Sunday, October 30, 2005

Nobody’s perfect, so why can’t we all just get along?

Thanks to my younger daughter, I recently found out that Walgreen’s has done a very brave thing: they donated some $100,000 to the 2006 Gay Games in order to raise awareness for HIV/AIDS and to provide screenings and medications to people attending the event. Naturally, Walgreen’s courageous act has landed them in hot water with some of our nation’s less tolerant folks…you know the ones…people who think that being gay or being left-handed is a matter of choice rather than brain biology. My daughter’s thank-you letter to Walgreen’s inspired me to write one, too:

Dear Walgreen’s CEO:

My daughter sent me an e-mail praising Walgreen’s for finding a positive venue to raise HIV/AIDS awareness and provide pertinent healthcare by financially supporting the 2006 Gay Games...I, too, want to thank the folks at Walgreen for appreciating that we are not all made from the same cloth...

If we were, wouldn't it be a boring world?

My daughter is heterosexual...she is an electrical engineer just finishing her doctorate...

It seems the more intellectual we are, the more tolerant...

Thank you...I, like my daughter, will go out of my way to shop at the new Walgreen's in my home town...

Dot Calm