Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Would it be wrong to want to gather up all the irrational, gullible people who are so damaged that they eagerly believe hateful nonsense--specifically, the ones who are hell-bent on harming or preferably killing the rest of us, even though they never met us and don't know us and even though none of us has ever even remotely done anything to harm any of them except exist and not be exactly like them in every way--and use a really juicy conspiracy theory to bait them into their own permanent, inescapable unless they come to their senses but fully stocked, fully survivable bubble where you can show them imagery of some of us with our faces glumly pressed against the outside peering in and let them press a button that forces innocent women they don't know and have never met and will never meet to carry non-viable pregnancies and die in childbirth and forces innocent, harmless LGBTQ+ people to have wrong relationships or wrong gender surgery and use the wrong bathroom and be bullied and killed and gives mass shooters with locked and inexhaustibly loaded AR-15s in each hand as many terrified schoolchildren as they want to blow to bits and lets cops shoot as many peacefully sleeping unarmed black people as they want and show them imagery of us screaming and bleeding and dying and denounce them for being hateful and evil and hurting and killing all those poor, innocent people "inside" the bubble (but who are all really outside the bubble living happy, free, peaceful, prosperous lives without all the societal detritus that trapped themselves inside the bubble) while still letting them press the button to their hearts' content while nothing bad is really happening to the rest of us but the people who are actually inside the bubble don't know that it's all just an act for their benefit and really think they are hurting and killing all of us who scare them because we're not exactly like them in every way so that they can live the rest of their lives being every bit as happy as they're capable of being, getting everything they ever thought they wanted and thinking they're "hurting all the right people" but not actually causing anyone any harm?