Douchebag Donald Trump, deadbeat freeloading pussy-grabber-in-thief-wannabe, denied his own nephew's sick baby medical care...he's such a LOSER that he makes LOSERS look like WINNERS!!!!!
Greetings, fellow Dot Calm Readers, Freedom Fighters, and Truth Crusaders!
Dare I hope that not only is pussy-grabber-in-thief-wannabe Donald LOSER Trump imploding but that he's taking the entire Republican party with him?
Sadly, I don't think that's the case--and wishes ain't horses--but I still have some observations to share with you today.
It's been really interesting comparing the first-to-press assessments of Sunday night's debate from The Young Turks and AlterNet with the steady stream coming in from other sources--TYT and AlterNet both concluded that Hillary lost the debate, but CNN and a growing number of polls say that she won handily. Hm. I guess I didn't want to assume that she won (because she's human and articulate, duh, and the dumpster fire is neither) only to have my hopes shattered later.
My first indication of the true outcome came when I discussed the debate the next day with my dad, who, unlike me, had the intestinal fortitude to watch the whole thing from his room in the health facility (he comes home Friday, yay!). I told him that TYT and AlterNet said that Trump won, to which my dad replied, pfft--Hillary won hands down. And he gave me a far more lucid précis and breakdown of the debate than I've seen in any of the news media, which seemed more interested in hand-wringing.
Luckily for him, he's still quite photogenic at 85--we oughtta put him on the air and let him analyze the news. (That would be awesome because he's clever, observant, and funny AF. Hee!)
Meanwhile, it's also been really interesting watching the dumpster fire trot out women he claims were raped by Bill Clinton--the same women he called "losers" at the time, loudly defending Bill Clinton as the true victim....just like he did when Mike Tyson was accused of rape. Donald "the great white grope" Trump is a yuge defender of rapists and denouncer of their victims--except when it's politically convenient for him not to be.
You don't really think Donald Trump gives a shit about Paula Jones, Kathy Shelton, Juanita Broaddrick, and Kathleen Willey, do you?
He doesn't care one iota more about them than he cares about his own blood relations. Like his nephew's sick baby, as The Daily Mail (excerpt below) and other sources report:
- Trump's older brother Freddy died an alcoholic at the age of 43 in 1981
- When Trump family patriarch Fred Sr. died in 1999, Freddy's children were cut out of the will Donald helped draft
- Donald admitted he reneged on a pledge to pay the medical bills for the medical care of the sick infant when the Freddy's children sued
- Claimed Donald and his siblings had influenced their late grandfather to leave them out of his will
- For more of the latest on Donald Trump, visit
Friends, this is Donald John Trump--it's who he is now, and it's who he's been from the get-go. That orange-ass skunk don't change its glued-on stripe.
Cold and heartless don't even begin to describe Donald Trump. "Douchebag" is too light-hearted of an epithet for such a monster...the same monster who wants the proven-innocent Central Park Five executed, presumably for being Black and brown and for being uppity enough to dare prove him wrong...who twice called for Hillary Clinton's assassination...who's been loudly and repeatedly inciting his tinfoil-hat-wearing adherents to storm polling places November 8 to intimidate voters...and who's disdained democracy by taking a page out of Putin's playbook by threatening to jail Hillary when he's the one who belongs in jail!
No wonder Republicans luuuuurve Debauched Dumbass Douchebag Disgusting Donald. They are the pro-death party, after all. Now, if the baby were still in utero....
I was in my office break-room not getting lunch yesterday (call it an FML day) when I had the good fortune to catch a speech Hillary was giving during a rally in Miami about combatting climate change; Al Gore was there, and he spoke after her. Girlfriend had her facts at her fingertips--she can speak articulately, logically, and passionately...and at length, without notes or a teleprompter (am I the only one who's impressed?)...about what we need to do, how we can do it, and the tremendous benefits to us as a nation and to the world at large if we stop kicking the can down the road and start now. Friends, she wants to make us the world leader in developing and deploying technology to combat climate change. Ambitious but doable, she said. Everything she said was so spot-on. It was such a moving speech, and she presented such a positive, hopeful, and realistic vision that all I can do is hope-hope-hope we have the good fortune to see her start putting her plans into action from the White House in 2017. She said it beautifully: everything that Democrats value rests on her shoulders; if we want to see our great nation live up to those great values, then we need to vote for Hillary and vote blue all the way down.
