Have I told you how much I hate these people? - Mike Malloy. It is every thinking person’s responsibility not to side with his or her executioners. - Albert Camus. Popular democracy anywhere threatens fascism everywhere. - The Scallion. A fascist junta of neocons using George W. Bush as its shill has taken over America by bloodless coup. What will it take for us to stage a revolution and take our country back? - Dot Calm. Drive a hybrid. Leave a lighter footprint on the planet. - Dot Calm.
Like Granny D, I have watched my own beloved country change, and I am angry beyond words about what I see. I grew up seeing America as the equivalent of the movie good guy, the hero in the white hat who came to the rescue of those in need around the world. I have watched in silent horror as the corporations, the captains and the kings of industry, used a comparatively small outlay of cash to buy the Republicans to use as their shills. George W. Bush is the puppet cowboy-king of shills, the proverbial emperor with no clothes. Every day, I watch these evil men legalize, legitimize, and institutionalize robbing the poor to pay the rich. They are carving up America like a giant carcass and doling out choice chunks of its meat to themselves and their cronies. Since the Democrats have been sipping at the same corporate teat where the Republicans have been gorging for the past generation, the fascists are free to do their worst; there is no longer any opposition. There is no one left to stand up for the rights of the American people, the Constitution, or the democracy, which I fear will be replaced by a fascist dictatorship in my lifetime. Wake up, America: we need a REVOLUTION NOW!
~240 years of representative democracy, flushed down the big jacuzzi by Donald "Pitiful pathetic FAT UNATTRACTIVE celebutante LOSER and SAD little freeloader-in-thief-WANNABE" Trump
A sad, sad anniversary: 22 October marks the one-year anniversary of the passing of Dot Calm. She is sorely missed by all who knew and love her. Rest in peace, Dot Calm! I miss you more each day. I love you! -- your faithful shadow
Greetings, fellow Dot Calm Readers, Freedom Fighters, and Truth Crusaders!
And there you have it, boyz 'n' girlz...
Donald "Pitiful pathetic FAT UNATTRACTIVE celebutante LOSER and SAD little freeloader-in-thief-WANNABE" Trump has permanently shit the bed on becoming president. Every media outlet I check--even right-wing ones--proclaim his candidacy to be tits up because Donald "I know you are but what am I?" Trump refuses to concede the election if or hopefully when he loses.
Nobody is shocked except those living in FUX Noise or talk radio right-wing media bubbles, since Donald has had this trumper-tantrum before...not quite a month ago.
Some are calling for Donald to step down; others are calling for Republican party leadership to use any legal means to tell Donald Trump, "YOU'RE FIRED."
Although giving Donald his well-earned pink slip would give the Republican party some cover from which to try to rebuild and run a legitimate campaign in 2020, I think they shouldn't be allowed to have this abortion. This whole circus was their baby from the get-go, and they should be forced to carry it to term just to see what that feels like, ha.
But what really worries me isn't a Donald Trump presidency--I don't think that even the Republicans are willing to rig this election in favor of someone so opposed to the rule of law that we as a nation have observed since our founding. And I really don't think that there are enough tinfoil-hat-wearing Americans to push Donald Trump to victory without the election being rigged.
What worries me is the potential for bloodshed--in addition to that expressly incited by Donald Trump at his rallies.
Black, brown, immigrant, and disadvantaged voters already have enough trouble voting because, sure, Republicans have been rigging elections since at least 2000--maybe before. According to Greg Palast and other sources, Republicans and some Democrats have been jumping through their own assholes to knock potential progressive voters off the voting roles. One trick is to knock off the list everyone who has the same name (or just last name) as a convicted felon--so they use one felon to knock however many dozens of innocent voters off the rolls. Or they take out everyone with the same first and last names, even though their middle names are different. Yup, Republicans and some Democrats use cute little tricks like that to deny the vote to innocent Black, brown, immigrant, and disadvantaged Americans.
By the millions.
And the lucky ones left on the rolls have to deal with increasingly numerous and difficult hurdles to voting, including having to choose between buying groceries or medicine for the week or taking enough time off work to get to the DMV or wherever and get a picture ID...a picture ID that may cost not only the time taken off from work but also money in fees. This is nothing but a poll tax--a prohibitively high poll tax for too many Americans who spend nearly every waking hour working just to survive.
On top of that, Republicans have used our taxpayer dollars to close down one polling site after another, forcing voters to wait in line for 7 hours or more to vote. The kinder, gentler Republicans satisfy themselves with choosing hostile locations for the few remaining polls to ensure that Black and Latino voters face intimidation when they go to vote.
So, yes, Virginia, American elections are most definitely rigged...but not in the ways that the Republicans pretend is the case when they stop us from exercising our right to vote. It's all well documented on "Democracy Now!" if you care to look it up--forgive me for not linking to specific articles, but I'm still a widdle burned out from double-posting Wednesday, including live-blawgging the dEEbate.
But I digress.
So, here we are, looking at far fewer Black, brown, immigrant, and disadvantaged Americans being allowed to vote in the first place, and here comes Donald "I could not be a bigger asshole, believe me" Trump telling his rabid gun-toting conspiracy-theory-loving "other"-hating minions to go to their polling places and make sure the election isn't "stolen" from him.
And what exactly do you think these Trump adherents are going to do? How do you think they're interpreting teh Dumbald's manifesto to "protect" the election?
At the very least, they're going to get in people's faces and try--and very possibly succeed--to prevent them from exercising their Constitutional right to vote. At worst, they will shed innocent blood in the name of their rabid nationalism--at their fat bald orange idol's behest.
And that's not even considering what they might do on November 9th if teh Dumbald should deign to proclaim himself displeased with losing the election.
Friends, that's what I worry about--that's whom I worry about.
I worry about my Black, brown, immigrant, and disadvantaged brothers and sisters who have done no harm to anyone and who just want to fucking vote. I worry that they will be driven away at best or shot and killed at worst. I worry that they will be targeted in race riots and post-election riots by Trump's tinfoil-hat brigade in the name of misplaced patriotism.
I hope the National Guard is ready to deal with such a circus.
But am I shocked? No, I'm not even surprised. Republicans long ago decided that the Constitution is obsolete...passé...except as an excuse to do whatever the hell they wanted to do anyway. What they really want is a theocratic dictatorship--that much is clear to anyone watching and listening. But even they know that their twisted ideas are not popular with the American populace, so they resort to speaking in code. All Donald Trump has done is say out loud, in uncoded plain language, everything they've been thinking and working toward for the last thirty years.
So, no, it's no surprise.
But it is a worry. A people-will-die worry.
And if so much as a drop of innocent blood is shed during or after the election due to Donald Trump's exhortations, then I will work to see him prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Freedom of speech doesn't mean that you get to say whatever you want without consequence, and if what you say causes violence, then that violence is a consequence for which you are responsible.
