Friday, July 05, 2024

Billionaires are not our friends...and, apparently, senator warner isn't, either

mark warner is a rich man.

Rich, rich, rich.

He has more than enough money to insulate him from the consequences of his actions.

So government is just a fun little game to him.

He doesn't give a shit that you, your wife, your sister, your daughter will lose bodily autonomy if tfg gets back in.

He doesn't give a shit that you or your LGBTQ+ friend, neighbor, or family member will lose the right to exist in public if tfg gets back in.

He doesn't give a shit how many POC cops extrajudicially execute.

He doesn't give a shit how badly maga trashes the economy, the environment, or society.

And he can skip town before the executions start.

So, yeah, he wants to hand the election to tfg.


Because, to him, it's all just a game...and phuque the rest of us...the ones who don't have the money or power to escape the consequences of his actions.

Ain't that just something?

Just because all the billionaires hate democracy & lust for a tr*mp fascist dictatorship, DON'T PANIC

Have you noticed how hard the "liberal" media are hitting President Biden post-debate?

Every one from ny times to wapo to msnbc are piling on President Biden--the onslaught of headlines is fast, thick, unrelenting, and furious.

Remember, friends: NOT ONE of these media outlets IS liberal.




They are NOT pro-democracy.

They are NOT pro-America.

They are certainly NOT pro-life.

All they are is PRO-BILLIONAIRE. 

Yes, some of them employ one or more liberal public-facing personalities.


Because they know that liberals won't give the hate and bigotry that right-wing media serve up the time of day.

They know that none of us would ever voluntarily watch fox propaganda as if it were actually truthful or informative.

They know that the only way to get us to consume their content is to give us content that we will actually consume.

They do it to build trust.

It's a hook to reel us in.

And then they lower the hammer.

Friends, they saw President Biden's debate performance as their chance to lower the boom on us.

Don't buy it.

I've got Biden's back because I stand with American democracy--I stand with all of us.

Do you?