Monday, November 16, 2015

And now here's something you'll really like (I hope)...

Remember the devout Catholic friend I mentioned from my old job in a past lifetime?

He was completely bemused that evangelicals accept the Noah's flood story as historical fact.

He pointed me to these videos, which bring up issues that neither of us as Catholics had ever thought of before.

Atheist Comedy - The Great Flood (DarkMatter2525), 6:25

The Math of the Great Flood (binary_spider), 7:57
Noah's Ark (part 1 of 2) (NonStampCollector), 7:54

Noah's Ark (part 2 of 2) (NonStampCollector), 9:19

Would you still be able to believe the Noah's flood story as literal history after watching these videos?

Here's my personal take on it.

No wonder they teach children while they're young to take the Bible as scientific and historical literal fact: you can't do it as an adult, at least not if you've had any education. Well...I couldn't.

P.S.--as a kid, I wondered why God decided to kill all the animals in the first place. I was sad because I like bunnies, and I could not understand what all the bunnies had done to upset God. I also wondered why, since God did decide to drown all the animals, He didn't just make new ones after the flood. The whole ark thing seemed like way too much trouble to my infantile mind. would the kangaroos hop all the way to the ark from Australia over all that water? I wondered: maybe the kangaroos built themselves an ark to get from Australia to Noah's ark...?