What IS it going to take?!??
3 August 2017 update:
Greetings, fellow Dot Calm Readers, Freedom Fighters, and Truth Crusaders!
Well, friends...here I was, thinking it was just about the closest thing to a slow n00z couple-o'-daze as we've seen since 9 November...a-a-a-a-and...it turns out...not so much.
My workload at the day job is a little overwhelming still, so Imma just hit the highlights and let the headlines and m00bies tell the rest of the story for the second snapshot of the week wherein I do my best to record the progress of The Resistance in my namesake's humble blawg.
So, sit down and strap
tRump is looking to cut LEGAL immigration by about half. Apparently, his goal is to drive the cost of food up by at least five times, so that not only is health care a privilege for the rich, but so is food.
But wait--there's moar! And, boy howdy, is it ugleh. Apparently, the tRump injustice department is turning civil rights inside out and upside down, using it now to protect white supremacy rather than vulnerable populations who are already under-represented. Yep--they're going to investigate affirmative action and sue the universities for discriminating against whites!
You can't make this shit up!
This is so hateful AND crazy that I just can't wrap my haid around it enough to write any more about it at the moment--at least not without duct-taping my haid!
But there are glimmers of hope...
Mueller has impaneled a grand jury in the tRump-Russia investigation--finally! Imma let WSJ give you a teaser: Special Counsel Robert Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia Probe
"Special Counsel Robert Mueller has impaneled a grand jury in Washington to investigate Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections, a sign that his inquiry is growing in intensity and entering a new phase, according to two people familiar with the matter.
"The grand jury, which began its work in recent weeks, is a sign that Mr. Mueller’s inquiry is ramping up and that it will likely continue for months. Mr. Mueller is investigating Russia’s efforts to influence the 2016 election and whether President Donald Trump’s campaign or associates colluded with the Kremlin as part of that effort."
As Tweep Tea Pain points out, this grand jury has been impaneled for "WEEKS!"--news only broke after subpoenas were issued, meaning that Bob Mueller runs a tight ship.
And Mueller has already issued subpoenas regarding Donald junior's June meeting with PEWtin's agents. Per CNN: Mueller issues grand jury subpoenas.
Finally, finally--it's nice finally to see some progress, finally.
Speaking of "finally"...
National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster finally fired powerful "senior" director for intelligence Ezra Cohen-Watnick from the National Security Council (NSC)!
Per Newsweek: Ezra Cohen-Watnick: Inside the Rise of Trump's Invisible Man in the White House. Friends, please click through and read either the Newsweek article or the one from The Atlantic linked below--it's been a while since I did, and I don't want to trust my memory completely and don't have time to refresh my memory by rereading both articles completely, but, IIRC, Cohen-Watnick is one of Kushie's PEWtinist buds, hired by Michael Flynn and as loyal to the United States as any of the tRump kkklan (i.e., not at all). Cohen-Watnick is also an Iran hard-liner--something nobody needs right now.
From the Newsweek article:
‘I’m Thinking Ollie North’
In 2014, Obama fired Flynn, and since then administration officials have dumped on him in the press. But the surprise election of Trump in November 2016 gave Flynn a chance for redemption—and revenge. With his rising prominence in the Trump campaign, Flynn’s adversaries recycled stories about his DIA ouster, but now there were also questions about Kremlin-financed trips to Moscow and ties to Turkish lobbyists. And Flynn was swimming in ever deeper conspiracy waters, now with activists who alleged that the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooter did not act alone, and that Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta was involved in a pedophile ring run beneath a Washington, D.C., family restaurant. Cohen-Watnick joined him in the so-called “Pizzagate” fray, tweeting about “Podesta's obsession with the occult.” In another tweet, he referenced “the disgusting and potentially criminal behavior of the Clinton crime syndicate.”
In January, Cohen-Watnick swept into office with Flynn and other associates from Gaffney’s circle, including Bannon, Conway and Sebastian Gorka, another anti-Muslim hard-liner with ties to a Hungarian Nazi party. Meanwhile, Cohen-Watnick was getting married to a woman who, like Flynn and several other Trump aides, had ties to Russia. Rebecca Miller, four years younger than Cohen-Watnick, had worked on the Russian account in the D.C. office of Ketchum, the global powerhouse lobbying and public relations firm, according to her mother, Victoria Fraser, head of Washington University's Department of Medicine in St. Louis. During a 2014 event at the State Historical Society of Missouri, Fraser said her daughter’s “big challenges right now are, Ketchum is responsible for providing PR and marketing to try to make Russia look better, which is particularly difficult when they’re invading other countries and when Putin is somewhat out of control.”
Ketchum took a public relations blow when ProPublica reported that it had “placed pro-Russia op-eds in American publications by businesspeople and others without disclosing the role of the Russian government.” The following year, it drew flak for placing an op-ed purporting to be written by Russian President Vladimir Putin in The New York Times arguing that Syrian rebels, not President Bashar al-Assad, were responsible for chemical attacks on civilians. According to a Ketchum spokesperson, Miller’s work on the Russia account ended in September 2012. The company severed its ties with the Russian Federation in March 2015.
From an article in The Atlantic about the "unfireable" Cohen-Watnick (his "unfireability" and power being key, but the excerpt below illustrating his role in the tRump administration):
Bannon and Ledeen may be wary of talking about Cohen-Watnick after his first, and thus far only, turn in the national spotlight. Washington got its first real look at Cohen-Watnick when he was identified as one of two White House sources who provided House Intelligence chairman Devin Nunes with evidence that former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the “unmasking” of the names of Trump associates in intelligence documents. In the intelligence world, incidental collection refers to intelligence agencies obtaining, in the course of monitoring foreigners, communications that either refer to or involve Americans, whose names are typically “masked” unless officials request that they be “unmasked.”
So, kiddies, it's clear that Ezra Cohen-Watnick is not exactly the kind of upstanding America-loving patriot what with integrity and all that what we need in the NSC deze daze--rather the opposite. I was relieved (well, as relieved as one can be about anything with PEWtin's cock holster squatting in the White House) that the st00pit, pissy kid got his st00pit pissy ass fired.
Then there's the aftermath of the firing per the Weekly Standard: McMaster Interviewed CIA Operative to Replace Trump NSC Official.
Folks on Twitter seem to think that this is actually good n00z because McMaster is putting a CIA operative back into an NSC position usually held by CIA people--meaning that we'd be replacing a known traitor with a possible patriot. Whew.
But wait--there's still moar n00z...
...Like the lawsuit against FOX News for fabricating the Seth Rich conspiracy theory to help tRump by framing Hillary Clinton for murdering the young man. CNN has this headline: Lawsuit: Fox News concocted Seth Rich story with oversight from the White House. The first story I saw was from NPR: Lawsuit Alleges Fox News And Trump Supporter Created Fake News Story. CNN also has a piece on reactions inside FOX News to the network's lack of explanations, meaning that the employees are slowing figuring out what the rest of us already knew--FOX News is full of shit:
More than two months ago, on May 23, FoxNews.com deleted a story that suggested Rich had been in contact with Wikileaks before his death. The story rested on quotes from Rod Wheeler, a Fox News contributor and former homicide detective hired to investigate the unsolved murder on behalf of the Rich family. He was quoted in that article saying there was evidence showing Rich had been in contact with Wikileaks.
