And now for a Dot Calm sing-along... 🎶 It's beginning to look a lot like treason! 🎶
13 July 2017 update:
Greetings, fellow Dot Calm Readers, Freedom Fighters, and Truth Crusaders!
I've been putting a lot of overtime in at work, and I'm heading out of town to visit my bestie tomorrow, so I don't have a lot of time to blawg today...
Gonna blawg...blawg like the wind...!
So, Imma leave a few thots here for you to discuss among yourselves til next time.
1. There should be NO goddamn hearings for Christopher Wray AT ALL. Republicans' sole purpose in having hearings for Christopher Wray right now--as the world is falling down around their earz--is to discredit the FBI. Especially Comey and Mueller. Of course, they're defaming McCabe as a Clinton-McAuliffe toady who talked smack about Flynn while investigating him. I'm sure they're also trying to redirect news cycles away from don junior's admitted TREASON. Did you know that, in his lust to discredit the FBI, Grassley went as far back as Jedgar? ...Should we tell him that Jedgar was a REPUBLICAN?
2. Disgusting, vile human being Betsy DeVos actually consulted a men's rights group about campus rape. I'm sure that those men feel it's their right to rape whomever they want on any campus or anywhere without repercussions.
3. tRump's latest "defense" against charges of treason is phuquen laughable. The TRAITOROUS GOP's party line du jour is to blame Loretta Lynch for letting the Russky spy lady into the country--as if, if the lady spy had been denied her visa here, poor little Vladdy would neBer have had another h00min bean in the w-h-o-l-e wide country to use in her stead to bait and reel in the grasping, gullible tRump klan. Like I said, worse defense EVAR.
4. Ridiculous tRump "defense," part too! This is hi-larious: tRump claims that PEWtin wanted HILLARY to win! LOL!! As if PEWtin wanted Hillary to maintain or increase the sanctions against him and keep his sneaky, slimy, skulking ass in check, relegating him to the murky, dank backwoods and swamp waters of the civilized world--where he belongs.
As always, dear ones, there's w-a-y more to tell than I can possibly do justice to. Hang tight, keep reading, keep fighting--keep Resistbotting--and keep the faith til we meet again.
- Dot Calm's shadow
Choo choo time headlines
US News: Tim Kaine: Russia Investigation Moving Into 'Potentially Treason #06-695 : 10-11-06 U.S. Citizen Indicted on Treason, Material Support
...Even without declared war, making propaganda tapes for an enemy is considered TREASON.
BBC: Four explosive lines in Trump Jr emails
...don junior spilled because the NY Times was about to publish his e-mails anyway--a defense not unlike shooting yourself in the haid to keep someone else from shooting at you. NY Times got the information based on Jared Kushner's "revised" SF-86s. Did you know that he LIED about OVER 100 Russian contacts?!?? LOCK HIM UP!!!!! LOCK HIM UP!!!!! LOCK HIM UP!!!!! Speaking of locking criminals up, junior's e-mails smell pretty damn treasony to me...LOCK HIM UP!!!!! LOCK HIM UP!!!!! LOCK HIM UP!!!!!
The Daily Beast: Donald Trump Jr.'s Russian Connection Has Ties to Former Kremlin Ties
WSJ: Trump Jr. Email Shows Possible Role of Top Russian Prosecutor
MoJo: A Guide to the Key Players in the Trump-Russia Scandal
POLITICO: The Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group That Connects Trump and Putin
...One thing is clear to me: Donald John Trump has no ties--to America! Hellz, I don't think he knows a single American.
The Hill: Assange: I tried to get Trump Jr. to publish emails with Wikileaks
MoJo: The Trump-Russia Conspiracy Is Now Very Simple
McClatchy: Investigators look for links between Trump, Russia cyber operations
...Friends, this story is a Very Big Deal.
