Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The second day of a Florida “self-defense” murder trial was underway Friday with two police officers testifying that a Georgia teenager was murdered after a dispute over loud music.

Michael Dunn, 47, a white software engineer, is on trial for the death of Davis, 17, who was African-American. Dunn pleaded not guilty and says he shot Davis in self-defense on Nov. 23, 2012.


If It’s FloridaH, It Must Be Another Shooting.

So these kids...and I mean kids...teens...were sitting in their SUV waiting for their friend to come out of the convenient store.

They were listening to the radio...LOUD.

Apparently too LOUD for the shooter’s delicate ears.

Ready for this?

This phuque doesn’t move his car...

Or put his windows up...

Oh no...

He opens fire into their SUV!

He kills one and hits as many of the teenagers as he could.

And why not?

What’s to stop him?

Certainly not the law.

This is America!

Home of the free...and the survivors!

Hey, Wayne...Wayne LaPierre...how about this one?

It’s a doozy, eh?

Why, like shooting fish in a barrel, don’t ya think?

This isn’t the only one...or even the latest one

After Columbine we’re numb to Americans shooting and killing Americans.