The Resistance is working! But, alas, the pro-death party won a deadly victory today...
4 May 2017 update:
Hello again, fellow Dot Calm Readers, Freedom Fighters, and Truth Crusaders!
I'm still behind the eight-ball today--walked back into the office after my stellar trip with le dadster only to find mountains of work with very tight deadlines. So I got home late, and I am tarred [sic]. Ugh...but it's all good.
That is, until the repukes take away my employer health insurance...which brings me to the gruesome victory that the pro-death party won today: House Republicans voted to repeal Obamacare and replace it with tRumpcare 2.0, which is even crueler and nastier than the original tRumpcare was.
According to some reports, either version of tRumpcare is worse than simply repealing Obamacare outright and not replacing it.
But even that wasn't cruel enough for the teabags.
Srsly, have you been following these murderous thugs on Twitter? They're all for themselves, and they're only too glad to let others less fortunate suffer and die.
Hell, they were positively gleeful after their vote to murder tens of millions of innocent, hard-working Americans.
They're even going to celebrate!
Ayn Rand Paul Ryan surely creamed his jeans in his ecstasy--murdering innocent Americans has been his dream ever since his college kegger days.
What kind of sick, twisted bastards ARE these people?!??
If you do follow Twitter, and if you follow yours truly there, you'll see that I am calling for every last one of them to be made to live like they want the rest of us to live.
Failing that, they need to put in at least 100 hours of volunteering to serve the less fortunate so they can see the suffering first hand and learn that these are REAL PEOPLE, no less valuable than themselves, that they want to destroy.
Optimally, it should become a requirement before your name goes on the ballot if you want to serve in public office that you have to live like "the least of these" and put in at least 100 volunteer hours serving them so that maybe, just maybe, the jackholes who are in it for power and money acquire just a modicum of decency, humanity, and compassion.
The other minimum requirements I propose--in addition to those we already have--include at least the last five years of tax returns, a passing score on the citizenship exam, and passing a psychiatric exam to show that any would-be candidate is mentally healthy, reasonably well adjusted, and not a pathological liar, kleptocrat, malignant narcissist devoid of empathy, psychopath devoid of conscience, axe murderer, etc.
Srsly, is any of this really so much to ask?
Unless you're the orange fuckwit that is tRump--he couldn't pass a one of these requirements!
And now, with a "May the fourth be with you," let me slawg on with le blawg.
Choo choo time headlines
Business Insider: Jared Kushner didn't disclose ties to Soros, Thiel, Goldman Sachs
...From the teaser: when he filled out his SF-86 (the form you fill out to get a government clearance), "Jared Kushner didn't disclose business ties to George Soros, Peter Thiel, and Goldman Sachs, or that he owes $1 billion in loans"--well, as Rick "Do these glasses make me look c-a-t smart?" Perry would say, "Oops!" Except that it-snot an oops. Kushner knew that owing somebody...anybody...$1 BN amounts to a YUGE conflict of interest. As in, OF COURSE he'd use his position and influence to ensure that his creditors got the sweetest possible deals so they in turn would let him write off his debt for pennies on the dollar. Um, duh. How much ya wanna bet that the trumpanzees think this is all hunkey dokey?
Patheos: Ben Carson: Homeless Shelters Shouldn't Be 'Comfortable'
...According to Uncle Ben, Christian love MEANS punishing teh poorz. I say he's got a pernt--let's make government so uncomfortable that REPUBLICANS don't want to stay there any more!
The Daily Beast: Ex-Trump Staffers Register as Lobbyists, Despite 'Ban'
...Just one more case of tRump-Republican lies, hypocrisy, and graft.
American Magazine: Nancy Pelosi says pro-life Americans are welcome in Democratic Party
...In other words, she's perfectly happy to write off women's right to bodily autonomy...she's fine with the Republican-Christian biblical notion that women's bodies are the property of men, including those in government, to do with as they please. As I tweeted Ms. Pelosi: imagine that the government could decide to rip out one of your kidneys to save the life of someone they deem more important than you.
NBC News: AP Court Revives Gay Couple's Case Against Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis
...I hope they win, and I hope she pays. If she couldn't do the job, she should have gotten another job! Dutch passed on information about Trump's aides and Russia: NYT
...It wasn't just our friends the Brits supplying our government with critical information on Russian interference in our election: our friends in the Netherlands were helping out, too. Thank FSM for Trump order to ease opt-out of employer-covered birth control
...This headline originally appeared in The Guardian, where I read it. Oh well. As far as the content goes, it's a good thing that nuns don't get migraines or go through menopause because, if they did, they might need birth control--you know, hormones like what're covered by teh ebbil Obummercare. Good thing gawd cures nuns by magic so they never need no sciencey stuff like medicine anyway!