And as if this is not enough, just consider all the damage already done by Donald Trump's feckless, reckless, ill-advised campaign to make America hate again. That's right--bullying has gone up in schools across the country, and Black, Latino, Muslim, and other children who look "different" from their white counterparts are suffering from distraction, depression, and stress--their grades are dropping. These innocent children's performance in school is suffering because of the stress from bullying--it-snot because they're "naturally stupid" because they have melanin in their skin or worship the "wrong" god the "wrong" way. I'm highlighting a Vox article below because, even if the wrinkled orange fucksicle were to crawl back under his rock tomorrow, we as a society will be suffering the effects of all his hateful isms for the next generation. The civility that has taken fifty years of blood, sweat, and tears to build has been obliterated in a little over a year by this monstrous LOSER.
And you wonder why I'm pissed...and you wonder why I call him the worst names I can possibly think of...and you wonder why I drink.
The children are our future, and Donald John Trump has just set us all back by a generation--and he hasn't even been defeated at the polls yet.
Can you imagine what damage he'd do if he actually got into the White House?
Don't forget to read Dot Calm's shadow's favorite independent sources of news and information:
Peas, friends. Take care of yourselves for me. Trust me--you're worth it! And have a goddamned Fireball, will you? It's been one hell of a week, and I for one could use a drink.
- Dot Calm's shadow
Consider the preemptive Blogger phuqued-up phormatting disclaimer to be in effect. Grrr. -- Dot Calm's shadow
MelissiaHill was eating crepes with her 5-year-old son, Phoenix, at a Brooklyn cafe this summer when he asked her, “Is Donald Trump a bad person? Because I heard that if he becomes president, all the black and brown people have to leave and we’re going to become slaves.”
Next he wanted to know, “What is a slave?” and, “Where are we gonna go?”
Hill was taken aback, and well aware of the wide-eyed interest Phoenix’s questions attracted from neighboring tables. She asked him where he’d heard these things. His answer: from another child at his local YMCA day camp.
“I was very interested in talking to the parents of this child. I was wondering whether they were supporting Trump or were they against him. ... I would literally stake the mother out at drop-off in the morning, but I kept missing her,” Hill, who is black, told Vox.
Camp staffers dismissed Hill’s concerns. Meanwhile, Phoenix cried every day when he was dropped off. So Hill pulled him out of the program and continued to reassure him of his safety.
“I told him we’re not going anywhere, we’re going to live here,” she said. “I just reaffirmed this is home and we’re not going anywhere, Trump is not going to deport us. He is not going to become president.”
Given Phoenix’s age, Hill chose not to delve into the Republican candidate’s expressed positions, correct the demographic breakdown of whom exactly he suggested should be prohibited from immigrating, or parse the differences between deportation and slavery, which had been lost somewhere in the other camper’s interpretation.
After all, she intentionally hadn’t yet exposed her son to the idea of racial difference or bigotry at all, up until that point. Deliberate about controlling the flow of information to him, she rarely even allows him to see anything other than children’s programming on television. “It was just hard for me to even think about explaining what slavery was to him,” she said. “His grandmother is white, his auntie is white. ... We have all different colors in our family, and I wasn’t really ready to open that topic up in him.”
Phoenix is no longer scared, she said, but the episode “just stole a piece of his innocence.”
He isn’t alone.
If Trump wins the election,first lady Michelle Obama said In her now-famous speechabout his leaked comments bragging about grabbing women’s genitals, “We're telling all our kids that bigotry and bullying are perfectly acceptable in the leader of their country.”
Yet many children have already received that message loud and clear. They haven’t been protected fromTrump’s attacks on racial and religious groups in anywhere near the same way as much as they have from hisX-rated “hot mic” remarks.
Trump’s most infamous assertionsabout race, religion, and identity— that many Mexican immigrants are rapists and “bad people,” that a judge was incapable of doing his job because of his ethnicity, that Muslims are a danger to America, that “the blacks” (a phrasing that linguists say serves to identify African-Americans as “other”) live in a virtual hellscape with nothing to lose and no standing to critique his platform — were all made publicly.
These messages, though, have not been softened, omitted or redacted by the media for the protection of young ears in the same way his so-called “locker room talk” about women has. And kids like Phoenix aren’t waiting to see what happens on November 8 before they absorb these views, repeat them, and integrate them into the set of perspectives that combine to make up how they see themselves and others. Many, according to a recent survey of teachers’ perceptions of their students, are using them as fodder for bullying. Others are anxious and scared as a result of the taunts and the real-life threats to their families.
Nobody — not even those who study the development of racial attitudes in kids or the impact of racial trauma — can say with certainty what the long-term effects of this unprecedented dose of high-profile animosity will be on the young people who are steeped in it.
Marginalized kids are terrified and saddened
Immigrant advocates gather to protest against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump outside the Trump International Hotel, currently under construction on Pennsylvania Avenue between the US Capitol and the White House, July 9, 2015, in Washington, DC.Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
This spring, Teaching Tolerance, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s education arm, tookan informal poll of educatorsto gauge how this campaign had affected schools so far.
Maureen Costello, the director of Teaching Tolerance, said the organization’s interest in the election’s effect on school-age kids was piqued bynews reportsabout high school sporting events where chants of “Trump, Trump, Trump” and “Build a wall” were used against predominantly Latino teams.
“We wondered, is this the tip of an iceberg? Is there something beneath this?” she said.
The organization sent queries to the teachers who subscribed to its weekly newsletter. “We weren’t trying to be scientific. We were trying to find out, ‘Is there anything going on?’ I compare it to the [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] asking doctors to report if there are measles outbreaks,” Costello said.
The organization’s conclusion from the thousands of comments it received: Yes, something is going on. More than two-thirds of teachersreportedthat students — mainly immigrants, children of immigrants, and Muslims — had expressed concerns or fears about what might happen to them or their families after the election:
Teachers used words like “hurt” and “dejected” to describe the impact on their charges. The ideas and language coming from the presidential candidates are bad enough, but many students — Muslim, Hispanic and African-American — are far more upset by the number of people, including classmates and even teachers, who seem to agree with Trump. They are struggling with the belief that “everyone hates them.”
There were reports of tears shed in classrooms from second grade to high school. Concerns about being “sent back” transcended immigration status, as in Phoenix’s case, to affect African-American kids:
African-American students aren’t exempt from the fears. Many teachers reported an increase in use of the n-word as a slur, even among very young children. And black children are burdened with a particularly awful fear that has been reported from teachers in many states — that they will “be deported to Africa” or that slavery will be reinstated. As an Oklahoma elementary teacher explains, “My kids are terrified of Trump becoming [p]resident. They believe he can/will deport them — and NONE of them are Hispanic. They are all African American.
According to the report, even children who did not face, or did not believe they faced, direct threats as a result of Trump’s policies, perceived the same pattern asthe white supremacists who support Trump: that the candidate’s vision for a return to a “great’ version of America was dismissive of people of color. A teacher at a predominantly black school in Ferguson, Missouri, told Teaching Tolerance, “We do not have the language and hate of any candidates repeated at the high school where I teach. … However, I do hear students wonder if they are being let in on what all white people truly think and feel.”
The nonprofit called the results “the Trump effect.” The findings resonate with teachers who didn’t participate in the survey, too.
Brian Moss, who teaches eighth grade at a Northern California middle school where he estimates 80 percent of students are Latino, told Vox, “In really looking at Trump’s policies specifically, and looking at the reforms he’s suggesting, I’ve witnessed kids in discussions expressing concerns, if not downright fear.”
