Letter to a milquetoast, pearl-clutching, hand-wringing, bloviating "Democratic" senator who threw President Biden under the bus
I realize that, despite your PR materials, you're a good, faithful republican trump-supporter who bent over backward to hand over our government to the criminal fascist rapists--it's all about the benjamins, amirite?
However, I have a suggestion that may help you retain your precious money and power and stay in office by pretending to serve the actual people whose taxes pay your salary and benefits: put state tariffs on every maga product and company that Canada does, including but not limited to musk, bezos, zuck, murdoch, koch, and the rest of the oligarchs. Then use the money to help keep your actual voters alive--you know, the ones that musk and trump are lusting to starve and kill as their cost of doing business.
You could actually earn some of what we pay you that way since we don't have free healthcare and pension like what we pay you for.
I'd love to see you earn at least some of that by helping people like my parents, who passed away before the election and thankfully don't have to see what you're allowing to happen now. There's no chance they'd have survived the cuts that republicans want to make to benefits THEY paid into their whole lives.
Hope you're satisfied with what you did to President Biden--and us and our dying democracy.
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