And now, a word from The Guardian:
House Republicans pass healthcare bill in first step toward replacing Obamacare
...Thanks, Comey. If anyone dies because of this, their blood is on YOUR hands, you fucking millionaire
Rex Tillerson: 'America first' means divorcing our policy from our values
...As I tweeted, if we divorce our policy from our values, it means that we have no values.
Google Docs users hit with sophisticated phishing attack in their inboxes
...Friends, beware this scam! It looks legit--almost identical to the real thing--but you don't want to find out first-hand what happens if you fall for it.
James Comey: I feel 'mildly nauseous' to think I may have affected the election
...Well, Comey, you prick, maybe you only feel mildly nauseous, but the truth is that you're extremely nauseous. I saw your video, and, as I tweeted, you were way too animated--you looked like a total phony. I personally think your explanation was shit, and I will never forget or forgive you for what you've already put this country and the citizens of the world through. As I tweeted, yes, you had a choice: conceal that both tRump and Hillary were under investigation, or reveal that both tRump and Hillary were under investigation. You chose to reveal one and conceal the other--you will forever be culpable for that. As I tweeted, Comey, you un-American traitor, you now have blood on your hands, starting with all the post-election violence and the bombs that tRump has already dropped. If tRumpcare passes, that's so much more blood on your hands--as will be the deaths from global warming and any ickle war-wars tRump starts. Sleep tite--nitey nite, you sick prick.
Obama unveils plans for presidential library center on Chicago's South Side
...He and Michelle are also donating a cool $2M to help the less fortunate now that he's collected $400k in speaking fees. Is it time for me to be outraged now? Srsly, folks--Obama is center-right and always has been, just like the Clintons. As Dot Calm would say, doesn't make him a bad person. Let's keep our eye on the prize: #tRump-Russia. Babies are not gonna die (as Dot Calm would say) if Obama takes $400k in speaking fees--but babies ARE already dying because of comrade tRumPEWtin and the Russo-Republicans!!!!!
Steve Bannon's giant to-do list revealed in photo with rabbi
...Well, well. Who knew that lovable reality star Rabbi Shmuley Boteach (of "Shalom in the Home" fame) was a ban'em-fan? Is Shmuley really an alt-right
New York Times wants to offer diverse opinions. But on climate, facts are facts
...A-a-a-a-a-and this is why I refuse to subscribe to the NYT.
James Comey defends Clinton email decision but warns of threat from Russia
...What Comey did was indefensible--the nation and the world suffer already and will likely suffer a whole lot more unless we can bring down orange twAtler haste post haste...and I wouldn't want to bet that Comey's whole heart is into helping. But Comey is right--Russia is still at it. And, as I keep Resistbotting my congress-critters, every day that our government toddles along pretending this is all business as usual, they are complicit in every crime PEWtin and his cock holster tRump commit. They are, in effect, telling PEWtin, "Hey, it's perfectly fine that you dicked with our election. We don't give a shit--have at it."
Jimmy Kimmel reveals the heartlessness of healthcare in America
...Yup--Republicans said, "Fuck your baby that nearly died, and fuck you, Jimmy Kimmel." It was almost that literal. Mo Brooks said that people who live good lives don't get pre-existing conditions, so engineers like me are trying to figure out what Jimmy Kimmel's baby should have been doing in utero instead of whatever it was doing in there that damaged his heart (Mo Brooks is a Christian, so the fetus was probably masturbating...but I thot that made you blind...?). I can tell you what the problem is here, friends: Jimmy Kimmel's baby was born--according to Republicans, only the unborn are free from pre-existing conditions and therefore entitled to live; the rest of us can suck it. As I tweeted, when Republicans run the show, we should all be walking around in safe wombs.
JP Morgan to move hundreds of jobs out of UK due to Brexit
...This is what nationalism does, friends. It isolates nations, destroys their economies, and weakens them by destroying their alliances. We really are stronger together--especially when our adversaries are making concerted efforts against us deliberately to weaken us. Like our bestest BFF Russia.
