Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Now, I don’t mean to pick on poor George...Oh yes I do...what was I thinking? ...Do y’all remember when Ole George was at a G-8 Summit with the grown ups and it was obviously past George’s bedtime...The members were sitting around a grand conference table trying to do whatever they do at G-8 meetings...Angela Merkel, Prime Minister of Germany had a look of disbelief as George rubbed her neck and shoulders and pranced around trying to get the Prime Minister’s attention. Sadly, I’m not joking...my cheeks still burn as total embarrassment washes over my face. 

“Too many good docs are getting out 
of the business.Too many OB-GYNs 
aren't able to practice their love 
with women all across this country."
                                          —President George W. Bush
                                                              Sept. 6, 2004

If it’s a fiasco, it’s the 112th! 

Hey Fatso!

Are Your Shoes Too Tight?
Are Your Knickers In A Wad?
Hungry? Hasn’t Anybody Thrown You 

    Your Slop Yet?
What Makes You So Mean??

Rush Limbaugh has a new name for the way President Obama is handling the situation in Syria: “Operation Shuck and Jive.”

Oh my, Fatso...You’re Just Too Clever.

“Bush had Shock and Awe?

Yeah, but he’s a moron!

We’re looking at shuck and jive here.

That’s what I’m gonna name this.

Go right ahead, Fatso.

The Obama operation in Syria, Operation Shuck and Jive.

You said that, Fatso...

That’s what this is,” Limbaugh said Monday.

Limbaugh was mocking the administration.

Oh no! My virgin ears!

“No, we don’t do ‘Shock and Awe.’ That’s too big, that’s too dangerous, that’s too mean.

I dunno, Fatso...what should we call a covert operation whereby the President orchestrated a small, elite team, silently dropped it into the Bin Laden Compound, interrupted his favorite TV show...killed him, buried him at sea...of course, after saying a prayer that went something like this: glub, glub sucker...go fish!!

and the team returned to its base of operation.

Limbaugh...you’re drunk with your own snot.

Weapons of mass destruction, the whole thing… this makes these people even more incoherent and dangerous?

And what does it make people like you besides fat?

They want the world to know, We’re not George Bush!

And we’re grateful for that...you blustering old fool!

If we go into Syria, it’ll be done responsibly, the way we liberals know it should be done.

Very limited, hardly anything.

Most people won’t even notice that we’ve been there!

That’s how good we are.

That’s how much we care and love people.

We won’t do much, not like Bush, he added.

Now you’re talking sense, Fatso...And, we’re happy to hear you.