Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The World's Biggest Republican “Fuck you--I’ve got mine” that keeps on giving...or is that taking?

The Koch brothers, Exxon, the rest of American Big Oil, and the Republicans who lurve the taste of kissing their asses.
Under President Macron, France is phasing out the internal combustion engine in favor of more renewable, less polluting options.
Pfft--we expect that kind of forward thinking from urbane, progressive France.
But then we come to find that even China is ahead of us on renewable energy--they recently ran a few-day trial powering a small, not overly populous region completely on renewable energy, confirming the robustness of that area's energy grid.
Friends, it seems that the only developed nations in favor of global warming and opposed to renewable energy are Russia and America.
Russia hates renewable energy because PEWtin wants to sell oil--one of the few remaining money-making prospects he's left open to himself.
Russia loves global warming to soften if not melt Arctic permafrost, giving PEWtin access to the oil beneath--oil his state-owned refineries can't access any other way.
And tRUmp hates renewable energy and loves global warming because he's PEWtin's cock holster.
For tRUmp, appeasing PEWtin is a matter of survival, since PEWtin's silence is the only thing keeping tRUmp out of prison for the moment.
The tRUmp-Russia dynamic plays right into the hands of the Koch brothers and the rest of American Big Oil.
Analysis correlating the penny profits per cigarette to the lives lost to lung cancer shows that Philip Morris values human life at $10,000 USD each.
I wonder how much--or should I say how little--PEWtin, tRUmp, the Koch brothers, Exxon, and the rest of American Big Oil value each of our lives.
Each of us has at least some control over smoking--we can choose never to start, or we can roll up our sleeves and take on the ugly process of withdrawal from quitting, even if it takes us an average of 30 attempts finally to quit.
Unfortunately, when it comes to using oil, we don't have such a choice in America; with tRUmp in the Oval Office, it may be years before we even get close to being able to wean ourselves off oil meaningfully as individuals, let alone as a society.
Dot Calm was keenly aware of this nasty fact and its relationship to the smirking chimp's war on Iraq, which was why she and Mr. Calm bought a Toyota Prius in 2003. That's why I have a Prius now, too.
I also "buy" solar panels and wind farm energy credits from my local power company whenever I can scape together a few bux.
But what about us as a society?
During the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton gave one of the most amazing speeches on clean energy I've ever heard. She outlined the problem, the solutions, the costs, the benefits, and the harm of doing nothing. With Al Gore at her side to introduce her and to remind us that every vote counts (I shudder and cringe at the prescience), she explained how easily, how naturally, America could take its rightful place as world leader in clean energy--a multi-trillion-dollar industry that promises only to grow and create jobs in the coming years...a burgeoning industry for job growth and profits that tRUmp's regressive policies have ceded to China. 
Hillary's remarks were so well crafted, so thoroughly thought out, that it was inspiring to hear them...which I did by sheer luck, since CNN happened to be on in our break-room during early afternoon working hours, when most office workers are chained to their desks.
Alas, this is not what we got.
Instead of inaugurating as our president the Most Qualified Person Ever to Run for that distinguished office...a thoughtful, intelligent, analytical woman of achievement, class, and dignity...we ended up with a "grab 'em by the pussy" racist, misogynist, anti-Semite, anti-American, pro-Russia, anti-democracy, pro-dictatorship, pro-nuclear-war, anti-human-rights pathologically lying, ignorant, incurious, larcenous, hypocritical, self-serving, consummately corrupt, narcissistic, psychopathic MORON...a man-baby given to tantrums and completely devoid of compassion, empathy, and conscience whose sadistic little brain is rotting out its last days in the end stages of syphilis, Alzheimer's, ADD, ADHD, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and gawd knows what other mental, emotional, and physical ailments visibly afflict him and his rapidly dwindling cognitive abilities.
But tRUmp is only the symptom--the repulsive but logical end result of what can only be described as, to use a phrase for which the press pilloried Hillary even though she was right, a vast right-wing conspiracy of the media...in this case, to foment hatred against the majority of real Americans (i.e., there are far more people of color, women, LGBTQ+, non-rich, non-Christian Americans than there are rich, straight, white, male, Christian Americans) and fear and distrust of science.