The story was immediately seized on by President Trump's media allies, who treated it as an explosive scoop and used it to cast doubt on the US intelligence community's determination that Russia-backed hackers stole the internal DNC emails published by Wikileaks. For a little while, the story was everywhere in the pro-Trump media universe -- including two of Fox News' biggest shows, "Fox & Friends" and "Hannity."
But the article upon which all this coverage was based fell apart within hours of its publication, when Wheeler contradicted aspects of it in an interview with CNN. In a lawsuit filed Tuesday, Wheeler said the Fox News reporter who wrote the article, Malia Zimmerman, who did not respond to requests for comment, fabricated the quotes she attributed to him -- a major violation of the most basic journalism principles, if true.
Dunno what good, if anything, will come out of the lawsuit, but it's nice to see it moving in the right direction.
But there's also a piece of bad, sad n00z today: Christopher Wray was confirmed to "lead" the FBI.
Of course, Wray has Russian ties...
USA Today: Christopher Wray's law firm has ties to Russian energy companies
CNN: FBI Director nominee removed reference to case involving Russian government from law firm bio
Like Ford Prefect, I wouldn't trust Wray to run the FBI as far as I could comfortably spit a rat. GRRRRRRRR.
And now...we move from the sublime to the ridiculous.
If this doesn't offend you to the core of your being, then you need to start wearing a MAGA hat if you don't already:
tRump confided to some of his expensive coastal elitist golf buddies that he thinks the White House is "a real dump."
But that's ok--his spokesman Stephen Miller claims that the Statue of Liberty doesn't really mean it when she unconditionally welcomes immigrants to our shores.
Srsly, every last one of these bastards needs to move to mother fucking Russia and stay there. They have no business being in this country if they hate it and us and everything we stand for so deeply.
And now for a little tidbit that would be funny if PEWtin's cock holster weren't in the White House with access to the nuclear codes...
tRump lied about not one but two congratulations.
One of tRump's lies was that the Boy Scouts of America called to congratulate him on his rambling, incoherent "speech"...which tRump treated as a campaign rally even though the Boy Scouts are not political and Boy Scouts are on the order of ten years too young to give the votes tRump thanked them for...as if it were Teh Best Speech Teh Boi Skowts Evar Hurd EVAR. Um...no. In fact, the Boy Scouts had to apologize publicly for tRump's offensive remarks.
Another tRump lie was that Mexico's President Pena Nieto "praised" tRump's border wall. Um...double no. Not only does Mexico and most of America still hate tRump's boondoggle border wall, but Mexico sure as fuck ain't gonna pay for it--even though tRump begged Pena Nieto not to say so out loud in public.
I'd spend a few minutes here mocking tRump about this bullshit more than I've already done on Twitter, but teh st00pit is so overwhelming that I can't go on unless I interrupt myself to duct-tape my haid....
While you chew on that, here's another somewhat promising piece of n00z...
I'll be damned--tRump fucking signed the fucking sanctions bill! W00t! Someone must've gotten to him and told him he really had no choice.
So, like a little kid being told he has to take his medicine, tRump realized that it would be best to get it over with as quickly as possible.
Of course, the administration added a signing statement...the last four paragraphs of which were an "I love PEWtin, so fuck you" to Congress, and the last paragraph of which was breathtakingly st00pit...he bragged about his businesses, confirming his belief that governing is about "making deals" rather than serving the American people.
NY Times: Trump's Signing Statement on the Russia Sanctions Bill, Explained
Srsly--what a chump.
Obviously, the last sentence of the signing statement--the one about America hiring him to make deals--is the only part that tRump himself contributed at all. He probably told his ghostwriter that he wasn't going to sign his own signing statement without it.
The bad n00z is that his ghostwriter, whoever it is, disputed the constitutionality of the bill, which means that the administration is very likely planning to challenge the bill in court. So, I conclude that the only reason tRump signed the bill was to buy time. I sure hope Congress gets its act together and fixes the problem because we sure as fuck need those fucking sanctions!!!!!
And now, perhaps the only piece of unalloyed good news for the day...
H.R. McMaster exonerated Susan Rice for doing her job (aka the "unmaskings"), much to the fury of America-hater Sean Hannity. As far as I'm concerned, Hannity can run off into PEWtin's arms, too, and fucking stay there. Scott Dworkin is reviving the "fire Hannnity" campaign on Twitter. This is the campaign started because Sean fuckwad Hannity pummeled Seth Rich's family with the st00pit conspiracy theory despite their begging him to cease and desist. I was part of that campaign, and we convinced quite a few of Hannity's advertisers to drop him in real time--and most seem not to have come back. But there still are some die-hard Hannity advertisers left, friends. And we need to finish the job of firing Hannity, because, now, PEWtinist Hannity is attacking true-blue American patriot Robert Mueller for doing HIS job.
Oh, wait--there's another truly unalloyed piece of good n00z today, brought to you by Democratic Underground: Pro Forma Senate Schedule Ensures NO RECESS APPOINTMENTS - Sen. Murkowski Locks It In
That means that KKKeebler elf Jeff Sessions's job fucking over people of color but not firing Mueller is safe for now.
Between this development and Kelly's and Mattis's pact never to leave dumb Donnie alone, including on the phone, it sounds like a few fed-up Republicans are finally deciding enough is enough--no more letting combover Caligula run around without adult supervision.
The Hill: Mattis, Kelly hatched travel pact to keep tabs on Trump
As I tweeted tRump, it's ok if his dad didn't love him growing up because now he has two dads!
Me...I give it a week. Maybe two. Maybe a week or two after he gets back from vacation. Then, tRump will be tRump and shit all over everyone and everything and fire Kelly and possibly Mattis and McMaster, too--any and every one of these men who's trying to put a lid on the dumpster fire that is tRump, back the situation down from meltdown to just merely seething, impose a semblance of order on the chaos that tRump lurves and cultivates and thrives on, and tell tRump what to do. I may be wrong on "when," but I'm taking bets that it's only a matter of time before tRump explodes and fires whomever tries to save his ass by imposing rules, boundaries, and order onto him.
I guess The Resistance isn't the only group of people who's figured out that the tRump White House works a damn sight better without tRump: he's apparently been sent on a three-week vacation, even though he swore left, right, up, down, and sideways that he'd "never see" his golf courses and "never take vacations" because he'd be too busy "working."
What a jackass!
But it does make me wonder...
Do you think the few people who do have two or more functioning brain cells to rub together might be cooking up some special kind of August surprise that they need tRump out of the picture to pull off because he's so fucking st00pit he might spill the beanz or otherwise fuck it up?
