Sunday, April 23, 2006

My Name is Rachel Corrie

A young, idealistic woman died putting her life on the line to save the home and the lives of a civilian family in a war-torn nation. Her mistake? The war-torn nation was Palestine, and the occupiers are our friends the Israelis…so her selfless act has been interpreted as a tacit criticism of our commander in chief…too “controversial” to expose the American sheeple to.

“Rachel Corrie was born in Washington, killed in the Gaza Strip, praised in London and censored in Manhattan. Now she's being forced to go underground in Toronto.” Yes, folks, it is just as it sounds: the first Toronto reading of Rachel Corrie’s own words is being held in an undisclosed location. How nice to know that our neighbors to the north are so very frightened of us that they are willing to censor themselves for “our” sake.

The link at the title of this post points here: