Friday, February 05, 2016

Dear World,

America needs your help.

The lunatics from the "Christian" "right" are trying to take over the insane asylum that Republicans have turned our government into. Some argue that it's too late--the take-over, executed by the corporations to whom the "religious" "right" is friendly, has already happened. Either way, the upcoming 2016 election will determine the heart and soul of our country. We can either staunch the bleeding before it's too late, or we can stand helplessly by as what's left of this once-great nation finally bleeds out. We know what happens when a Republican takes the White House--George W. Bush did more damage in eight years than Barack Obama could fix in eight years, even when you account for Bush having a fair amount of help and Obama having little but obstruction.

Unfortunately, you can't shake our deluded countrymen and (sadly) women by the shoulders and say, "WAKE UP! Stop letting them use you as a useful idiot--a tool to be wielded by the rich and powerful to make themselves MORE rich and MORE powerful at YOUR expense!" You can't get their attention by pleading with them to stop voting against their own best interests. You can't convince them that taking away our rights means giving away their rights, too.

They cannot hear you.

They are too busy singing "lalalalalalalala" and being "righteously" "offended" by cartoons, movies, Obama's blackness, and people wanting to be treated like people. Whoever thinks that the left is responsible for political correctness hasn't been paying attention to the right.

They refuse to realize that most of the poorest counties in America are in red states--meaning that Republican policies are not helping the poorest Americans. Too many are only too happy to lose rights and benefits themselves if it means keeping those rights and benefits out of the hands of people they deem undeserving, like women, Blacks, Latinos, immigrants, LGBTQ, and Muslims.

They have no idea that the planet they want to destroy--all in the name of even larger SUVs and bringing on Armageddon so they can have their Rapture--belongs to you, too.

Collateral damage, anyone?

They probably have no idea how awesome you are or what makes your country great--if they do, they won't admit that any country is great except this one (they ignore, of course, the destruction Republicans have wreaked on us for the past 30+ years). They try never to think of you, but, when they do, you arise mistily before the Republican mind's eye as some distantly disdained mass of unwashed, unchurched gay-enabling communists who can't--or shouldn't--fart without Uncle Sam's permission.

You frighten them.
More so if you happen to have any melanin in your skin.
Even more than that if you happen to be Muslim.

What can you do?

Obviously, you can't vote here, but vote in your home country if you can. Vote for people who represent YOU, not the corporations. Vote for people who want peace and prosperity for EVERYONE, not just the rich and powerful.

E-mail our newspapers, our Congressmen, our Senators, our President. Let them know that The World is watching.

Sign petitions.

If you can, get involved with your own local and national politics, too.

Demand accuracy from the media--yours and ours.

What happens here affects you, just as what happens worldwide affects us--not that you'll ever hear that on Fux Noise.

Let's drown out the noise of their lies with our own noise--demands for truth, accountability, and justice for all!

And, if you can, donate to keep America as humane as possible--especially for everyone on the Republican hit list. Women and minorities are counting on you. And not just here in the U.S.--believe me, the Republicans are after YOU, too.

Just for once, refuse to accept the unacceptable!

Thanks for listening, and thanks for helping!


Dot Calm's shadow
Wayne Madsen claims that Marco Rubio
A Republican being a HYPOCRITE??!??
Why would I not be surprised?

Florida wants to make WHAT illegal?!??

Florida is about to make performing an abortion a first-degree felony--essentially outlawing legal abortion in the state.1

The bill just advanced in the Florida state legislature, and if it passes, it'll be WORSE than the law Texas passed, which shuttered 21 clinics immediately.2

Under the bill, doctors face up to 30 years in prison for providing abortion--a constitutionally-protected medical procedure. But banning legal abortions doesn't mean abortions stop. It means more women die from dangerous back-alley procedures. Opposition to the bill is growing and gaining national attention. Just yesterday, Hillary Clinton's campaign called the measure "dangerous" and "extreme."3 If we all stand together, we can let Florida's politicians know the nation is watching and increase the pressure to defeat the bill. Will you sign the petition?

Tell the Florida State Legislature: Don't pass the 'Florida for Life' Act or any other restriction on abortion. These bills put women's lives in danger.
Sign the petition

This bill includes more than 10 abortion restrictions and bans.4 If it passes, performing or assisting with abortion would become a first-degree felony, and public health insurances would no longer be able to cover abortion in the case of rape, incest, or the health of the mother.

