Tuesday, November 19, 2013

another country heard from...okay, not exactly a country...a daughter (the smart one):

ok, ma, so here's a gem from "faux" news:

Charles Krauthammer says that the reason the income gap between rich and poor is increasing is that the rich are over-regulated and over-taxed, so they are not creating jobs. so, the few jobs they are creating have gluts of applicants, who have no choice but to take whatever wages they can get if they want to work. in other words, it's the fault of big government that the rich are getting richer (oh, he forgot to mention that part--that the rich are getting richer--much, much richer) while the poor are getting poorer.

I would believe him, but productivity has steadily been rising in recent decades, and, with it, profits.

meanwhile, wages have stagnated.

there are charts on the internet that show these relationships in black and ink--even a right winger can understand them.

maybe i'm missing something, but it seems to me like the rich are just keeping more for themselves instead of paying workers what they're worth--keeping the whole pie instead of giving back an appropriate slice to the very people who help make it.

maybe it's me, but i'd chalk that up to attitudes of greed and *entitlement*--entitlement attitudes the likes of which the left could not even dream of, where wall streeters feel entitled to collect bonuses
in multiples of the median household income while rome burns--caused by bad parenting.

maybe they think that shrinking the government will make americans better parents?

in china, you can buy gloriously decorated, well made clothing dirt cheap. why? because the Chinese only pay their workers maybe fifty cents a day. is this economic model is hunky dokey with the lovely people at faux news? would they love to see American workers kowtow to the Chinese standard, if not lower?

when bill Clinton was president, the rich paid a lot more in taxes, and the economy was much more robust--rising waters floated all ships. and we were protected from the boom-bust cycle caused by economic bubbles until he repealed glass-steagall.

somehow, life seemed a lot better then--when the rich paid their fair share in taxes, and we had enough regulations in place to keep the rich from making a killing on the middle and working classes.