Crooked Donald, Lying Donald, Racist Donald, Misogynist Donald, Bigoted Donald...
...Ignorant Donald, Spoiled Donald, Bully Donald, Whiny Donald, Petty Donald, Vindictive Donald, Thieving Donald...!
It's funny looking at my partial list of negatives describing Donald J. Trump because it reminds me of how Richard Dawkins describes God. Remember that toxic list? Well, here are some traits that God and Donald seem to have in common:
...not to mention that God isn't above a little thievery: just consider all the times He's blackmailed for cuts of His chosen people's sustenance or stolen people's free will just so he could dick with them for lulz. Also, like Donald, God is thoroughly ignorant of the world if one judges Him by what He says and what He knows according to the Bible.
Who knew that Donald J. Trump is so...Godike? No wonder the evangelicals lurve him! They must think he's the second coming of Jesus.
Today, though, let's focus on just the first two descriptions: Crooked Donald and Lying Donald. Like I keep saying, I gots a day job. I'd be here from now 'til the election covering the whole list.
I've recently addressed Crooked Donald via Newsweek's article on Donald Trump's many business failures, but let's take a closer look--including how habitually The Donald skrooes the little guy every chance he gets:
USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills
--Trump's version of "sticking it to the man" includes stiffing workers, contractors, attorneys, and so on...including driving some small companies out of business
The Many Scandals of Donald Trump: A Cheat Sheet - The Atlantic
--which mentions the TrumPEW scam, in which Trump and his minions separated ordinary Americans from their hard-earned cash for an entry fee of $35,000.00 a pop
Los Angeles Times: Trump's failed Baja condo resort left buyers feeling betrayed and angry
--again, scamming ordinary, hard-working Americans out of their savings
Red State: On Eve Of The Caucus, Read How Donald Trump Ripped Off An Iowan Using Trump University
If you are short on time, you should definitely read the USA TODAY piece on Trump's many rip-offs and the Atlantic piece on Trump's many scandals...which sadly fails to cover the recent scandals surrounding Trump's connections with Putin:
Secret Ledger in Ukraine Lists Cash for Donald Trump's Campaign Chief
The controversy over Donald Trump's ties to Russia, explained - Vox
Trump & Putin. Yes, It's Really a Thing - Talking Points Memo
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia - Time
How Closely Are Paul Manafort and Donald Trump Tied to Vladimir Putin - The Atlantic
Ivanka Trump vacationing with Putin's rumored girlfriend
To be fair on that last headline, Snopes isn't so sure that Wendi Deng Murdoch really is Putin's gf since she and Ivanka have been buds for some years and since Deng denies knowing Putin, but since Trump alternately confirms and denies his relationship with Putin, who's to say she isn't doing the same?
My last post addressed Lying Donald and presented proof from bona fide fact checkers. ICYMI, here's the headline version.
According to Politico, Trump averages one misstatement every 5 minutes; PolitiFact agrees, as posted on US News & World Report under Fact-Checking Website: Donald Trump Lies 76 Percent of the Time.
In response to these investigations, Vox quips that Donald Trump has ushered in a whole new era of fact-checking in journalism.
There's even a website devoted to Trump lies: Intrigued, I took a peek. It's called "Correct The Record" and is "a strategic research and rapid response team designed to defend Hillary Clinton from baseless attacks." The site also says that it's "Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee." I'm glad Hillary is less likely to get swift-boated the way Kerry did. He and Gore were both either too gentlemanly for the job or simply didn't want it badly enough. Humbug. But I digress.
If that's not enough for you, just do a Google search on Trump quotations--you'll see for yourself that he jumps through his own asshole to fight with himself: for every position he claims to hold today, there's an older one that contradicts it. More often than not, he contradicts himself in the same conversation--sometimes even in the same statement.
Trump claims he values the truth, but he habitually spews so many lies that he's made himself the last source a reasonable person would consult for a glimmer of reality. He doesn't even trickle down his scant few non-falsehoods without surrounding them with a thick entourage of lies, cloaking them in a camouflage of contradictions.
Apparently, Donald J. Trump's idea of protecting the truth is to lock it away so it never sees the light of day.