The Stern Facts: PROOF: Trump Knows Agent Who Setup Russian Meeting With Trump Jr
Bill Moyers: Daily Reads: The GOP Health Bill Is Still Alive; Sixth Mass Extinction Threatens Human Civilization
The Guardian: Donald Trump says Vladimir Putin wanted Hillary Clinton to win
Newsweek: New NRA Video Fuels American Extremists, Says Former CIA Analyst
TalkingPointsMemo: Report: Trump Aides Aboard AF1 Crafted Don Jr.'s Statement On Russian Meeting
Task and Purpose: This Afghan War Plan By Blackwater's Founder Should Scare The Hell Out Of You
USA Today: Fact check: Donald Trump Jr.'s evolving statements
Political Wire: Kushner Lawyers Discovered Trump Jr. Emails
The Nation: American Democracy Is Now Under Siege by Both Cyber-Espionage And Voter Suppression by the GOP
Chicago Tribune: Trump-Russia investigators probe Jared Kushner-run digital operation
...Keep your eye on this story, friends--it's a YUGE piece of the cyber attack, voter information hack issue. Urk!
WSJ: Russian Officials Overheard Discussing Trump Associates Before Campaign Began
Salon: Russia scandal goes well beyond Trump: GOP leaders definitely knew. Did they benefit, too?
...Friends, this is one Big Fat Hairy Deal that should Scare The Hell Outta You. Tl;dr? The Russian scandal permeates the Republican party. It's deeper than we even suspected--even based on their obstinate refusal to do anything to stop the hand-over of our beloved country to PEWtin. That's right, folks--tRump-Russia is worse than any of us "civilians" can possibly imagine. Urk!!
Business Insider: A long-overlooked player is emerging as a key figure in the Trump-Russia investigation
Yahoo! News: New details emerge on Moscow real estate deal that led to the Trump-Kremlin alliance
...The building deal fell through because of Obama's sanctions, hence this particular tRump-Kremlin partnership.
Ars Technica: If FCC gets its way, we'll lose a lot more than net neutrality
TalkingPointsMemo: Inside The Russian Lawyer's And An Accused Spy's 'Adoption' Crusade
...There's an awful lot in this article. Again, "adoption" is PEWtin's euphemism for Magnitsky Act sanctions.
MoJo: The Real Scandal Now Is How Team Trump Helped Putin Conceal His Attack On America
...In other words, the attack--including the cyber attack--goes deeper than any of us "civilians" realize, too. Urk!!!
Email the FEC for Net Neutrality!
Just write to
Here's what I told them--feel free to use any and all of it! You're welcome!
You MUST do everything you can to stop foreign interference in our elections, be it from Putin or any other foreign national.
DKos, ANet, DN! headlines
Sry, loves--no DKos, ANet, or DN! headlines today. Check back next time for this feature--maybe I'll throw it in, maybe I won't. You never know with me. But, until next time, please check the links for these fine resources...they're down by the peas.
Moar m00bies
Hum. Does don junior's confession really leave Kushner's ass hanging out? Or was don junior the sacrificial lamb intended to fall on his own sword to save Kushner's ass? Hum.
pass tRumpcare!!!!!
DON'T let your congress critters
repeal Obamacare!!!!!
DON'T let your congress critters
repeal Net Neutrality!!!!!
DON'T let your congress critters
confirm Christopher Wray!!!!!
DON'T let your congress critters
act like business as usual!!!!!
11 July 2017 post:
Greetings, fellow Dot Calm Readers, Freedom Fighters, and Truth Crusaders!
Dunno about you, but the news cycle seems to be shorter than four hours with tRump squatting in the White House. Cheez. There's so much going on that I'm going to let the headlines tell the story...I can't keep up.
I think it's obvious right now why I'm calling for a massive, all-out voter drive: we have to recruit and enable two Democratic voters for every one the Republicans turn away.
But the strike?
tRump taking emoluments hand over fist? UNNACEPTABLE!
tRump letting his st00pit kid sit in on his G20 meeting? UNACCEPTABLE!
tRump ceding world leadership, destroying the government from the inside, and committing to torching the planet by accelerating global warming? UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!
tRump offering PEWtin control of OUR elections and OUR power grid? UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!
tRump and his whole disgusting, greasy, trashy klan teaming up with PEWtin to hijack our election, as evidenced by junior's e-mails? UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!!!!