Trump confident his jury is the grandest
Choo choo time headlines
Dear ones, I'm so tired right now that I'm going cross-eyed. There were so many more insightful discussions on Twitter than I can capture for you here today. Next time, I'll catch 'em all, I hope!
WIRED: Jared Kushner Comments on Middle East Peace in Leaked Q&A: "What do we offer that's unique? I don't know."
The Daily Beast: How Russia Dominates Your Twitter Feed to Promote Lies (And, Trump, too)
NY Times: Oh, Wait. Maybe It Was Collusion.
WSJ: U.S. Attorney Subpoenas Kushner Cos. Over Investment-For-Visa Program
...In other words, if you're rich and can fill tRump's coffers, you're welcome here, even if you only speak Chinese and contribute nothing to society. But if you simply want to come here to build a better life for yourself and your family, fuck off.
Stonekettle Station: The Latter Days of a Better Nation, Part IV
...Great piece on the bill of goods sold to us as tRump
--and why so many bought it. I'm too tired to do it justice in a line or two--just click through and read it already!
WaPo: Transcripts of Trump's calls with Mexico and Australia
...Someone is leaking this shit to protect the country from tRump. Whoever it is is a hero! Tweep Eric Garland pronounces the content of the calls "horrid." Yeesh.
VICE: Researcher Who Stopped WannaCry Ransomware Detained in US After Def Con
...Um...why the ACTUAL FUCK are we detaining this person? He should be treated like a HERO!!!!!
Links you can use
Securing Democracy: http://dashboard.securingdemocracy.org/
...Friends, this is the "Hamilton" site devoted to flagging propaganda, bot traffic, and everything else you need to know to avoid getting sucked in by misinformation. Click through and check it out--it's AWESOME!!
Media Matters: These are Sean Hannity's advertisers
...Boycott 'em and tell 'em WHY!
DKos, ANet, DN! headlines
The Daily Kos Liberation League features highly recommended posts about racial justice, gender equality, and LGBTQ rights.
- Police Chief Association blasts Trump for encouraging Police brutality
- Judges order North Carolina Republicans to redraw gerrymandered maps immediately
- Michelle Obama reveals the most painful parts of being First Lady
- Black Women's Equal Pay Day provides reflections on gender and racial inequality
- A White ex-cop tells us why Black men are being killed by cops... Powerful!
- ICE agent anonymously speaks out: 'We seem to be targeting the most vulnerable, not the worst'
- TN woman's gives stunning parallel that captures the insidiousness of victim blaming
- Sign the petition: Denounce the Trump Administration's assault on affirmative action
- Private for-profit prison threatens to close unless government finds them more prisoners
- Sign the petition: No wall on the U.S.-Mexico border
- School segregation increases as communities secede from school districts to create wealthier ones
- Male Republicans jeered their female counterparts who saved millions from health care calamity
- Shocker: Trump dreamed up transgender ban all on his own, Joint Chiefs blindsided, Mattis appalled
- 'Left,' 'progressive,' and 'working-class' do not mean 'white'
- The new 'Jane Crow' in the foster care system separates children from their poor mothers
- Huckabee Sanders: Poster child for something even uglier than racism that rose from antebellum south
- White House: Trump didn't lie about the Boy Scouts calling him when he lied about the Boy Scouts calling him
- Heartbroken Trump blames Republicans for break-up with Putin
- Daily Kos is prepared to resist Trump every single day for the next four years and beyond. Can you chip in $1 to support independent, progressive media?
- Trump aide goes off rails, cites hate groups, disses Lady Liberty's 'Give me your tired' call
- Top EPA official resigns and slams Pruitt, Trump: 'The truth is there is NO war on coal'
- Trump's new chief of staff won’t help solve any White House problems because he is a part of the problem
- Michelle Obama opens up about the racism and sexism she endured as the nation's first lady
- Trump issues two statements on the Russia sanctions bill—one official, one written in crayon
- Corporate death penalty for Wells Fargo?
- Sign the petition: Denounce the Trump Administration’s assault on affirmative action
- Not levelheaded, not honest, abusing the office: New poll shows Americans have Trump's number
- Republican candidate for governor in South Carolina says she's 'proud of the Confederacy'
- House judiciary chair: 'Redundant' to investigate Trump-Russia, but Clinton is always fair game
- Trump's deportation crackdown stands to damage a generation of American kids
- A reminder Stephen Miller once dumped a childhood friend because he was Latino
- Reporter's hilarious reaction to spokesperson statement on Trump's truthfulness
- Trump takes a darker turn in response to losing bigly
- Trump supporter attacks three people after comments on his MAGA hat
- Daily Kos is prepared to resist Trump every single day for the next four years and beyond. Can you chip in $1 to support independent, progressive media?
- Cartoon: Very normal
- Hot damn! Check this female Marine pilot's intro ad for Kentucky's 6th district Congressional race
- Two of Trump's favorite generals had a pact: One of them must remain in the US at all times to supervise Trump
- White House official offers a bumbling excuse about why Trump has yet to sign Russia sanctions bill
- Bad news for Nevada Republican Dean Heller and good news for Democrats in new poll
- Joy-Ann Reid: Trump is who the real GOP is and Republican elites ashamed
- Sign the petition: All Americans deserve paid family leave. It’s the right thing to do.
