Wednesday, November 18, 2015

#Ben Carson Wikipedia...again!

Sadly, I can't copy/paste the original article from Daily Kos here any more than I could last time because of the tweets...but here is the link, and I will quote a few more of the tweets that made me LOL.

Dogs that go into animal shelters straight come out Gay.

Who's crazy now, Internet?
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Kangaroos were the first to sink during the great flood because they have pouches that filled up with water.

There is no such thing as gravity -- its only a theory. Schools should teach "Intelligent Falling"

Peanut allergies are psychosomatic, but wifi allergies can be factually documented back as far as 1823.

The Amazon is the longest river named after a corporation.

The square root of any number is always four, because a square has four sides

If you punch a tiger hard enough it explodes into kittens.
...ah, yes, I needed that.