Neither Democrats nor Republicans shutting down the government, revoking Sessions's and Kushner's and, indeed, the whole repulsive lot's clearances...removing Gorsuch from SCOTUS...or invalidating the election and calling for a new, special election? UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friends, we CANNOT let the massive corruption across the entire Republican party stand.
We CANNOT let tRump's massive corruption stand.
We CANNOT let tRump's family's massive corruption stand.
And we CANNOT let all of the tRump-Republican TREASON stand.
It doesn't matter how much or how little they grouch--if politicians on both sides of the aisle don't IMPEACH tRump and remove his entire administration and all of his appointees and nominees from office, THEY ARE COMPLICIT.
WE CANNOT ALLOW this to stand as business as usual.
For as outrageous as Republican behavior has become, WE must shut down the machine by getting out into the streets--every last patriotic one of us.
Choo choo time headlines
NY Magazine: White House Warns CNN That Critical Coverage Could Cost Time Warner Merger
...A clear abuse of power.
POLITICO: Russia escalates spy games after years of U.S. neglect
...tRump is letting in Russian spies instead of refugees, and he's letting those spies listen to all of our in those facilities that Obama sanctioned but tRump wants to give back.
The Hill: Ex-intel chief: 'No evidence whatsoever' anyone but Russia interfered in election
HuffPo: Many States Praised For Defying Voter Data Request Aren't Doing That At All
Talking Points Memo: Justice League: Meet The Veteran Prosecutors Powering The Russia Probe
NY Times: Attack of the Republican Decepticons
Lawfareblog: The Intercept's Invitation to Criminality---and to Intelligence Agencies
...This is scary for all of us.
Bloomberg: Russians Are Suspects in Nuclear Site Hackings, Sources Say
MoJo: These Three Lawyers Are Quietly Purging Voter Rolls
The Daily Beast: How Ex-Spies Think Putin Will Sucker 'Sociopathic Narcissist' Trump
Spiegel: Donald Trump Is a Menace to the World: Opinion
New Yorker: What Russian Journalists Think of How American Reporters Cover Putin and Trump
...Hint: we make PEWtin sound 10 ft tall when he's no Einstein. So...if PEWtin is only a beta male, and tRump sucks his ass, then does that make tRump a gamma sub-male?
Daily Kos: White House sent Melania into Trump-Putin meeting in a failed effort to get Trump to stop talking
Fast Company: White House Relied Upon Dark Money Lobbyist To Quarterback Gorsuch Confirmation
...In other words, a SCOTUS seat only costs a cool $14 mil, even though they stole it from Merrick Garland.
The Moscow Times: An American Cover Story for Russia's Undercover Hackers
POLITICO: Trump Handed Putin a Stunning Victory Why Did We Create
...Because the big corporate media miss the big points. Friends, this is a great place to tune in for the straight skinny on what's going on.
The Advocate: Unspeakable cruelty: Former slaves tell their stories in narratives Southern University put online
Business Insider: Putin said over dinner that he could destroy the US in a half-hour
...Turns out that it doesn't take long to destroy a proud nation from the outside if there's someone on the inside jumping through his own asshole to help you.
Public Health Reviews: Communicating climate change and health in the media
The Daily Beast: Putin's Dirty Game in the U.S. Congress
...The tRump team met with a Kremlin-linked lawyer during the campaign. Did I say "Kremlin-linked"? Alas
--it's an "old" article (given that the life cycle of most tRump stories seems to be 4-16 hours). Turns out that the lady isn't Kremlin-linked--she's Kremlin, as in "lobbyist." And here you thot that PEWtin's motivation was merely half a TRILLION dollars' worth of oil sanctions? Well, there's moar tuit than that--go Google the Magnitsky Act, which disallows human rights violators from traveling to the U.S. Magnitsky was captured as a political prisoner and tortured and murdered by the Kremlin; a surviving friend went on a crusade until he could wrangle, coax, and shame Congress into enacting this act, which they named in the dead man's honor. Turns out that not being allowed to travel to the U.S. makes it very difficult for Russian thugs to make money here. And PEWtin hates that. Monday's n00z about "diaper Donnie" tRump junior meeting with the lady lawyer about "adoptions" (a tRumpy euphemism for the Magnitsky Act) was aimed at (1) seeing how open the tRumps were to collusion and (2) sounding them out about repealing the Magnitsky Act. Then, today, there was an article saying that don junior pursued the Russian lawyer for Hillary's e-mails, rather than vice versa--according to her, he was lusting to get them. Cheez, friends...every thread you pull on tRump-Russia just keeps on going and going and going and connecting to a basketti tangle of new threads to pull that keep on going and going and going and connecting to another basketti tangle of new threads to pull that keep on going and going and going...!
