Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The cost of war.

Remember when we were kids and we learned 
about Imports and Exports?

We did reports and projects listing the imports and exports 
of countries around the world.. 

What does America export today?

War and all things having to do with war: 
weapons, tanks, uniforms, personnel. In fact: **** WARS R US ****

What defines our values?

This is from BuzzFlash:

More and more, America devotes its resources to war and national security. We squander tens of billions -- by credible estimates, trillions -- on seemingly endless wars while states lay off teachers, arts organizations fold and communities close.

Although the "official" line is that we've ended our combat presence in Iraq, military experts recognize that U.S. troops will have to remain, and potentially face combat, for many years if we're to have a chance of success.

Our children are growing up in a nation in which war is the natural state of affairs. It's no longer a discrete conflict that erupts when tensions between nations are otherwise irresolvable.

It has become as normal as the air we breathe. Eventually it may spur no opposition -- who questions the air? -- yet it demands that we ask: What is it we're defending?

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