Monday, February 14, 2011

Oh, now we plead we're so poor!

We knew it was coming...frankly, we thought they'd wait a respectable amount of time...But, time is money...And while there is still some low-hanging fruit, we'll go wherever we need to go to get it!  We can have it all!...

Those stupid Americans suffer permanent amnesia...Besides, if we work it right, they'll be out pounding the pavement looking for work...any work...Americans are so beaten down they'll do anything to feed their families*...That's more like it! No more proud, independent Americans...Who would change jobs as the spirit moved them...always seeking better positions...with fabulous benefits.

*Or, as Bush would say: put food on their families.

Those days are history. These days America looks like any other third-world country.

Many years ago, on The Phil Donohue Show, they filmed Russian people who were economically, about where we are today. The women demonstrated how they stuffed newspaper in the soles of their shoes to protect their feet against the frigid, snowy winter days.

Hey, hold the phone! Just where are we gonna get money?

The coffers are empty...we need money for social programs...or, they're gonna have to completely cut or dramatically scale back our benefits!...We're broke...really, no money for social programs...we may even have to cut social know how the pubs have been unashamedly drooling over that little cache of money...This should sink it...once and f'all!...

We'll make every last one of 'em (downtrodden Democrats) sing for their supper....literally sing! Those proud and righteous Americans! Those war-mongers! Let 'em eat cake! if they can find any!..or bread...maybe they will find some in the day-old bin...that sad little bin of day-old, stale, and what nobody else wanted...bin. That's good enough for those broke and broken Americans! They've been living high on the hog long enough!

On The Road to Fascism

This post comes to you directly from Think Progress and Brad Blog. It’s scary stuff, but it is accurate. If you go to the 14 signs of a country drifting towards Fascism, check how many of them are evident in our country today; it will make the hair on your head stand straight up!

The Chamber of Commerce, under the leadership of Tom Donohue, has gone from a well respected trade organization to an extremist political organization dedicated to corrupting American democracy by elevating the profits of big corporations over the well being of the citizens they serve.

Recent examples of this corrupt behavior is the Chamber's spending of more than $100 million to defeat initiatives to protect the environment and provide affordable health care to everyone, and its massive attacks on democracy through the use of secret money in the 2010 election.

The Chamber is the biggest lobbying operation in the United States, spending billions of dollars on behalf of big business over the past decade to corrupt the political system. Polluters like Big Coal, Big Asbestos, and Big Oil only need call the Chamber to stop any accountability for their toxic destruction.

Wall Street banks and CEOs need only make sure that they have paid their Chamber dues to ensure that they can continue to rip off the taxpayers. And killers like Big Tobacco need only form a partnership with the Chamber to ensure that they will be given immunity from lawsuits that seek accountability for the death and sickness of millions of Americans.

Tom Donohue has turned the once respected and even-handed Chamber into an extremist organization, bragging that the Chamber gutted the Clinton tobacco settlement, killed the Clinton health care plan, and scuttled previous oversight of Wall Street and the banking system.

Now the Chamber is spending tens of millions on ads and lobbyists to repeal health care for all, protect polluters from accountability, and shield the financial industry from government regulation.

Think Progress: Despite Denials, New Email Confirms US Chamber Had Spoken ‘Directly’ With Private Security Firms' Espionage Work

February 14, 2011 --- On Friday, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce — the big business lobby representing Exxon Mobil, Goldman Sachs, AIG, and other major corporations — released its second denial in the ongoing ChamberLeaks controversy.

In it, they claimed that HBGary’s proposal “was never discussed with anyone at the Chamber” and that “the Chamber was not aware of these proposals until HBGary’s e-mails leaked.”

However, at least six separate leaked HBGary emails suggest that, contrary to their denials, the Chamber was repeatedly made aware of the activities of HBGary and two other private security firms.

As ThinkProgress laid out last week, the lobbying firm Hunton & Williams (H&W) served as the go-between for the Chamber and three private security firms — HBGary, Palantir, and Berico Technologies — who were collectively known as “Team Themis.”

Emails indicate that three top lawyers at Hunton & Williams — John Woods, Bob Quackenboss, and Richard Wyatt — met on multiple occasions with the Chamber in order to brief them on Team Themis’s proposals.

The Brad Blog: U.S. Chamber of Commerce Thugs Used 'Terror Tools' for Disinfo Scheme Targeting Me, My Family, Other Progressive U.S. Citizens, Groups

And why they are likely to get away with it...

February 14, 2011 -- As I learned late last Thursday, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the most powerful Rightwing lobbying group in the country, was revealed to have been working with their law firm and a number of private cyber security and intelligence firms to target progressive organizations, journalists and citizens who they felt were in opposition to their political activism, tactics and points of view.

As I went on the air Thursday night --- my fifth in a six-day guest hosting stint on the nationally syndicated Mike Malloy Show --- revelations about the planned multi-million dollar political hit job by the security/intelligence firms working to develop a scheme for the U.S. Chamber (and another one, almost identical to it, on behalf of Bank of America) were just beginning to come to light.

Both plots were being developed by the Chamber and BofA by the very same law firm, Hunton & Williams and with the cyber intelligence firms HBGary Federal, Berico Technologies & Palantir Technologies.


Latest rant

February 14, 2011

Dear Congressman Jones:

While I applaud your concern for the Corolla Wild Horse Protection Act (HR 4867), it seems to me there are so many more pressing issues. For instance, our children are not keeping pace with their peers.

Some day these very children will be competing for jobs. It is essential that American kids are able to read and write proficiently. We should introduce a second language at an early age. (Chinese comes to mind.)

There should be a national, comprehensive program that begins on the very first day of school. There is no time to waste.

It is disheartening to see how pathetic our American children score when compared with their peers.

At the moment we seem to be trashing public school education. If other issues appear to be more important, we must appreciate the future for America is with our children.

There is no reason for American kids not to excel. I hope the “grown ups” realize that simple truth before it’s too late.

                            A Constituent 

Public school educated and proud of it!