Yeah, yeah...I see people wringing their hands that, yet again, climate change was ignored at the debate. Srsly? Don't we all know yet that Hillary has a sensible, practical vision for combatting climate change before it's too late? Don't we all know yet how Donald Trump and the Republicans would handle climate change--by ignoring it until Miami went glub-glub-glub but inland of New York City (because New York City also went glub-glub-glub) didn't miss Miami because now New York feels like Florida?
We've already seen Republican values writ large by Donald Trump's campaign: ignorance, fear, misogyny, bigotry, homophobia, Islamophobia, hatred, bullying, intimidation, threats, baseless ridicule, heartlessness, cruelty, authoritarianism, oppression, repression, white privilege, rage, vindictiveness, divisiveness, ad hominem attacks, feuding, lying, deceit, reality-behavior-science denial, doubling down when wrong, rape culture, debauchery, lewdness-rudeness-crudeness, refusal to take responsibility, blamestorming, braggadocio...and a shit-ton more I just don't feel like typing right now.
The only reason that Republicans are up in arms about Pussygate is that they know they need white women--the only kind Donald Trump likes to assault--to vote for Trump, or he's toast. They've never counted on the Black vote, the Latino vote, the Asian vote, the LGBTQ+ vote, or the educated vote. They've relied since the days of Reagan on the white male vote, but there just aren't enough white men to put any Republican into the White House--let alone unregistered sex offender Donald Trump. Republicans need white women to vote for Trump. And I'll bet that even the self-hating, self-disrespecting evangelical women ain't all gonna bite the bait this time. Maybe they're too old and frumpy themselves to feel like objects of Degenerate Donald's hands roving up their skirts, but they gots daughters. Daughters whom they'd like to keep virginal. Daughters for whom they'd be mighty pissed if some fat disgusting old lech
And here I thot that Republicans hated the entitlement mindset. Someone better tell their boi Donsie Wonsie.
Which America do you want to live in: Donald Trump's America that goes back to stone age via the 1500s, or Hillary Clinton's America that's poised to take this century by the horns and ride it boldly into a better future?
Dunno 'bout-chew, buckaroo, but I'm ready to saddle up. Yee-HAW!
Don't forget to read Dot Calm's shadow's favorite independent sources of news and information:
Daily Kos
Peas, friends. Take care of yourselves for me. Trust me--you're worth it! Kiss, kiss! (But not all grabby gropey Tic-Tac-crusted...ewww!)
Consider the preemptive Blogger phuqued-up phormatting disclaimer to be in effect. Grrr.
-- Dot Calm's shadow
for philandering Donald Trump
to hold Hillary responsible
for Bill's philandering
because Republicans have always
held Jackie O responsible
for Jack Kennedy's philandering
...except that they didn't.
It's perfectly reasonable
for lewd DISGUSTING Donald Trump
to attack Bill Clinton's philandering
because Bill Clinton is running for president
...except that he isn't.
DISGUSTING pervert Donald Trump
is a moron
because he doesn't acknowledge these things
because he doesn't live in reality.
From Vox
Once you know Trump's history, what his campaign has done is unsurprising. That makes him scarier.
...Vox posted an article earlier today titled "Donald Trump's long history of racism, misogyny, and corruption, explained." But for some reason, they took it down before I could post it. Dang! It was a total "must read" article--everything you need to know in one place.
5 compelling reasons to stop calling Trump's comments "locker room talk"
After Mike Tyson was convicted of rape in 1992, Trump said Tyson was the real victim
Inside the growing movement to ditch Columbus Day and celebrate Native Americans instead
The sorry state of the Republican Party right now, in one tweet
...In short, because dumpster fire just jazzed his base, the bigwigs who want to quit him can't. News flash, morons: you built it, you own it!
