Friday, February 19, 2016

I'm working on my next Bible quiz... I only have a couple or three little videos for y'all today!

Happy Friday--have a great weekend, and I'll see you Monday!

Claiming that Christianity
promoted every scientific advance
is like saying that Hobby Lobby
promotes free birth control:
true for the wrong reasons.
Both compel sensible, reasonable people
to fight religious extremists
for what is right...
for what promotes the most good
for the most people.
Science seeks the truth;
those fighting Hobby Lobby extremists
seek the same bodily autonomy for women
that men take for granted every day.
Does Christianity really conflict with
rather than promote science?
Start by Googling Gallileo and evolution.

25 Questions for Bible Literalists
...brief but entertaining:
Are you SURE you believe in God?
10 reasons the Bible is repulsive:
Got time for longer videos?
Then check these out!
Richard Carrier applies science and history to Christianity:
Seth Andrews of The Thinking Atheist examines God and the Constitution:
how this proposed MiniChrist
is in any way Constitutional...
or are they serious about
eliminating the first Amendment?
Is this how you want to spend
YOUR tax dollars?
Don't forget to check in with these fine independent resources:
And now for something completely different...