As if that isn't enough, Florida is considering two other anti-abortion bills that apply restriction after restriction on abortion providers to the point that they literally can't operate.5 It's a sneaky way to take away women's right to choose, and just as dangerous as an outright ban. In Texas, where these laws are already in place, 21 clinics were forced to shut down immediately.6

We can't allow these anti-women policies to take us back to the pre-Roe v. Wade era. If we stand up and shut down these dangerous bills in Florida, we can make sure it doesn't spark a trend for other states to do the same. Every woman in this country has the constitutional right to a safe abortion, and we can't let extremists take that away.

Add your name.

--Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Adam, Holly, Kaili, Kathy, Onyi, Susan, Clarise, Anathea, Audine, Ryan, Shannon, Megan, Kaytee, and Libby, the UltraViolet team


1. Florida Republican Lawmakers Are Trying to Make Abortion a Felony, Jezebel, January 26, 2016

2. Half of Texas Abortion Clinics Close After Restrictions Enacted, NPR, July 18, 2014

3. A bill that makes performing an abortion a first-degree felony is being considered in Florida. Yes, really., Medium, February 2, 2016

4. Florida for Life Act 2016 (HB 865), RHRC Data, January 25, 2016

5. Florida House advances sweeping ban on abortions, Miami Herald, January 25, 2016

6. Supreme Court Reprieve Lets 10 Abortion Clinics Stay Open For Now, NPR, June 30, 2015

Want to support our work? UltraViolet is funded by members like you, and our tiny staff ensures small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

Robert LaVoy Finicum
died for his beliefs:
that he was entitled to steal
from the American public.
While the rest of the country is focused on the Iowa caucuses, Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan is trying to sneak through an OVERRIDE of President Obama’s veto:

  • FIRST: In early January, House and Senate Republicans passed an AWFUL bill to repeal key portions of the Affordable Care Act and defund Planned Parenthood.
  • THEN: President Obama VETOED the bill, safeguarding health services for millions of people.
  • NOW: The Washington Times reports that Paul Ryan will hold a vote later today to override President Obama’s veto. He’s going after Obamacare AGAIN!

Add your name to tell Paul Ryan: Stop wasting everyone’s time and drop your crusade against Obamacare and Planned Parenthood.

Frothy the Clown
(Latin name: Sanctimonious Santorum)
has dropped out of the Republican rat race.
Honestly, folks--these jokes write themselves!
The results of the Iowa Republican caucus are out – and yes, they picked TED CRUZ. The same politician who’s buddying up with the fossil fuel industry and said this about climate change:
The satellite says
– Sen. Ted Cruz, August 2015
I, for one, refuse to let a clueless climate denier make it to the White House and trample on the progress we’ve made to slow and reverse the devastating effects of climate change. 
But I can’t stop climate deniers without your support. Will you give $5 or more now to help me stand up to the climate denial machine? Here’s a link to give now:
Thanks for protecting our planet,


Uptight Kansas Republicans threaten teachers with criminal charges and JAIL for showing  Michelangelo’s famous nude sculpture, “David,” or presenting off-color humor in Shakespeare’s play, “Romeo and Juliet” sex-ed...?!
Am I the only one who thinks Republicans just need to get laid more often?
Sad thing is...
who would want to take THAT for the team?!??

We wanted to make sure you didn't miss this - can you chip in?

Dear Faithful America member,

The headlines today say that Ted Cruz won Iowa because of Christian voters. What does that really mean?

Cruz touted the endorsement of hate group leaders and even a fringe anti-semitic pastor who says God sent Hitler to hunt Jews. He held rallies where Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson denounced the "perversion" and "depravity" of gay marriage and said we need to "rid the earth" of those who support marriage equality.

This isn't Christianity - it's bigotry wrapped up in the Bible. And the only way to fight is for Christians to stand up and say: That's not our faith.

If you're okay living in a country where Ted Cruz's political agenda passes for Christianity, then go ahead and delete this email right now.

But if you want to put a stop to the right-wing hijacking of Jesus, Faithful America urgently needs your financial support.