Analysts: Donald Trump's new tax plan is even more tilted toward the rich than his old one
Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia ban at least 1 in 5 black citizens from voting
The Daily Show dismantles Trump's nonsense excuse about "locker room talk"
Hillary Clinton is proposing a policy to tackle deep poverty
...Friends, THIS IS YUUUUUUGE!!!!!
Samantha Bee: Republicans aren't brave for disavowing Trump. They created him.
A conservative radio host calls it quits over Trump: "do I really want to be part of this?"
...Charlie Sykes seems like a nice man. What's interesting is that he made this decision before Pussygate.
The sexual assault allegations against Donald Trump, explained
...Let Vox sort out the truth from the hype for you.
Trump: murder is at a 45-year high. Actual statistics: that's not remotely true.
...Oh, but his tinfoil-hat-wearing adherents luuuuurve this lie because it lets them blame Blacks so they can feel superior.
WikiLeaks reveals John Podesta's secret for making creamy risotto
...In other words, folks, nothing to see here in the latest dump from WikiLeaks. Really--not a big deal. What's interesting is that, for some reason, the leaker(s) decided to throw a few red herrings into the mix--a few pieces of information that look genuine but that have been doctored and thus are misleading. Why? Seems to me that the only possible outcome is that nobody will take any of it seriously because they know some of it has been tampered with. How to find to find out.... I know! I'll make some of John Podesta's creamy risotto for my Tea Party Christian friend and see if the recipe works--maybe it's the forgery. Or maybe my friend will choke from eating food designed and prepared by DEMOCRATS...!
What Elizabeth Warren really wants from Hillary Clinton
...Lest we forget, Elizabeth Warren had some strong influence on the party platform this election--just like Bernie. And, lest we forget, neither of them will get what they want from Hillary if Trump gets in--and neither will we!
The biggest climate change story in the world this week is quietly playing out in Rwanda
...*sigh*...too important of a meeting to be so squelched in our news, which is all-election all-the-time. No wonder the people at work keep changing the TV channel to ESPN (thank Atheist God)!
Donald Trump's curious shift from gourmet to fast-food aficionado
...I don't think it's curious at all that Mister Priss insisted on heirloom tomatoes before pretending to be blue collar. But his blue collar diet of fast food is gross--much more befitting his actual appearance and personality
The Trump campaign said it's gaining momentum — by imagining a world in which women don't vote
...Hilariously, Eric "dipshit doesn't fall far from the dip" Trump posted an electoral map showing what the results would be if only men voted. Someone oughtta turn that asshole kid with too much product in his hair onto FiveThirtyEight. Then again, if Donald and his surrogates don't spread misinformation now, how will they be able to incite their base to start riots when Hillary wins the election?
The math says Democrats have little shot at the House. Donald Trump suggests otherwise.
...I think the chances are slim to none, which sux becuz I'd love a clean sweep, but the article makes a good point about current "throw the career politician bums out on their bums" mentality. Been there myself more than a few times.
From FiveThirtyEight
Election Update: Polls Show Potential Fallout From Trump Tape
What Trump's Brag About Sexual Assault Reveals About This Election And Our Culture
Election Update: Women Are Defeating Donald Trump
...If--hopefully WHEN--Donald LOSER Trump gets his ass handed to him on election day, he will have been defeated by a shit-ton of women voting for a woman! Ha, I wonder how he'd react.
Paul Ryan Needs Trump More Than Trump Needs Ryan
...I know! Let's ask Paul Ryan (and Rafael DEFLATed "sad phone-banking for Satan" Cruz) how Donald Trump's stubby orange dick tastes.
Is This What It Looks Like When A Party Falls Apart?
...No, but the dynamics are fascinating just the same.
Sure, sure...
"Missile strike in Yemen: Will criticism of Saudis morph into real pressure?" That's a headline in the Christian Science Monitor today.
