Monday, February 17, 2014

Life of the Aqua Buddha
The Aqua Buddha lived in the Kentucky backwoods and hunted bear, deer and bison, like real men did in those days.

He then discovered marijuana, took a bong hit, and fell asleep.

Senator Rand Paul, R-KY, denies an incident while in a haze of marijuana smoke, where a female classmate was kidnapped and forced to bow down to his god, "Aqua Buddha." 

Paul maintains his ignorance of the incident saying he didn't remember the woman at the crux of the story.

"I wish I had a great story; I don't remember anything about the story," Paul told Ingraham Wednesday morning. "We were kind of nerds," Paul said, explaining his college demeanor.

Paul has since retaliated with a religiously focused ad of his own, and appeared so upset at a debate between the two candidates that he didn't even offer his hand to Conway at the end of proceedings.

He said shortly thereafter that he was considering canceling the final debate, though he told Ingraham Wednesday that he might go through with the event.