Monday, November 16, 2015

Can Evangelicals Take the Advice They Give Blacks?

I was watching Cenk Uygur on The Young Turks (TYT) speaking about recent incidents of racism at University of Missouri (Mizzou).

Cenk outlined how Black students, a mere 7% of the student population, felt threatened as white students collected around them screaming racial epithets, drove up in trucks shouting "Nigger," etc.

The Black students had begun to fear for their safety and approached the school administration to address the situation. After assiduously doing nothing, two top administrators resigned, to the outrage of FOX News, whose hosts complained that it was all just words, no students had actually been harmed (translation: not physically harmed yet), and the Black students should just stop being so politically correct and just get over it.

In this video, TYT hosts present some of the death threats actually circulating at the time--including a threat to "stand my ground" and "shoot every Black I see." It stands to reason that even the inaccurate death threat reports would unnerve Black students.

Hell, I would be unnerved and concerned for my safety. Wouldn't you?

And I started to think...

What if Christians took their own advice and applied their own analysis--it's all just words...nobody has been harmed...stop being so politically correct...just get over it--to their precious little "War on Christmas"?