With more than 300,000 grassroots members across the country, Faithful America is the largest organization of our kind. We're not affiliated with any church or denomination. We have no pastor, property, or charitable tax status to protect. We're not afraid of criticism, and our small staff and creative use of technology means we can turn on a dime to respond to the latest right-wing attacks.

But we do depend on our members to help take on the religious right and reclaim Christianity as a prophetic voice for a just and compassionate society. And with the Republican primary heating up and outrages coming fast and furious, there is suddenly more to do than ever before.

Can you chip in? Click here to make a donation to Faithful America.


- Michael

Donald Trump got confused at church
(ssh...don't tell the evangelicals
that it's because he never goes)
A clever Bishop remarked,
"Well, for someone who’s 'communed'
with money most of his life,
this was a natural,
if amusing,
response to church communion."

Following every mass shooting, we say there can’t be another. But after 372 mass shootings last year, there’s no excuse for Congress’ lack of action.

As a country, we have to be better.

What’s worse: Some of the deadliest mass shootings involved legally obtained, military-style assault weapons.

There’s no reason for anyone to own a deadly weapon designed for military combat. That’s why I’m proud to be continuing the work started by Rep. McCarthy and leading the charge to ban assault weapons.

Join me and demand Congress take the first step toward ending gun violence by banning assault weapons >>

As a country, when will we say enough is enough? For too long, Republicans have caved to the NRA’s demands.

It’s time we take a stand against gun violence and ban assault weapons:

Thanks for helping keep America safe.


Paid for by The Cicilline Committee

David Cicilline
P.O. Box 9107,
Providence RI 02940 United States

I hope the government makes the
"Oregon" "Militia"
(aka Brokeback Rube snack-Attack Toddlers,
or BRATs)
pay back every penny
of the $3.4 MILLION
they owe us for their little stunt.
And I hope the government collects
 every penny of back taxes
plus interest
from Cliven Bundy and his ilk.
This is OUR money--they owe it to US.

My Tea Party Christian friend swears left, right, up, down, and sideways that Democrats, not Republicans, are the fascists in America. Can you say, "REVISIONIST HISTORY"? I knew you could! Read these fourteen signs of fascism from Dot Calm used to post periodically...and then you tell me whether they sound more Democratic than Republican! G'wan, I dare ya!

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

by Dr. Lawrence Britt
Source Free

Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14 defining characteristics common to each:
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
How many times has Sarah Palin wrapped herself in the flag? How many Republicans have publicly scorned President Obama (who, to me, prefers substance over style) for not wearing a flag pin on his lapel (they must've gotten their knickers in a twist about it on Faux Noise, because my Tea Party Christian friend was up in arms about it, and he has to have gotten it, just as he gets all his little quotes, from somewhere)?
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
Need I even remind you of the Bush administration's willful adoption of torture? Or Trump's intention to wall in the country and eject anyone with too much melanin in his or her skin? The rampant shooting of unarmed Blacks by police? The almost daily mass shootings? The unbelievable proportion of incarcerated (especially Blacks) in "the land of the free"?   
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.
Let's run down the Republican hit list, shall we? Poor people. Women. Blacks. Liberals. Atheists. Scientists. Educated people. Communists (by which they also mean Socialists, even though they are not the same). LGBTQ. Muslims--especially Syrian refugees. Need I go on?
4. Supremacy of the Military - Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.
This has been going on since Ronbo Raygun (aka Bonzo, aka Bonzo the Clown) was in office. We still spend more than every other nation combined on the military. That and corporate welfare make great excuses (if you enjoy seeing needy people suffer) for cutting food stamps, welfare, unemployment, Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security, Veterans' benefits, etc. etc. etc.
5. Rampant Sexism - The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution.
Do I even need to mention Trump, Huckabee, the Supreme Court decision on Hobby Lobby, the witch hunt against Planned Parenthood, and the drive to close abortion clinics and skirt the law to make safe abortion unavailable? Do I even need to mention how many times FOX News hosts and guests complain that women should not be allowed to vote? Do I even need to mention the LGBTQ witch hunt that is the Republican party, complete with calls from some to return to the Biblical practice of stoning LGBTQ to death? Does any of this sound even remotely like Democrats to you?
6. Controlled Mass Media - Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.
Do I even need to mention FAUX Noise?   
7. Obsession with National Security - Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.
George W. Bush started it with his illegal domestic spying program that never entirely gets canceled...only renamed and shuffled around to protect the guilty (Republicans).
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined - Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.
Ted Cruz. Mike Huckabee. Rick Santorum. Ben Carson. The Supreme Court decision on Hobby Lobby. Christian sharia law...Montana Republicans trying to outlaw women from wearing yoga pants in public...Colorado Republicans discontinuing birth control availability that successfully cut the abortion rate by 40%...Carly Fiorina's witch hunt against Planned Parenthood...the Republican party's witch hunt against Planned Parenthood...the Republican candidate acid test that dictates that a candidate must vow to shut down Planned Parenthood and overturn marriage equality in order to be taken seriously as a Republican candidate. And that's just a small list!
9. Corporate Power is Protected - The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.
Oh, but corporations are people now! Look at how CEOs' pay has risen due to Republican policies--look at how little they pay, if anything, in taxes. Look at how Republicans fight against regulating the corporations. And tell me again that it's the Democrats, not the Republicans, who are behind it all.
10. Labor Power is Suppressed - Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.
Remember right to work? Remember how vehemently Republicans fight against fair pay, raising the minimum wage, unions, and collective bargaining? Tell me again how this is somehow the Democrats' doing...!?   
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked.
Do I even have to explain this? Just look at how they glorify idiots like Trump and Palin while disdaining people with actual brains, who can speak in complete, grammatical sentences, like President Obama. Look at how they equate Palin's academic background with Obama's. Look at how they honor idiocy and disrespect education and achievement. Look at how they revere religion and treat science as invalid. Tell me again how this is a good thing...!?
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment - Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.
Do I even have to explain this? Republicans want to throw women in jail for miscarriages; they want to throw abortion providers in jail for upholding women's rights; they want to throw Blacks and Muslims in jail for being Black or Muslim; and some even speak out loud of going back to Biblical law enforcement by stoning LGBTQ to death for being LGBTQ. I rest my case.
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption - Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.
Remember Dick Cheney and Halliburton?   
14. Fraudulent Elections - Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.

