Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Christopher Hitchens

Born on April 13, 1949, in Portsmouth, England, Christopher Hitchens wrote for a variety of English magazines before moving to the United States in 1981. 

Hitchens established himself as one of the leading intellectual writers of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, willing to offend his readership with his controversial positions on matters such as religion, art, politics, war and literature. He died in Houston, Texas, on December 15, 2011.

The Lunatics Are Running The Asylum!

Hey, Lapierre!

So, how's our driving?

Seems another mass murder...this time in Santa Barbara.

Seven more dead. 

Another grieving parent. Ho hum.

Where's the good guy with a gun, Lapierre?

Lapierre. You are a moron!

If the 20 dead children in Sandy Hook didn't move you, this latest tragedy, the grieving father, pleading for us to end the insane gun laws, is just another case of a shooter acting badly.

Have you noticed there are virtually no murders in countries that don't let everybody and their crazy uncle own a gun?

Those people just don't get it, do they, Lapierre?

They aren't free like us.