The Guardian: Australian journalist demolishes Trump at G20: 'biggest threat to the West"
...Important! Friends, if you haven't seen the video yet, please click through and watch it, even if you don't have time to read the article. The video is concise, brief, and oh-so-satisfying. Mr. Uhlmann summarizes tRump perfectly: ceding world leadership for this century to China and Russia, turning the G20 into the G19, awkward and uncomfortable, weakening America and the Western values he claims to love. Sad.
Medium: Stop The Political Charade: Before “Confronting” Putin For For Meddling In Our Election, Trump Should Have Confronted Himself For Aiding It
Bustle: This Arkansas Bill Would Force Rape Survivors To Notify Their Attacker If They Need An Abortion
...Disgusting. Can you say, "Handmaid's Tale"?
POLITICO: The Russians Killed My Lawyer. This Is How I Got Congress To Avenge Him
...Excellent story that gives the background on the Magnitsky Act.
MoJo: This Top Mueller Aide Once Worked on an Investigation of a Trump Associate Tied to the Russian Mob
...Meet Russian mobster Felix Sater and top Mueller aide Andrew Weissman.
BuzzFeed: Revealed: Explosive Evidence Of A Russian Assassination
..."Poison in the System. When a financier dropped dead in Britain shortly after exposing a vast Russian crime, police said it was not suspicious." How many more Russians have been assassinated since this article? Two? Three? I've lost count.
Global Ukraine News: Without Any Chance. Afanasiev and Soloshenko on how FSB breaks Captives
...PEWtin and tRump had a good laugh over...torturing and killing journalists!?!!
Newsweek: U.S. Government at Risk of 'Terrifying' Hacking Attack, but Trump Won't Do More to Fix the Problem
PoliticusUSA: Adam Schiff Drops A Russia Bombshell As Investigators Want To Question Donald Trump, Jr.
The Independent: Stephen Hawking says Donald Trump could turn Earth into Venus-like planet with 250C and sulphuric acid rain
NY Times: America's Top Prosecutors Used to Go After Top Executives. What Changed?
CNN: Russia steps up spying efforts after election
NY Times: Sinclair Requires TV Stations to Air Segments That Tilt to the Right
...Friends, Sinclair Broadcasting, which mandated airtime for lies against John Kerry in 2004, is now dicking with our LOCAL news and broadcasting. BOYCOTT SINCLAIR by boycotting ALL advertisers on local stations owned by Sinclair!
..."YOU CAN HANDLE BEING CALLED AN UGLY FOOL, and you absolutely cannot stop talking back to this administration."
ABC Online: G20: Does Donald Trump's awkward performance indicate U.S. decline as world power?
NY Times: Trump's Son Met With Russian Lawyer After Being Promised Damaging Information on Clinton
...WaPo confirms; NBC has the story, too. Richard Painter, baby Bush's ethics lawyer, and Elliott Lustig both call it TREASON what Donald tRump, Jr. did--he KNEW that the only way the Russians could give him damaging information on Hillary was by spying. Lawrence Tribe calls it a high crime rather than treason, but that's still a Big Fat Hairy Deal. There's also confirmation that orange twAtler was also in tRump Tower the same day as the meeting. This puts the lie to their all pretending that orange twAtler didn't know about the meeting--he surely directed his second-favorite son (Kushie being first) to go.