Remember Bush v Gore in 2000, where Jeb! fixed the election?

My Tea Party Christian friend lives in a completely different reality from the rest of us...and he'll scream bloody murder if you try to enlighten him to that fact. My reality is dictated by the evidence around me; his arises from his own opinions. Misunderstanding and rejecting science, he seems to think that global warming can be wished away by the Republicans in Congress voting to deny that it exists. He believes that he can change someone's entire life history, opinions, and education simply by shouting at them what he'd prefer their life history, opinions, and education to be. He does not believe in natural law, and he believes he can change reality just by shouting at it. And he votes! And he's not alone--and they ALL vote!
Ted Cruz is SO annoying and horrible
that even George W. Bush's administration refused him a position
Is it just me, or does Ted Cruz look like Mr. Haney from Petticoat Junction gone evil?

From Addicting Info

BUSTED: Growing Evidence Supports Claim Ted Cruz Intentionally Lied About Carson Dropping Out (AUDIO)

Ted Cruz has a lot of explaining to do regarding the actions of his campaign staff. Cruz’s campaign took a report that Ben Carson was diverting to Florida after the Iowa Caucus, without heading to New Hampshire, and very selectively cherry picked it to mean that Ben Carson was suspending his campaign and/or dropping out of the presidential race. This was immediately followed by a plea to Cruz workers to tell all Carson caucus-goers this falsehood while encouraging them to caucus for Ted Cruz instead.
Carson’s own campaign clarified at 6:53 pm he was not dropping out of the race. Cruz’s deputy Iowa campaign manager sent an email at 6:56 pm, 3 minutes after Carson clarified things, saying Carson was “taking time off from the campaign trail after Iowa and making a big announcement next week.” The email also said to inform any Carson caucus goers of this and convince them to support Cruz instead. The first phone call by the campaign to a Cruz precinct captain in Iowa came in at 7:07 pm, with the same instructions to tell Carson supporters to caucus for Cruz instead. Another phone call came in at 7:29 pm. Both calls came after CNN also clarified that Carson was not suspending his campaign.
The Cruz campaign has so far insisted that they were acting on an “accurate” report that Carson was suspending campaigning after the Iowa caucus. The thing is, there doesn’t seem to be any accurate report that exists. Cruz had blamed CNN for reporting that Carson suspended his campaign, but CNN did no such thing. Iowa Republican Steve King linked to CNN’s report then inferred on his own that Carson was quitting the campaign. King clearly was clueless, because CNN said no such thing. However, the fact Cruz took King’s word for it without reading the actual article he linked is hard to believe. Cruz might claim they just made a mistake but it seriously strains credulity to think they are that inept.
Nancy Bliesman, a precinct captain for Cruz received the voicemails because she didn’t take the calls as they were coming in. This prevented her from unknowingly lying to Carson voters. It isn’t immediately known how many other precinct captains or other campaign workers may have gotten the misinformation and acted on it. One thing is for sure, this puts a stain on Cruz’s “win” and could prove problematic for him in future caucuses once voters get wind of his shenanigans.