Don't forget to read Dot Calm's shadow's favorite independent sources of news and information:
Daily Kos
Peas, friends, and thanks for reading. I don't feel so all alone
Consider the preemptive Blogger phuqued-up phormatting disclaimer to be in effect. Grrr.
-- Dot Calm's shadow
his first top secret intelligence brief.
Vox: You can do anything you set your mind to. Except for Simone Biles's floor routine.
Vox: Simone Biles and Katie Ledecky got the Marvel superhero treatment they deserve did Simone Manuel. Moar female superheroes, pls--kthxbi!
FiveThirtyEight: Rio Is Better Than What You See On TV Tea Party Christian friend, who revels in all the nasty reports, would shit kittens if he read this article.
Vox: Pew study: 67 percent of white social media users don't post about race
...I guess that makes me an outlier, as usual.
Vox: Hillary Clinton's neoconservative fan club, explained
FiveThirtyEight: How Obama's Rising Approval Ratings Compare With Recent Presidents'
Vox: It's time to accept that Donald Trump is never going to learn basic stuff about the world
...hence the moniker "Ignorant Donald"
Vox: Why it would make perfect sense if Roger Ailes is really advising Donald Trump
...and that would be because they're both misogynists with no clue or connection to reality!
FiveThirtyEight: The GOP's Chances Of Holding The Senate Are Following Trump Downhill
FiveThirtyEight: Trump Still Has A Chance — Doesn't He?
Vox: We set out to measure just how much Trump is hurting the GOP this cycle. Here's how.
Vox: The Trump campaign shake-up can't fix the real problem: Donald J. Trump
Vox: Republicans should be winning this election. Trump's new campaign chief shows why they're losing.
Teaser: Remember when Trump said he would hire the best people? Yeah, he's not hiring the best ...
on Baby Bush's watch.
has something to say about that!
From on Trump's taxes: a new "spin"
Steven Gill
Austin, TX
Aug 16, 2016 — This morning, Representative Steve King of Iowa (a Trump surrogate) told CNN that he wished Donald Trump had released his tax returns, but now it's too late because there is "too much information to pick through before election day." He went on to say now we'll just have to "grit it out" until after the elections.
Sorry Rep King, but I think voters are bright enough to "pick through" the 4 numbers we need to see from Trumps returns in the next 84 days: Income, taxes paid, charitable contributions and money held in foreign bank accounts.
Maybe the American public is just not as gullible as you think, Mr. King.
From CPD Action--stop gov't of, by, and for Goldman Sachs, regardless of who wins in November
Who would you want whispering in the president’s ear? Someone who understands the needs of the people, or someone tied to the big banks and the practice of exploiting others for financial gain?
It’s a no brainer to me, but Donald Trump’s new selection for his campaign CEO – Steve Bannon – shows how out of touch Trump is with working Americans. Bannon comes from Breitbart News, the radical right-wing website that makes Fox News look as family-friendly as Nickelodeon. Even more troubling are Bannon’s ties to Goldman Sachs, where he worked as an investment banker for several years and still has close ties.
The Trump campaign has gained traction by feeding the fears and anger of millions of Americans by blaming the establishment, but Bannon’s appointment is a direct contradiction to his rhetoric. Goldman Sachs insiders do not value the plight of workers, and someone from Breitbart News does not understand the American people.
Help us make people power louder than fear mongers. Chip in $20 to make sure the voices of working Americans come first!
One insurer just dropped Obamacare because O'Bama refused their merger! But even if they weren't taking revenge on O'Bama, we need single-payer Medicare for ALL NOW!!!!!
-- Dot Calm's shadow
Another giant insurance company just announced that it will drastically cut its participation in the Obamacare exchanges.
Aetna (the third largest insurer in America) joins UnitedHealth Group (first), Anthem (second), Cigna (fourth) and Humana (fifth) in complaining that they aren’t making enough money from the exchanges — even though the Affordable Care Act preserved their ability to make BILLIONS in profits and reinforced their control over the health care system.
It’s time to fight back against the private, for-profit health insurance companies!
Sign our petition now to support single-payer, Medicare-for-All health insurance.
