Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Dot Calm’s website of the day

As Americans, we are responsible for keeping ourselves well informed -- our democracy depends on it. Since we all know that the mainstream corporate media cannot be trusted, it is up to us to find our own sources of accurate news. Why not try out www.tvnewslies.org? I think you’ll be glad you did.

HELP -- my brain is going to explode if the Busheviks pull this one off!!

Just when we thought homeland “security” couldn't get more inept and incompetent, we find that the Bush administration casually -- and secretly -- planned on approving the sale of control of six major U.S. ports to a company owned and operated from the United Arab Emirates.

Excuse me, but isn't this the same United Arab Emirates that was one of the few holdout governments to recognize the Taliban regime in Afghanistan? Isn't this the same United Arab Emirates that has acted as transfer point for rogue nuclear weapons components? Isn’t it the same United Arab Emirates that has provided recruits, funding, and safe haven for al Qaeda terrorists?

The link attached to this post’s title throws up red flags that should concern every American; if you’re interested in more details, please refer to an article such as this:

Meanwhile, you wanna know how it looks to me?

I’ll tell you: it looks like we-the-sheeple are being sold out…again…guardianship of the henhouse is hereby formally being outsourced to the fox.

And the Busheviks are trying to sell us this bill of goods as if it will somehow benefit us.

Are these people completely out of their ever-lovin’, cotton-pickin’ minds? How on earth can we as security-minded Americans -- meaning people who value their own hides -- possibly allow the Bush administration to remain in power even one single additional day? There is already a bi-partisan coalition forming to demand an immediate investigation of why such a deal was even considered, let alone waved through as if there weren’t a concern in the world. Countless Americans firmly believe that 9/11 attacks could not have succeeded without a deliberate stand down by our own government. Is this yet another example of a deliberate government stand-down to allow a fresh, new terrorist attack just in time to frighten the American sheeple into voting Republican in 2006? 2008? Forever? Maybe even voting George W. Bush king in perpetuity?

Tell me why…

Why didn't anyone from the enemy camp (assuming there is one) get their hands on the trash from the Armstrong ranch where Deadeye Dick Cheney was lushing it up while huntin’ lawyers -- oops, I meant Quayle…oops, no, really, I meant quail -- and then count up all the dead-soldier beer cans???

You can bet your Bill o’ Rights that the Republicans would have been out there en masse performing this little courtesy if it had been Bill Clinton on a hunting trip…

Bases ‘R’ US

Every once in a while, I revisit the progress of the fourteen bases the United States planned on building in and around Iraq. Here is the latest: no matter how much the military hems and haws about withdrawing from Iraq, the bases we’re installing tell the real story.

HEY, WAKE UP! They are eating OUR lunch!!!

Have you seen the movie ENRON: The Smartest Guys in the Room? How can we sit by and accept what has happened here? Not the least of which is Ken Lay…the very same Ken Lay of ENRON fame in charge of organizing the Bush Coronation -- oops, I meant Inaugural -- Ball! While it is true we no longer enjoy a free press or fair and balanced mainstream media, that DOES NOT excuse us! We are too smart and we have too many resources available, not the least of which is the Internet. Will the citizens of our great democracy be too timid to defend it? Are we too numb or too lazy? Will we feign ignorance? How long will we remain silent? What degree of atrocity will it take for us to find our collective voice? To what degree will we tolerate the trashing of our Bill of Rights? How long will we, the fair minded and compassionate people of America, make excuses like so many schoolchildren: the dog ate my homework...I had no knowledge of the redistribution of the wealth of our country...I had no knowledge of the cooked up reasons that took our great country to war...I had no knowledge of the torture and abuse at the hands of our military...I had no knowledge of the levees…or the convenient, systematic gentrification -- the whitening -- of New Orleans.

But I did.
So did you.
So did we all.
WAKE UP!!!!!