Listen to the voicemails that were sent by the Cruz campaign below:

Get Obama Party FAIL:

New Evidence on Voter ID Laws Proves Republicans Are Cheating Democracy

Republicans are legally stealing elections. That’s not speculation. That’s not hyperbole. Republicans have passed laws giving the electoral advantage to white Republicans and this is very bad news for Democrats and minorities.

While Democrats in Congress and in the White House are working to solve the nation’s problems, such as the fact that too many people are uninsured, or that the minimum wage hasn’t changed in seven years, or that students leave college with 30 years of debt, or that oligarchs are taking over the country, or that racism, sexism and xenophobia are still prevalent, in 2016. Democrats want to fix all of our country’s problems, but Republicans are stopping them and they’re cheating to do it.

In the last decade and a half, Republicans have passed 36 state level voter ID laws. 33 of those laws are still in force.

Not only do the laws disenfranchise those who don’t drive, or those who are homebound, it also disenfranchises women and anyone else who might change their name after getting married. In other words, voter ID laws negatively impact the poor, people in urban areas, women, LGBT people and the elderly – many of whom help make up the Democratic base.

Another tactic is closing voting locations, closing offices that issue IDs and shortening voting hours and days.

Research has found that fears surrounding voter ID laws are not unfounded.

The results of a new working paper from political scientists at University of California, San Diego suggest folks may want to consider. The researchers analyzed turnout in recent elections — between 2008 and 2012 — in states that did and did not implement the strictest form of voter ID laws. They found that these laws consistently and significantly decreased turnout not just among traditionally Democratic-leaning groups, like blacks and Hispanics, but among Republican voters too.

Source: Washington Post

Previous studies have shown that voter ID laws have minimal impact on voting, but those studies have been disputed, largely because most were done before the recent rash of voter ID laws. So researchers at the University of California, San Diego have tried to rule out every variable and they found clear evidence that voter ID laws negatively affect minorities. The result was clear. Voter ID laws affected turnout for everyone but white people and Asians.

Latino turnout was 10.3 points lower in states with voter photo ID laws than in states without.
Mixed-race Americans participation was 12.8 points lower.

The gap between the percentage of white people voting and the percentage of Latinos voting more than doubled, from 5.3 points to 11.9 points.

The African-American vs. white gap went from 4.8 points to 8.5 points.

Naturalized citizens (immigrants who became citizens) were 12.7 percent less likely to vote in general elections.

Democratic turnout drops by an estimated 7.7 percent.

Republican turnout also drops, but only by 4.6 percent.

Liberals turnout drops by a whopping 10.7 percent (not good for Bernie Sanders).

Conservative turnout drops, but only by 2.8 percent.

Some of these numbers sound rather insignificant, and some will likely mention that in 2012, African-American turnout was better than in other years, but there’s no way of knowing how many African-Americans would have turned out if there were no voter ID laws, but the conclusion of the study is this:

“Strict photo identification laws have a differentially negative impact on the turnout of Hispanics, Blacks, and mixed-race Americans in primaries and general elections,” the UCSD study concludes.

“Voter ID laws skew democracy in favor of whites and those on the political right.”


"Well-regulated militia"
"Responsible gun owner"
Poor dog!!!!!
He seems nice....

