidate the physician, the AP/Washington Post reports. More »

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N.H. Senate rejects two antiabortion-rights bills

The New Hampshire Senate last week in two evenly split votes rejected two antiabortion-rights bills, the New Hampshire Union Leader reports. More »

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Blogs comment on 'frustrating' response to Ala. law criminalizing pregnant women, urge SCOTUS to uphold contraceptive coverage rules & more

Read some of the best commentary from bloggers at Salon, Huffington Post blogs and more. More »

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New York City prohibits bars, restaurants from refusing pregnant women alcohol

Citing discrimination concerns, New York City has issued new guidelines that prohibit restaurants and bars from refusing to serve alcoholic drinks to pregnant women, the New York Times reports. More »

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Mo. House approves 'personhood bill,' sending it to state Senate

The Missouri House voted 110-37 last week to advance a measure (HJR 98) that would create a ballot proposal to extend state constitutional rights to fetuses, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch's "Political Fix" reports. More »

Read More

Fla. Supreme Court agrees to review temporary injunction in lawsuit challenging mandatory delay law

The Florida Supreme Court last week ruled 5-2 to consider a lower court's decision permitting the state to enforce a mandatory delay law (HB 633) while litigation challenging the law continues, the Miami Herald/Tampa Bay Times reports. More »

Read More

Ala. clinic owner calls out state's 'relentless attack' on abortion rights

"Alabama politicians are at it again in their relentless attack on women's access to abortion," Dalton Johnson, the owner and operator of Alabama Women's Center for Reproductive Alternatives, writes in an Alabama Media Group opinion piece. More »

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Blogs comment on complex reasons behind clinic closures, one provider's fight to speak out on abortion care and more

Read some of the best commentary from bloggers at Care2, Slate's "XX Factor" and more. More »

Read More


Somehow, someway ... Donald Trump just got a whole lot worse for veterans. Here's a headline from today's Wall Street Journal:
"Donald Trump Adviser Signals Plan to Change Veterans' Health Care
GOP front-runner would likely push VA toward privatization"

Every major veterans group opposes turning over veterans to for-profit health care companies and making them fight for their earned benefits. It's not stretch to say that when you take Donald Trump's position on veterans' care hand-in-hand with his desire to send more troops to the Middle East to fight in Iraq and Syria, that he is anti-veteran. In fact, Trump is maybe the most anti-veteran candidate in quite some time.

And if there's one group who can succeed in stopping Donald Trump where others have not, it's veterans. At VoteVets, we've been preparing for this moment for some time now. All we need is you to stand with us:

Contribute to VoteVets to help elevate the voices of veterans in the campaign to keep Donald Trump out of the White House in 2016.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

The problem with Donald Trump -- as it is with regards to most other issues -- is his ignorance on the issue of veterans' health care. He does not seem to know or care that many times veterans require specialized care for things like PTSD or brain injury that private hospitals are not equipped to provide. He doesn't get that, while there should always be evolution at the VA, most veterans actually like their care! And private studies have found it to be as good or often better than private care.

But we'll make sure he gets that message loud and clear by the time we're done with him this fall. That's why your contribution is so important.

All my best,

Jon Soltz
Iraq War Veteran & Chairman

From Steve Santarsiero for Congress

On this issue, the choice is clear.

My Republican opponent wants to defund Planned Parenthood, leaving women with fewer options for safe and affordable access to healthcare.

I have a 100% rating from Planned Parenthood.

Donate $5 right now and stand up to the attacks on Planned Parenthood.

The choice for voters this year is simple: a 100% women’s health rating or $0 funding for Planned Parenthood?

Will you stand with Planned Parenthood and support a pro-choice Democrat to win in one of the nation’s closest swing districts?

- Steve

Paid for by Santarsiero for Congress
CREDO action
Donald Trump: Racist, sexist and sponsored by Google?!?
Google just announced that its YouTube division will be the official livestream provider of the Donald Trump-led Republican convention, despite massive pressure from activists demanding the company stand up for its alleged values of diversity and inclusion in the face of Trump’s racism, xenophobia and misogyny.
Google’s planned sponsorship of the Republican convention will help legitimize and normalize Trump’s platform of hate. It’s appalling that access to political power is more important to Google than standing up for its stated values.
It’s not too late for Google to reverse course. That’s why we put together this short video to show Google exactly what it’s getting with its sponsorship of Trump.
Will you watch the video and share it with your friends?
Click here to watch the video.