- Jeff Sessions just put a military general in charge of our federal prison system
- Republicans push forward a bill to take away cheap phones and Internet from low-income families
- Lawsuit alleges Fox News worked directly with the Trump White House to push fabricated story
- Banning grandparents is inhumane
- Trump and Sessions turn Civil Rights Division into weapon to protect white privilege
By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet
The president's base is more fragile than it looks. Here's where Democrats can make real inroads. READ MORE»
By Jennie Neufeld, AlterNet
"You break it, you pretend it was already broken and let people die to score political points." READ MORE»
By Bob Brigham, Raw Story
The Bannon and McMaster factions have reportedly "gone to the mattresses." READ MORE»
By Travis Gettys, Raw Story
"Like something out of Mein Kampf." READ MORE»
By John Whitehouse, Media Matters
The Fox News pundit has serially misinformed the public. Now he's profiteering off a family's suffering. READ MORE»
By Heather Digby Parton, Salon
Three years after Ferguson, the administration seeks to militarize policing even more. It's a dangerous path. READ MORE»
By Chris Riotta, Newsweek
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is just the latest administration official to spar with April Ryan. READ MORE»
By Gabe Ortiz, DailyKos
Hostility toward people of color has been a lifelong passion for the presidential adviser. READ MORE»
By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet
Fox producer also reportedly planned to ‘extort’ investigative reporter Seymour Hersh to 'save' the discredited story. READ MORE»
By Kali Holloway, AlterNet
He should least be able to pass a high school social studies class. READ MORE»
By Lulu Friesdat, AlterNet
Critics wrongly dismissed hackers by focusing on one out-of-use machine. READ MORE»
By Chauncey DeVega, Salon
Trump reportedly dictated his son's false statement about the Russia meeting—but claims he has nothing to hide. READ MORE»
By Celisa Calacal, AlterNet
Officers are rarely charged with killing civilians, largely because of a three-decade legal standard. READ MORE»
By Amanda Marcotte, Salon
The Browder testimony points to real collusion, but it's hard to see in the swamp of fake news. READ MORE»
By Lindsay Moyer, Bonnie Liebman, Center for Science in the Public Interest
The awards recognize dishes at major restaurant chains that are designed to add a notch to your belt—and a major blow to healthy heart function. READ MORE»
By Daniel Golden, ProPublica
The rich buy their children access to elite colleges. READ MORE»
By Tom Sapsford, The Conversation
Like the victorious soldier cinaedus, today's gender non-conforming soldiers can confound expectations and achieve great results. READ MORE»
By Vijay Prashad, AlterNet
These deaths are not tragedies, they are crimes. READ MORE»
By Benjamin Dueholm, Religion Dispatches
The dietary politics of the Eucharist. READ MORE»
By Phillip Smith, AlterNet
Who cut the cheese? READ MORE»
By Nina Mast, Media Matters
An anti-immigrant group chartered a boat to disrupt humanitarian missions—but may have been trafficking people. READ MORE»
By Rev Jim Conn, Capital and Main
No one expected a small group of Trump supporters to attend the Santa Monica Committee on Racial Justice. READ MORE»
By Brian Levin, The Conversation
Trump's language has only made a terrible trend worse. READ MORE»
By Stephen Franklin, In These Times
A 15-hour work day can't even cover his daily costs—which is why Nnamdi Uwazie may return to school. READ MORE»
By Kali Holloway, AlterNet
Lies, confusion and delusion on parade. READ MORE»
By Stephen Marche, The Guardian
It goes beyond Trump's presidency. Our country is being torn asunder by its own internal contradictions. READ MORE»
By Heather Digby Parton, Salon
The president no longer enjoys the benefit of the doubt after a new blockbuster report. READ MORE»
By Jennie Neufeld, AlterNet
The Minnesota senator sat down with Stephen Colbert Tuesday. READ MORE»
By Leo Gerard, AlterNet
Workers and companies’ existence is at risk. READ MORE»
By Brad Reed, Raw Story
Rick Wilson says the president is "deeply unready" for an external crisis. READ MORE»
By Harriet Sinclair, Newsweek
A spokesman denies president's claim the organization called his speech "the greatest." READ MORE»
By Travis Gettys, Raw Story
John Kelly and Jim Mattis agreed early on to keep close tabs on the president. READ MORE»
By Robert Reich, RobertReich.org
Drink lots of water and get plenty of exercise. Helps with the anger. READ MORE»
By Don Hazen, AlterNet
Public intellectual and foundation executive Colin Greer reminds us that George W. Bush created intense trauma for Americans before Trump arrived. READ MORE»
Universal Health Care Can Work: But the Case Must Be Made for How to Pay and How Money Will Be Saved
By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet
There's an opening in Congress with the GOP's health failures and tax reform looming. READ MORE»
By Anna Sanford, AlterNet
A new national study reveals that more and more women are interested in parenting outside of the traditional family model. READ MORE»
By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet
Bill Browder's explosive testimony provides compelling insight for the corrupt bargain at the heart of the Russia investigation. READ MORE»
By Celisa Calacal, AlterNet
A new international study presents another explanation for the decline in the birth rate. READ MORE»
By Adam Johnson, AlterNet
Until he actually does something to undermine Trump’s agenda, the Arizona senator is just scraping for free press. READ MORE»
By Elliott Negin, AlterNet
No one can explain why the U.S. scientists were prevented from attending the conference in Russia. READ MORE»
By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet
Core Civic isn't making enough money after sentencing reforms. READ MORE»
By Heather Digby Parton, Salon
Struggling to save his dying presidency, Trump urges a violent crackdown. It's bluster, but it's still dangerous. READ MORE»
By Cynthia Lopez, AlterNet
We analyze the most popular diet plans in America today. READ MORE»
By Sophia Tesfaye, Salon
Some conservatives are apoplectic about Carson's hesitancy to screw millions of people. READ MORE»
By Sarah Thebaud, Laura Doering, The Conversation
When boys take charge, they’re praised as “leaders," but when girls do, they're "bossy." READ MORE»
By Jim Hightower, AlterNet
Despite what corporations may claim, it's your legal right to repair the stuff you own. READ MORE»
Moar m00bies
tRump's polls are underwater...glub...glub...glub!
Rexxon can go to hell. Or at least Bannon himself. Fucking traitor.
Fucking traitor.
WPFW played this wonderful medley this morning, and I just had to share. I found it comforting in the midst of all the madness that surrounds us at the moment.
1 August 2017 post:
Greetings, fellow Dot Calm Readers, Freedom Fighters, and Truth Crusaders!
It's time for this week's first snapshot of the battle royale between the Greedy Old PEWtinists and us in The Resistance...are ya with me? Good, cuz here we go!
Walp, that was a short run...Anthony "mooch" Scaramucci was fired yesterday, before he even formally started his new job as tRump White House communications director. In less than a week's time, mooch lost his dream job, tens of millions of dollars with tax break on the sale of his company to China for access to tRump, his lovely wife Deirdre, and the opportunity to witness his baby's birth because he skipped out to fawn over his intended-but-not-quite-everlasting love, Fuckface von Clownstick, aka PEWtin's cock holster.

Then, we come to find that PEWtin's cock holster dictated the misleading line about Russian "adoptions" to dumbass Donald junior, which implicates tRump--again!--in coordinating with Russia to subvert our election and in obstructing justice.
As we already know, tRump and PEWtin claim to have discussed "adoptions" at the G-19 [sic]. So there's that.
And then, today, we come to find that tRump had his filthy little baby hand in the Seth Rich conspiracy story
--his campaign (which really means him because he's such a micromanager) worked with FUX Noise to embellish and promulgate the story to frame Hillary for murdering the poor young man. There's a new lawsuit about that dreadful conspiracy theory--there are plenty of as-yet unproven allegations, but, as one Tweep notes, plenty of what we do know is truly repulsive.
But wait--this is tRump we're talking about, and we all know he's a bottomless pit of repulsive.
Today, he had Sarah fucked-up-bee Sanders dismiss as "a joke" his demand for Suffolk County, NY, cops to give all their suspects the Freddie Gray treatment. Fuck that--the only joke around here is tRump. And he is one sick fucking joke at that.
Now, two audiences with claims to integrity and honor
--the Boy Scouts of America and the Suffolk County police force--have publicly repudiated tRump's horrific comments and reconfirmed their own, positive, values.
Add to that that tRump received the Russian sanctions bill--overwhelmingly approved by both parties in both houses of Congress--on 28 July 2017 and has not yet signed it.
I expect a pocket veto.
One Tweep believes that a pocket veto would kill the bill--10 days unsigned would mean leaving the bill untouched until Congress takes its recess, which would then kill the bill.
Yikes--I sure hope that's not the case.