From If You Only News

Texas sees "unplanned" baby boom after shutting down all but a handful of women's health clinics state-wide

Thanks to Texas Republicans’ assault on women’s rights and Planned Parenthood, a new study found that there has been a twenty-seven percent increase in babies born into low-income families. To put that into perspective, in 1945 there was only a FIVE percent increase in births and that increase is what led to the Baby Boomer generation.
The study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that women who had previously had access to affordable birth control through family planning clinics were directly affected by those cuts, and became pregnant due to the loss. Nothing in this study indicates that fewer abortions happened in Texas as a result of the closures of Planned Parenthood clinics — just increased births.
The study was performed at the University of Texas at Austin, and its authors say that it offers a sneak-peek of what states, who cut public funds from Planned Parenthood clinics, are going to look like. Joseph Potter, one of the authors, said that these laws definitely have a real impact on women, “It’s not like there is a large, over-capacity of highly qualified providers of effective contraception out there just waiting for people to show up.”

According to Deborah Netburn, for the LA Times:
Lawmakers in Arkansas, Alabama, New Hampshire, Louisiana, North Carolina and Utah have enacted policies to keep public funds out of Planned Parenthood clinics. Ohio is expected to be the next state to follow suit.
In 2011, a 66 percent cut in funding to Planned Parenthood in Texas resulted in the closure of 82 family planning clinics, and that was just the first step they took in their evisceration of the only provider of birth control for many poor women.
In 2013, since the law prevented them from restricting funds to family planning providers who also offered abortion services, they actually threw out the state-funded Medicaid program and replaced it with the Texas Woman’s Health Program so they could legally stop funding Planned Parenthoods across the state.
The resulting lack of affordable birth control resulted in a relative increase in births of twenty-seven percent, more than one in four, for women who lost access to Planned Parenthood over an 18 month period. The studies authors wrote that many of these births were probably unplanned since the increase was only seen in the counties where women faced new hurdles in access to contraception.
According to the National Center For Children In Poverty, forty-five percent of America’s children are already considered as low-income, without the increase in births due to lack of birth control. And poverty can have some pretty sickening effects on children:
Most of these children have parents who work, but low wages and unstable employment leave their families struggling to make ends meet. Poverty can impede children’s ability to learn and contribute to social, emotional, and behavioral problems. Poverty also can contribute to poor health and mental health. Risks are greatest for children who experience poverty when they are young and/or experience deep and persistent poverty.
Research is clear that poverty is the single greatest threat to children’s well-being. But effective public policies – to make work pay for low-income parents and to provide high-quality early care and learning experiences for their children – can make a difference. Investments in the most vulnerable children are also critical.
Ineffective policies, such at Texas’ decision to take contraception away from low-income women, seem to have a direct effect as well — slamming more and more families into persistent poverty through unplanned, rampant child-birth.

Marco Rubio a "moderate"?
What a mythconception!
...Who knew?!

Democracy Now!

Congress is holding its first hearing today on lead poisoning in the water supply of Flint, Michigan. The crisis began after an unelected emergency manager appointed by Republican ... Read More →

The BBC reports the United Nations panel investigating the case of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has ruled he has been "arbitrarily detained." The U.N. says it will not confirm ... Read More →

In a Democracy Now! exclusive, we hear from some of hundreds of prisoners in the Genesee County Jail in Flint, Michigan, who have had no option but to drink and shower ... Read More →

One of the world's biggest multinational trade deals, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, has been signed by 12 member nations in New Zealand and will now undergo a two-year ... Read More →

Congress held its first hearing Wednesday on lead poisoning in Flint's water supply. The crisis began after an unelected emergency manager appointed by Republican ... Read More →

We look at the spread of the Zika virus, which scientists have linked to rising temperatures from global warming because of the increased incidence of mosquito-borne ... Read More →
Emergency Manager Who Switched Flint Water Resigns from Detroit Public Schools
  • Saudi Arabia: Court Lifts Death Sentence, Imposes Lashes for Palestinian Poet

  • Snowden Criticizes New "Privacy" Pact Between U.S. and EU

  • Undocumented Mother of 3 Deported Despite Receiving Reprieve, Permission to Travel

  • ********************************************
    Movie break!
    Don't worry--it's only about a minute and a half!
    Jesus appeared on Jimmy Kimmel
    and quoted GOP candidates.

    (He seems nice!)
    Jimmy introduced Jesus:
    "God is an important part of this primary election. Most all of the [GOP]candidates go out of their way to talk about the Bible and their faith. So we thought it would be interesting to take real quotes from the primary candidates and have them come from the mouth of Jesus."