Help make sure Google gets the message by sharing the video:
Click here to share the video on Facebook.
Click here to share the video on Twitter.
If you want to email your friends, here's the direct link to the video: Or you can just forward this email.
Now that Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee, it’s more important than ever to stand up against his fascist platform. Keeping the pressure on Google, and on other corporations considering whether or not to sponsor the Republican convention, is an important step in helping to marginalize Trump’s message and his values. The more we can share this video, the stronger that message will be.
Thank you for your activism.
Heidi Hess, Senior Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

© 2016 CREDO. All rights reserved.
Just Foreign Policy

Urge your Rep. to support the Conyers amendment to block the transfer of cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia.

Take Action

Reps. Conyers (MI), Grijalva (AZ), Ellison (MN), and McGovern (MA) have introduced an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act which would prevent any money in the bill from being used to facilitate the transfer of cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has used U.S.-supplied cluster bombs in civilian areas in Yemen, killing and wounding civilians, in defiance of U.S. law.

Urge your Rep. to support the Conyers-Grijalva-Ellison-McGovern NDAA amendment by signing our petition at MoveOn.

Passage of this amendment would be a step towards compliance with Human Rights Watch's demand that the U.S. stop the production and transfer of cluster bombs completely, consistent with the Convention on Cluster Munitions. It would also be a step towards fulfilling the demands of Sens. Murphy and Paul and Reps. Yoho and Lieu that U.S. weapons transfers to Saudi Arabia be conditioned on efforts to limit casualties in the Saudi war in Yemen.

It was taboo to criticize Saudi Arabia. Now even Republicans are doing it. A former Republican member of the 9/11 commission said yesterday he believes there was clear evidence that Saudi government employees were part of a support network for the 9/11 hijackers and that the administration should move quickly to declassify a long-secret congressional report on Saudi ties to the 9/11 attack.

Urge your Representative to support the Conyers-Grijalva-Ellison-McGovern NDAA amendment by signing and sharing our petition.

Thanks for all you do to help make U.S. foreign policy more just,

Robert Naiman, Avram Reisman, and Sarah Burns
Just Foreign Policy

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If you think our work is important, support us with a $15 donation.

Please support our work. Donate for a Just Foreign Policy
© 2016 Just Foreign Policy
For decades, anti-choice extremists have used threats, bullying, and violence to intimidate abortion providers and keep this basic reproductive health service hidden in the shadows. But Dr. Diane J. Horvath-Cosper, an OB/GYN and abortion provider in Washington, D.C., won't be silenced. She's long been a powerful advocate and activist in the fight for reproductive freedom—and as a result, her hospital has threatened to fire her. Not only does silencing employees for speaking out about abortion fail to protect patients and providers, it's discrimination—and it's against the law.
Will you send a message of support to Dr. Horvath-Cosper today thanking her for standing strong for her patients?
You can write your own or edit the one we've provided. With our friends at National Network of Abortion Funds and National Women Law's Center, we'll deliver messages of support from across the country to Diane here in Washington.
The movement to end abortion stigma starts with people—doctors, women who have had an abortion, their support networks, and more—talking about the decision and why it was right for each person at that moment in time.
Dr. Horvath-Cosper is on the frontlines of the fight for reproductive freedom and she deserves protection against discrimination. Her work is vitally important to critical women's health care—add your name to make sure she knows you're on her side.
Thank you for all you do for reproductive freedom.

Sasha Bruce
Senior Vice President, NARAL Pro-Choice America


template image Amnesty International USA Action Alert template image  
Malawi: Stop the killing of people with albinism
Get Involved
Take Action

Photo not of David Fletcher
David Fletcher went missing in Malawi, and was later found dead—likely targeted because of his albinism.

Urge Malawi to promptly investigate David’s murder and ensure next steps are taken to protect people with albinism.
Take Action!

On April 24th David Fletcher, a child with albinism in Malawi, was abducted and later killed.

People with albinism in Malawi live in fear of being abducted or killed, their body parts to be sold for use in religious rituals.

Tell the authorities in Malawi to urgently search for David’s killers and put measures in place to protect people with albinism.

He was walking to a soccer game in Malawi and that was the last his friends and family heard from him.

David’s story is not unique—thousands of people with albinism live in fear for their lives every day in Malawi.

With attacks against people with albinism increasing, families have withdrawn children from schools for fear of attacks, and some people with albinism have moved to urban areas for safety.