He’s teaching an entire unit on the election, as he puts it, “covering the debate and using news sources to objectively present policies from each candidate.” So Moss can’t avoid Trump’s positions, like his proposed ban on Muslim immigration (which evolved into“extreme vetting”),his insistence that he’ll deport “millions,”and his promise toend birthright citizenship.
Moss can’t, in good conscience, give his students the kindergarten-level “He won’t win, and our family isn’t going anywhere” speech that Hill gave Phoenix, either. They’re old enough to know that much of what Trump has proposed could affect their families, and they know he’s not guaranteed to lose — it’s part of their curriculum to understand this. So Moss tries to balance reassurance with honesty.
“A lot of students have undocumented parents or are undocumented themselves, so it’s very understandable that they would feel these ways,” he said. “I do try to suggest to them that there’s no immediate threat and there’s not going to be people knocking on doors necessarily, even if he does win. But I also, to some degree, think they might need to be a bit afraid. There needs to be awareness, and if fear comes with that, it seems justified.”
Some kids have broadened and weaponized Trump’s rhetoric
Supporters of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump listen as he addresses a capacity crowd at the Budweiser Events Center in Loveland, Colorado, on October 3, 2016.Jason Connolly/AFP/Getty Images
Moss says he hasn’t observed kids attacking or antagonizing each other based on views and policies Trump has expressed. That could be because Latino students are the dominant population at his school, or because his classroom has a clearly stated nondiscrimination policy. “At the beginning of the year, I generally do a big piece on diversity and respect,” he said. “Almost the only way to get thrown out of my classroom is to attack someone based on ethnicity gender preference or identity. Generally, students are highly respectful of that.”
Not all students adhere to such boundaries. According to the Teaching Tolerance report, while some kids are afraid, others feel empowered to bully each other, in particular with the anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant sentiments that have had so much airtime during the presidential campaign.
“Students seem emboldened to make bigoted and inflammatory statements about minorities, immigrants, the poor, etc.,” a high school teacher in Michigan wrote in response to the survey.
There are reports of students repeating and exaggerating Trump’s positions, to the point of advocating for violence:
Teachers in New Hampshire — where the first primary was held — reported some of the greatest increases in disturbing behavior. One high school teacher from Westmoreland wrote, “A lot of students think we should kill any and all people we do not agree with. They also think that all Muslims are the same and are a threat to our country and way of life. They believe all Muslims want to kill us.
Bullies have targeted Muslim students and those who they confuse with Muslims with particular aggressions:
Muslim students — along with the Sikh and Hindu students who are mistaken for Muslims — have endured heightened levels of abuse. According to reports from around the nation, Muslim students regularly endure being called ISIS, terrorist or bomber. These opinions are expressed boldly and often.
Students target classmates of Mexican descent for taunts and threats about immigration. And, as in the case of Phoenix’s day camp friend, kids aren’t particularly detail-oriented about this bullying, and expand it to cover children of many different backgrounds:
Teachers in every state reported hostile language aimed at immigrants, mainly Mexicans. A Wisconsin middle school teacher told us, “Openly racist statements towards Mexican students have increased. Mexican students are worried.” A middle school teacher in Anaheim, California, reported, “Kids tell other kids that soon they will be deported.” Regardless of their ethnic background or even their immigration or citizenship status, targeted students are taunted with talk of a wall or threats of forcible removal.
Neither are the slurs limited to schools with immigrant populations. “At the all-white school where I teach, ‘dirty Mexican’ has become a common insult,” a Wisconsin middle school educator said. “Before election season it was never heard.”
Costello points out that this climate can impact kids of all ethnicities — even those who aren’t directly attacked. “Teachers have said it’s not just the marginalized kids who are being hurt,” she said. “Their white or Christian friends and allies feel for them and want to stand up for them. “
Kids haven’t ever been naive as adults like to think they are when it comes to racism
Joe Feagin, a professor of sociology at Texas A&M University who focuses on racial and ethnic studies and the co-author ofThe First R: How Children Learn Race and Racism, told Vox that the Teaching Tolerance survey’s findings are a reminder that school-age kids are much more aware of race and racism than adults often like to believe.
In fact, he says his research demonstrates that children as young as 2 to 5 years old understand and reinforce racial hierarchy. It’s actually quite common for kids to be each other’s first teachers when it comes to bigotry and stereotypes.
“Much of the literature suggests that children learn racism from parents, relatives, and media,” Feagin said. “The other big source of learning is that children learn from other children. One child comes to school, has discovered the n-word and what it means; by the end of the day, that knowledges has spread across the school. It’s quite possible for [kids in] child care to learn racial thinking from other children.”
His conclusions come in part from a study of a multiracial daycare center in the 1990s, — notably, before the advent of social media and the accompanying additional access to information.
Thanks to kids’ increased exposure to news and information today, he says it’s truer than ever that “It’s impossible for even anti-racist parents to hide this from their children.”
Feagin suggests parents should admit to themselves that their children will encounter racist views from the media and their peers — and the current political climate has simply emphasized the things kids have always encountered and communicated to each other. “Once you start doing that, when these racist incidents do happen in your child’s life, you can use these as teaching moments, teaching events,” he said.
The good news: According to Feagin, research data on children shows that young children have a strong sense of social justice and unfairness and they see this unfairness whether parents point it out or not. Parents should take advantage of this, he said, and “use these instances to point out the unfairness of that language and how it hurts people.”
Immigrant children may be most at risk for short-term harm
Teaching Tolerance’s report linked the racist, anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric children have been exposed to during the Trump campaign to traditional bullying. The organization warned that there’s evidence the impact could be similar:
Stressed students have a harder time learning, and we saw many reports that anxiety was having an impact on grades and ability to concentrate. In Washington state, a teacher told us about a 10-year-old boy who can’t sleep at night because he is worried his immigrant parents will be sent away. A California art teacher described a fifth-grader who had begun having “full-blown panic attacks.” After fellow students in Washington state had repeatedly shouted slurs from their cars at one Muslim teenager, her teacher reported, the girl expressed suicidal thoughts.
Feagin said the impact of race- and religion-based bullying at school depends upon how the bullied kids’ families are able to counteract it. That may depend on how long their families have been in the United States and the coping mechanisms that exist in their culture as a result.
“African-American people have developed an antiracist counter-framing from 20 generations of dealing with white people,” Feagin said. “Families that can draw on this tradition might go through an incident and explain to a child that there are racist, mean people who think like this and say things that are false. But recent immigrants from say, the Middle East, might not have as much of that --- children might not have parents who have developed an antiracist counter-framing for how to deal with white racism.”
Latino families, according to this line of research, typically develop an “anti-racist counter-framing” — a way of using home culture to push back against the racist messages of the outside world — by the second or third generation in the United States.
As a result, when it comes to the impact of “the Trump effect,” Feagin said, “My guess just from my own 50 years of research is it’s going to be even tougher on immigrant children,” with more recent immigrants suffering the most.
This is unprecedented, so long-term effects are unclear
In Costello’s view, it’s hard to accurately predict the impact of “the Trump effect” because it’s such a new phenomenon. Kids’ level of access to this type of rhetoric may be unprecedented in American society.