Even if it were, I imagine that Congress would simply revive the bill and try again, overriding tRump's next pocket veto and signing the bill into law.
Of course tRump doesn't want to sign the bill--doing so wouldn't sufficiently suck PEWtin's ass. And vetoing it would only confirm what We the People already know--tRump is a traitor. So...pocket veto.
What's a poor cock holster to do?
Miss Lindsey Graham wants tRump
to start a war with North Korea!!!!!
Big oil gets $7billion in subsidies
but contraception
as part of a health compensation package
is "free stuff."
tRump has the brown touch--
everything he touches turns to shit.
Choo choo time headlines
Business Insider: Firm behind Trump-Russia dossier issues rare statement saying it "complied with the law"
New Yorker: Anthony Scaramucci Called Me to Unload About White House Leakers
...Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Public Integrity: Steve Bannon has a shadow press office. It may violate federal law.
Reuters: Russia orders US to cut diplomatic staff, says to seize diplomatic property
...This is just a paragraph or two--a quick read, so please do click through. I downloaded this article on Friday, and PEWtin's cock holster hasn't said "boo" about it yet. As if that's not bad enough, PEWtin locked everyone out a day early, before any of them could retrieve their personal possessions. The worst part? Most of the employees are Russian, so PEWtin is really punishing his own. Ya think PEWtin would allow our embassy on his soil to hire Americans? Not a chance!
USA Today: Russia investigation delves into Trump's most guarded business secrets
...I hope they find every scrap of tRump's dirty laundry and hang it all out in the sun--in plain view of everyone--to disinfect!
WSJ: Trump Is Woody Allen Without the Humor
...Good article. Let me paraphrase just one tasty little morsel: tRump is "such a woman," as one of my favorite female coworkers used to say, making us all double over in laughter. Peggy Noonan says that tRump reminds people of their first wife.
The Atlantic: The Mystery of Ezra Cohen-Watnick
...The man McMaster couldn't fire. Interesting!
The Daily Beast: Memo to the Media: Don't Abet the Next Assault on Our Democracy
...You know, like they did when they helped give us tRump. Urk. I wish there were some way to get through to them...like BOYCOTTING THEIR ADVERTISERS AND TELLING THEM WHY!!!!!
BuzzFeed: High-Profile Russian Death In Washington Was No Accident
...And yet, like British officials willfully overlooking the murder of an earlier dead Russian, American officials originally declared the murder, in which the Russian victim--founder of Russia Today, one of PEWtin's many state-run media outlets--was bludgeoned to death, as an accident. Hm. And now FBI officials finally admit that it was murder. Double hm. And there's another wrinkle: the victim, Mikhail Lesin, crossed the U.S. border 40 days after his death. Triple Hm. Oh, and he was murdered on U.S. soil the day before meeting with the Feds. Quadruple hm.
NY Times: The Desperation of Our Diplomats
...Tillerson is a villain who is villainously dismantling our State Department, rendering diplomacy virtually impossible. As this article in Business Insider says, Mattis: if State Department funding gets cut 'I need to buy more ammo'
Reuters: Republicans block Democrats' bid to see Treasury files on Trump
...Every last one of these PEWtin-loving bastards needs to be tried for treason and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Every. Last. One. Fucking traitors!!!!!! GRRRRRRR!!!!!
The Stern Facts: Trump Jr. Now Tied To Banker Behind Russian Money Laundering Scheme
...There's also this from The Stern Facts: Trump Jr. Now Tied to Mexican Drug Cartel's Money Laundering Scheme
NY Daily News: Trump pal busted for allegedly running hooker ring on yacht
...There's also this from NY Magazine: Trump Business Partner Busted for Running Prostitution Ring on Yacht
Reuters: Ex-Trump campaign official charged with human trafficking
...You can tell a lot about a man by the company he keeps, which makes tRump complete scum. Oh, and according to Scott Dworkin, the tRump models' management knew all about the trafficking.
Bill Moyers: Does a Serial Liar Become Truthful Under Oath?
...referring to tRump and his business partner Felix Sater.
Reddit via the Democratic Underground: I found this on reddit about the repeal vote.
...Amazing piece on why McCain voted yes on holding the "debate" and then voted no on the skinny repeal of Obamacare--basically, he wanted to kill it for a good year. Please click through on the link to the original remarks on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/6q1snh/us_senate_healthcare_repeal_bill_fails/dku2gyq/?sh=0243f1ca&st=J5O0AJUD. Hm. Also a good piece from The Daily Beast: The Return of Maverick McCain Saves Obamacare, reminding us that this bullshit bill should never, EVER have come so close to being passed. Jesus fucking haploid Christ.
...Meanwhile, DON'T forget to thank Senator Mazie Hirono--she was a TRUE hero. She interrupted her cancer treatment to travel to DC to vote NO.
...Perhaps the tiny, vestigial hint of a silver lining to getting way too fucking close to ripping tens of millions of Americans off health care is that Republican Senators Murkowski, Collins, McCain, and Flake are NOT complete tRumPEWtin toadies. The first three shot down tRumpcare and are hopefully becoming increasingly emboldened by the overwhelming gratitude they're receiving from their constituents--some of the Twitter alt-government accounts sent the ladies flowers, which warms my heart--the latter publicly acknowledged tRump's gross unfitness for the job. Whew. But I wonder what it will take to get the rest of the Greedy Old PEWtinists to save themselves and dump tRump. Hm.
NPR: Businessman Paints A Terrifying And Complex Picture Of Putin's Russia
...The businessman in question is Bill Browder, who spearheaded the Magnitsky Act here in the U.S. after PEWtin murdered Browder's attorney, Magnitsky. Bill Browder has become PEWtin's worst nemesis, bless him!
The Independent: Trump Administration 'may be investigated' after threatening the whole of Alaska
...tRump's lawlessness would, if allowed, flout even the Geneva conventions by inflicting collective punishment on tRump's own countrymen and women in Alaska. Oh wait, I forgot--tRump's countrymen and women live in Russia. Silly me.
Talking Points Memo: Murkowski Responds To Trump Admin Threat: I'm 'Strong And Independent' Individual
...Fortunately for Alaska and America, Senator Lisa Murkowski has bigger bawls than tRump, Zinke, TURDleman, and the rest of the Greedy Old PEWtinist shits who voted to kick America off health care. Ha.
NY Times: 2 Psychologists in C.I.A. Interrogations Can Face Trial, Judge Rules
AlterNet: The Past 5 GOP Presidents Have Used Fraud and Treason to Steer Themselves to Electoral Victory
...Disgusting, repulsive, and true. tRump is just the latest, worst symptom.
Boston Globe: Michael A. Cohen: Homeland Security's John Kelly is unhinged
...And now he's Chief of Staff. Yikes.
BBC: Deception tech helps to thwart hackers' attacks
...Hoist on their own petard!
The Daily Beast: How GOP Rebels Took Down the Senate Plot to Kill Obamacare
...Savory article...except for lies from tRump and Cruz.