Hillary Clinton: I was on way to presidency until leaks raised doubts
...There's also Hillary Clinton: I'm to blame for election loss but outside interference cost me. Friends, conservabots are howling--howling, I tell you
--about this. There-snot one piece that doesn't offend those pweshush ickle snowflakes. Mor00ns like McCain ran for president multiple times--so did tRump--but nobody ever declares them irrelevant and dismisses them, demanding they go away after one failed run. And this is after all the "where the hell is she?" crap when the poor woman just needed a minute to catch her breath after the debacle that was election night. As for me, I fail to see the problem: Hillary takes responsibility for losing but acknowledges that her campaign was materially damaged by James Comey, Jason Chaffetz, Vladimir Putin, and Julian Assange--not that she'd ever name them as directly as I just did. But that's the truth right there, friends--it took all these piece-of-shit men plus Republicans suppressing the vote plus media that's lusted for Hillary's blood since Bill became president to take Hillary down just enough to lose the electoral college by some 70,000 votes. She still won the popular vote by some 3,000,000. I think the media are pissed that she won't go away--now she's a welcome member of The Resistance, thank FSM--because her face is a reminder of what a shit job the media have done all along in
Jordan Edwards shooting: Texas officer who killed 15-year-old fired
...Friends, I haven't been able to go there when it comes to the death of this poor kid and what his family is going through right now. This was one of Dot Calm's hot-button issues...mine, too. There are just no words to capture the grief, the outrage, .... At least they fired the bastard. Too bad they didn't either avoid hiring him or fire him before he murdered an innocent, unarmed kid who had his whole life ahead of him.
Trump and Putin had 'good' talk about ending Syria war, White House says
...tRump and PEWtin sittin' in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g...!
Czech girl Scout stands up to neo-Nazi at rally
...*sigh*...At least not all the n00z is bad!
Red alert: Kofi Annan on the photos that capture our choking planet
...Thanks, Comey. Go fuck yourself now, please and thank you--you've already fucked all of us. As some brilliant soul said on FB, at least you could have bought us all dinner first.
Daily Kos, AlterNet, and Democracy Now! headlines
Dr. Jane Goodall has words of advice for Ivanka, after being quoted in Ivanka's book
Woman arrested for laughing during Sessions confirmation found guilty, facing a year in prison
Republicans in disarray; House 'moderates' plot ousting their Obamacare-repealing leader
RED ALERT: House GOPers are set to vote on Trumpcare TODAY and it looks like they may haves the votes to pass. Email your congressperson RIGHT NOW and tell them to vote NO on Trumpcare.
Yes, it really is 'President Bannon'
CNN host sets Republican congressman straight on pre-existing conditions and Obamacare
Republican candidate for governor in Pennsylvania assaults tracker—and it's caught on camera
First Rex Tillerson decided to fire thousands of diplomats, now he's going to find out what they do
Another swamp win—Republicans in Congress voted to cheat workers out of overtime pay
Protesters plan for Pres. Trump's first trip to NYC: 'The world will see us rise up and oppose him'
Former Pres. Obama and Michelle Obama announce $2 million donation to Chicago summer job program
hands on deck: 24 million Americans would lose health insurance under
Trumpcare. Call your congressperson at (202) 224-3121 and tell them to
vote NO on Trumpcare. Then click here to follow-up your call with an
Pelosi condemns Trumpcare vote: GOP is 'going to tattoo this moral monstrosity to their foreheads'
James Comey, the Election Decider
Police officer who killed Walter Scott to plead guilty in court. Will he actually serve jail time?
House to vote on Trumpcare today — 'I think we have enough votes'
- These 50,000 Haitian refugees could soon be among the next targets of Trump's deportation force
CNN refuses to air false and misleading ad from Donald Trump
The clown-in-chief is losing it, bigly
Right-wingers display their perverse family values by attacking Jimmy Kimmel
RED ALERT: House GOPers are caving to White House pressure and it looks like Paul Ryan may have the votes to pass Trumpcare this week. Email your congressperson RIGHT NOW and tell them to vote NO on Trumpcare.
And please chip in $1 to the Daily Kos activism team to support our work defending Obamacare.
Woman arrested for laughing during Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing heads to trial
Ivanka is 'really, really trying,' you guys, so she shouldn't be held responsible for anything ever
FOIA request shows Trump was 'directly involved' in trying to find inauguration photo retweeter
GOP-abetting turncoat Democrats have hijacked New York for too long. Now we fight back.