Urge President Obama to move from criticism to real pressure by signing our petition at MoveOn.
A New York Times editorial today says:
"Airstrikes by a Saudi-led coalition that devastated a funeral in Yemen on Saturday make it clear that the United States must end its complicity in a civil war that has caused a humanitarian catastrophe in one of the world’s poorest countries and fueled extremism. It is within President Obama’s power to do so. Saudi Arabia and its Gulf state allies depend on Washington for aircraft, munitions, training and in-flight refueling."The Intercept reports:
"Fragments of what appear to be U.S.-made bombs have been found at the scene of one of the most horrific civilian massacres of Saudi Arabia’s 18-month air campaign in Yemen."Reuters reports:
"The Obama administration went ahead with a $1.3 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia last year despite warnings from some officials that the United States could be implicated in war crimes for supporting a Saudi-led air campaign in Yemen that has killed thousands of civilians, according to government documents and the accounts of current and former officials."From WikiLeaks, we learn that in August 2014 Hillary Clinton reported matter-of-factly to John Podesta, based on U.S. intelligence reports, that the governments of Saudi Arabia and Qatar were "providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region."
Urge President Obama to move from criticism to real pressure by signing and sharing our petition.
Thanks for all you do to help make U.S. foreign policy more just,
Robert Naiman, Avram Reisman, and Sarah Burns
Just Foreign Policy
Help support our work!
If you think our work is important, support us with a $15 donation.
Tell MGM: Release the Trump tapes | |
Petition to MGM:
“Release any and all recordings of Donald Trump’s off-air remarks during the filming of ‘The Apprentice’. The American people deserve to be informed about their choices in this election.”
Add your name:
From Color of Change
13-year-olds shouldn't be victims of police violence
Demand Justice for Tyre!
A 13-year-old child was killed by Ohio police--again. Almost two years after the killing of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, Tyre King has become another victim of police violence against Black children. The police claim that Tyre brandished a BB gun, but an independent medical examiner reported that Tyre was likely running away from police when they shot and killed him.1 To make matters worse, right now Tyre’s murder is being investigated by the same police department that put his killer back to work. When the cops police themselves we already know what the result is: no accountability. We cannot allow another Ohio officer to get away with killing a Black child.
Will you stand with us and Tyre King’s family to demand an independent investigation of his fatal shooting?
See reference 1.
From Public Citizen--Stop America's Koch addiction by ending big money in politics
America has a Koch problem.
City by city, state by state, and nationally, the billionaire Koch Brothers are using their corporate, polluter money to capture control of our government at every level.
The U.S. Supreme Court’s disastrous Citizens United ruling — which opened the floodgates for unlimited, corporate money to pour into our elections — enabled the would-be plutocrats to play such a large role in American policymaking.
And until Citizens United is reversed, the Kochs will be able to continue their Big Business ploy, undermining efforts to save a runaway democracy and address the most crucial issues of our time — from climate change to Big Pharma’s price gouging and beyond.
Add your name if you support overturning Citizens United and stopping the Koch Empire from distorting our local, state and national elections for their own benefit.
More information is in my earlier alert, copied below in case you missed it.
Courtney Fuller
Public Citizen’s Democracy Is For People Campaign
From Ruben Kihuen--Donald Trump insulted our family!
More communities across the country are choosing to celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day in lieu of Columbus Day. Indigenous Peoples Day honors the history and culture of Native American people and recognizes the power and importance of their voices in shaping culture and policy today.
Our government's continued recognition of Christopher Columbus Day as a federal holiday bestows honor on a legacy of enslavement and genocide. This holiday celebrates Columbus's savage conquests, which set the stage for not only the erasure of Native peoples and theft of their lands but also the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.
Sign the petition: Demand that Congress stop recognizing Columbus Day as a federal holiday.
The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's fight against the Dakota Access pipeline proves how dangerous it is to glorify conquest and genocide. These are not merely horrific acts of a distant past. Hundreds of tribes are gathered right now to bolster the fight for recognition of their tribal nations, the rights to their own land, and even access to safe water.
