Sunday, November 17, 2013

Leonard Cohen is Canadian and wrote the haunting lyrics to “Democracy Is Coming To The USA.”

During the Cheney/Bush reign America’s reputation was dragged through the mud like never before as those around the world watched.

You Tube played “Democracy Is Coming To The USA” often when Cheney, through Scooter Libby outed CIA operative, Valery Plame.

While many considered it treason, it went unpunished like so many of the atrocities which, unfortunately, are now part of this country’s history, just like torture, and black sites.
The black sites permit indefinite detention, interrogations, torture and different forms of abuse.

Guantanamo is the tip of the iceberg. Dozens of US torture prisons operate globally. Afghanistan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Jordan, Kenya, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and other complicit US allies host them.