Jared Kushner left some things off his disclosure form—like a company with $1 billion in loans
Donald Trump doubles down on the story of Andrew Jackson, peace maker
CNN sources: Sally Yates will contradict White House version of her warning about Mike Flynn
Trump has used Twitter to lie, harass and spread hate. And now that
he’s President, his tweets are a national security risk. Tell Twitter to
remove Trump's account.
Rep. Mo Brooks' former client shames him for his disgraceful comments on pre-existing conditions
'What Trump is attempting is no less than the destruction of America’s 'national conscience''
Nebraska Democratic candidates flip the Lincoln, Nebraska, city council
House Republicans tell Trumpcare holdouts, don't 'sweat the details,' let's dump it on the Senate
Michelle Obama: 'Let Girls Learn.' Donald Trump: 'Nah.'
- Lead poisoning in American children reaches frightening levels—and only half get treatment
Ivanka is 'really, really trying,' you guys, so she shouldn't be held responsible for anything ever
Jared Kushner left some things off his disclosure form—like a company with $1 billion in loans
FOIA request shows Trump was 'directly involved' in trying to find inauguration photo retweeter
Right-wingers display their perverse family values by attacking Jimmy Kimmel
'What Trump is attempting is no less than the destruction of America’s 'national conscience''
Trump calls facts he doesn't like 'fake news.' That's why it's more
important than ever to support independent, progressive media. Can you
chip in $1 to help Daily Kos keep fighting?
Lead poisoning in American children reaches frightening levels—and only half get treatment
Michelle Obama: 'Let Girls Learn.' Donald Trump: 'Nah.'
Donald Trump doubles down on the story of Andrew Jackson, peace maker
CNN refuses to air false and misleading ad from Donald Trump
CNN sources: Sally Yates will contradict White House version of her warning about Mike Flynn
Rep. Mo Brooks' former client shames him for his disgraceful comments on pre-existing conditions
Woman arrested for laughing during Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing heads to trial
House Republicans tell Trumpcare holdouts, don't 'sweat the details,' let's dump it on the Senate
Nebraska Democratic candidates flip the Lincoln, Nebraska, city council
Trump has used Twitter to lie, harass and spread hate. And now that
he’s President, his tweets are a national security risk. Tell Twitter to
remove Trump’s account.
- The clown-in-chief is losing it, bigly
Moar m00bies!
There's an even funnier version of this on Twitter...I'm trying to track it down...with Rachel Maddow's reactions, which are hilarious. I mean, tRump's "best people" can't even work the goddamn phones! They couldn't work the light switches, either, remember? Hee HEE!
Walp, that's it from here, friends--try to have a nice weekend, and don't forget to RESIST!
- Dot Calm's shadow
2 May 2017 post:
Hello again, fellow Dot Calm Readers, Freedom Fighters, and Truth Crusaders!
Why do I always seem to be behind the eight-ball?
Could it be because I have a full-time job, a partially-disabled dad to take care of, and the personality of a firebrand that won't take Republican bullshit quietly without a fight?
Ehhhh...could be!
This time, I'm behind the eight-ball because I just got back in town from a family trip to celebrate a big decade birthday. What a refreshing and fun change from...funerals. Anyhoo, the dadster and I had a great trip and, as a result, are planning several more family trips in coming months.
So, please be patient with me today--there's way more n00z than I can do justice to!
Last time, I clued you in to my clever plan to hijack tRump's 1-855-48-VOICE (6423) hotline and start reporting all the crimes being done by evil Russian agent comrade tRumPEWtin and his accomplices right here on American soil (oh noes!).
Today, I'd like to remind you that Melania is exactly the sort of person of interest that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) needs to know about: she worked here illegally under (IIRC) a tourist visa and, according to The Independent, would be a prime candidate for deportation under the tRump administration's new guidelines.
In other words, feel free to call the VOICE hotline and turn her in.
You'll be saving America from a dangerous criminal who violated our immigration laws and who is costing us between NYPD estimates of $127,000 and $146,000 a day and up to $410,000 per day during the school year.
Apparently, we should be grateful that the rumors that Melania and Barron were going to stay in NYC because the boy has "soccer" were just that--rumors (thanks, NY Daily News).
If ICE does its job under the new guidelines and sends Melania back to Slovenia, I'm taking bets: will tRump even miss her? Will he even know she's gone?
Walp, friends, lemme tell ya: Resistbot works!
