Friday, October 21, 2011

Just remember...if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

It’s back to school time!

By Gloria Davila

August 12, 2011 -- If you were a teacher, administrator, support staff member or any public school employee last school year, what do you expect in 2011-12?

Will you or your colleagues still have a position? Will you have more students in your classroom? What positions vacated by retirement or other reasons will not be filled? Will there be a Gifted-Talented Education program? Advanced Placement Incentive Program? Essential programs, services, and aids on which you depend?

The public education system has been gutted financially like no other time in memory; consequently, there will be changes in 2011-12 and more in 2012-13.

There will also be changes to your teacher rights. Senate Bill 8 has eliminated many of the rights that teachers have depended on for many, many years. This bill was defeated in the regular session but brought back during the special session.

It allows six days of unpaid furloughs and salary reductions, eliminates seniority protection for teachers during layoffs, gives districts more time to non-renew teacher contracts and provides for changes in contract hearings, class size limit waivers, etc.

This attack on educators is being executed because of “financial exigency.” You might not see the drastic changes until 2012-13, as the bill takes effect after the 2011-12 school year begins; however, districts will experience greater funding cuts in 2012-13. SB 8 will definitely be implemented then.

Who is responsible? Who exactly voted for SB 8? Instead of pointing out who voted for the bill, let’s thank Democrats and Republican legislators who voted against Senate Bill 8.

I am certain I speak for other retired educators: we stand with you, our current teachers, administrators, auxiliary personnel and all public school employees and their friends and families.

We should all be mad as hell and remember those who supported us and those who voted to eliminate our basic rights. I wish all educators a happy and successful 2011-12 school year!
Gloria Davila, Ed.D., is a member of the Kendall County Democratic Club and the Kendall County Area Democratic Women.
