Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Democracy Now, Daily Kos, and AlterNet

From "Democracy Now!":

A new report by the Pulitzer-winning veteran journalist Seymour Hersh says the Joint Chiefs of Staff has indirectly supported Bashar al-Assad in an effort to help him defeat ... Read More →

Daily Kos Recommended

From AlterNet:
Kali Holloway, AlterNet
Overall, Americans aren't too psyched about the Donald winning the election. READ MORE»

Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Blog
The pharmaceutical industry is making a fortune off average Americans. READ MORE»

Kali Holloway, AlterNet
A new report looks at the issue in 22 cities around the country. READ MORE»

By Adam Johnson, AlterNet
The Donald's toxic vitriol may have led to another potential hate crime. READ MORE»

By Bill Moyers, Bill Moyers
The vast inequality they are creating is a death sentence for government by consent of the people. READ MORE»

By Vann R. Newkirk II, Daily Kos
The study also illustrates the fact that people with mental illnesses are more likely to die at the hands of police than other people. READ MORE»

By Arturo Garcia, Raw Story
He repeatedly called it 'disgusting' that Clinton used the bathroom at one point during Saturday’s Democratic debate. READ MORE»

By Frida Berrigan, TomDispatch
'Why do the police kill people?' 'Are they going to kill me?' READ MORE»

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon
Let's be honest, Trump is stoking cultural and racial resentment, not economic. READ MORE»

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet
The Post Office sent out a memo last week warning that pot ads are "non-mailable," but it admits it can't really do much about them. READ MORE»

By Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch
How to sort out a world of fear is the question and the conundrum for 2016 and beyond. READ MORE»

Janet Allon, AlterNet
Let's stop pretending Trump is some weird aberration. READ MORE»

Amy Goodman, Democracy Now
Sanders is making history despite being subjected to what he calls a "blackout" in the corporate media. READ MORE»

Brian Tashman, Right Wing Watch
Trump, who has made attacks on Muslims a central part of his campaign, said that Christians in America are losing their religious freedoms. READ MORE»

By Janet Allon, AlterNet
An increasing body of research points to a connection between pollution and metabolic disorders. READ MORE»

By Lou Dubose, The Washington Spectator
Flip this faith-based survey and head to the mall -- buy here and you'll be undermining right-wing philanthropy. READ MORE»

By Janet Allon, AlterNet
There are some restrictions though. READ MORE»

By Brian McFadden, AlterNet
Here's a helpful consumer guide for the holiday season. READ MORE»

By Jen Sorensen, AlterNet
The government keeps shopping but what are they buying? READ MORE»

Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet
Sanders seemed to dominate on domestic issues. READ MORE»

Janet Allon, AlterNet
Some terrifying statements emanated from the Trump camp this week. READ MORE»

Sarah Burris, Salon
Why Colbert isn't getting better ratings. READ MORE»

By Steven W Thrasher, The Guardian
After all the disappointment kicked off by The Phantom Menace, the franchise won the fans back with an updated storyline that finally feels modern. READ MORE»

By Patrick Hilsman, AlterNet
It's sort of the opposite of listening to the Republican debates. It’s the antidote to the Republicans. READ MORE»

By Philip Weiss, Mondoweiss
Journalist Jeffrey Goldberg may have accidentally exposed the meeting. READ MORE»

By Ginny Brown, Everyday Feminism
And what they can do about it. READ MORE»

By Alexander Zaitchik, Van Winkle's
Chevrolets aren’t the only things from the 1950s Cubans are still using. READ MORE»

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story
By giving into hatred against Muslims, people are doing exactly what ISIS wants them to do. READ MORE»

By Cheryl Katz, Yale Environment 360
As temperatures rise, northern lakes are undergoing major changes that include swiftly warming waters, diminished ice cover, and outbreaks of harmful algae. READ MORE»

Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet
As the DNC and Sanders accuse each other of data theft, one wonders if anyone was spying on Bernie's base? READ MORE»

Adam Johnson, AlterNet
Talk of censoring free speech on social media omits the fact that social media didn't radicalize any of the recent attackers. READ MORE»

Martha Rosenberg, CounterPunch
The BBC reports that cloned products have been in the U.S. food supply for years. READ MORE»

By Sarah Burris, Salon
"Isn’t it un-American and wrong to discriminate on religion?" Kimmel asked the GOP frontrunner. READ MORE»

By David Morris, AlterNet
Obama could have stunted the emergence of the right-wing populist movement if he had pursued an aggressive populist strategy of his own. READ MORE»

By Robert Reich,
Here's a helpful holiday guide. READ MORE»

By Sarah Posner, Religion Dispatches
While still drawing significant support from evangelicals, the GOP frontrunner continues to expose rifts within the religious right. READ MORE»

By Elliot Negin, The Huffington Post
Starbucks needs to smell its own coffee and wake up. READ MORE»

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet
The omnibus spending bill approved by Congress includes important drug reform provisions, but not everything activists were looking for. READ MORE»

By Bethania Palma Markus, Raw Story
Brandon Silver may only be 11, but he joined his attorney dad in suing the Palm Beach County school board. READ MORE»

By Justin Gardner, The Free Thought Project
During the Civil Rights movement, one of the KKK’s first orders was to infiltrate police departments around the country. READ MORE»

By Patti McCarthy, The Conversation
George Lucas' intergalactic saga taps into the storytelling devices that have structured myths and religious tales for centuries. READ MORE»

By Jenny Kutner, Salon
The show has broken so many barriers displaying sexuality on TV, but that doesn't mean we always enjoyed watching. READ MORE»