In 1987, Reagan's FCC repealed the Fairness Doctrine, and the Reagan administration took steps to open the door to allow the "crazies" (as George H.W. Bush called them) and the evangelicals to buy up our media. This is how FOX News was permitted to debut alternative news in 1996 and grow ever more divorced from reality and accountability ever since.
Recent decades gave PEWtin a tight grip on tRUmp's short curlies, but our very own Big Oil oligarchs have been solidifying the stance of their collective boot on our collective neck since that fateful 1977 study, empowered by Reagan's right-wing media.
It's easy enough to see why, 30-40 years ago, Big Oil and the Republicans who lurve them would gladly offer to pay us Tuesday for a hamburger today. There were no visible effects of global warming yet except perhaps to scientists. There were no scolding newspaper articles, no blaring headlines, no breathless TV news personalities lamenting man-made natural disasters.
There was no Internet.
But when you fast forward to today, it becomes mystifying.
We've all seen it.
Crazy weather.
Gone are the gradual transitions between seasons that we middle-aged and older folks grew up with: they've been replaced by wildly oscillating temperatures until thud, you're finally sure you're in the next season and can finally put the previous season's coats and clothes away until next year.
Multiple 500-year storms following on each others' heels.
Floods and wildfires of apocalyptic proportions.
Only a gullible evangelical can ignore the reality under his nose, deny verifiable causality, and shriek that what we're really seeing is the End Times and gawd's wrath for our leniency in allowing the continued existence of abortions and gays on this here flat earth. Only a gullible evangelical can, like the Muslim clerics they love to hate, embrace technology while eschewing the science that produces it.
But what about the rest of these bastards?
What about the ones who, arguably worse than the executives at Philip Morris pretending that smoking doesn't cause cancer, understand the horrific risks of global warming but insist not merely on ignoring it but on actively hastening it as much as possible?
What the actual fuck are these monsters thinking?
I'd say look at tRUmp, but I'm sure he's incapable of understanding what natural disaster is unless he should get caught right in the middle of one. I'd also bet that his greed mostly focuses right now on mitigating the crushing debt that's drowning him so he can avoid being kneecapped by PEWtin and his other creditors while still enjoying his lavish lifestyle.
But look at the Koch brothers. Look at Rex "Rexxon" Tillerson. Look at Scott Pruitt.
These men are all geriatric. Even the youngest of them is looking death in the face sooner rather than later.
It would make sense, then, that they wouldn't give two shits about destroying the planet tomorrow as long as they get to collect and hoard their shiny new penny today.
But, like their avid Republican adherents, these men and their ilk have children and grandchildren.
What about them?
This is what I mean by "The World's Biggest Republican 'Fuck you--I’ve got mine' that keeps on giving...or is that taking."
These morally depraved monsters are willing--in fact, tRUmp and his cabinet seem positively gleeful--to let global warming murder us in massive super-storms, wash away our homes in torrential floods and rising oceans, poison our towns and cities with toxic chemicals from hurricane-flooded chemical plants, pollute our air and further accelerate global warming with wildfires, create columns of death in our soil and water with oil pipelines guaranteed to leak, destroy our nation's ability to grow its own food by changing the climate to denude us of arable land, and wreak who knows what other disasters not only on us "strangers" but on their own fucking progeny.
All they care about is wrapping their filthy grubby greedy little fingers around that shiny new penny--no matter how many people they injure or kill in the process.
Even their own babies and grandbabies.
How many human lives--not to mention innocent animals--would these sick Republicans bastards gladly dispatch to oblivion with a wave of their hands just for that penny...just because they could?
The Republican mentality reminds me of a line I seem to recall reading in Mario Puzo's "The Godfather," which I haven't opened since high school and thus may not recall perfectly (and Google isn't helping at the moment): to paraphrase, Sicilians would rather eat their own children than part with a penny, and Sicilians adore their children.