“I think it is fairly new,” she said. “When you think about the civil rights movement, the leaders of that movement had to depend on outrage on almost creating conflict — there’s a reason there were protests in Birmingham, because Bill Connor could be counted on to bring out the dogs and the fire hoses — that got the attention of the rest of the country. Today the quantity of the information, the access to the information, is so much more widespread. It’s instant and ubiquitous.”
But social scientists have little doubt that there will be an impact — at a minimum, to the psyches of individual kids who’ve dealt with fears like those expressed by Phoenix and Moss’s students.
“Decades of research have noted the impact of discrimination and racism on the psychological health of communities of color,”Erlanger A. Turner, a clinical psychologist and an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Houston-Downtown wrote in a 2016 article published by the American Psychological Association. Turner citedresearch by Walter Smith, a private practice psychologist and director of the nonprofit Family Resources of Pennsylvania, on the potential affects of “racial trauma”:
Increased vigilance and suspicion
Increased sensitivity to threat
Increased psychological and physiological symptoms (including risks for depression and anxiety disorders, and disruption to child development and quality of emotional attachment in family and social relationship)
Increased alcohol and drug usage
Increased aggression
Narrowing sense of time
“This campaign has been particularly difficult and stressful for many individuals,” Turner said in an email to Vox, pointing to theAmerican Psychological Association’s survey on techniques for coping with election-related stress. “As you might expect, if adults are stressed and having a difficult time this stress is magnified among youth. Children often model behaviors and emotions expressed by their parents or important figures in their lives. So when adults are distressed or bothered by comments by Donald Trump, similar behaviors may be experienced by youth.”
“There is a significant amount of research on the negative impacts of microaggressions (subtle racism and discrimination) and overt racism on individuals psychological and physical health,” he continued. “When children are the recipients of racist rhetoric it can lead to anxiety, depression, and concentration difficulties that might hurt their academic performance. In the long-term, this could lead to psychological symptoms or even health risk such as high blood pressure.”
How the “Trump effect” will shape the way the kids affected by it operate as they grow up is an open question— but it seems clear that it’s not dependent on what happens November 8. In other words, much of the damage has been done.
Costello suspects that the effects will persist even if Trump doesn’t win the presidency. “Let’s imagine a scenario where Trump loses, Hillary wins, and no politicians are calling for these things or using this kind of language,” she said. “It’s still out there. Once kids are afraid, you just can’t turn it off.”
From Faithful America--Top Catholic bishop, silent on Trump, now attacks Democrats
Dear Faithful America member,
The president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has had
little to say about this election. He even kept quiet when Donald Trump
called Pope Francis "disgraceful" and accused him of being a "pawn" of
the Mexican government.
But Archbishop Joseph Kurtz just broke his silence to issue a
statement insinuating that Democrats "have sought to interfere in the
internal life of the church for short-term political gain."
Kurtz is echoing the latest bizarre conspiracy theory from the Trump campaign,
which alleges that John Podesta, a Clinton campaign official and
lifelong Catholic, is somehow orchestrating a campaign to undermine the
Catholic church - all because of a leaked email in which Podesta
mentions that he helped start a Catholic social-justice organization
more than a decade ago.
Every four years, conservative Catholic bishops look for
opportunities to make trouble for the Democratic candidate while leaving
the Republican alone. Now that the Republican candidate is this dangerous, it's time to drop the double standard.
Thursday, August 18, 2016, 36 year-old Joseph (Joey) Weber was shot and
killed by a Hays, Kansas police officer. Joey was autistic and had
limited verbal abilities. He was unarmed at the time of his death. He
led police to a familiar place of safety, a home for those with
disabilities, following a traffic stop. He was shot and killed in front
of that home. The officer who killed Joey is Sgt. Brandon Hauptman, a
9-year veteran who was a leader on the Special Situation Response Team.
to a release by the Ellis County Attorney’s Office, Weber was stopped
for a traffic infraction and failed to obey the officer’s commands. It
took a month for any information, including Joey’s name, to be released
even after repeated requests by news organizations and public
demonstrations. There were no bodycams because Hays police do not
have them and have stated they have no plans to purchase them.
types of injustices will continue all over this country if the
department and officer are not held accountable. More awareness needs to
be brought to the excessive force used by police officers and the
inability to handle situations in a more competent manner. Almost 1/2 of
people killed by police have a disability. This needs to stop now.
seek justice for Joey. His death should have never happened. Hays PD
has ZERO bodycams and refused to attend an autism awareness training
held days before Joey’s death. We want to create Joey’s Law to protect
those in the disabled community from police brutality so this tragedy
never happens again. Sign this petition to fire the officer responsible
for Joey’s death and implement Joey’s Law.
goofed – this e-mail went out during last night’s Presidential Debate.
Most of us were engrossed watching the Trump Train-wreck, so we’re
sending it out again. As always, thank you for your consideration and
your support. – AMG.
We live in an age of PACs, for better or for worse. Scratch that – for worse, or for even worse than worse.
can try to support progressive candidates directly, but outside the
Presidential race, how are you going to know who is truly worthy of your
can give your hard-earned cash to the Democratic Party, but then the
party will turn out and waste that money by spending it against
progressive candidates like, for instance . . . me.
can donate to some progressive organizations, and see a good chunk of
that end up in some staffer’s pocket, or some media consultant’s pocket.
So, if your goal is to help elect progressive candidates, whom can you trust?
You can trust Blue America PAC. Take it from me, you can trust Blue America PAC.
Howie Klein runs Blue America PAC. He knows the candidates across America better than anyone else I’ve ever known.
I spend plenty of time with national Democratic leaders. Howie Klein knows the candidates better than they do.
I spend all-too-much time with national political operatives. Howie Klein knows the candidates better than they do.
Howie Klein insists – demands – that every candidate that Blue America
PAC supports be a progressive to the core. A progressive warrior. A
progressive with guts.
is a need and a hunger for a PAC that reflects our values; a PAC for
you and me. That’s why MayDay PAC raised more than $10 million from
small donors in the last election cycle. That’s why so many
“progressive” organizations depict themselves as such.
Blue America PAC is that PAC. A PAC for you and me..
The latest emails
disclosed by Wikileaks clearly shows why we must keep building our
progressive movement -- to be prepared to confront the new
administration, whoever wins this terribly flawed election.
Now is the time to ask, what lessons can we learn from these recent Wikileaks?
First, these latest emails, which
involve John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, reveal the
incestuous relationships between establishment politicians, the
mainstream corporate media, Wall Street, and big business interests.
None of this should come as a surprise. We saw these same corrupt conflicts of interest in my recent campaign against Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
In her well-paid speeches to Wall
Street firms, Hillary Clinton praised the banksters who created the 2008
financial collapse and then profited so hugely from the government
bailouts. She also expressed pride in supporting the worldwide spread
of hydraulic fracturing (fracking), while at the same time she was
publicly speaking out about the growing dangers of climate change.
There’s been a tendency among some
progressives to remain silent about the latest Wikileaks dump, no doubt
out of fear of being accused of helping to elect Donald Trump. However,
if we don’t discuss these troubling emails now, they will surely be
swept under the rug after November 8th.
Moreover, the recent Wikileaks show the responsibility of the Democratic establishment for the rise of Donald Trump.
Even before the presidential campaign got started, the Clinton camp was
plotting how to get their friends in the mainstream media, including at
MSNBC, to saturate Trump with television coverage to help boost his
campaign – all because they knew Trump would be the one person who could
blow up the Republican Party and who Hillary could defeat in a general
Finally, these Wikileaks also show how
the Obama campaign plotted with leading Wall Street supporters in
October 2008 - even before he was first elected president - to staff his
administration with the same Wall Street villains who helped to
collapse the U.S. economy and global financial system. Again, this did
not come as a surprise to me. Although I was a big supporter of Barack
Obama throughout his 2008 campaign, I publicly broke with him just days
after his election when he announced the appointments of Timothy
Geithner as Treasury Secretary and Larry Summers as head of his National
Economic Council. As a law professor and activist, I was well aware of
the roles that both Summers and Geithner had played in deregulating
Wall Street, abolishing the Glass-Steagall firewalls that had protected
banking from speculation, and allowing the growth of complex financial
derivatives. Together, these “reforms” had transformed our banking
system into a global casino, while undermining the foundations of our
Likewise, we must be ready to confront and oppose shady appointments when made by the next president – most likely Hillary Clinton, according to the most recent polls.
While others may be try to curry favor
with the new administration and be overly complacent during the
dangerous “honeymoon” period, we know better. Please support the work of Progress For All to help us lead the charge against such appointments.
You can count on us to always resist the corrupt establishment and to
look out first and foremost for the interests of ordinary Americans.
Thank you and please spread the word
that Progress For All needs the grassroots support of small donations to
build our progressive movement.
The petition to North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple and the U.S. Department of Justice reads: "Journalism and activism are not crimes. Ensure that journalists
can exercise their constitutional rights to do their jobs without fear
of government intimidation or prosecution. Uphold the rights of Native
Americans and their allies to peacefully resist the Dakota Access
pipeline without threat of violence."
Add your name:
From Daily Kos--Volunteer to STOP TRUMP, reprinted from 17 October
Hundreds of volunteers from around the country contacted thousands
of voters in crucial swing states like Ohio and Nevada to talk about
what was at stake in this election and encourage them to vote!
These conversations are how we're going to defeat Trump and the
Republican party's messages of racism, misogyny and hate. We couldn't do
it without the incredible dedication of readers like you.
There are just 22 days left of this election. Our friends at MoveOn have volunteer shifts available all week, Monday - Friday: 5 p.m. ET - 11 p.m. ET. You can make calls from home or wherever you are comfortable. Training and support are provided.
Many religious daycares use their church affiliation as a means of exempting themselves from state rules. Alarmingly, such exemption problems occur in 17 states and impact over 7,700 different facilities nationwide.
growing trend of using religion as a shield from regulation makes
children susceptible to abuse in religious daycares. Thus, a daycares
religious freedom comes at a price for children. The lack of
common sense rules in religious daycares has proven disastrous as
numerous children are abused and neglected in these facilities. Many cases are not reported because of religious exemptions, yet even when cases are reported it does not ensure justice. In fact, many cases are dismissed because of religious exemptions which allow many states to break rules.
loopholes allow unthinkable tragedies to occur to children and leave
families with few options to obtain justice. Faith-based daycares have
virtually no rules which makes it hard for states to properly enforce,
monitor, and oversee regulatory policies for religious daycares which
further escalates the problem. When states allow exemptions, it decreases the safety of children in these care facilities. Many states have started fight against this systemic child abuse but 17 states leave children unprotected and vulnerable.
is time to make state-wide regulation for all religious care facilities
to fight the injustice children face and ensure that changes are made.
South Carolina has created legislation, dubbed the Children’s Code, that
is designed to give state officials jurisdiction to inspect religious
daycares and prohibit all daycares from operating unless they are
licensed and meets state regulation. This legislation preserves
religious freedom in determining curriculum, but also requires enough
training, regulation, and inspection to protect children.
Congress needs
to pass a law that holds care facilities responsible for the lives they
were charged to care for. This is not an issue of faith, but rather
about protecting children. The God Loophole has allowed daycares to neglect and hurt children for far too long and it is time for changes to be made.
Justice for Port Drivers Campaign via ActionNetwork.org--Tell Michael Kors to stop wage theft
We wrote you last week to ask you to send a strong message to Michael
Kors, that Mr. Kors end wage theft in his supply chain, specifically at
my company: Intermodal Bridge Transport.
We still haven’t heard from Mr. Kors, so it’s time we step things up a bit.
By taking a picture, you are letting @MichaelKors know that you won’t
tolerate wage theft. It hurts our families and our communities; we all deserve better.
Please join my coworkers and I in sending a clear message -- To Michael Kors:
#WatchHungerStop by enforcing your Code of Conduct on trucking
companies, to ensure port drivers can afford to feed their families.
In solidarity and struggle,
Eddie Ossoy
Port Truck Driver
Internmodal Bridge Transport
P.S. You can
download your selfie sign here.
Take a photo with it and post to Instagram or Facebook with the
hashtag, #WatchHungerStop. My family and I thank you for your support!
From SumOfUs--Bayer and Sygenta knew they were killing bees
For years, Bayer and Syngenta executives have been claiming that their pesticides are safe for bees.
But newly uncovered internal documents reveal that they knew
the truth all along and suppressed their own scientific studies showing
the harm that neonicotinoid pesticides do to bees.
It's never been more clear that these corporate polluters can't be
trusted, and we're demanding that these bee-killing pesticides be taken
off the market now.
These documents directly contradict claims that these
companies have been making publicly claiming that none of the studies
they've ever conducted have shown harm to bees.
Bayer and Syngenta's studies found that the neonics they use
seriously harm bee colonies when used in high doses. Significant effects
were not found when lower doses were used -- but critics say that this
is a not a realistic scenario. Bees in real environments are regularly
exposed to a mixture of many different chemicals.
We'd never know these studies existed if not for a Freedom of
Information Act request in the U.S. by Greenpeace, and scientists are
expressing outrage that these companies would keep such important
research hidden from the public.
And these new revelations come at a critical time, as nations like
France and the U.K. are currently debating whether to continue bans on
bee-killing pesticides, and in the U.S. the industry is requesting
approval for new bee-killers from environmental regulators.
Your donation will allow us to really ramp up our campaign to expose
this corporate deception and save the bees. We're looking to build
public outrage and awareness of this scandal, using the media and even
mobilizing the corporations' shareholders. We also want to commission
our own studies to find out where bee-killing neonics are sneaking into
our veggies, grains, and herbs, to let consumers know and then to
convince grocery stores to take these products off store shelves. But we
can only do this with your support.
From AlterNet--Special report on America's public schools
Over the
last two decades, a major struggle over control of public schools in
America has put our children’s education at risk. Several dozen
billionaires, through a powerful infrastructure they established, are
attempting to privatize as many K-12 schools as they can—6,700, at last
count. There has been plenty of resistance, and the battle continues.
privatization has too often resulted in self-dealing, corruption,
thousands of failed schools, and attempts, often successful, to dislodge
and usurp local school boards—often community beacons of local
democracy. Many boards have been replaced with a corporate model of
school control, with virtually no transparency.
Some good
things have happened as well, of course. Not all charter schools are
bad. There are parent-organized and community-run charter schools doing
great things in many locales—but they are increasingly few and far
between. At this point, more than 40% of all charter schools are part of
national and regional chains, often with no roots in the community.
We are
sending you this report because we want to share what we now know about
this important, but too little discussed, topic. You might say, “But I’m
not interested in public schools”—which is understandable. But we
believe that privatizing public schools so that the super-wealthy can
profit and impose their ideologies is anti-democratic to its core. This
is an issue that affects us all.
report draws on extensive research, investigative reporting, and
industry publications to show what is happening in our communities and
explain why school privatization has taken hold in some cities.
Please, if you could give the report a read, we would appreciate it. And we would love to know what you think; send comments to comments@alternet.org. If you have friends or colleagues who might be interested, please forward them a copy, too.
I hope you enjoy it.
Don Hazen
Executive Director
Independent Media Institute
It looks like you got Paul Ryan's attention. And he's not happy.
The Speaker of the House forwarded the email Bernie sent to you to his entire fundraising list. You can see what he said below.
Paul Ryan really doesn't like that you donated more than $1.8 million in two days to take back the House and Senate (which
is an AMAZING feat, and something for which we are so grateful). He
even put in a big, red button when he forwarded Bernie's email that says
We've got their attention. Now let's show what we really can do.
Split a contribution between Bernie's thirteen candidates for
the House and Senate so we can take back Congress, make Bernie a
committee chairman in a Democratic Senate, and enact our progressive
If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your
contribution will be automatically evenly split between Deborah Ross,
Catherine Cortez Masto, Russ Feingold, Maggie Hassan, Katie McGinty,
Paul Clements, Chase Iron Eyes, Rick Nolan, Nanette Barragan, Zephyr
Teachout, Pramila Jayapal, Morgan Carroll, and Tom Nelson:
The incredible contributions you've made in the last two days are
completely changing the dynamics of these races for Congress. We are so
grateful, because your support means campaigns can train more
volunteers, talk to more voters, and turn out more people on Election
Paul Ryan knows the tremendous impact you're having, and he's scared. Let's keep it going.
In solidarity,
Team Bernie
President Obama appointed Wall Street insiders who profited from Puerto Rico’s fiscal crisis to “solve” it.
Puerto Rico's fiscal control board: Stand with Puerto Ricans, not Wall
Street. Don't cut public services to pay vulture hedge funds!
President Obama appointed a “fiscal
control board” to restructure Puerto Rico’s debt – but at least 3 of its
7 members are Wall Street insiders who have personally benefited from
the crisis!
Investment risk firms are even reporting the board’s appointments as a “net positive for creditors”.1
That's because the vulture hedge
funds – that bought Puerto Rico's debt for pennies on the dollar – are
confident the board will back Wall Street's plan to cut public services
to pay the debt.
These vulture hedge funds want to pad their
profits by shutting down schools and hospitals, bankrupting public
pension funds, and slashing the minimum wage.2
With so many insiders on the board,
these vulture hedge funds could get exactly what they want – no matter
the cost to the island's 3.5 million American citizens.
We can’t let the same people who played a
part in manufacturing Puerto Rico’s debt crisis pressure the board into
selling Puerto Rico to Wall Street.
And with no accountability measures
in place, only grassroots pressure can stop these insiders from pushing
the board to go along with Wall Street's demands.
The membership of the fiscal control board is the Washington revolving door at its worst.
Two of the board's appointees, Carlos
García and José Ramón González, both once headed up the island’s debt
issuing agency, the Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico, that
decided to make the toxic Wall Street deals that led to the crisis.3,4
Later, both García and González were
presidents of Santander Securities, a hedge fund that was fined just
last year for selling risky Puerto Rican debt bonds.5
The sister of another appointee, Jose Carrión III,6 advises one of the vulture funds that bought more than $100 million worth of Puerto Rico’s debt in 2014.7 And now he's the chairman of this unaccountable board!
With so many conflicts of interest, it's no wonder Wall Street thinks it can win this fight.
And with their insiders controlling Puerto
Rico's purse strings, only we can make sure the control board doesn’t
sell Puerto Rico to Wall Street.
1. Financial Times, “Washington appoints Puerto Rico debt oversight board,” September 1, 2016.
2. The Huffington Post, “Hedge Funds Want Puerto Rico To Fire Teachers To Pay Them Back,” Accessed July 29, 2015.
3. LittleSis.org, “Carlos M García – Relationships,” Accessed September 6, 2016.
4. LittleSis.org, “José Ramón González – Relationships,” Accessed September 6, 2016.
5. The New York Times, “Santander to Pay $6.4 Million in Puerto Rico Bond Settlement,” October 13, 2015.
6. LittleSis.org, “María Elena Carrión – Relationships,” Accessed September 6, 2016.
7. The Wall Street Journal, “Big Hedge Funds Roll Dice on Puerto Rico Debt,” April 9, 2014.
The petition to Chuck Canterbury, the national president of the Fraternal Order of Police reads: “Rescind your endorsement of Donald Trump.”
Add your name:
Last night Donald Trump defended Russian
espionage and trashed talked military and civilian intelligence agencies
sworn to protect us. But the real deal breaker was when Trump was
asked if he would accept the will of the voters on election day. He
said, "I will tell you at the time. I'll keep you in suspense."
Here's the truth: Donald Trump has dragged
the democratic process through the mud this entire election. One of the
great characteristics separating our nation from many others in the
world is a peaceful transfer or power after elections. Lose that, and we
lose our democracy.
Trump's comments are disqualifying. They are
more befitting of a third-world tyrant than a potential Commander in
Chief. Let's finish him off and a send a message that the way Trump has
disrespected our veterans, military family members, and our democracy is
a path to certain defeat.
Donald Trump has treated Gold Star family
members with total disrespect and disdain. He has lied about
contributions to veterans' charities. And he has promised to send our
troops back to the Middle East while putting forward a budget that would
cut their care when they return. VoteVets has led the fight against
Trump and your contribution towards our work will ensure his defeat on
Election Day.
In today's clips, NY 1's Natalie Duddridge reports from a ceremony held in honor of Planned Parenthood's 100th anniversary. Elsewhere, USA Today
spotlights new CDC research showing that the diagnosis rate of three
sexually transmitted infections in the United States has reached an
all-time high. More »
Women seeking abortion care are generally more certain about their
decision than people seeking other forms of health care, according to a
study published in Contraception, Reuters reports. More »
"Over the last century, thousands of volunteers -- from sex educators to
clinic escorts --have helped build Planned Parenthood into [the]
leading sexual and reproductive health provider and advocate in the
U.S.," Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Cecile
Richards writes in a Time opinion piece. More »
"Political candidates, consultants, and the media generally
misunderstand the politics of abortion rights," Gloria Totten, president
of the Public Leadership Institute, writes in a commentary in The Hill,
highlighting poll findings that "prov[e] that voters overwhelmingly
support abortion rights both in general and when asked about specific
reproductive rights policies." More »
There were more diagnoses of three sexually transmitted infections
(STIs) among U.S. residents in 2015 than in any previous year, according
to a report released Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the New York Times reports. More »
A Rewire investigation sheds light on the tactics used by
antiabortion-rights crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) that receive funding
under Texas' Alternatives to Abortion program. More »
A three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday
heard an appeal challenging a preliminary injunction that bars an
antiabortion-rights group from releasing secretly recorded videos
targeting the National Abortion Federation (NAF), Courthouse News Service reports. More »
Texas, along with several other states, is revising its Medicaid
reimbursement policy to cover the provision of long-acting reversible
contraception (LARC) immediately after delivery, Kaiser Health News/Texas Tribune reports. More »
A three-judge panel for the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday
in a unanimous opinion rejected a challenge to a California law (AB
775) aimed at protecting women from misleading practices by
antiabortion-rights crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs), the Los Angeles Times' "L.A. Now" reports. More »
Read the week's best commentary from bloggers at UN Women/Huffington Post blogs, Slate's "Medical Examiner" and more. More »
"We have 33,000 people a year who die from guns. I think we need
comprehensive background checks, need to close the online loophole,
close the gun show loophole." -- Hillary Clinton
Within minutes, guns became a major issue at last night's debate --
and a major dividing line between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton proved herself once again as a gun sense champion
capable of addressing the staggering toll of gun violence in America.
Meanwhile, Trump bragged about his NRA endorsement -- and said nothing
about how he will reduce gun violence. [1]
Trump also didn't mention how the NRA has shattered their own record
in election spending by pouring millions of dollars into supporting his
campaign. [2] We can't afford to let them win, and that's why
we're planning a massive response to take on the NRA and their
presidential puppet, Donald Trump. We're mobilizing volunteers and
calling voters in the states that matter most -- but only if supporters
like you step up now.
Guns were a central issue in this presidential debate because people
like you spoke up. Our movement came out in full force and made
guns the most-asked-about issue on Open Debates Coalition. Americans
deserve to know how our presidential candidates plan to address the
33,000 Americans who die every year from guns with tens of thousands of
more injured.
Well, last night, we got our answers. From Hillary Clinton, we heard
real policy solutions like expanding background checks and closing
dangerous online loopholes. From Donald Trump, we heard a lot about his
buddies over at the NRA -- but not one policy proposal.
The choice has never been clearer and the stakes have never been
higher. We've got less than three weeks to mobilize gun sense supporters
nation-wide and elect a gun sense champion to the White House. We need
to contact as many voters as we possibly can -- from phone-banking to
texting to knocking on doors -- if we want to win this election. And we can only do that if we have the resources.
Brina Milikowsky
Chief Strategy Officer
Everytown for Gun Safety
1. "FACT CHECK: Trump And Clinton's Final Presidential Debate," NPR.org. October 19, 2016.
2. "The NRA Has Broken Its Record for Election Spending," Dan Friedman. The Trace, October 12, 2016.
Throughout the Black Lives Matter movement, nonviolent protesters have been bombarded with armed tanks, rubber bullets, and grenade launchers containing toxic tear gas.
As we witnessed in Ferguson,
Baltimore, Charlotte and elsewhere, peaceful demonstrations for racial
justice and police accountability have been routinely met with large
trucks of law enforcement officers dressed and armed for war-like combat.
The utilization of military
equipment and tactics in local police departments fuels the widespread
mentality that law enforcement officers, meant to protect and serve, are
mere combatants in black and brown communities.
Police do not typically address white protesters in the same manner.
Consider the sharp contrast between these two events on the same weekend:
* The historically racist Ku Klux
Klan organized a nonviolent rally on Saturday, September 24th, 2016 at
the city center of Madison, Indiana. Met with anti-racist college
protesters upon arrival, the KKK immediately called the Madison Police
Department for protection throughout their demonstration. Law
enforcement officers arrived in their normal squad vehicles, with
their normal blue uniforms, and their traditional weaponry of a baton
and a single handgun. The crowd, including the KKK members as well as the college protesters, was mostly white.
* Law enforcement officers in Charlotte, North Carolina met the Black Lives Matter protesters with rubber bullets, tear gas, and a large number of arrests.
Eighty-two protesters have been arrested since the Charlotte uprising
began, charged with the crime of “disturbing the peace.” BLM activists
in Charlotte are protesting against the unjust killing of disabled
father Keith Lamont Scott by a black police officer.
The federal government continues
to give millions of dollars worth of military equipment to police
departments that are over-policing, over-incarcerating and killing black
and brown people, often with apparent impunity. It is imperative
that Defense Secretary Ashton Carter suspend the 1033 Weapons Transfer
Program that authorizes the transfer of military weapons to police
departments and law enforcement officers.
After signing the petition, please use the tools on the next webpage to share it with your friends.
P.S. RootsAction is an independent
online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West,
Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura
Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Coleen Rowley, Frances
Fox Piven, Lila Garrett, Phil Donahue, Sonali Kolhatkar, and many
From Economic Policy Institute--How discrimination reduces wages and how to fix it
groundbreaking research on wages and employment is fueling the movement
to address income inequality and grow our middle class. For three
decades, EPI has diagnosed the root causes of inequality and identified
actionable steps we can take to promote an economy that works for
A recent EPI report, Black-white wage gaps expand with rising wage inequality,
by Valerie Wilson and William M. Rodgers III, has received national
attention and praise for its effective use of recent and historic
economic data to rigorously document the role of racial wage
discrimination and rising overall wage inequality in expanding racial
pay gaps over the last three and a half decades.
This critical research—highlighting the growing racial wage gap
and providing concrete policy solutions—allows elected officials and
community leaders to address the most pressing issues of our time.
Without EPI’s research, our voices are drowned out by Wall Street “think
tanks” whose goal is to hoard wealth and suppress wages.
This year alone we have seen numerous victories on behalf of working people.
We’ve seen minimum wage increases in 14 U.S. cities, states, and
counties, plus Washington, DC. President Obama and the Labor Department
have increased the overtime salary threshold from $23,660 to
$47,476—putting $12 billion in the pockets of workers over the next
But there is still much that needs to be done,
including strengthening collective bargaining rights, providing earned
sick leave and paid family leave, ending discriminatory practices that
contribute to race and gender inequalities, providing undocumented
workers a path to citizenship, and much more.
Rusty patched bumble
bees are especially important to our ecosystem. They are known for being
effective at pollinating wildflowers, cranberries, plums, apples, and
other important crops.2
They are also one of the first bumble bees to emerge in the spring and among the last to go into hibernation.3
That extra time allows them to pollinate more plants, but it also
exposes them to more pesticides, pathogens, and extreme weather.
Our survival depends on theirs: without bees, we lose our food staples.
The government just gave
endangered species protections to seven types of yellow-faced bees in
Hawaiʻi. The rusty patched bumble bee would be the first bee in the
continental United States to be designated as endangered.
