Friday, June 28, 2024

Loser republicans won't take the L; winner Democrats won't take the W. WTF? GET A GRIP, AMERICA!

Is it my imagination, or are both political parties wildly delusional?

We're all way too familiar with the mass delusion that is republicanism: no matter how egregiously they lose, or how stupid their statements are, or how cruel and harmful their policies are, they refuse to take the loss.

I posit that Democrats suffer from a delusion that's almost equally harmful to this country: no matter how massive of a margin they win by, or how capable and effective their candidate is, or how beneficial to the nation their policies are, they won't take the win.

By refusing to be assertive enough to take the win and act like they won, Democrats meekly hand their victories to republicans--effectively snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Friends, this is NOT the time to be meek.

This is NOT the time to refuse to take the win.

Joe Biden has been the most effective president in living memory.

There is no comparison.

There is literally no mechanism--no path--to replace him with anyone at this point.

Further, there is absolutely no reason to even if it were possible--and it's not.

President Biden is a good and decent man who cares about the welfare of this nation and has been extremely effective as president.

It's time to ask yourself...

Do you really want to hand America over to tr*mp and his ilk for the rest of your life?

Do you really want yourself, your children, your grandchildren, your friends, your family, your loved ones to live in a theocratic fascist authoritarian dictatorship?

Do you really want America to treat people born with functioning uteruses worse than the taliban does?

Do you really want America to outlaw the public existence of LGBTQ+?

Do you really want to declare open season for cops to execute people of color?

Do you really want your government to execute Democrats? Muslims? Jews? Buddhists? Atheists? Anyone? Everyone?

Do you really approve of the extreme court? Do you really want to eradicate law and order in this country?

Do you really want to destroy the environment? The economy? America's status as a first-world nation? 

Do you really want to take America back not hundreds but thousands of years--back to the dark ages of hatred, bigotry, and ignorance?


Then put on your grown-up pants, calm the everlovin' F down, and take the effin' win: President Biden has been an outstanding president, and he will continue to be an outstanding president for four more years if we don't panic and hand the nation over to tr*mp.

Got it?