Friday, May 03, 2013

Young Guns. Very Young.

OMG! Have we heard it all yet?

Did you hear about the five year old who blew his baby sister away with his very own gun and they were not playing cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians?

No, they were playing for keeps. She didn't get it.

She was busy learning to walk and to taste new foods.

Exactly what happened to the mean five year old?

He didn't get it.

She’s going to play with me tomorrow, isn’t she?

Isn’t she going to giggle when I pretend I went away and suddenly pop up beside her?

She isn’t?

His sister will be but a vague memory to him as the years go by.

Hope he doesn’t pull a life sentence.

That would be cruel and unusual..

The following letter was mailed to my senators and congressman today:

May 3, 2013

Senator Richard Burr
217 Russell Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510


After learning that you were paid $67,300 by the NRA, it became apparent why you are against Expanding Background Checks.

However, Senator, you are just plain wrong.

The majority of North Carolinians want background checks, expanded or otherwise, to save American lives.

There is no need to list the litany of tragic injuries and deaths caused as a result of the ease with which guns can be obtained in this country. It is painfully obvious; we get it.

We North Carolinians are looking to our legislators to respond to us, the voters who support you, not the NRA!