Demand the Malawi government uphold its responsibilities to protect people with albinism.

Take action today.

Together in activism,

Zeke Johnson
Managing Director, Individuals at Risk
Amnesty International USA

Take Action! Donate Now!
Amnesty International USA

More than 1 MILLION Virginia seniors depend on Social Security.
But Congressional Republicans are determined to undermine this critical program: 
Slashing hard-earned benefits
Raising the retirement age
Even privatizing Social Security, leaving seniors without the income they need to survive!
We can't let Congressional Republicans use seniors' benefits as a partisan bargaining chip.
Add your name to tell Congressional Republicans:
Keep your hands off Social Security!
Attorney General Mark Herring is a Democratic leader committed to standing up for all Virginians against Republican attacks. If you'd like to make a contribution to keep him fighting for us, please click here.


Wall Street's top lobbyist just claimed banks have a “constitutional right” to billions of dollars in public subsidies.

That's absurd. Tell the Federal Reserve to ignore Wall Street’s ridiculous claim – and end banks’ $7 billion public subsidy >>
This is so crazy I can hardly believe I’m writing it.
After Congress passed a law removing $7 billion in pointless public subsidies for the biggest banks, Wall Street’s top lobbyist just claimed banks have a constitutional right to that free public money.
That wild assertion is one of only 8 public comments filed at the Federal Reserve on this question, so it’s critical that we call on the Fed to ignore Wall Street’s ridiculous claim – and finalize the rule ending this wasteful public subsidy.
I realize this sounds nuts – because it truly is – so let me break it down:
Each year, banks have gotten a guaranteed 6% dividend on stock they own in the Federal Reserve, rain or shine.
That means they make their money back over and over – in addition to all the huge benefits they get from being a member bank in the Federal Reserve system.
What makes this even more spectacular for the banks — and more ridiculous for the public — is that it’s completely risk free for the banks! Even if the Fed disbanded they would get all their money back.
When a staffer in Congress uncovered this giveaway, both Democrats and Republicans agreed to repeal this wasteful subsidy and redirect the money to the federal highway trust fund.
That would put $7 billion over the next 10 years into repairing our nation’s highways instead of enriching bankers!
Wall Street isn’t happy about losing all this free money. The country’s top bank lobbyist, Rob Nichols at the American Banking Association, wrote a letter to the Federal Reserve saying banks are constitutionally “entitled” to this public subsidy – and essentially threatened to sue if the Fed finalizes the rule.
Thanks for fighting back,
David Segal
Executive Director


Why stand apart, when we can rise together

RoundUp is the most widely used poison in the world, yet we know nothing about our exposure to it.


Take Action: Tell the USDA to test for pesticide residue on our food.


Greetings -
You could be eating, drinking and breathing glyphosate -- the main active ingredient in one of the most widely used poisons in the world, Monsanto’s RoundUp.
It's estimated over 1.4 billion pounds of this poison is applied annually, from commercial agriculture to private lawns, yet we know nothing about our exposure to it.1
Tell the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to test for glyphosate residue on our food. We have the right to know if we're eating Monsanto's RoundUp.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the USDA monitor our food for pesticide residue, but until recently both agencies didn’t include glyphosate in its monitoring programs.
The FDA, after public outcry, announced plans to start testing milk, eggs, soybeans and corn for glyphosate residue.2
This is our time to urge the USDA to follow in the footsteps of the FDA, and begin monitoring of glyphosate residue on our food.
The USDA claims to produce the most comprehensive pesticide residue database in the U.S..3 Their Pesticide Data Program is designed to test food in the U.S. food supply with the emphasis on commodities highly consumed by infants and children. But in its current form their monitoring program does not test for glyphosate -- the most used agricultural chemical ever.4
This is unacceptable when we think about the impact glyphosate has on our health when exposed to even a small amount of it.
Exposure to glyphosate has been found to: interfere with the proper functioning and production of hormone cells; lead to pregnancy problems like abnormal fetal development, low birth weights or miscarriages; and increase our risk of cancer.5 6 7
In fact, concerns over the toxicity of glyphosate led Italy, France, Sweden and the Netherlands to oppose a relicensing of Monsanto's RoundUp; effectively postponing the vote until after an evaluation of glyphosate's toxicity has been properly conducted.8
Take Action: Tell the USDA to protect our families by including glyphosate in its National Pesticide Residue Monitoring Program.
Monsanto's RoundUp is a poison that is sprayed onto our food, and we're most likely eating it.
Every day that passes, where we're left ignorant about our exposure to glyphosate, is another day we allow glyphosate to inflict harm on our health.
We have the right to know if we are eating Monsanto's RoundUp. Tell the USDA to test for glyphosate residue on our food.
In solidarity,
Eric Enrique Borja

