Sunday, September 30, 2007

T.A.B.A.C.C.O. – a Think Tank for the other 95% of the World

I was stunned when I stumbled upon this blog. Reading through it is like a eureka! moment. In fact, I was so excited I couldn’t wait to do my next post. Here, the author presents, in one neat place, an explanation of the phenomena presently taking place in our country. Perhaps it has always gone on and I just got it. It carries such import that we, as Americans, should become familiar with its impact on our Democracy. Hopefully, it will crystalize some occurrences shaping our recent history. Or, as Judge Judy would say: don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining.

Here is a link to the original blog along with the post that I am reproducing below:

Lets start with

T.A.B.A.C.C.O. (Truth About Business And Congressional Crimes Organization) – Think Tank For Other 95% Of World

Now, put all the words/terms we’ve recently become familiar with in one place:

* knowledge is power * takebackamerica * business * politics * religion * quasicon * bush * richvspoor * disaster capitalism * warpeace * halftruths * hypocrisy * sophistry * double standard * deep south * racism * america * usa * american justice * hate crimes * blacks * west virginia

Add some headlines you probably didn’t read in mainstream press:

Tabacco's Proof That Bush Never Intended To "Win" The Iraq War! "Lipstick On A Pig" What He Would Do If He Wanted To Win & What He'd Do To Achieve Stalemate!

The author writes, My premise is stated in the title: Tabacco’s Proof That

Bush Never Intended To “Win” The Iraq War! To prove it, Tabacco will proceed as with a mathematical proof.

First, the author establishes two Axioms:

Axiom I – Bush’s invasion of Iraq was never about WMDs, Terrorists, 9/11, Democracy or the Security of America

We now know for a fact that Saddam got rid of all his WMDs before the invasion and that his chemical and biological weapons were obtained from that great Protector of Peace, the United States of America.

We also know that outside Terrorists had no foothold in Iraq because Saddam would not permit it (which is more than can be said of Bush). Terrorists were drawn to Iraq after the US invasion like moths to a flame.

Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 or Osama bin Laden. Those were Myths fostered by the Bush administration to justify going into Iraq in the first place.

Since the WMDs, outside Terrorist theories, & Saddam’s 9/11 associations with Osama bin Laden were nothing more than Myths, perpetrated by the Bush administration, there can be no reason to attack Iraq in order to protect the USA.

If Bush has perpetrated election fraud, denied Black American citizens the right to vote, dragged his feet in New Orleans after Katrina to remove Black Democratic voters & both Black & White poor to leave New Orleans in the hands of Capitalist Real Estate barons, and sent American military personnel into harm’s way for Profit while exterminating 655,000 Iraqis, why would he, of all people, care about whether Iraqi citizens have either democracy or whether they even continue to exist! The whole idea of “Bush” democracy is an affront to our intellect.

Axiom II – The Reasons for invading Iraq, using Tabacco’s Technique of “Political Reverse Engineering,” were 1 – Control of Iraq’s OIL and 2 – War Profiteering

The “Proofs” for this Axiom have been stated previously in many, many Posts. Anyone, who does not accept this Axiom, has not been paying attention or is disingenuous. We need merely look at the results of VP Dick Cheney’s former company, Halliburton, and the other War Profiteers, associated with the Bush administration together with EXXON and other US oil conglomerates and their tripling of oil prices since the Iraq invasion (and subsequent reduction prior to the November elections) and Bush’s “NON-INTERVENTION” with their Profiteering, to see the connections between Profits & The Iraq War.

Next, as in ALL Murder Cases, we must establish a MOTIVE! Why would Bush “Not want to win the Iraq War”? That one is easy. If we win the War in Iraq, we lose our excuse for continued military presence there and concomitant control over their contracts exclusively with American Oil Interests.

To conclude this “Proof,” we analyze what Bush would have done if he wanted to win in Iraq and what he would have done if he merely wanted a permanent presence there and virtual stalemate. Merely accepting the unsubstantiated words of politicians is a SURE RECIPE FOR EXPLOITATION!

What Would Bush Have Done If He Wanted To Win Iraq War?

1 – Send in enough troops to Win (400,000 is the number generally accepted). That would not be enough because there is no individual who could sign an Armistice or Surrender. If Osama is killed, another takes his place. Winning a War with Terrorists is virtually impossible, since no Capital City or Capitol building, no territory can be captured, which signifies the end of hostilities. If one territory is taken by US forces, the Terrorists merely move on to greener pastures. Even a nuclear threat is ridiculous because, just as with conventional weapons, mostly innocent civilians (Bush calls these people “Collateral Damages”) are exterminated.

2 – Secure our US borders to minimize potential for Terrorists to infiltrate our mainland for sabotage. One of the main reasons for Bush foot-dragging on border security is to maintain the level of public fear, which permits him to continue the war. Clever! No?

3 – Be considerate of Iraqi citizens, their rights and their lives to engender good will toward their US “Liberators.” We know this is not the case.

4 – Hire as many Iraqi citizens as possible to rebuild the country to also engender good will toward the USA. The War Profiteers are mostly Americans, who have done a reprehensible job.

5 – Acquire and Secure the assistance and good will of as many UN members as possible to ensure World approval. Bush did not, mainly because he couldn’t; and more importantly, he does not care that World support is severely lacking.

6 – Not create Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo; or having created them, remove them. These are the main Anti-American propaganda institutions, even more than 655,000 Iraqi dead.

What Would Bush Have Done If He Wanted To Stalemate The Iraq War?

1 – Not send in enough troops to secure even a tenuous “Victory.”

2 – Foment Civil War among the major religious sects, destabilizing the country.

3 – Commit humanitarian atrocities like prisoner abuse, indiscriminate genocide of civilians to inflame even our Iraqi supporters.

4 – Install Minority Government, favorable to the US, to inflame the Religious Majority. Hire American mercenaries for American War Profiteers and deny jobs and opportunities to Iraqi businesses and Iraqi workers.

5 – Invade Iraq without a UN Resolution or much military support by UN members, again to inflame other nations.

6 – Create Abu Ghraib & Guantánamo prisons, deny human rights, torture and demean Muslims, and at all costs stick to our right to do these illegal actions.

Since Bush did not pursue strategies aimed at Winning in Iraq, and since he did pursue strategies aimed at Stalemate there, the obvious conclusion is “Bush Never Intended To ‘Win’ The Iraq War! The Bush Administration always wanted a Military Stalemate, which would permit the US to maintain military presence there and control the Iraqi Natural Resources.”

Tabacco is the first to admit that if this “Proof” were a mathematical one, he would receive a “D” grade. Not because the Conclusion is Invalid but because the Proof is far from complete. I have not spent an inordinate amount of time on it nor done any more research because it was unnecessary, obvious to all thinking, informed Readers, and needed merely to be stated as opposed to an actual “Proof.”

If A > B, and B > C, obviously A > C. I don’t need to prove that either.

One final note: Yes, the Bush Policy reeks of Karl Rove!

Tabacco: I consider myself both a funnel and a filter. I funnel information, not readily available on the Mass Media, which is ignored and/or suppressed. I filter out the irrelevancies and trivialities to save both the time and effort of my Readers and bring consternation to the enemies of Truth & Fairness!

In 1981's Body Heat, Kathleen Turner said, Knowledge is power.


(Truth About Business And Congressional Crimes Organization)

* knowledge is power * takebackamerica * business * politics * religion * quasicon * bush * richvspoor * political corruption * disinformation * iraq * hypocrisy * military * saddam * osama * karl rove

I rest my case.