If you don't approve of abortion, then don't get one. Otherwise, it's none of your goddamn business!!!!!
-- Dot Calm's shadow
Stand up for abortion rights with Rep. Barbara Lee | |
Tell Congress:
"Protect every woman’s right to make her own healthcare decisions by passing the Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance (EACH Woman) Act."
Add your name:
Dot Calm was a big supporter of whistle-blowers. She had a soft spot in her heart for Chelsea Manning. In Dot's honor, please consider chipping in a buck o' five to keep the world safe for whistle-blowers like Chelsea. I hate to think where we'd be as a nation without these brave souls.
-- Dot Calm's shadow
From Demand Progress--don't let them forget about Chelsea Manning
The U.S. Army thinks they can lock up Chelsea Manning, throw away the key, and the world will just forget about her.
They think they can put a transgender woman in an all-male prison, deny her access to her lawyers, doctors, books, and a phone, and no one will care.1
They think they can punish her with 30 years of solitary confinement for a suicide attempt—a punishment considered torture by the United Nations—and get away with it.2
Together, we're proving them wrong.
In just one week, Demand Progress members donated enough to pay off more than a quarter of her accumulated legal debt. And last week, we generated enormous news coverage by delivering a petition signed by over 115,000 people demanding an end to the U.S. Army's inhumane treatment of her.
Demand Progress is fighting to end the U.S. Army's dehumanizing harassment of Chelsea Manning. Will you chip in $5 to help keep our fight?
From to the recall for Judge Aaron Persky, who's soft on white rapists but hard on victims and defendants of color
National Break the Silence Day | |
Aug 17, 2016
Dear friends and Supporters,
Today is national break the silence day. I will be participating via
Twitter and FB. If you would like to share your story anonymously or
not, please message me. I will be accepting submissions via:
Messages to the Facebook group
From CREDO via Daily Kos--urge McConnell and Ryan to dump Trump
That’s right. Donald Trump suggested shooting Hillary Clinton.
Sign the petition from CREDO and Daily Kos to Senate Majority Leader McConnell and Speaker of the House Ryan: Withdraw your support of Donald Trump’s candidacy.
Think consumers should be able to sue corporations that have wronged them? Today’s the day to speak up. Buried in many contracts you’ve signed -- for loans, credit cards, and even Pokémon Go -- you’ll find a “ripoff clause” in the very, very, very fine print.(1) These clauses stop consumers from banding together in a class action lawsuit to protest unfair fees, seek damages due to dangerous products, or otherwise object to wrongdoing. As pointed out in the New York Times, “Without the ability to pool resources, most people abandon their claims and never make it to arbitration.”(2) When companies are allowed to ban class action suits and force independent arbitration, or the use of a private mediator, they have little motive to behave fairly and responsibly. If they are unlikely to be held accountable when they break the law, why not cut corners and charge bogus fees to drive up profits? Let the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) know that you stand firmly against forced arbitration “ripoff clauses." When challenged for wrongdoing under the current rules, corporations get to appoint a private mediator of their own choosing to hear and settle the case. Without a fair hearing in front of an impartial judge or jury, consumers often find they are unable to have their case heard and usually have no ability to challenge an unfair or illegal decision. The CFPB is an independent watchdog agency, designed by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), that protects consumers from banks and lenders. The CFPB recently proposed a rule that would put an end to many forced arbitration practices by allowing consumers to work together and bring class action lawsuits against banks and corporations. We know that the financial industry and other large corporations will do everything they can to prevent this rule from passing. They stand to lose billions if consumers can band together and hold them accountable for wrongdoing, so we know they’ll fight tooth and nail to prevent this rule from passing.(3) We can't let them continue to cheat and steal from consumers. Join us by adding your opinion to the public record now. Click here to tell the CFPB to restore our right to hold big banks accountable when they break the law. Because of the current rules that allow banks to avoid courts and force consumers into private arbitration instead, consumers seldom get a fair settlement.(4) When the CFPB studied the impact of forced arbitration, they found that, in 2010 and 2011, only 9% of consumers who brought valid claims got relief -- recovering an average of 12 cents per dollar claimed.(5) This is highway robbery! CFPB Director Richard Cordray explains “Many banks and financial companies avoid accountability by putting arbitration ["ripoff"] clauses in their contracts that block groups of their customers from suing them. Our proposal seeks comment on whether to ban this contract gotcha that effectively denies groups of consumers the right to seek justice and relief for wrongdoing.”(6) Many ripoff clauses even ban consumers from talking about what happened to them -- which means that the public often never learns about corporate scams or fraud. This should not be legal. Consumers should never have to trade in their right to join together in court just to access basic products and services. We need you to weigh in and tell the CFPB to ban “ripoff clauses.” Submitting a public comment is as easy as clicking here. Yours in the fight, Caitlin, along with Annie, Eddie, Emma, Ernesto, Katie, Kelsey, Laura, Lindsay, Moonyoung, Scottie, and Tim (the Courage team) 1. http://act.couragecampaign. 2. http://act.couragecampaign. 3. http://act.couragecampaign. 4. http://act.couragecampaign. 5. http://act.couragecampaign. 6.http://act.couragecampaign. |
From Daily Kos--stop Virginia clinic shut-downs
On June 27th, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down Texas’s clinic-shutdown law.
