Sunday, April 23, 2006

Collateral damage

On a program aired around the twentieth of March, you can see/hear Amy Goodman of “Democracy Now!” talk with two fathers of Iraqi children American bombs...

“Horrifying” doesn’t even begin.

One little boy lost both eyes...a 3 year-old playing in the background sounded positively delicious...a sweet baby completely innocent of the tragedy his family just experienced…

There are doctors working pro bono helping the maimed and injured just as fast as our troops can inflict the damage…

Around the twenty-first of March, “Democracy Now!” aired a film of 15 Iraqis we mowed down...including children...

They were killed in their homes in their night-clothes...

The marines denied any wrong-doing last November...

If you choose to go to the website to view the film, I hope you have a strong stomach because the film is it, Amy Goodman is interviewing is a resident of the same neighborhood as the massacre...

This man interviewed some of the survivors...he talked with a 9 year-old girl.

He even went to the marines with film! Now the deaths are called “collateral damage”...

God help us all.