San Diego Union Tribune: Amid fundraising worries, Trump gathers potential donors
...Confirmation that tRump-senior was at tRump Tower the day don junior met with the Kremlin lawyer lady. And here's an interesting observation from Keith Olbermann: tRump-senior tweeted about Hillary's "missing" e-mails after the meeting between don junior and the Russian lawyer...implying that tRump-senior tweeted because he expected Russia to cough up those e-mails.
Newsy: How Russian Spies Recruit Americans for Espionage (VIDEO)
The Stern Facts: PROOF: Trump Knows Agent Who Setup Russian Meeting With Trump Junior
The Intercept: Jared Kushner Tried and Failed to Get a Half-Billion-Dollar Bailout from Qatar
...Is this why tRump has a mad on at Qatar, which used to be one of his faves? Could be, rabbit.
City A.M.: Was Trump wrong to hire son-in-law Jared Kushner?
NBC News: Putting the Trump-Russia Timeline Into Perspective
...I hope they--or someone--keeps posting these timelines. There's too much to keep straight otherwise!
ThinkProgress: Funny or Die: Franken and Letterman take on climate change in hilarious web series
MoJo: How a Music Publicist Connected Trump's Inner Circle To A Russian Lawyer Peddling Clinton Dirt Kellyanne Conway Crumbled Like Bleu Cheese in Epic Chris Cuomo Interview
...And I'm sure her lies stank like bleu cheese until she was busted!
TeaPainUSA blog: Spectrum Health's Role in the Trump-Russia Server Scandal
CNBC: Donald Trump Jr. says he's 'happy' to talk to Senate about meeting with Russian lawyer
POLITICO: Donald Trump Jr. in legal danger for Russia meeting about Clinton dirt
...He, Manafort, and KUSHNER are all blackmailable now...and junior could face Federal charges for conspiracy to defraud the United States. Yikes--sux to be him. Hellz, don junior isn't even his pappy's favorite son--that would be Jared.
CNN: Comey friend: No Memos Given to Me Were Marked Classified
...I can't even believe we had to have that conversation. I mean, if tRump is willing to lie demonstrably 24/7/365, including faking a TIME Magazine cover (by which I also infer that he faked that suspiciously flattering white nationalist-approving "letter" from Bob Dole), then he-snot what my FBI bud would call "a credible witness." Comey, on the other hand, is a consummate professional with decades of experience and, in contrast, YUGE credibility. Nuff said.
Washington Monthly: Trump's Inner Circle Met With No Ordinary Russian Lawyer
Miami Herald: Republican Party has 'flat out lost its mind'
...As evidenced by the changing story collusion...maybe collusion...ok, collusion...collusion with Russia...collusion with Russia isn't illegal...collusion with Russia is good...I wouldn't rule out colluding with Russia...I'd proudly collude with Russia if they attacked us first. WTF?!??
Lawfare Blog: Twenty Questions for Christopher Wray
...This is another important issue Republicans would love to slip by us while we're all caught up in tRump-Russia, like repealing Obamacare and killing Net Neutrality--which is the First Amendment of the Internet. DON'T let them get away with it--DO NOT under any circumstances let them approve of Christopher Wray for FBI chief OR repeal Net Neutrality OR repeal Obamacare!!!!!
Daily Kos: Mike Pence is using the Naval Observatory as a hub for big-money donors
...This is illegal, friends. pence is just as filthy as the tRump klan.
Just Security: Open Door to Moscow? New Facts in the Potential Criminal Case of Trump Campaign Coordination with Russia
...Rep. Adam Schiff says Russia had already hacked Dem servers BEFORE junior's now-infamous meeting...and Keith Olbermann observes that tRump made his curious tweet about Hillary's "30,000 deleted e-mails" some fifteen minutes AFTER junior's meeting...and that tweet was curious because it expressed a quantity and a description of the e-mails tRump had never used prior. Things that make you go, "Hmm."