I promised myself to send so many faxes to my congress-critters over Resistance Recess that I'd run their machines out of paper.
One of them (the chickenshit corporate Democrat) ran out of paper--or at least stopped answering--for daze but is back online now.
The other one--the chickenshit Republican who lies during her phoned-in town halls--called me this morning to set up a meeting to discuss "some of my concerns."
I guess she decided it would be cheaper and faster to meet face to face than to spend all the time and money on paper and postage it would have taken to answer all my faxes, which ended in "I expect your answer in writing."
So, friends, I got this awful woman's attention! Thanks to us in The Resistance, Republicans are running scared.
They should run scared, after what their fat boi in the White House keeps saying he wants to do to us. He has us running scared, so the least we can do is give them a little taste of their own bad medicine.
Like the hacked-up hairball on comrade tRumPEWtin's haid, tRumpcare is the zombie that will not die.
Unless we fight it, that is.
Friends, this is why I love following George Takei on Twitter: he tweeted for us to call and tweet targeted members of Congress to reject repealing the ACA once and for all.
I've already done all the tweets. It takes a few attempts because Twitter will only let you send so many at a time. After it refuses to send one of the tweets, just wait an hour or so and resend it and work your way down the list until it balks again. I think it took me three rounds total to get all the tweets sent.
We killed tRumpcare last time; tRumpcare 2.0 is even worse--even more cruel--so, if we fight just as hard, we should be able to kill it again. Please, friends--don't let this opportunity slip. I heard on CNN that we're already close to killing it--we just need one more Republican to vote "no," and even the corporate chickenshit Dems have no intention of supporting the bill.
Thank Atheist God for small wonders.
With that, allow me to slawg on with the blawg.
Choo choo time headlines
Samuel-Warde: DNC Hackers Allegedly Paid By Trump Organization, But Were Under Putin's Control
...Where there's this much smoke, there hasta be fire.
Although there are "Democracy Now!" headlines below, Imma leave this here: People's Climate March: A Protest Against the Fossil Fuel Industry Taking Over the U.S. Government
The rest are all from The Guardian today--enjoy! (Really! Some of them are not bad news!)
People's Climate March: thousands rally to denounce Trump's environmental agenda
...According to, more than 300,000 marched in DC and across the country. Given that, according to PolitiFact, tRump's inauguration attendance numbers may have been as low as 250,000, that's saying something,
Not the White House Correspondents' Dinner: full frontal on Trump and media
Fear of neofascism keeps Emmanuel Macron ahead of Marine Le Pen
France's terrorism is largely home grown – yet both Macron and Le Pen look away
'Spicer facts' and weird handshakes: 100 days of Trump in memes
Daily Kos, AlterNet, and Democracy Now! headlines
Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton troll Trump on Twitter—In the most delightful way
15-year-old unarmed honor student leaving house party shot and killed by rifle-wielding cop
At Trump admin's urging, Argentina backs out of honoring President Jimmy Carter with highest award
Kos is prepared to resist Trump every single day for the next four
years and beyond. Can you chip in $1 to support independent, progressive
Archbishop orders end to Girl Scout meetings in Catholic churches, no longer 'compatible partners'
Trump blames Constitution for his 100 days of failure, declares May 1 'Loyalty Day'
Report: Trump counterterrorism adviser out, unable to pass clearance for National Security Council
Late night host surprises audience with a deeply personal and moving case to save the ACA
Schadenfreude from Breitbart readers over the budget compromise deal
Trump administration ends Michelle Obama program to educate girls and lift them out of poverty
Sign the petition: Denounce House Republicans for enabling Trump to hide his tax returns.
Wow: Trump revives claim that President Obama wiretapped him, abruptly ends CBS interview
Trump: 'Why was there the Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?'
Trump's pick to head federal family planning program: 'Contraception doesn't work'
Budget deal includes $41 million for 'extraordinary costs' of indulging Donald Trump
Community believes Portland teen who won writing contest now being excluded because he's autistic
- Weak president embraces strongmen
Non-wealthy Trump supporters in swing counties will save $5.55 under his child care plan
Donald Trump invites mass murderer to the White House for a nice talk
Newsweek: Ivanka Trump has power 'thanks to her man.' They mean her father.
'Trump has the intellectual depth of a coat of paint'
The Trump White House actually DID do a background check on Michael Flynn
Sign the petition: Support College For All by taxing Wall Street.
