Monday, May 28, 2012

Obama Not An American?

It took me three hours before I was able to get this message accepted to this creep's site. Yes, it took a lot of "creative" maneuvering. For instance, I'm not really from Colorado.  :D

Dear Congressman Coffman:

  It saddens me to hear of your doubt that the President of this great country is not an American. Unfortunately, there are enough crazies running around who may actually believe you; just ask Gaby Giffords, the congresswoman who nearly lost her life in Tucson, Arizona, by such a crazy.

  I'm sure you would be as devastated as any American should such a tragedy happen again. We have only to remember President Kennedy's fate in Dallas all those many years ago. Although I didn't vote for him, President Kennedy's assassination deeply affected me as a civilized human being. I was a young mother in the 60s; it was difficult to realize such a violent end and unmitigated hatred simmered just beneath the surface of this country.  

  It is difficult for some Americans to appreciate that Hawaii is part of the United States. It always appears in a separate box from the continental United States.

  With guns so readily available, we need to be extremely cautious in what we say. This is especially true of our elected officials.

  I sincerely hope you consider these observations seriously. We owe that much to each other.