Palmer Report: Looks like Roger Stone knew about Donald Trump Jr.'s Russia Treason Meeting Before it Even Happened
The Daily Beast: If Team Trump Knew Kremlin Had Clinton Dirt, They've Been Lying About Russian Hacking
The Stern Facts: BUSTED: Trump's Lawyer Michael Cohen Lied. He Does Have Rusian Kremlin Contacts
ABC News: Gay rights group launches $26M campaign ahead of midterms
CNBC: Trump's long history with Russia just got a lot more complicated
PoliticusUSA: Donald Trump Jr. Could End Up In Prison For Illegal Meeting With Russia
CNN: An absolutely damning paragraph about Donald Trump Jr.'s Russia meeting
WSJ: Donald Trump Jr. Was Likely Paid at Least $50,000 for Event Held by Hosts Allied With Russia on Syria
Election Law Blog: Donald Trump Jr. Emails Paint Serious Case of Campaign Finance Violations
...Soliciting or accepting the kind of information don junior sought = substantively valued foreign campaign contribution. BUSTED!
WaPo: Donald Trump Jr.'s full emails about meeting a 'Russian government attorney,' annotated
The Daily Beast: Trump Aides Freaking Out Over Don Jr.'s Russia Email: The 'Sum Of All Fears'
MoJo: Donald Trump Jr.'s Emails Sound Like the Steele Dossier
...Oh, and there's also this from MoJo (ha!): Senate Republicans Really, Really Don't Want to Talk About Trump Jr Don Jr. Meeting Scandal Sequential Order of Events
Talking Points Memo: Look At The Timeline
The New York Times: Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.'s Russia Meeting
...They confirm that don junior was supposed to receive the damaging information on Hillary from the Russian government as part of its effort to assist orange twAtler's campaign.
Links you can use
Public Integrity: Become a #CitizenSleuth and uncover Trump administration mysteries
Action Network: Tell Congress: Keep Russian sanctions and protect our democracy from future Russian attacks
What The Fuck Just Happened Today? | Today's essential newsletter
don tRump junior knew before the meeting
that the Clinton e-mails were part
of a Russian government effort
to help orange twAtler win the election
...don junior released his e-mails
...and Ms. Veselnitskaya claims that
don junior, not she, pursued the meeting
and Clinton's e-mails
...Who ya gonna belieB?
I'll take "Mueller" for $1,000, Alex.
DKos, ANet, DN! headlines
Just one "Democracy Now!" update for today, loves--it's about Republican efforts to repeal Net Neutrality, so go RESISTBOT now!!!!!
Check back next time for moar of these goodies--maybe I'll throw it in, maybe I won't. You never know with me. But, until next time, please check the links for these resources down by the peas.
DON'T let your congress critters
pass tRumpcare!!!!!
DON'T let your congress critters
repeal Obamacare!!!!!
DON'T let your congress critters
repeal Net Neutrality!!!!!
DON'T let your congress critters
confirm Christopher Wray!!!!!
DON'T let your congress critters
act like business as usual!!!!!
text "Resist" to 50409
And check out the Electronic Frontier Foundation's website so you can protect your online privacy:
Remember to boycott all the tRump shills on the boycott list below and tell them why.
And don't forget to read Dot Calm's shadow's favorite independent sources of news and information:
Randi Rhodes's Homework page
Open Secrets
Democratic Coalition Against Trump
Daily Kos
Democracy Now!
Democratic Underground
Boing Boing
Conservatives are Destroying our Future
Conservative Clown Car
God, the Good Lord Above
...skip the media outlets in the boycott list below unless you want trump propaganda. And TELL their advertisers WHY you are boycotting those media outlets!
On the lighter side:
McSweeney's Internet Tendency
And check out these great YouTube channels:
Randi Rhodes Air Force
Keith Olbermann: The Resistance
Thom Hartmann
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Secular Talk
The Young Turks
The Thinking Atheist
Also, don't forget to add these to your Twitter feed if you haven't already:
And now you can add me, too!
And don't forget to follow
unless, as he says, you're a total globalist. "It's not a parody account--it's performance art!" He also urges us to retweet everything he says unless we want the globalists to win. (Srsly, friends--he's a riot. Don't drink coffee while reading his tweets.)
Peas, friends. Take care of yourselves for me. Trust me--you're worth it! And go have a Fireball and some chocolate while you still can, will ya? Time is short now that the mouth of

Boycott media!