Priebus says Trump administration has 'looked at' First Amendment changes to protect Trump
Advice for life in 2017: How to survive a nuclear blast
100 days: Hannity asks What is 'Trump's biggest accomplishment?' Twitter hands him his ass
Monster defeat for Trump and GOP: Budget deal funds Planned Parenthood but has nothing for wall
Kos is prepared to resist Trump every single day for the next four
years and beyond. Can you chip in $1 to support independent, progressive
Don Trump Jr. spent Earth Day killing threatened prairie dogs with Montana GOP candidate
Second Amendment snowflake? Guns banned at Donald Trump's NRA speech
All the world's a stage. And all the men and women merely players
Trump 'looked forward to terminating' NAFTA, but then someone showed him a map
Alabama lawmakers vote forbidding any changes to Confederate monuments in ord
er to preserve history
- Jeff Sessions doesn't think anyone could have figured out Mike Flynn was getting paid illegally
New York Times
The Devil may be in the details. If so, it's not good news for Trump.
Donald Trump has tied himself to the one form of energy that's never—never, never—coming back
I have been warned...
"Folks don't realize how close the GOP is to repealing the Affordable Care Act right now."
Trump's got nothing except this one thing
Trump wants to kill the Energy Star program. Guess what his motive might be?
Sign now to tell Congress: We pay our fair share in taxes. So should Wall Street billionaires.
Benny Hinn could be in biiiiiig trouble
Alabama judge agrees to allow some segregation in Birmingham schools
New study has bad news for school voucher advocates
Saying linguists are 'flummoxed' by Trump is like saying veterinarians are 'puzzled' by roadkill
Machete wielding terrorist attacks Democrats on Kentucky campus
President Obama's pension primer
Kos is prepared to resist Trump every single day for the next four
years and beyond. Can you chip in $1 to support independent, progressive
Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: 100 days of Meh and Chaos
100 days: Hannity asks 'What is Trump's biggest accomplishment?' Twitter hands him his a**
- Dear Resistance: The Russia investigation needs more Jason Chaffetz moments
Ivanka vs the 'alt-right'—Trump's newest problem
Cartoon: Stripped of his job
Cartoon: What Trump does in between tweets
Another day, another brewing Trump scandal
Kos is prepared to resist Trump every single day for the next four
years and beyond. Can you chip in $1 to support independent, progressive
Trump appoints woman who believes abortion causes breast cancer to top post at HHS
Pro-rape, anti-woman NH legislator refuses to resign, will 'stand strong for men's rights'
People in 'Red America' are not voting against their own interests
Conservative commentator has a sad that Republicans never really wanted to repeal Obamacare
Quick signature needed: Say NO to more tax giveaways for Wall Street.
Trump promises to work 'side by side' with the NRA, warns 2020 could bring 'Pocahontas'
Democratic senator is protesting Trump’s NRA speech by posting powerful reminders of gun violence
Cartoon: Across the globe, with Jeff Sessions
Trump's economy stumbles immediately, GDP lowest in 3 years
ICE really hates all your 'criminal space alien' prank calls. Good.
The implosion of Trumpcare and Trump's border wall funding cap his 100-day debacle of a debut
- Maxine Waters is kicking Trump's @$$ on Russia!
Cartoon: What Trump does in between tweets
Conservative commentator has a sad that Republicans never really wanted to repeal Obamacare
Trump's economy stumbles immediately, GDP lowest in 3 years
Trump promises to work 'side by side' with the NRA, warns 2020 could bring 'Pocahontas'
The implosion of Trumpcare and Trump's border wall funding cap his 100-day debacle of a debut
Cartoon: Across the globe, with Jeff Sessions
Trump appoints woman who believes abortion causes breast cancer to top post at HHS
Ivanka vs the 'alt-right'—Trump's newest problem
People in 'Red America' are not voting against their own interests
Pro-rape, anti-woman NH legislator refuses to resign, will 'stand strong for men's rights'
Democratic senator is protesting Trump’s NRA speech by posting powerful reminders of gun violence
Kos is prepared to resist Trump every single day for the next four
years and beyond. Can you chip in $1 to support independent, progressive
ICE really hates all your 'criminal space alien' prank calls. Good.
Another day, another brewing Trump scandal
Quick signature needed: Say NO to more tax giveaways for Wall Street.
Maxine Waters is kicking Trump's @$$ on Russia!