    Daily Kos

  • Ted Cruz's logo: Hilariously appropriate    
  • Ted Cruz on Flint: Loud and wrong    
  • Millionaire who crashed his rare Porsche into crowd found to be 'main cause' of crash       
  • Sign if you agree: We need a presidential candidate who will never stop fighting for Planned Parenthood: Hillary.    
  • Firefighters union slams Ted Cruz as 'the worst kind of politician' over Iowa victory speech    
  • Marco Rubio and Donald Trump denounce President Obama's call for religious tolerance    
  • Marco Rubio's campaign is mystified by the paper trail saying he was a lobbyist   
  • Michigan Governor Rick Snyder calls for 30 percent discount for lead-poisoned water    
  • Federal grand jury hands down indictments for 16 of the militants involved in the Oregon standoff    
  • Women-hating 'pro-rape' group moves meetings to secret locations after threats   
  • Pick up your copy of Brown Is The New White, a new book by one of the leading civil rights organizers in the country, that presents a compelling, data-based argument that the Democratic Party needs to refocus its resources on people of color and the rest of Democratic base.    
  • Congressional committee not amused as Big Pharma Bro smirked his way through hearing    
  • Cartoon: The Election News Network    
  • The Dean Scream, 12 years later: 'What Really Happened'    
  • Washington state rep who defied cops to meet with militants has resigned after lying about military record    
  • Fox wastes no time getting started dissing black activist after he announces run for Baltimore mayor    
  • Interactive comic: The GOP primary app! Now YOU can vote in any Republican primary!    
  • A Florida judge sentenced a man to 60 years in prison for this?    
  • Today I'm heartbroken. A letter for my son
  • A Florida judge sentenced a man to 60 years in prison for this?    
  • Trump says he'll probably sue over Cruz 'voter fraud' in Iowa    
  • Today I'm heartbroken: A letter for my son    
  • Attention media: You do know you made up the whole 'won on a coin toss' story, right?    
  • Like the Daily Kos Recommended email? Chip in $1 to support the team that brings progressive news to your inbox every day.    
  • An evangelical leader enters Oregon negotiations and the sheriff responds to 'patriot' group demands    
  • Cartoon: Whitewash    
  • Donald Trump wants a do-over because Ted Cruz 'stole' Iowa caucus    
  • Chris Christie's new New Hampshire strategy: Gross misogyny and tough-guy posturing    
  • Cartoon: Policies that put our children on the path to lead    
  • The GOP's Flint disaster: Will they help fix the mess made by a 'fiscally responsible' GOP governor?    
  • A.j., do you agree voting should be easier? If so, stand with the Democratic Governors Association and call for moving Election Day to a weekend.    
  • Republican Party suddenly wants to pretend to give a damn about Latino accomplishments?    
  • Democrats agree to expanded schedule of Clinton-Sanders debates    
  • Rick Santorum, who won Iowa in 2012, drops out after humiliating result in 2016
  • How to prevent another Flint: Move gubernatorial elections to presidential years  
  • Obama visits U.S. mosque, emphasizing that 'we're one American family'    
  • Melissa Harris-Perry narrowly escaped being attacked last night at an Iowa hotel during caucuses    
  • Largest online Christian organization condemns Ted Cruz for claiming Christians won him Iowa caucus

  • ********************************************
    Would the birthers have shut up
    if Obama had mentioned this eight years ago?
    (Hint: Obama wasn't the first President
    attacked for being a closet Muslim...
    so was Jefferson, who was no Christian!)

    Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet
    The first one-on-one debate of 2016. READ MORE»

    Nafeez Ahmed, Max Blumenthal, AlterNet
    Maajid Nawaz bases his credibility on a compelling personal story, but how much of it is true? READ MORE»

    Larry Schwartz, AlterNet
    Let’s put the latest health scare in perspective. READ MORE»

    By Kali Holloway, AlterNet
    When was the last time someone suggested Bernie Sanders would do better if he spoke more softly? READ MORE»

    By Chauncey DeVega, Salon
    Most everything the media says about the "GOP establishment lane" is wrong. It does not really exist.  READ MORE»

    By Dean Baker, FAIR
    It ran a piece asking, “Should Millennials Get Over Bernie Sanders?”  READ MORE»

    By Michael Arria, AlterNet
    The union draws attention to the bank's toxic lending practices while it fights for a new contract. READ MORE»