Like I said, WTAF!?
tRUmp's Czar-a-Lago got off easy with Irma. His mansion vacation villa on St. Martin's...not so much.
Do you think he'll ever go survey the damage? Get it fixed? Or is he deluding himself into thinking he can sell that villa, which was worth $17 million before its untimely demise, to the Russians for a cool $100 mil just like he did with a rancid, dilapidated mansion in Florida?
What do you think it would take to change his mind--to teach him once and for all that no amount of money will ever protect him and his from the wrath of Mother Nature?
Belay that--talk of changing tRUmp's mind necessarily assumes that tRUmp has a mind to change, and I for one refuse to make such an egregious assumption.
Even if tRUmp does seem rather creepily fond of Ivanka.
But what about men like the Kochs or Rexxon or Scott Pruitt?
Their own future generations can suck it, as far as these depraved demons are concerned, as long as they get their pound of flesh today.
I dunno about you, but I think that's vile, foul, perverted, disgusting, reprehensible, deplorable, and sick beyond words.
And it's why I believe that we as a society must start teaching empathy, and we must reinstate the 90% top income tax rate on all earnings.
We must reintegrate our society so that these monsters rediscover that we are all people.
Somehow, we must teach them that we are all human beings no less important than themselves--like them, we are people with hopes and dreams and friends and families and aspirations and values. And we must restore accountability and limit the damage they can do to the rest of us, including financially.
Remember my post-Charlottesville post (hum, that wording made me do a double-take), where I suggested an "exchange" program to reintegrate white supremacists into civil society?
Well, maybe we should start an "exchange" program for America's oligarchs because, clearly, they are anti-social and anti-American and must be reintegrated into civil society before they tear this country apart.
I think we should dump them all--every last oil baron and oligarch and House Republican and Senate Republican and tRUmp family member and tRUmp adviser and tRUmp nominee--into the worst of the storm damage and leave them there to live like the locals and to the clean up the mess they made with their own bare hands until the locals get back on their feet and are able to function again.
Maybe it would give these sick greedy bastards a better understanding of the evil they embrace and the human tragedy they cause.
Maybe it would finally teach them some empathy.
FSM knows they need both!
Friends, the more I think about it, the better I like it.
Wouldn't it be fun to see tRUmp lose four or five of his seven or eight vagina necks by doing some actual work for once in his life? To see Melania collect and cart away debris and moldy drywall in her stilettos and $50,000 fugly-as-sin "designer" jacket? To see Ivanka face life or death human suffering instead of empty platitudes and champagne popsicles? To see Uday and Qusay giving aid and comfort to Americans rather than Russians and making life better for people rather than killing innocent endangered animals?
Wouldn't it great to see lyin' Ryan, TURDleman McConnell, masturbaTED Cruz, "sheriffs" Arpaio and Clark, and the rest of the Republican filth ripped away from their wet dreams of murdering us all and forced to work their asses off to help us instead?
Wouldn't it be awesome to nab PEWtin and put his pampered ass to work for a change, too?
Hellz, I like this idea so much I'd even pay to see it.
How long do you think it would take to raise enough money to pay for all the repairs?
Too bad this isn't Twitter so I could post a poll, lol!

One of the alt-gov accounts
 belonging to a White House staffer
tweeted today that tRUmp fired a low-level aide
for saying "Mueller" out loud.
So I quoted that tweet, addressed it to tRUmp, and typed
"Mueller Mueller Mueller Mueller"
as many times as I could fit
followed by a row of hysterically-laughing smilies
and the hashtag "TrumpResign."
I can't even begin to tell you
how damn satisfying that was!
I hope tRUmp sees it
and spit-takes his KFC and diet Coke!

Remember what I said about reorganizing le blawg into separate pages? I'm still working on it. When I get done, you'll be the second to know (me being first). Sry, loves--work has been nuts!

Until next time, pour yourself a Fireball and treat yourself to some chocolate on my behalf. And always remember...never forget...I lurves ya madleh!

- Dot Calm's shadow

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