Kansas City: Greitens faces more 'dark money' questions over no-bid contract with Express Scripts
...Greitens is a Republican--I looked it up--which is why he's going after women's rights. The fucker.
FiveThirtyEight: The Worst Internet In America
...The Internet is a public utility. Everyone in the country should have it. We are lagging behind the rest of the developed world. Phuque.
Samuel-Warde: AZ Republican Just Set The Record For The Sleaziest Thing Ever Witnessed in American Politics
...Bitch Kelli Ward wants John McCain's position before he's even retired.
Newsweek: Donald Trump Is A Terrible President, According To His Own Tweets About Obama
...Absolutely delicious. Ha!!
NY Times: How the Generals Failed to Check Trump
New Century Times: After Voting Against Trumpcare, McCain Sends Another F*ck You To Republicans
Boston Globe: Foreign collusion: Yup, it's still bad
...Evan McMullin's logical expansion of the short-term vision I've been yelling and screaming and jumping up and down about in le blawg of late.
Brennan Center for Justice: Securing Elections From Foreign Interference
...Friends, it-snot rocket science. But it's up to us to force our elected officials make it happen because, clearly, they all lurve Putin, tRump, and losing. Even Dems, who are all too willing to drive the bus over women's right to the same bodily autonomy men take for granted every day.
Reuters: Former Iranian president Ahmadinejad facing sentencing over misuse of funds
NY Times: If Americans Love Moms, Why Do We Let Them Die?
...Our maternity death rates suck for the richest industrialized nation in the world.
WIRED: The GOP Sourced an Anti-Clinton Amendment from Subreddit r/The_Donald
...Republicans decided to "investigate" Hillary and Comey based on a RWNJ Pepe conspiracy theory website--the sick, twisted, anti-democratic Greedy Old PEWtinist bastards.
Allure: 6 Ways to Support Transgender and Nonbinary People Right Now
Foreign Policy: Kushner to Interns: Trump Team Too Disorganized to Collude With Russia
...The "st00pit" defense. Pfft. I have no doubt that they're all incredibly st00pit, but that doesn't stop them from being evil. And it-snot like there aren't shit-tons of proof.
BuzzFeed: RNC Tells Staff To Preserve All Documents Related To 2016 Campaign
The Atlantic: The Downsides of John Kelly's Ascension
...Friends, just like everything else in the tRump junta, it-snot good.
BuzzFeed: Scaramucci Got Kicked Out Of The White House And The Internet Had A Heart Attack
WaPo: Trump dictated son's misleading statement on meeting with Russian lawyer
...Can you say "obfuscation"? "Obstruction of justice"? I knew you could! The NY Times has the story, too: Trump Was Involved in Drafting Son's Statement, Aide Confirms
...There's also this from ABC News: Trump dictated son's misleading statement on meeting with Russian lawyer: Sources
The Daily Beast: Corey Lewandowski Fired From One America News Network
...Poor Corey--shit-canned just a few short months ago by Trump; shit-canned now by One America News Network. Hey, at least he's having a better day than the mooch--he lost a job, a YUGE tax-break sale, his wife, and the chance to see his baby being born. And all for the love of tRump.
Talking Points Memo: Stinger Missiles And Shady Deals: Ex-Biz Partner To Trump Has A Tall Tale To Tell
...Felix Sater told Talking Points Memo that he and tRump were working the deal for tRump tower Moscow as recently as 2015.
HuffPo UK: Bill Browder's Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing Could Explain Anthony Scaramucci's Bizarre Behaviour
...The purpose for the mooch's verbal diarrhea? To distract us all from Bill Browder's Congressional testimony, which was damning.
Sputnik News: Unresolved Murder: Why Seth Rich's Case is Key to #TrumpRussia
...tRump is a bastard. May he be tried and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Here's more on the story from Tweep David Folkenflik: Lawsuit Alleges Fox News And Trump Supporter Created Fake News
...a FUX Noise contributor alleges that the story was designed to protect tRump. Tweep Eric Garland tweeted about the NPR story that FUX Noise worked directly with the White House to create propaganda. Bastards.
BuzzFeed: Lawsuit Says Sean Spicer Reviewed A Fox News Report On A Fake Conspiracy Theory Before It Was Published
As I quote myself tweeting above, tRump has the brown touch--may FUX Noise be one of the many things, and Murdoch one of the many people, that turn to shit because of all tRump's treachery.
Business Insider: Trump discussed adoption policy with Putin one day before 'dictating' son's statement about 'adoptions'
...Remember, boyz 'n' goils--"adoptions" is code for "Magnitsky Act." I almost wish I did believe in a hell because I'd wish every last one of these fascist fuckers would fry there. GRRRRRRR!!!!!!
Eric Garland: The Panama Papers - First Strike Against Putin's Corruption
...This is an important story, friends--click through and read it! It's more background on the Magnitsky Act and why PEWtin is so pissed.
Links you can use
TellYourReps: Alyssa & Misha | Tell Your Reps
...Hold tRump and his ugly junta responsible for working with Russia to subvert the election.
ActionNetwork: Tell Congress: Push back on Trump, Support the Paris Climate Agreement
Here's a prediction:
I bet Trump responds more graciously
to Putin's expelling US diplomats
than he has to Sessions's unwavering loyalty.
Daily Kos, AlterNet, & Democracy Now! headlines
Trump Organization forces employees to swear to secrecy about Trump's doings, forever
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Trump's advice to cops to rough up suspects isn't worst problem: It's the cops' outrageous response
Male Republicans jeered their female counterparts who saved millions from health care calamity
Ivanka Trump is not happy that people expect her to do anything good with her position and power
Tennessee woman posts stunning analogy of society's barbed victim-blaming
Washington Post: Trump 'personally dictated' false statement about son's meeting with Russian lawyer
Trump's conduct at the Boy Scout Jamboree was unacceptable and unethical. Sign the petition to censure him.
Senior GOP senators head to White House to give Trump bad news: Obamacare repeal is really, truly dead
Houston man arrested and attacked by police dog for mowing lawns while black
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After blocking the GOP's repeal of the ACA, senator describes the 'extraordinary' greeting back home
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Trump responds to Republican repeal failure by threatening Obamacare
- The heroic Senator with severe cancer who interrupted treatment to vote... NO
Umm, if these Tweets are accurate, Trump is Close. To. The. Edge.
Donald Trump 'getting outsmarted at every turn, while the United States gets nothing'
Russia investigation could uncover how much money Trump is still getting from Moscow
Russian sanction bill isn't just a punishment for Russia, it's a rebuke of Donald Trump
Woman fired after racist threat goes viral: We will kill 'every one of you f-ing Muslims'
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Shocker: Trump dreamed up transgender ban all on his own, Joint Chiefs blindsided, Mattis appalled
TransCanada Corp backs away from building Keystone XL Pipeline as financial rationale has dried up
Powerful testimony on exactly what Vladimir Putin wanted from Trump and why
This video of Trump ignoring a disabled child repeatedly trying to shake his hand is heartbreaking
WATCH THIS: McCain and Murkowski before the vote last night
Police Chief Association blasts Trump for encouraging Police brutality
Add your name: Denounce Trump for banning transgender people from military service.