    By Matt Bors, AlterNet
    One is deemed a criminal, the other a martyr.  READ MORE»

    By Kassandra Frederique, Alyssa Aguilera, AlterNet
    Total pot busts have declined by 67% in four years after pressure from activists prompted policing and legislative changes.  READ MORE»

    By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now
    One of the world’s biggest multinational trade deals has been signed by 12 member nations. READ MORE»

    By Marcus Harrison Green, YES! Magazine
    As cities search for solutions to homelessness, Portland’s Dignity Village offers 60 men and women community and safety.  READ MORE»

    By Travis Gettys, Raw Story
    Rep. Earl Blumenauer introduced a bill that would require the militants — and the federal government — to pay back costs associated with the occupation. READ MORE»
    Kali Holloway, AlterNet
    Daryush Valizadeh says he doesn't feel safe. Someone call a wahmbulance.  READ MORE»

    Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet
    In 'Requime for an American Dream,' Chomsky addresses the vast gulf of inequality in America. READ MORE»

    William Boardman, Reader Supported News
    How is that happening, why is that happening?” wonders Stephen A. Schwarzmann. READ MORE»

    By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet
    “People had such high hopes for Rand winning. In that those who hoped were clearly high.” READ MORE»

    By Rick Perlstein, The Washington Spectator
    The modern-day “tactical” movement is out of its mind. READ MORE»

    By Michael Winship, Moyers & Company
    In a wide-ranging conversation, journalist and climate activist Naomi Klein discusses the politics of global warming, climate change denial and environmental justice. READ MORE»

    By Keith Knight, AlterNet
    Documents say the cams were damaged by the officers. READ MORE»

    Democracy Now!
    An international series of events breaks out in response to the trade deal. READ MORE»
    Glynis Sweeny, AlterNet
    In corporate culture, workplace bullies who use subtle tactics can climb the ladder.  READ MORE»

    Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet
    Some of the allegations are serious. But most are not. READ MORE»

    Janet Upadhye, Salon
    This video is the most terrifying thing you will see today. READ MORE»

    By Reynard Loki, AlterNet
    Corporate accountability expert Katherine Sawyer discusses the case that could force the fossil fuel industry to pay for its lies about climate change. READ MORE»

    By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet
    Asra Nomani has defended NYPD spying on Muslims and Islamophobic rhetoric in the election cycle  READ MORE»

    By Gary Legum, Salon
    Ann Coulter was there. So was Scott Brown. Here's what it's like to attend a Donald Trump campaign rally. READ MORE»

    By Anneli Rufus, AlterNet
    Why do I simultaneously want to flaunt my brand-new work of art and kick it to oblivion? READ MORE»

    By Regina Willis, AlterNet
    The deeper issue is that Christian hegemony is being substantially challenged in many social spheres. READ MORE»

    By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!
    Owen Suskind's life has been turned into the documentary "Life, Animated," which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. READ MORE»

    By Adam Johnson, AlterNet
    ISIS panic further entrenches the partnership between governments and Silicon Valley. READ MORE»

    By Phillip Smith, AlterNet
    The cops netted a quarter pound of pot in their fatal night-time drug raid. Last month also saw two others killed in the drug war, one unarmed.  READ MORE»

    By Bethania Palma Markus, Raw Story
    He finished nearly last in the Iowa caucuses on MondayREAD MORE»

    Janet Allon, AlterNet
    Some of those critics are from the left, Krugman laments. READ MORE»

    Robin Scher, AlterNet
    The 2 percent difference marks a huge rise in Sanders' popularity. READ MORE»

    Sarah Lazare, AlterNet
    Massive donations from Haim Saban follow Clinton’s pledge to fight BDS. READ MORE»

    By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!
    "We both looked at the same evidence about the wisdom of the war... on of us voted the right way." READ MORE»

    By Hlinko, Daily Kos
    An unfortunate pun for the Texas Senator.  READ MORE»

    By Janet Allon, AlterNet
    Because every late-night comedian must refer to their genitals, of course.  READ MORE»

    By Erin Keane, Salon
    The British blowhard gets trolled by the legendary actress on Twitter.  READ MORE»

    By David Edwards, Raw Story
    Turns out Trump fans sound just like Trump. READ MORE»


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