P.S. Five signatures are even more powerful than one -- after you take action, be sure to forward this alert to your friends, family, and colleagues!
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1. Grossman, Elizabeth. (23 April 2015). "What Do We Really Know About RoundUp Weed Killer?" National Geographic.
3. United States Department of Agriculture. (date accessed 5 April 2016). "Pesticide Data Program." USDA.
4. Main, Douglas. (16 February 2016). "Glyphosate Now the Most-Used Agricultural Chemical Ever." Newsweek.
5. Heyes, J.D. (06 April 2015). "Monsanto RoundUp Harms Human Endocrine System at Levels Allowed in Drinking Water, Study Shows." GlobalResearch: Centre for Research on Globalization.
6. Gammon, Crystal. (23 June 2009). "Weed-Whacking Herbicide Proves Deadly to Human Cells." Scientific American.
7. Charles, Dan. (24 March 2015). "A Top Weedkiller Could Cause Cancer. Should we be Scared?" NPR.
8. Neslen, Arthur. (8 March 2016). "Vote on controversial weedkiller's European licence postponed." The Guardian.

Photo credit: rick / CC BY 2.0


From EMILY's List--women deserve equal pay
It’s 2016 and America still has a gender pay gap that isn’t shrinking fast enough. For full-time work, the average woman makes only 79 cents for every dollar a man makes.

Sign if you agree: It’s time to end this gender discrimination.

Now more than ever, we need to elect women to Congress who will fight for equal pay to support women and families across the country.

Over and over, we’ve seen Republicans vote against key legislation to make progress on equal pay. Republicans in the Senate have opposed legislation like the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act.

Equal pay for equal work is an issue that affects working families in every state. By expanding economic opportunity for women, we can guarantee more income to households across America, lifting up entire families. When it comes to supporting key efforts to shrink the wage gap, EMILY’s List candidates are up to the task.

Equal pay is long overdue, and families can’t afford to wait any longer. Click here to help us elect pro-choice Democratic women to Congress who will fight for America’s families and make equal pay a reality.

Keep Fighting,
Carissa Miller, Daily Kos

Paid for by EMILY's List,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.           
Dot Calm, this one's for you!
Did you know
that there was no such thing
as atmospheric water vapor
before Noah's flood?
If atmospheric water vapor
had existed before Noah's flood,
then there would have been rainbows
 after EVERY rainstorm--
even the very first one!
-- Dot Calm's shadow

Democracy Now!


Brazil's former vice president, Michel Temer, assumed power as interim president Thursday after the country's Senate voted to suspend President Dilma Rousseff and ... Read More →

We go behind bars to get an update on the end of a 10-day strike by Alabama prisoners to protest severe overcrowding, poor living conditions and the 13th ... Read More →

As the death toll in Syria's five-year conflict reportedly reaches half a million people, we look at how Syrians are working at the local level to survive and organize in the ... Read More →
  • Brazil: Michel Temer Takes Power as President Rousseff Vows to Fight Impeachment

  • Obama: Students Have Right to Use Bathroom That Corresponds to Gender Identity

  • Pope to Form Commission to Study Women Serving as Deacons

  • Speaker Paul Ryan Appears to Warm to Donald Trump as Nominee

  • Trump’s Former Butler Called for President Obama to Be Hanged

  • Iraq: ISIS Kills 20 Iraqi Soldiers and Tribal Fighters

  • Syria: Fighting Breaks Out in Aleppo as Ceasefire Expires

  • Somalia: U.S. Airstrike Kills 5

  • Pentagon: 25 U.S. Soldiers Stationed at 2 Outposts in Libya

  • Former 9/11 Commission Member Calls for Obama to Declassify 28 Pages
  • Judge Rules Against Portion of Obama Healthcare Law
  • U.S. Supreme Court Halts Execution of Vernon Madison in Alabama

  • Stories

    The groundbreaking human rights attorney Michael Ratner has died at the age of 72. For over four decades, he defended, investigated and spoke up for victims of human ... Read More →

    On Wednesday, the trailblazing attorney Michael Ratner died at the age of 72. In recent years, Ratner served as the chief attorney for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and ... Read More →