The Mooch is loose—Scaramucci's wife files for divorce
The GOP health care debacle, explained
Senate Democrats stepped up, and they saved Obamacare
- Steve Bannon has a shadow press office run by Breitbartian outside WH; may violate federal law
Donald Trump is not happy today
Trump responds to Republican repeal failure by threatening Obamacare
Looking for the most bitter, moronic take on the failed health care vote? Fox News didn't disappoint
night we achieved an historic victory--and we are not done yet! Daily
Kos will continue to resist Trump every single day until he is out of
office. Can you chip in $3 to support independent, progressive media and
Pundits react to Senate GOP's epic failure to repeal Obamacare
Watch and listen to the audible gasps as McCain gives the thumbs down next to a scowling McConnell
The Government Accountability Office is investigating Trump's abuses against the ACA
If you have one of the 51
U.S. senators who voted against the repeal of Obamacare--all Democrats
and Independents, plus Republicans Collins, McCain and Murkowski--please
call the Capitol Hill switchboard at 202-224-3121 to reach your Senator’s office, and tell them THANK YOU!
The women did the heavy lifting, the man got all the credit, or, how the Republican repeal failed
WE DID IT!! Friday's good news
No, Sen. Schumer, don't turn the page. Now is Democrats' chance to attack and change minds
Republicans fail to repeal Obamacare as Senate drama reaches fever pitch
- Shouldn't we be thanking our Democrats?
Breaking news from Washington: We stopped Obamacare repeal!
Mitch McConnell is a sad, sad turtle
In shocker, Senate Republicans fail to strip health care from millions in dead of night
- "Not celebration, but relief."
By Patricia Jackson , AlterNet
A new tax attempts to make an ever-changing city affordable for the middle and working class. READ MORE»
By Robert Reich, RobertReich.org
"He’s losing it fast. My bet is he’s out of office before the midterms." READ MORE»
By Mike Lofgren, BillMoyers.com
Reince Priebus is the latest establishment official to be humiliated by Trump. He won't be the last. READ MORE»
By Heather Digby Parton, Salon
Pundits can't resist a man in uniform, but there are already signs his tenure will be a short one. READ MORE»
By Travis Gettys, Raw Story
Here's what Putin might have received in exchange for his assistance in the 2016 election. READ MORE»
By Brad Reed, Raw Story
The president allegedly read the piece himself and "wanted it out immediately." READ MORE»
By Gabe Ortiz, DailyKos
With his approval numbers sliding, the House Speaker makes a craven pitch to his party's base. READ MORE»
By Julie Alderman, Media Matters
Some outlets have overlooked the country's most vulnerable; others have ignored the story entirely. READ MORE»
By Randall Kennedy , The American Prospect
policies harmed their prospects for financial accumulation, access to
employment, educational advancement, and social acceptance. READ MORE»
By Taylor Link, Salon
encourages his audience to buy his products "ranging from male vitality
ointment to paleo powder (made up of chicken skeleton dust)." READ MORE»
By Ilana Novick, AlterNet
Fifteen people, including young DACA recipients and allies, were arrested at a protest in Texas. READ MORE»
By Michael T. Klare, TomDispatch
Trump is sabotaging efforts to curb carbon emissions by aggressively
promoting the global consumption of U.S. oil, coal and natural gas. READ MORE»
By Adam Johnson, FAIR
three most prominent U.S. newspapers haven’t run a critical
investigative piece on the richest person in the world and his empire in
almost two years. READ MORE»
By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout
Jeff Sessions has a lot of friends on the Republican side of the Senate, several of whom have forbidden Trump from firing him. READ MORE»
By Teesta Setalvad, AlterNet
Journalists and media outfits that report issues of social concern are often silenced by the Modi government. READ MORE»
By Dean A. Dabney, The Conversation
neither drug users nor dealers consider themselves crime victims,
deepening the drug war must rely on coercive tactics that erode public
trust. READ MORE»
Paul Krugman: Trump Isn't an Aberration—He's the Logical Conclusion of 40 Years of Conservative Lies
By Ilana Novick, AlterNet
The Times columnist traces the origins of movement conservatism. READ MORE»
By Bob Cesca, Salon
Threatening Congressional Republicans on social media won't end well.
By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story
"What if a tanning bed was a person?" READ MORE»
By David Ferguson, Raw Story
After Priebus' ouster, Mike Pence remains the administration's last member of the GOP establishment. READ MORE»
By Steven Harper, BillMoyers.com
Perhaps his answers to questions about business associate Felix Sater offer a clue.
By Lefty Coaster, DailyKos
The linguist and philosopher says a more "charismatic" figure could be a "real danger." READ MORE»
By Jason Wilson, The Guardian
An American Renaissance rally in Tennessee over the weekend offers a chilling preview of things to come. READ MORE»
By Greg Price, Newsweek
Administration officials are airing their dirty laundry for all the world to see. READ MORE»
By Valerie Wilson, Janelle Jones, Kayla Blado and Elise Gould, Economic Policy Institute
July 31st is Black Women’s Equal Pay Day. READ MORE»
By David Tomar, The Best Schools
In an era of high-stakes testing, it's time to standardize recess READ MORE»
By Phillip Smith, AlterNet
Oh, the magic of the market. READ MORE»
By Andrea J. Ritchie, The New York Times
Women of color are specifically targeted in drug cases and subject to abuse or assault by police officers. READ MORE»
By Zenobia Jeffries, Yes! Magazine
this year, activists launched a campaign called Freedom Cities to
protect and uplift all people of color. (And, no, it doesn't include
more police.) READ MORE»
By Carey Purcell, AlterNet
Author Sheryll Cashin explains how cultural dexterity is spreading despite Trump. READ MORE»
By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet
The votes are the new litmus test for candidates in 2018. READ MORE»
By Lulu Friesdat, AlterNet
Disturbing footage from the at DEF CON 25 hacker convention.
By Guy T. Saperstein and Kelsey Abkin, AlterNet
We are living in what is arguably the safest time in history, yet we exist in a culture of fear.
By Phillip Smith, AlterNet
Someone needs to explain the First Amendment's Establishment clause to this benighted and God-besotted jurist in Louisiana. READ MORE»
By Vijay Prashad, AlterNet
Edgar Hoover was obsessed with Charlie Chaplin (he even amassed a
1900-page file on the Little Tramp), but that didn't stop Chaplin from
voicing his steadfast political beliefs. READ MORE»
By Andrew O'Hehir, Salon
Philosopher Jean Baudrillard predicted this 15 years ago: The Western world is waging a long war—against itself. READ MORE»
The Guardian
to police and crime victims in Long Island, president suggests officers
are too careful in their treatment of people in custody. READ MORE»
By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story
Another conservative who advises the White House was downright fatalistic about the Trump administration. READ MORE»
By Sen. Bernie Sanders, In These Times
Milton Friedman is still the false prophet of Wall Street.
