Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Texas Gun Bullies Use Semi-Automatics 
To Terrorize Mothers Against Guns

By Rick Ungar, Contributor

On Saturday, the Texas chapter of “Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America” (MDA) was holding a membership meeting at the Blue Mesa Grill in Arlington when a convoy of cars and trucks carrying members of “Open Carry Texas”—a group supporting open carry of weapons in the state—pulled into the restaurant’s parking lot.

Whew! Good thing they were just there for some chow and not to intimidate the mothers.

Oh, they were there to intimidate the mothers?

In fact, the ambassadors of Open Carry had come specifically to let their objection to MDA be known.

Wow! You showed them!

Were you afraid of the Mothers at any time?

Was the pressure unbearable?

Did they look menacing as they bit into quiche with a side of  apple sauce?

Were they ominous-looking as they figured out the bill? (They always get cranky when the bill comes).

What do you think your mothers would say?

The protest was effective—terrifying the occupants of the restaurant which included both those participating in MDA meeting and innocent diners with no particular political axe to grind on that day.

Wasn't it Texas where the toddler found a loaded gun and blew himself to heaven?

Can We At Least Agree That Giving .22 Caliber Rifles To Small Children Might Be A Really Bad Idea?

NO! His rights...His rights...

You can't strip the rights to play with a loaded gun

He'll get psychotic!

He'll get neurotic because he's psychotic!

He'll wind up on Oprah!