It's being called the biggest victory for abortion rights in a generation—and that's true. Dozens of clinics across Texas will now be allowed to remain open, clinics that had been forced to close can reopen, and the decision paved the way for new clinics.
But Texas is just one of the more than 20 states that have passed similar clinic-shutdown laws, severely limiting – if not eliminating – a woman’s ability to access safe and legal abortion.
Sign if you agree: clinic-shutdown laws must be repealed in Virginia.
In Virginia, abortion clinics have been affected by laws that unfairly impose restrictions on abortion providers, for no other purpose than to shut down clinics and make abortion all but impossible for many.
It’s time for our representatives to stop pretending that this is about what’s best for women’s healthcare.Send your state legislators a message – tell them we won’t stand for arbitrary restrictions on abortion access.
Democracy Now!
Among the headlines, Trump proves yet again just how out of touch with reality he is by calling for MORE police in Black neighborhoods. What the unholy PHUQUE does he think caused the rioting in Milwaukee in the first place?!??
Also, don't miss the piece on Chris Christie, who, on becoming governor of NJ, forgave $35 MILLION in taxes owed by Trump casinos, letting Trump off the hook to pay only $5 million. You realize, of course, that the middle and lower class folk living in NJ had to make up the difference with THEIR taxes. No wonder Trump keeps Christie around--he owes him!
$30 million, to be exact.
-- Dot Calm's shadow
Stories |
Clinton has announced former Interior Secretary Ken Salazar as the head
of her transition team. Salazar is a former U.S. senator from Colorado
who now works at ... Read More →
the latest escalation of the war in Syria, Russia has begun launching
airstrikes from an Iranian air base. The New York Times reports this
marks the first time since ... Read More →
New Jersey, lawmakers have recently introduced legislation that would
require the state's attorney general to review every death at the hands
of law enforcement. One of ... Read More →
presidential nominee Donald Trump invoked the Cold War as he pledged to
wage war against what he described as the "ideology of radical Islam"
during a speech ... Read More →
Matt Taibbi on Trump's Position on NATO, Russia & his Campaign Head's $13 Million Scandal in Ukraine
During Donald Trump's speech in Youngstown, Ohio, on Monday, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump reversed his earlier threats to defy NATO treaties, and ... Read More →
On Monday,
while Trump was speaking in Youngstown, Ohio, former Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden held a rally in Scranton,
Pennsylvania. ... Read More →
the Olympics continue in Rio de Janeiro, we return to our conversation
with sportswriter Jesse Washington of the site The Undefeated and
Anthony Ervin, who just became ... Read More →

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Apparently, I'm still either having Mr. Deity binge-watch OCD, or I'm still deftly avoiding current events, mebbe I'm still sulking in my tent like some guy from Chile...! Don't I mean Achilles? To which the Handy answer is, "You're making us look like jerks...I told you, READ A BOOK!!!!!"
'Til next time, check out these great channels:
...or, if you just want something mindless and fun, try Tested