By Medea Benjamin, AlterNet
Given the specter of nuclear war, the rational policy is one of de-escalation. READ MORE»
By Sharon Begley, STAT
The evidence is so strong, psychiatrists were compelled to break a decades-old commandment. READ MORE»
By Julia Carrie Wong, The Guardian
Trump’s new communications chief has already delivered some choice
phrases—but can you tell which quotes are his, and which come from
"Veep"? READ MORE»
By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story
The couple has not been identified yet. READ MORE»
By Brea Mosley, The Fresh Toast
Don't pull your hair out! Trichotillomania sufferers may have found help in an unlikely partner. READ MORE»
By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet
The GOP's assault on the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau is an opportunity for Warren to taunt her opponents. READ MORE»
By Charles Ornstein, Mike Hixenbaugh, ProPublica
Vietnam vets have been pushing the VA for years to extend benefits to those exposed to the toxic herbicide during the war. READ MORE»
By Christine A. Dorchak, AlterNet
Greyhounds are drugged in a sickening attempt to force one of the world's fastest mammals to run even faster. READ MORE»
By Adam Hudson, Truthout
rents become increasingly unaffordable throughout the metropolitan US,
activists are looking at housing solutions beyond mere rent control. READ MORE»
Don't have the tuition for Yale? At least you can enjoy attending virtual class...in this case, about evolution...in your jammies with your feet up on the bed and a coffee (or a Fireball) in your hand.
Humor me--I need to savor this little victory again.
Don't eat before or while watching this vid--DEFLATed Cruz appears and speaks, and I wouldn't want to be responsible for you ruining your keybd. *blerch!!*
text "Resist" to 50409
And check out the Electronic Frontier Foundation's website so you can protect your online privacy:
Remember to boycott all the tRump shills on the boycott list below and tell them why.
And don't forget to read Dot Calm's shadow's favorite independent sources of news and information:
Randi Rhodes's Homework page
Open Secrets
Democratic Coalition Against Trump
Daily Kos
Democracy Now!
Democratic Underground
Boing Boing
Conservatives are Destroying our Future
Conservative Clown Car
God, the Good Lord Above
...skip the media outlets in the boycott list below unless you want trump propaganda. And TELL their advertisers WHY you are boycotting those media outlets!
On the lighter side:
McSweeney's Internet Tendency
And check out these great YouTube channels:
Randi Rhodes Air Force
Keith Olbermann: The Resistance
Thom Hartmann
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Secular Talk
The Young Turks
The Thinking Atheist
Also, don't forget to add these to your Twitter feed if you haven't already:
And now you can add me, too!
And don't forget to follow
unless, as he says, you're a total globalist. "It's not a parody account--it's performance art!" He also urges us to retweet everything he says unless we want the globalists to win. (Srsly, friends--he's a riot. Don't drink coffee while reading his tweets.)
Peas, friends. Take care of yourselves for me. Trust me--you're worth it! And go have a Fireball and some chocolate while you still can, will ya? Time is short now that the mouth of

Boycott media!
Don't bother with these media outlets any more unless you want trump propaganda--these media outlets have whored themselves out to trump for access for the low, low price of "fancy" cocktails and a "fancy" dinner, consisting of Donald's shriveled orange acorn dick, at chump's "fancy" (aka FAKE PLASTIC, just like everything else about trump and his FAKE PLASTIC family) "resort" in Florida. What an upstanding, responsible response to trump's denying press conferences since 27 July 2016...retch. So much for comforting the afflicted, afflicting the comfortable, and speaking truth to power to keep that power reined in and in check...!
- Axios
- Bloomberg
- Breitbart because duh--according to AlterNet, Howard Dean Lends Voice to Consumer Activist Group Hitting Breitbart in the Wallet—And It's Working
- FOX because of course
- MSNBC (includes Joe Scarborough, but Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes may still be OK as long as their corporate overlords allow it)
- NBC (they also have the reality TV show conflict of interest--and they just hired a couple of FUX Noise escapees, so beware a hard swing to the far, far right)
- POLITICO--their top editor(s) went and paid to party with trump, so now more and more trump propaganda has been showing up there, to my infinite disgust
Boycott vendors that support trump, sell trump shit, and otherwise pander to hate!
Boycott Victoria's Secret--they kick out shoppers who are guilty of shopping while Black!
Here's a twofer: let's save our money for when dump tanks the economy and grab the trumpussy grabber-in-thief where it hurts most--by his wallet!
Want to boycott trump? There's an app for that!
And here's a list of trump companies.
There's also a spreadsheet of trump supporters and vendors that carry trump merch that includes the vendors below.
Don't forget New Balance, who praised and supported trump: 1 (800) 595-9138.
Here's the list from Mindy Fischer, featuring 28 vendors that sell trump merchandise. BOYCOTT them all and TELL them why!
Contact info: (888) 676-2660, HQ- (702) 943-7777
Amazon--pressure them to DUMP BREITBART, while you're at it!
Contact info: (888) 280-4331 HQ- (206) 266-1000
Contact info: (866) 235-5443 HQ- (704) 357-1000
Contact info: (800) 777-0000 HQ- (212) 705-2000
Contact info: (877) 258-3359 HQ- (212) 944-8000
The Bon-Ton
Contact info: (800) 233-7626 HQ- (800) 937-5449
Bed Bath and Beyond
Contact info: (800) 462-3966 HQ- (908) 688-0888
Burlington Coat Factory
Contact info: (855) 355-2875 HQ- (609) 387-7800
Contact info: (800) 945-4438 HQ- (317) 971-6200
Century 21 department store
Contact info: (877) 350-2121 HQ- (888) 221-2551
Contact info: (800) 345-5273 HQ- (501) 376-5200
DSW Shoes
Contact info: (866) 379-7463 HQ- (614) 237-7100
Hudson’s Bay
Contact info: (800) 521-2364 HQ- (800) 521-2364
Contact info: (800) 284-3900 HQ- (727) 872-1000
Contact Info: (855) 538-4323 HQ- (844) 538-2255
Joss & Main
Contact info: (866) 263-8325 HQ- (617) 532-6100
Lord & Taylor
Contact info: (800) 223-7440 HQ- (212) 391-3344
Contact info: (800) 289-6229 HQ- (513) 579-7000
Marshalls and TJ Maxx
Contact info: (888) 627-7425 HQ- (508) 390-1000
Contact info: (800) 843-2446 HQ- (801) 947-3100
Contact info: (866) 557-2368 HQ- (800) 228-3489
Saks Off Fifth
Contact info: (877) 551-7257 HQ- (212) 320-4700
Stein Mart
Contact info: (888) 783-4662 HQ- (904) 346-1500
Contact info: (866) 263-8325 HQ- (617) 532-6100
Contact info: (514) 788 4949 HQ- (905) 405-8000
Contact info: (800) 927-7671 HQ- (702) 943-7777
Contact info: (877) 779-5615 HQ- (206) 724-0500
OK, friends--let's get busy!