Monday, April 06, 2020

Medicare lurves hospice at home--an update

Greetings, friends -

Now that we've been doing the whole hospice at home thing for a few weeks now, let me tell you definitively what Medicare does and does not cover--according to hospice, at least.

I say "according to hospice" because our private nursing aide thinks that the hospice service is lying and that Medicare really DOES cover more than the hospice service is actually providing. And when it comes to what the hospice people claim they will provide, it depends on whom you talk to. The first one or two people you talk to blithely claim, oh, yes, that's covered...but when you ask to get your hands on whatever it is, the answer is always NO.

According to our private nursing aide, Medicare pays hospice $4,000 up front because they are basically expecting the patient to pass away in short order.

MY dad, on the other hand, has defied every statistic and every negative expectation--he is getting stronger by the day, and he is champing at the bit to start in-home rehab and get back on his feet and back to being independent.

I could not be more bust-at-the-seams, over-the-moon pleased to have my dad back--even the way he is right now, stuck in bed.

But I digress.

Here is the definitive list of what hospice will and will not provide as covered (they claim) by Medicare:

1. Adult diapers--but you are responsible for going out and getting your own because they may not give you the right kind or the right size.

2. Incontinence pads--but you are responsible for going out and getting your own because they may just not have them.

3. Gloves, but, hey, nobody has any right now. Can't fault 'em for that.

4. A nursing aide up to three times per week for one hour per visit to clean you or your loved one from head to toe and strip/remake the bed.

So, in short, you are guaranteed to get $75/week (for the nursing aide) but nothing beyond that--you may still have to run out and buy supplies they DO cover and are supposed to provide.

Hospice claims that Medicare will NOT provide the following:

1. Adult wipes--apparently, they expect you to put clean diapers on dirty butts.

2. Butt cream--apparently, they don't mind covering hospital visits for diaper rash, pressure sores, etc.

And, as you know, YOU are the 24/7 nursing aide for your loved one. YOU provide all the food supplies and preparation; YOU feed your loved one; YOU help them clean their teeth; YOU bed-bathe them on days the hospice aide doesn't come; YOU provide the facility; YOU provide the utilities; YOU provide everything--even the items that Medicare is SUPPOSED to cover because, gosh darn it, hospice might just not feel like it that day.

It's a pretty sick system, isn't it?

The moral of the story is to minimize home hospice because Medicare is giving a crap ton of money to these services who pocket nearly every penny, leaving you and your loved one in the lurch to fend for yourselves.

Forewarned is forearmed, friends.

So stay healthy--stay safe and stay home for now; get yourself long-term care health insurance; and be sure to check the ratings and reviews of every medical professional and service before you let them near yourself or your precious loved ones.

And don't forget to let out a cheer for my old man--he is a Force of Nature, and I am absolutely beside myself with glee at having Himself back.  :)