Friday, May 21, 2010

A Message to My Senator

Aw c'mon, Senator!

You know as well as I that it is time to rein in Wall Street.

Please! Those hungry b*star*s will not be satisfied until they've bled us all drier than a pile of rocks sitting in a neglected garden.

Now we have oil gushing, threatening and ruining the natural habitat of millions of defenseless animals and birds with no end in sight! Just how much do you folks in Washington think we will tolerate before we start a revolution?

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that we the people will be picking up the tab for the oil-gushing fiasco, too. BP will see to it. And it will all be a big secret. OMG!

I'm a pacifist. I will hate it if the people get really pi**ed and decide not to take it any more! Ever see Network? If you haven't, now would be a good time to watch this video. It isn't a new flick. But the story of human nature being pushed to the precipice never gets old.

We both know "restless natives" can get really restless. Just look at this country's bloody history. It may be time for the "swells" to stop pushing the oil-sopped people any further!

The American people, including me, have had enough