Wednesday, November 18, 2015

From DKos: Arm Mizzou's Black students yet?

Isn't it time to arm Mizzou's black student body yet?

Maybe they can sell them at the student book store
On Friday a fourth person was arrested for issuing death threats against African-American college students this week—this time in Michigan.
Police said they took a suspect into custody Thursday afternoon in connection with an anonymous threat posted on social media directed at students at Michigan Technological University, reported The Detroit News
The university’s Department of Public Safety and Police Services spotted a message posted about noon Thursday on the Yik Yak social media platform and increased security on the Houghton campus. 
The person who made the threat vowed he or she was “going to kill all black people,” authorities said.
Many Republicans truly believed that the only thing that stops a “bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” So the next logical step should be to call for black students at colleges across the nation to openly carry firearms.  It’s only logical right? They have repeatedly argued that the real problem that encourages mass shootings is “gun free zones,” haven’t they?

Oddly, not a single Republican presidential candidate has called for this in the case of African-American college students who are being repeatedly threatened with death. Wonder why that is!
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