There is growing support for the movement to honor native peoples and to celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day, but it is far from universal. Several cities have defeated Indigenous Peoples Day proposals, and our federal government continues to honor Christopher Columbus as a national hero.
Sign the petition: Demand that Congress stop recognizing Columbus Day as a federal holiday.
Keep fighting,
Irna Landrum, Daily Kos
From Daily Kos--Show Darrell Issa the door!
Republican Rep. Darrell Issa spent years wasting millions of dollars in taxpayer money to conduct bogus "investigations" of the Obama administration that never went anywhere. But just like a classic bully—just like his idol, Donald Trump, in fact—he can dish it out but can't take a punch.
Issa—one of the leaders of the Benghazi witch hunt, and later called the Benghazi "investigations" a success because they hurt Hillary's poll numbers—faces his toughest re-election campaign in forever, thanks to Daily Kos-endorsed Democrat Doug Applegate, a retired Marine colonel who, unlike his opponent, isn’t afraid of the rough and tumble.
Can you chip in $5 right now to help Get Out The Vote for Democrat Doug Applegate and give the odious Darrel Issa the boot?
Applegate recently started airing a hard-hitting TV spot in which he directly links Issa to Trump. After playing a clip of Trump declaring "I'm really rich. Nobody knows the system better than me," a narrator explains that Issa likewise "gamed the system to line his own pockets steering millions in taxpayer money to help properties he owned," relying on a very negative 2011 New York Times piece about Issa's self-dealing for factual support.
So how did Issa react? Like the cowardly whiner that he is, he's threatening to file a lawsuit alleging that Applegate has defamed him! Seriously, no one in politics ever does this. It’s insane. But Issa's serious: He even sent the Applegate campaign a draft of his complaint that he's ready to file in court at a moment's notice if Applegate doesn’t cower before him.
The entire thing is nuts, though. Issa's cockamamie claim centers around a screenshot where that "gamed the system" quote is rendered in a newspaper-style headline, above a New York Times logo displayed on a slant. It’s the kind of visual technique used in a million campaign ads.
But Issa's delusional attorneys are calling this image defamatory because it "inappropriately misleads California voters by falsely attributing quotes to an article in which such quotes do not exist." They also try to claim that the article itself has been discredited because of a few small corrections issued after the fact (such as the paper printing the word "billion" when it meant "million"), even though it still lives on the Times' website. And that’s really it. Applegate’s summary of the article is totally fair—just read the piece for yourself. It’s a devastating portrait of a congressman who has used his time in office to get extremely rich, and there's just no getting around that.
Please give $5 to Doug Applegate today so that he can defeat Darrell Issa.
Keep fighting,
David Nir, Political Director
Daily Kos
From Faithful America--Did Trump buy off evangelical shill Franklin Graham with other people's money?
Dear Faithful America member,
As many leading Republicans are now abandoning Donald Trump, his supporters in the religious right are doubling down. Franklin Graham, son of the famed evangelist Billy Graham, is among the worst.
He started praising Donald Trump after his organization received a large donation from the Trump Foundation, and now he's minimizing Trump's video as mere "crude comments" while attacking Hillary Clinton's "godless progressive agenda."
Graham's even used his control of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association to launch a 50-state tour of "prayer rallies" devoted mostly to denouncing President Obama and Democrats - undermining his father's nonpartisan legacy with extremist politics.
It's time for the two outside church leaders on Graham's board of directors to resign in protest: Bishop George Battle of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, and Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship.
Tell board members: Resign in protest of Franklin Graham's support for Donald Trump
- Michael
From UltraViolet--Tell NBC to release the tapes!
Donald Trump's campaign is still in a tailspin after the tape of him bragging about sexually assaulting women was leaked on Friday. But now, multiple TV producers have come forward to say there's more--WORSE--tapes of Trump from his time on reality TV show The Apprentice. 50,000 UltraViolet members have signed the petition demanding that MGM and NBC release the tapes--but your name is missing. Can you sign on right away?
