Wednesday, November 18, 2015

From DKos: Confederate Flag Unwelcomes Military FL Vet

As Military Vet I Felt Unwelcome When Rebel Flag Got Big Ovation at Vets Day Parade in Melbourne, FL
This float got the loudest and longest ovation from people attending the Melbourne, Florida Veterans Day Parade. Note how the Robert E. Lee wannabe is staring at my camera as I take his picture and how the lady in front of me is on her feet giving the float a standing ovation.
Instead, I left bitterly insulted and disappointed that a float sponsored by the Sons of Confederate Veterans featuring the Confederate Battle Flag got the loudest and longest ovation of any float in the ENTIRE parade.
My heart sank at the sight of that treacherous rag approaching the spot where my wife and I were watching the parade from.  And before it got to us she said it was going to get a rousing ovation...and unfortunately she was right.  The crowd around us went nuts, and, as you can see, the woman in the picture stood up clapping and yelling her support as that wretched float went by.
Given the racist nature of many Floridians, I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, but I was.  I simply didn’t expect it to that extent.  Disgustingly, there was more excitement and energy toward that float and that flag than there was toward all the floats featuring the American flag.  Far more.  And frankly, being near those folks made me and my wife feel extremely uncomfortable.
It makes you wonder what the heck these people are thinking.  While I fully support their right to wave the battle flag and dress in Confederate gear at public events, I don’t pretend to understand why they’d want to—especially at an event designed to celebrate America and its military veterans.
Even if you take the racial aspect out of it, at the very least the Confederacy was determined to destroy the United States of America.  If somebody truly loves America, how can they have any respect or appreciation for what the Confederates tried to do?

I have a sinking feeling that most of the folks cheering that flag and float know exactly what the Confederacy was really about...and are proudly planning to call that 1-800-MYDIXIE phone number displayed on the float to express their ongoing support for traitors who LOST the Civil War to the true heroes who preserved the United States of America.