Don't bother with these media outlets any more unless you want trump propaganda--these media outlets have whored themselves out to trump for access for the low, low price of "fancy" cocktails and a "fancy" dinner, consisting of Donald's shriveled orange acorn dick, at chump's "fancy" (aka FAKE PLASTIC, just like everything else about trump and his FAKE PLASTIC family) "resort" in Florida. What an upstanding, responsible response to trump's denying press conferences since 27 July 2016...retch. So much for comforting the afflicted, afflicting the comfortable, and speaking truth to power to keep that power reined in and in check...!
- Axios
- Bloomberg
- Breitbart because duh--according to AlterNet, Howard Dean Lends Voice to Consumer Activist Group Hitting Breitbart in the Wallet—And It's Working
- FOX because of course
- MSNBC (includes Joe Scarborough, but Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes may still be OK as long as their corporate overlords allow it)
- NBC (they also have the reality TV show conflict of interest--and they just hired a couple of FUX Noise escapees, so beware a hard swing to the far, far right)
- POLITICO--their top editor(s) went and paid to party with trump, so now more and more trump propaganda has been showing up there, to my infinite disgust
Boycott vendors that support trump, sell trump shit, and otherwise pander to hate!
Boycott Victoria's Secret--they kick out shoppers who are guilty of shopping while Black!
Here's a twofer: let's save our money for when dump tanks the economy and grab the trumpussy grabber-in-thief where it hurts most--by his wallet!
Want to boycott trump? There's an app for that!
And here's a list of trump companies.
There's also a spreadsheet of trump supporters and vendors that carry trump merch that includes the vendors below.
Don't forget New Balance, who praised and supported trump: 1 (800) 595-9138.
Here's the list from Mindy Fischer, featuring 28 vendors that sell trump merchandise. BOYCOTT them all and TELL them why!
Contact info: (888) 676-2660, HQ- (702) 943-7777
Amazon--pressure them to DUMP BREITBART, while you're at it!
Contact info: (888) 280-4331 HQ- (206) 266-1000
Contact info: (866) 235-5443 HQ- (704) 357-1000
Contact info: (800) 777-0000 HQ- (212) 705-2000
Contact info: (877) 258-3359 HQ- (212) 944-8000
The Bon-Ton
Contact info: (800) 233-7626 HQ- (800) 937-5449
Bed Bath and Beyond
Contact info: (800) 462-3966 HQ- (908) 688-0888…
Burlington Coat Factory
Contact info: (855) 355-2875 HQ- (609) 387-7800
Contact info: (800) 945-4438 HQ- (317) 971-6200
Century 21 department store
Contact info: (877) 350-2121 HQ- (888) 221-2551
Contact info: (800) 345-5273 HQ- (501) 376-5200
DSW Shoes
Contact info: (866) 379-7463 HQ- (614) 237-7100
Hudson’s Bay
Contact info: (800) 521-2364 HQ- (800) 521-2364…
Contact info: (800) 284-3900 HQ- (727) 872-1000
Contact Info: (855) 538-4323 HQ- (844) 538-2255
Joss & Main
Contact info: (866) 263-8325 HQ- (617) 532-6100
Lord & Taylor
Contact info: (800) 223-7440 HQ- (212) 391-3344…
Contact info: (800) 289-6229 HQ- (513) 579-7000
Marshalls and TJ Maxx
Contact info: (888) 627-7425 HQ- (508) 390-1000
Contact info: (800) 843-2446 HQ- (801) 947-3100
Contact info: (866) 557-2368 HQ- (800) 228-3489
Saks Off Fifth
Contact info: (877) 551-7257 HQ- (212) 320-4700
Stein Mart
Contact info: (888) 783-4662 HQ- (904) 346-1500
Contact info: (866) 263-8325 HQ- (617) 532-6100
Contact info: (514) 788 4949 HQ- (905) 405-8000
Contact info: (800) 927-7671 HQ- (702) 943-7777
Contact info: (877) 779-5615 HQ- (206) 724-0500
OK, friends--let's get busy!