Nita and Shaunna
Seven species of Hawaiian yellow-faced bees have OFFICIALLY been added to the endangered species list. The bee population is plummeting -- and they need our help! Sign your name to say you’re committed to saving bees from extinction: |
From AlterNet--Bernie says to vote for's not the time for a protest vote!
Look, if you agree with Bernie that we CANNOT afford to throw away our vote as a “protest,” please sign your name today:
In 2000, Ralph Nader ran as a third-party candidate -- and many believe he cost Al Gore the election. Nader won nearly 100,000 votes in Florida, which could have put Gore over the edge to win both Florida, and consequently, the White House.[1]
We can’t let Trump win this election.
That's why we agree with Bernie. If you do as well, please let us know right now:
Thanks for your support,
- The Progressive Turnout Project
The more I think about
Donald Trump and the Central Park Five,
the more it bothers me.
Donald claims that,
because they confessed,
the Central Park Five should be executed.
He thinks we should ignore
the DNA evidence that exonerates them,
which makes him the perfect candidate
for science deniers.
What makes me want to duct tape my haid
is that Donald Trump also thinks
that we should ignore the confession
of the serial rapist whose DNA
did match.
Hey, Donald--
if giving a confession makes you guilty,
why do YOU want to declare the actual rapist,
who also confessed,
and set him free
to rape and beat up
and brain damage other women?
What is it about his confession
that makes him innocent?
maybe it IS the fact that his DNA matches.
In Donald Trump's bizarro world,
that actually makes sense.
Democracy Now!
Donald "unattractive LOSER" Trump
Daily Kos
Sorry, Eric Trump, you asshole kid what looks like a villain from a 1980s movie about teenagers fighting to build a local juice bar--sexual assault is NOT something "alpha" males do or "joke" about. It's something WEAK male LOSERS do because they WANT to be strong, but they KNOW they are WEAK and will never be strong.
I'm actually glad to see documents
published in the public interest
for greater transparency,
but there's a YUGE difference
between hating Hillary
and actively supporting Trump.
even if Hillary gave her big donors
everything they asked for, she'd still do
more good and less harm than Trump.
Hey, Julian--
Do you really think
Trump would lift one stubby orange finger
to feed a poor child?
Balance dirty energy
with at least some clean energy?
Help the middle and lower classes?
Try to balance the budget?
Live in the same reality I do
and thought you do?
Hey, Julian--
you understand what a disaster he is,
Hillary demonstrated this about Trump
when she got under his skin
with Alicia Machado.
Does "Crimea" mean anything to you?
The rest of Ukraine?
Have you NOT heard him ask
three times
why he can't use nukes if we have them?
because her success and her brand
depend on it.
he is committed to frying the planet
as a gift for his buddies in Big Oil.
a serial sex offender
Never thot I'd hear myself say THAT.
If Trump gets in,
you personally will be responsible
for every penny he steals from the poor,
every tear shed by a hungry child,
and every drop of innocent blood he sheds.
You make me sick.
Here's the only one I seem interested in introducing today: Randi Rhodes on Hillary's climate change talk for the Miami rally. Like I said, I found Hillary extremely engaging; everything she said resonated with me. It's funny...when I think of politicians giving moving speeches, Hillary would not have been the first name that comes to mind. But, like I said, I found her speech to be extremely moving. Powerful. Gawd, we need this woman in the White House! If dumpster fire gets in and does half of what he
'Til next time, check out these great channels:
...or, if you just want something mindless and fun, try Tested
I recently saw a Trump campaign ad
where a little old couple bitched
that Hillary called them deplorable.
Well guess what, granny--
if you're a racist, a bigot, an LGBTQ+ hater
if you think women should have funerals
for their tampons
and go to jail for having miscarriages,
then you ARE deplorable.
Guess what, old man--
if you're a veteran
because you wanted to kill gooks
and if you think it's presidential
to grab women by the pussy,
If the shoe fits, assholes, wear it.