    Michael Ratner's activism and human rights work dated back to the 1960s. He was a student at Columbia Law School during the 1968 student strike. He joined the Center ... Read More →
  • Brazil: Rousseff Suspended as Senate Votes for Impeachment Trial

  • Pioneering Human Rights Lawyer Michael Ratner Dies at 72

  • Donald Trump to Meet with Paul Ryan Amid Party Fissures

  • Iraq: 93 Killed in Deadliest Day in Baghdad This Year

  • U.S. Has Resettled Only 1,736 Syrian Refugees in Last 7 Months

  • Turkish Forces Accused of Shooting Kurdish Civilians & Syrian Refugees

  • Kenya Says It Will Close World’s Largest Refugee Camp

  • Italy Legalizes Civil Unions for Same-Sex Couples
  • Shell Abandons All But One Lease for Drilling in Arctic’s Chukchi Sea

  • George Zimmerman to Auction Off Gun He Used to Kill Trayvon Martin

  • Robert Dear, Who Killed 3 at Planned Parenthood, Unfit to Stand Trial

  • Top 25 Hedge Fund Managers Earn $13 Billion in 2015

  • Climate Activists Drive Chairman of Energy Commission from Stage

  • ********************************************


    Daily Kos

    Facing a massive boycott, Target CEO doubles down on support of LGBTQ rights with these words

  • South Carolina barber arrested after pulling a gun, telling a customer he 'doesn't cut black hair'
  • Cartoon: The tragedy of baby-on-gun violence
  • Trump's loyal butler goes on Facebook rant saying Obama should have been 'shot as an enemy agent'
  • Company tricked mentally impaired victims of lead paint out of settlements
  • By big margins, GOP voters falsely believe unemployment and the stock market are worse under Obama
  • Donald Trump now says his infamous call to block Muslims from entering U.S. was 'only a suggestion'
  • Trump won't release his tax returns to voters. But to get a casino license ...
  • Sign if you agree with Everytown: Congress should not backtrack on President Obama’s common sense gun measure which will help save lives. sponsored
  • Mothers worldwide are fighting for justice
  • Federal charges filed against police officer in Walter Scott shooting case
  • Another Koch ad attack on a Democrat, another backfire
  • Senior GOP senator: 'The so-called split between the Republican party and its Presidential nominee is a made up story'
  • Facing a massive boycott, Target CEO doubles down on support of LGBTQ rights with these words
  • Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says he skipped $101 million in debt payments because of 'Obama economy'
  • Police responded to 17,000 calls to Tampa Bay Walmarts in a single year, taxpayers pick up the bill
  • Sign if you agree with NARAL: There's too much at stake for women's health to play politics with a Supreme Court vacancy. sponsored
  • Donald Trump once cut off health coverage for his nephew's ailing baby ...

  • Donald Trump learned a very important message today—do NOT pick a fight with Elizabeth Warren
  • #BernieOrBust? Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky and Bill Maher have some advice for you
  • Dear god, Donald Trump even gets baseball wrong!
  • Stand with Hillary if you agree: Companies who walk out on America should pay a price. sponsored
  • Paul Krugman explains Trump: 'The Making Of An Ignoramus'
  • Republican chairman tries to attack the Democratic Party on Twitter and fails spectacularly
  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren drumpfs Trump again—this time during a Policy.MIC interview
  • Cartoon: Primary pandemonium
  • West Point Cadets won't face punishment for photo that white folks lost their $h!t over
  • He murdered Trayvon, and now he seeks to auction the bloody gun
  • Join us and the Alliance for Gun Responsibility to tell Congress: hold the gun industry accountable. sponsored
  • With little warning, Cleveland Catholic Diocese more than doubles rent for low-income residents
  • Noted slimeball and phony Ted Nugent spreads graphic video of Bernie murdering Hillary
  • Trump's team blames 'database error' for making prominent white nationalist a delegate, but ...
  • Trump promises to deliver four or five anti-abortion Supreme Court justices
  • Obama administration embraces war criminal Henry Kissinger with Distinguished Public Servant Award
  • Investigators: Fire that caused 2013 explosion at Texas fertilizer plant was deliberately set
  • Jon Stewart analyzes, explains, and destroys Donald Trump and the Republican Party
  • Donald Trump loses one of the most embarrassing polls in recent memory

