Monday, March 22, 2010

FINALLY! Health Care Comes to America!

My Representative from North Carolina is Walter Jones.

I hadn't gotten around to see if he voted for the Health Care our country so desperately needs.

I know Jones is a Republican but I still had that cockeyed optimist expectation.

Of course, I was wrong.

Fortunately, I received a message from Jones telling us how proud he is of his vote against Health Care.

The following is the message I included in the response form he so conveniently sent:

I'm disappointed to hear that Rep. Jones voted against the health care bill that he feels is a government takeover.

I have health care insurance; I also suffer from multiple sclerosis. MS is a painful disease of the nervous system. I require a variety of drugs as well as a daily injection of Copaxone. I am keenly aware of my good fortune to have health care insurance. It is for my fellow American that I support the health care bill as proposed by ONLY the Democrats.

It saddens me that not ONE Republican found it within himself to show some compassion!

Not one!

It sickens me to watch our country put its politics before its citizens.

The losers will ALWAYS be its citizens.