Sarina Jepsen works at
the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, which filed the
initial petition to protect the rusty patched bumble bee.4 She was quoted on the recent proposal, and her words are stark: "Endangered Species Act safeguards are now the only way the bumble bee would have a fighting chance for survival."5
Just a few minutes ago, Donald Trump told America in no uncertain terms that if he is elected, Roe v. Wade is gone.
And he's right.
seen the people he would nominate for the Supreme Court. We know that
if he's elected he will get to fill at least one vacancy—and he might
get to fill two, three, or maybe even four.
And Hillary Clinton's response made me so proud.
She didn't back down. She didn't apologize. She said without hesitation
that the government has no business making these kinds of decisions for
the final 20 days of the campaign, we're focused like a laser on
turning out the votes that will keep Donald Trump out of the White House
and put the Senate in back in pro-choice hands.
key battleground states for the White House and Senate like Nevada,
Pennsylvania and New Hampshire, NARAL organizers are on the ground going
door to door talking to pro-choice voters about the importance of this
using the most advanced targeting strategies and polling data, we're
running highly targeted ads aimed at swing voters in these states to
make sure they get the message many times over before Election Day.
We must stop Trump. And we must put the Senate in pro-choice hands. Will you chip in $15?
Friends, please click here and support "Democracy Now!" The bullshit with Amy Goodman's court charges have cost DN! money for travel and legal fees that were not in their budget--through no fault of their own. Please send them a buck o' five today--I've sent $30 to DN! and $10 for DKos's GOTV today in Dot Calm's memory. I wish I could do more, but I can't--please help! -- Dot Calm's shadow
Chicago police officers say they have faced retaliation and suffered
from PTSD since they blew the whistle on a gang of their fellow cops who
were demanding bribes from ... Read More →
the election just 18 days away and three presidential debates behind
them, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are campaigning across the
country. Clinton is scheduled to ... Read More →
Yorkers are protesting yet another fatal police shooting after
66-year-old African American Deborah Danner was killed by a New York
Police Department sergeant Tuesday. ... Read More →
Shaun King, Black Lives Matter activist and the senior justice writer for the New York Daily News, discusses NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who continued his protest ... Read More →
the 50th anniversary of the Black Panther Party, some are comparing the
party to the Black Lives Matter movement. We get response from Shaun
King, a Black Lives ... Read More →
Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges and Eddie Glaude, chair of the
Department of African American Studies at Princeton University, debate
the issue of strategic ... Read More →
After Wednesday's debate, Democracy Now!
spoke to Dr. Jill Stein, the Green Party's presidential nominee. She
and Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson were excluded from the ... Read More →
Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton faced off Wednesday night in Las Vegas in the final debate before the November 8 election. Trump continued to claim ... Read More →
an interview with Channel 4 in Britain, the legendary musician Bruce
Springsteen shared his thoughts on the race. "[Donald Trump]'s going to
lose, and he knows that. He ... Read More →
our special broadcast of the final 2016 U.S. presidential debate, we
asked Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza what the major-party
candidates should have ... Read More →
presidential and vice-presidential debates have concluded without a
single question about climate change, even though 2016 is on pace to be
the warmest year on ... Read More →
a historical perspective on the 2016 race, we speak to Eric Foner, the
Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and professor at Columbia University.
His books include ... Read More →
In Wednesday
night's third and final presidential debate in Las Vegas, Donald Trump
and Hillary Clinton sparred over abortion access and the future of Roe v. Wade. Trump ... Read More →
the release of a 2005 video in which Donald Trump brags to TV host
Billy Bush about sexual assault, Trump's campaign is reeling from a
series of accusations of ... Read More →
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton squared off at the third and final debate at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Wednesday night. In one of the most extreme statements of ... Read More →
In Wednesday's
debate at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, moderator Chris Wallace
of Fox News asked Hillary Clinton about allegations of "pay-to-play"
corruption ... Read More →
Trump]'s going to lose... And he’s such a flagrant, toxic narcissist
that he wants to take down the entire democratic system with him." READ MORE»
legalization advocates rightfully point out, it’s far less of a threat
to public health than plenty of legal, easily obtained substances. READ MORE»
Trump is not invested in preventing people from being killed on the
streets after an election—like this were a third-world police state." READ MORE»
His speeches are pretty much world salads now. READ MORE»
Facebook God. Werd.
Keith Olbermann decodes Donald Trump. Damn, son--wish I'd seen this before the debate!
Keith Olbermann on why Donald Trump should withdraw--a very important video. If you watch nothing else today, WATCH THIS.
TYT: ARMED Trump supporter terrorists sit outside of a Democratic campaign office and stare inside for 12 hours in order to intimidate Democratic workers and voters
TYT: three right-wing terrorists, at least one of whom seems to be a Trump supporter and all of whom seem to be Christian (why else would they call themselves "crusaders"?), planned to blow up innocent Muslims but were caught and stopped by the FBI before they were able to harm anyone
So! Sleazy greasy perv Roger Ailes has abandoned sleazy greasy perv Donald LOSER Trump's campaign. Let Cenk from TYT fill you in on the details.
TYT: WikiLeaks confirms the cozy relationship between the Clinton campaign and the media via John Podesta's leaked e-mails. It's nothing we didn't already know; it surely happens with Republicans as well; and it's understandable given the current political and media climate, but this is absolutely not how our media should behave. We as a society MUST organize to take back our media day one after the election--while it might be nice to reinstitute the fairness doctrine, what we really need is objective, accurate reporting in our media. We Americans need our watchdog back. This is why I use independent media.
TYT: Ecuador deliberately cut off Julian Assange's Internet access. It's really just a slap on the wrist because it won't affect WikiLeaks's daily operation, but I'm glad they did it. Although I generally highly support WikiLeaks, Assange is on my shit list right now because he's only gone after Hillary, he's timed the leaks specifically to dick with the election, and he favors Donald Trump. If he had released this stuff during the primary or at least as soon as he'd gotten it, even if it was October, he'd have been golden in my book. Or if he'd gone after Donald Trump's tax returns and everything else that Donnie is hiding from us. In his desperation to damage Hillary, Assange has also bitten the bait from Russian sources, publishing red herrings along with genuine information. Assange has clearly taken sides, which means that he is no longer objective, no longer a whistleblower--he's made it personal. None of what Julian Assange is using WikiLeaks for right now has anything to do with real transparency. If it did, I'd be up in arms about his losing Internet access--we need real transparency right now, more than we ever have before. Julian Assange and WikiLeaks are NOT helping right now; unless or until they regain their objectivity and pursue full transparency for the Powers That Be, I will NOT support them. As it is, though, after Assange has been made to sit in the corner for his little time-out, I'm sure Ecuador will turn his Internet access back on--no harm, no foul.
TYT: Police van runs over innocent protesters at an anti-U.S. protest in the Philippines. Donald Trump would be proud.
Stephen Colbert gives his LIVE take on the debate...
...and hears from Nate Silver just how bad Donald Trump's night was (wow, I wasn't expecting to hear Beethoven in the intro!)
Randi Rhodes: welcome to the rape election (yeesh)--damn, son, this was posted on the 14th, so more accusers have come forward against Donald Trump since then!
Randi Rhodes: Hillary just won the election! Wonderful--Randi and her callers make great points!
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