- Cartoon: Stripped of his job
'Oh, come on': Supreme Court justices incredulous at Justice Department immigration argument
Jason Chaffetz is taking a break from Congress thanks to a conveniently timed medical crisis
North Carolina woman voted illegally for Trump but won't be charged for 'compassionate' reasons
Kos needs to raise $171,366.72 to close the books on April. Can you
chip in $1 to support the team that brings progressive news to your
inbox every day?
Trump says he's 'absolutely' considering proposals to dissolve court blocking his executive orders
Oh my goodness. Trump says he misses his old life. Jason Kander is not having it.
Fox News may firing more—(Hannity?)—as Murdoch gives the finger to network president
Obama fired Michael Flynn. Trump made him national security adviser. Guess who Spicer blames.
Trump to completely defund the State Department's office for international women's empowerment
Grands Rapids police hold 'group of innocent youths' at gunpoint, protests are scheduled
Confirmed: House Republicans will not hold vote on Obamacare repeal this week
Quick signature needed: Say NO to more tax giveaways for Wall Street.
New York judge isn't buying what ExxonMobil is selling: 'Give me a break'
North Carolina Republicans vote to make it legal to hit protestors with your car
Oops! Republicans decide they'd better not exempt themselves from Trumpcare after all
Trump's inner circle continues to dish: The key job is 'To talk him out of doing crazy things'
- 100 days of chaos and failure
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Friends, I love Randi so much. She give you the n00z you need in depth, but she's funneh, too. This video is insane...chimpie's ethics advisor, Richard Painter, who's a career Republican, has called tRump-Russia "treason" and called for cheeto benito's impeachment on Joy-Ann Reid's show on MSNBC. He has referred to what's been done as "espionage" and confirms that a foreign power undermined our democratic process. Painter also said that Michael Flynn accepted emoluments and lied--a criminal offense. Painter also called out tRump for taking foreign emoluments and not disclosing his taxes. He chided Republicans for covering up all these offenses and not working with Democrats to get to the bottom of it all. And did I say that Richard Painter is a career Republican?!??
This will make your day!
Of course, as a Republican, tRump has no qualms with the idea of owning people...
I gno! Let's sell our entire future for a few quick bux today...!
So, tRump and Co. both lie and are st00pit...?!
Unreal. tRump really wants to be a dictator. In reality, though, he doesn't hafta accomplish one everlovin' thing to satisfy his ickle base--all he hasta dew is tell them he did it. They'll believe it!
Then again, tRump isn't all that concerned about actually keeping his working-class base happy. He's all about systematically destroying them, just like in that song he loves so much: "The Snake."
More on moron Flynn...and how his name seems to panic trump deze daze
So. The Government actually advertised Mar-a-Lago...
Have you noticed tRump's weird American flags? Ever? He lurves the 39-star flag! But there is no such official American flag. Ever! tRump is all about messaging. I wonder what he's trying to say...
She is such a piece of bleached-blonde trailer-trash chickenshit...
tRump is panicking about Russia
More on morons voting against their own interests
Hasan Minhaj was sooooo funneh at the WHCD...!
Yay--another Randy Rainbow!!
text "Resist" to 50409
...and check out the Electronic Frontier Foundation's website so you can protect your online privacy:
...and don't forget to read Dot Calm's shadow's favorite independent sources of news and information:
Randi Rhodes's Homework page
Michael Moore's FB page -- go here first and do whatever activism he suggests
Daily Kos
Democracy Now!
Democratic Underground
Boing Boing
Conservatives are Destroying our Future
Conservative Clown Car
God, the Good Lord Above
...skip the media outlets in the boycott list unless you want trump propaganda. And TELL their advertisers WHY you are boycotting those media outlets!
On the lighter side:
McSweeney's Internet Tendency
And check out these great channels:
Randi Rhodes Air Force
Keith Olbermann: The Resistance
Thom Hartmann
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Secular Talk
The Young Turks
The Thinking Atheist
Also, don't forget to add these to your Twitter feed if you haven't already:
And now you can add me, too!
And don't forget to follow
unless, as he says, you're a total globalist. "It's not a parody account--it's performance art!" He also urges us to retweet everything he says unless we want the globalists to win. (Srsly, friends--he's a riot. Don't drink coffee while reading his tweets.)
Peas, friends. Take care of yourselves for me. Trust me--you're worth it! And go have a Fireball and some chocolate while you still can, will ya? Time is short now that the mouth of