  • ********************************************
    Why does Ted Nugent wear a landing strip
    just below his mouth?
    -- Dot Calm's shadow



    By Elizabeth Preza, AlterNet
    Broadcast media has helped Trump perpetuate falsehoods like these four blatant lies. READ MORE»

    By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet
    Afghans are being denied the right to seek justice under their own political system. READ MORE»

    By Adele M. Stan, The American Prospect
    This should be campaign suicide, but Trump may still get the vote of the women he offends. READ MORE»

    By Ben Norton, Salon
    Hedge fund managers James Simons and Kenneth Griffin have poured millions into the corporate Dems' campaigns. READ MORE»

    By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet
    So says insider report on "helping" students at Success Academy. READ MORE»

    By Viji Sundaram, New America Media
    Physicans warn that the risks of continuing the ACA will leave millions uninsured indefinitely. READ MORE»

    By Jim Hightower, AlterNet
    Uber messed with Texas and lost Austin. But will other cities catch on to the anti-labor "gig economy" before it's too late? READ MORE»

    By Yolanda Pierce, Religion Dispatches
    To understand “Lemonade” is to understand the contrasting realities under which black Christian women live their religious lives. READ MORE»

    By Patrick L. Smith, Salon
    A startling piece pulls back the curtain on how our foreign policy is created—and sold to willing media dupes. READ MORE»

    By Stephanie Connolly, Talk Poverty
    The safety net program also helps millions of young people. READ MORE»

    By Carlton Mark Waterhouse, The Conversation
    The overwhelming majority of academics studying the issue have supported the calls for compensating black Americans for slavery.  READ MORE»

    By Katie Klabusich, The Establishment
    The league’s treatment of Laremy Tunsil highlights some disturbing priorities. READ MORE»

    By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!
    For over four decades, Michael Ratner defended, investigated and spoke up for victims of human rights abuses across the world.  READ MORE»

    By Christine Ro, Women's Media Center
    “A form of corruption in which sex, rather than money, is the currency of the bribe.” READ MORE»

    By Anna Pulley, AlterNet
    From slut-shaming to rape culture, female sexuality is vilified and controlled. Here are some reasons to feel awesome about women's sexuality.  READ MORE»

    By Elizabeth Preza, AlterNet
    New Pew study finds four out of five cities have seen household incomes shrink since 2000. READ MORE»

    By Paul Campos, Salon
    This could only come from someone who has no idea how bond markets, our legal system, and the world economy work. READ MORE»

    By Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch
    America is addicted to military invasion despite mounting evidence that it doesn't work.  READ MORE»

    By Elizabeth Preza, AlterNet
    Ryan said the Donald has "a very good personality." Trump reportedly gave no ground. READ MORE»

    By Jessica Blankenship, The Frisky
    Maple Match promises to "make dating great again."  READ MORE»

    By Janet Allon, AlterNet
    The media has given Trump a big pass for the love white racists seem to have for him. READ MORE»

    By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet
    "You have to understand walking into that negotiation you're not in an equal position," James Carville explained on MSNBC's Morning Joe today.  READ MORE»

    By Evette Dionne, Revelist
    Ferguson's first African-American police chief is doing right by the badge. READ MORE»

    By Arturo Garcia, Raw Story
    Looks like Trump has another highly dubious ally. READ MORE»

    By Kovie Biakolo, AlterNet
    "Scandal" is ending its season with Olivia Pope destroying the Trump-ster. Will America do the same? READ MORE»


    Is it just me,
    or do my star banners get funnier
    when I'm sleep deprAved?
    -- Dot Calm's shadow

    Movie time!

    John Oliver on morning news science reports (should be required viewing for all Americans--especially our politicians!)

    So sad...this video was posted two years ago, and we STILL haven't done anything about it!

    Selling drugs to doctors

    Belated but good Mother's Day message

    Do you have a passion for fashion and a craving for saving? Then don't miss this piece by John Oliver. It's why I try to buy exclusively-American-made clothes whenever I can.

    Many Americans have the right to discriminate against many other Americans. Did I say "right"? I meant "WRONG."

    TYT: if God said Cruz should run, why didn't Cruz win? What about the rest of the Republican field who "heard" from God they should run? Methinks Rafael, Sr., has some mansplainin' to do!

    TYT interviews Sy Hersch--the official story on killing bin Laden is if we didn't know...but the details are interesting nonetheless.

    And of my favorite excerpts from one of my favorite episodes of one of my favorite cartoons!