Enjoy your higher prices and decreased safety
The American people decisively voted for higher prices and decreased safety.
They decisively voted for higher sales taxes via tariffs.
They decisively voted for cutting the regulations that keep our air travel safe, so we are already seeing more crashes, just like we did when tr*mp deregulated our railroads, causing an increase in derailments.
The American people decisively voted for less safe food, water, and air.
They decisively voted to suffer and die from preventable diseases and to pay more to receive less treatment when they do become ill.
It's not what I would have done. I'd have preferred a government that is more safe, sane, capable, and caring. But, hey, I guess that's just me.
So if you're one of the ones who voted for the current situation, please enjoy. I hope it's everything you wanted for yourself. But don't worry if it's not--I am sure that even more is coming down the pike to make your life more difficult and expensive...more nasty, brutish, and short...just the way you like it.
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